Effects Of Higher Education Position Paper Essay

Position Paper unequal access to education needs to change. Poverty, racism, and family values are the leading effects of unequal access to post secondary education. With racism there are clear disadvantages for certain races, poverty affects people who can not afford post-secondary and the values parents place on education influence young students. These three things all relate back to unequal access. Post-secondary education opens opportunities for everyone and nowadays you need to have a degree or at least a high-school diploma so not attaining that limits a lot of people.

Racial discrimination plays a part in whether or not you can get access to higher education. Studies show that out of the percentage of kindergartens who graduate from high school only a small percent of is Native Americans and 62% Hispanic. Where in contrast is White and 87% is African American. Students of color are also less likely be accepted into advanced classes even with the same test scores as White students. African Americans, Latino and Native Americans have been educated in wholly segregated schools as late as the sass’s funded at rates many time lower than those serving whites.

Students from poor families are also less likely to graduate from high school and therefore stopping them from going onward to post-secondary. Educational successes of dependent students are classified into quartiles. In 2012 the bottom quartile had income less than $34,160. The second quartile had incomes between $34,160-$63,600 while the third had incomes between $63,600 and $108,650. The top quartile had Incomes over $108,650. 54% of students do not finish a degree. For many students from disadvantaged socioeconomic backgrounds the challenge is not getting into college but getting out with a degree.

The value parents put on education influences their children. If parents encourage education then a child Is more likely to pursue post-secondary education rather than a child whose parents do not. Parental Influence Is a key factor to the unequal access of education. As parents of high-achieving students set higher standards for their child’s educational activities than parents of low-achieving students. So when it comes to university, students coming from disadvantaged socioeconomic backgrounds depend heavily on their parents. Not only for financial needs but for guidance and support

So why care about unequal access to education? A university degree provides you with the knowledge you will need for future careers. Employers today will tend to be more open to people with more education. With the help of parental Influence post- secondary education can open doors that may not be open to someone without It. Having post-secondary education allows you to learn more about the world around you. In turn you will also become more independent and gain self confidence. Effects Of Higher Education Position Paper By sanction Position Paper Unequal access to education needs to change.

Poverty, racism, and family values room high school only a small percent of 54% is Native Americans and 62% Hispanic. Where in contrast 91% is White and 87% is African American. Students of color are incomes over $108,650. 54% of students do not finish a degree. For many students encourage education then a child is more likely to pursue post-secondary education rather than a child whose parents do not. Parental influence is a key factor to the needs but for guidance and support. More open to people with more education. With the help of parental influence post- secondary education can open doors that may not be open to someone without it.

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