Employee Involvement And Participation Commerce Essay

This paper reviews a broad scope of patterns ( IS THIS WHAT YOU DO ) covered by employee engagement and engagement utilizing from a assortment of literature and compare these two types of employee voice mechanisms ( engagement and engagement ) and besides assorted signifiers of involvement/participation mechanisms. The grounds suggest that NEED TO ADD SOMETHING HERE, and grounds besides suggest that NEED TO ADD SOMETHING HERE. The decision argues that NEED TO ADD SOMETHING HERE. In this regard, NEED TO ADD SOMETHING HERE. ( Can besides discuss accomplishments if any )


Introduction and Structure

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Chapter 1

Definition of employee engagement and context

Definition of employee engagement and context

Summary of the chapter

Chapter 2

Involvement – Theoretical model

Participation – Theoretical model

Employee engagement and engagement in contrast

Chapter 3

Discussion and decision


Employee Involvement and engagement ( EIP ) can be take assorted scope of signifiers in pattern and it is a widely accepted as a cardinal constituent of high committedness package of human resource direction ( HRM ) .

‘Employee Involvement ‘ ( EI ) is a recent term that has been enter to the British vocabulary chiefly with in practicians and faculty members during 1980 ‘s ( Marchington, 1992 ) . This represents the recent efforts by employers to place ways pull offing their staff more participative, with support from authorities and employer ‘s administrations up to certain extent. The employee engagement has replaced the industrial democracy and employee engagement, which is, identified as earlier discrepancies to employee engagement.

Employee engagement is a duty of the employer to affect or give an chance to the employees to go involved in the work that they performed and the administration, beyond their minimum public presentation or the contractual wage/work outlook. But it can be argued that EI is fall short of ‘participation ‘ doubtless in decision-making. However EI patterns sometimes give an chance to exert influence ( ex. Joint audience or quality circles ) but largely it ‘s influence the determination doing section of the concern. Therefore, EI diverge from corporate bargaining and industrial democracy, both are clearly the manners of power sharing within employees and direction with usage of their representatives.

However harmonizing to Marchington ( 1992 ) sometimes these footings are used interchangeably and there is no in agreement common definition.

In this paper the chief purpose is to reexamine the important literature on the topic and to compare the two types of voice mechanisms ( I.e. engagement and Participation ) and to discourse assorted signifiers of involvement/participation mechanisms and eventually to critically measure their effectivity from point of direction and employees.

Chapter 1

This chapter chiefly contains with three subdivisions. The first subdivision purposes to supply what really the employee engagement is and how it originated. In the 2nd subdivision it defines the employee engagement with a little historical background and eventually in the 3rd subdivision it summarises the overall thought about employee engagement and engagement.

Employee Involvement ( EI )

EI can be defined as a broad scope of patterns, which helps to acquire the employees ‘ support, high engagement and apprehension at work topographic point.

Harmonizing to Beardwell & A ; Claydon ( 2007 ) , EI is a cardinal in most of HRM theoretical accounts. EI can be taken as the cardinal theory of soft HRM. Storey ( 1996 ) argued that ‘connotate a manner of attack whose standards are the careful nurturing of, and investing in, the human stock ‘ later Legge ( 2005 ) highlighted that soft developmental humanitarianism theoretical account include ‘ handling employees as valued assets, a beginning of competitory advantage through their committedness, adaptability and high quality. Thus the committedness is bring forthing by communicating, motive and leading. So it can be argued that EI theory is grounded in unitary theory. , Which meant that ‘managers and employees will process to the same melody ‘ .

Harmonizing to Beardwell and Claydon ( 2007 ) EI, is a system, which is, organise aid and the appropriate cognition of employees towards companies ends and Marchington ( 2005 ) states that, Involvement mechanisms include suggestion strategies, quality circles and squad working.

Some criticized that employee engagement strategies ‘extend small or no input into higher degree determination doing ‘ and usually employees non prosecute in power and authorization. ( Hyman and Mason, 1995 ) so in cab say that employees are ‘soft on power ‘ . Thus it can be seen that employee engagement in higher decision-making is restricted.

Employee Engagement

Employee Participation can be defined as assortment of patterns by employee engagement, which gives the right to the employee in take parting in decision-making procedure.

The phrase employee engagement was ab initio brought up as a concern scheme in the beginning of 1930. There was a important encouragement in the human finding of productiveness with the Hawthorne surveies of Mayo ( 1993 ) , Roethlisberger and Dickson ( 1939 ) . The significance of the communicating between the lower degree employees and higher-level employees was identified with attack of human relation. Harmonizing to Anthony, Perrewe and Kacmar ( 1993 ) there were non much research on the engagement theory.

Cabrerea et Al ( 2002 ) stated that recently there was an increasing pattern in direction with the significant cogent evidence which employee engagement helps to increase attempt, which leads to the efficiency and productiveness, which finally enhance the dedication and diminish the cost of supervising of the employees. ( Doucouliagos, 1995 ) .

Employee engagement is based on pluralist theory. This is a point of view, which recognise the presence of different involvements between different organizational stakeholders.

Chapter 2

In the first subdivision of this chapter aims to discourse the different shaping, theoretical constructs, arguments and theoretical accounts on employee engagement and engagement. Second portion of this chapter discusses the employee engagement and engagement in contrast.

Theoretical model, theoretical accounts and definitions on EI & A ; engagement

Employee engagement Lit

Harmonizing to Leana et Al ( 1992 ) , EI programmes are invented to work out the jobs in US industry and highlighted that EI programmes leads to the higher betterments in productiveness, quality and strength. The employee motive is far better relationship between lower degree & A ; upper degree staff. Leana & A ; Florkowski ( XXXX ) province “ this inclusion of employees is per se honoring in that it provides them with a greater sense of ownership or engagement in their work and a better apprehension of both how their work can be done most efficaciously and direction ‘s position on the operation of the concern ” so this leads to the benefit of both employee and employer.

EI consistes techniques such as Suggestions strategies, Quality circles, Total quality direction & A ; Customer attention. When reexamining the literature it can be seen that suggestion schemes will take to the quality, high productiveness and cost decrease. Harmonizing to Townley ( 1989 ) highlighted that per twelvemonth ?8 m were estimated for the suggestion strategies. secondly quality circles which consist of little group of employees who meets regular footing to place and work out the work related jobs. It can be argued that when reexamining the literature on Quality circles, ( Hill F 1986 ) that former is a somewhat of import than the latter Yet Collard and Dale ( 1989 ) argued that ‘enhanced employee development and satisfaction ranked higher than improved quality or service. Marginsons et Al ( 1988 ) stated that Quality circles are more important in fabricating sector instead than service sector. Finally with the failure of the quality circles, that topographic point was taken by Entire Quality Management Technique.

When analyzing the literature it can be argued that EI programmes, has helped administrations to increase their communicating accomplishments and the occupation satisfaction. Jurvich ( 1996 ) suggested that EI is a gate manner to short term productiveness of a house and moreover, for the joint plans there were so much obstructions and EI can take to greater designation with direction weakening of brotherhoods. Literature besides states that for the new administrations EI has been a barrier. However harmonizing to the research surveies EI non has to be weakening brotherhoods and non required to reflect administration ends but when brotherhoods exist in an administration they try to reflect brotherhood ends imparting support to the brotherhood authorization theoretical account of employee engagement. In 1980 along with these challenges EI has invented along with Suggestion Schemes and Quality Circles ( QC ) ( Marchington, 1992 ) . But with the innovation of Entire Quality Management circles, there was a immense betterment on EI in 1980s.

Dundon ( 2000 ) identified two findings from the analysis of altering form of the voice over clip. a. ) In 1992 employee engagement mechanism redesigned in to job work outing voice mechanism. Present assortment of mechanisms like suggestion strategies, attitude study squads working aid in managerial determination devising. B. ) corporate voice. And there was a considerable alteration in brotherhood dealingss to the direct engagement. Joint audience and the corporate bargaining were at that place for non nonionized employee representation. Directors used electronic media to pass on and inquire the sentiments from lower degree staff.

Harmonizing to Wood & A ; Wall ( 2007 ) employee voice include employee engagement this can be straight or through representative organic structures in determination devising procedure. Dundon ( 2007 ) provided an illustration from a conveyance house which is arranged by the Managing manager in a local saloon and allowed all the drivers to take part it but in-between directors were non allowed. MD recognised that is the best manner to portion the sentiments and acquire information from the staff.

Harmonizing to the literature on EI theoretical accounts, when analyzing work carried out by Walton and Lawers ( XXXX ) on occupation enrichment, it includes both EI approaches high committedness and high engagement.

Walton ( XXXX ) chiefly sees squads as the option as units of answerability. And besides he stated that “ squads were viewed as a possible high committedness pattern ” , though he merely says that they are ‘often ‘ within the high committedness attack and non that they are compulsory.

In Walton ‘s piece of work enrichment taken as the chief component. But harmonizing to Wood and wall ( XXXX ) , Walton ‘s theoretical account of engagement contains assortment of jobs. Walton ( XXXX ) stated that the ’employee should hold a say in the more general running of their administration, proposed wage systems which is single wage linked straight to accomplishments.

When analyzing the Lawler ‘s ( XXXX ) high engagement, it has four dimensions. The first dimension is power, it ‘s chiefly approximately to guarantee that lower degree employees besides have the power therefore the determination can be decentralised. He besides discussed about information sharing, developing cognition and honoring public presentation. He concluded by reasoning that ‘basing wages on administrations public presentation is one manner to guarantee that employees are involve and care about the administration ‘ . Since the suggestion doing component of voice is included with work enrichment under power in Lawler et Al ‘s ( XXXX ) study of high engagement direction this dimension was enrichment patterns and named as Parallel power sharing patterns. This includes quality circles, employee engagement groups. Lawler et Al ( XXXX ) argued that brotherhood engagement is an advantage and assumed that the employee engagement programmes which have a low grade of brotherhood engagement are upseting.

In 1996 From Holdens ‘ research it is seeable that when comparing the grade of engagement in Sweden and Britain, employees in Sweden were much more involved than Britain workers in micro degree and felt separated when involved in strategic issues. From this research it can be justified that comparing of EI has been carried out besides within the nationalities.

Harmonizing to Mcmahan et Al ( 1996 ) , there are two chief parts to EI which were influenced by organizational development position. a. ) Lower ‘s work which highlighted engagement systems, which is differ from Becker and Huselid. B. ) Dyer and Holder ( 1988 ) identified involvement type in their HR schemes.

To construct up the employee engagement statement Mcmahan ( 1996 ) has used Lawler ‘s high engagement theoretical account. When reexamining their work it can be argued that successful employee engagements rely on how loosely the administration is following to that theoretical accounts.

Engagement Lit

Harmonizing to Heller et Al ( 1998 ) defined engagement as “ a procedure which allows employees to exercise some influence over their work and the conditions under which they work or a procedure in which influence on determination devising is shared between hierarchal higher-ups and their subsidiaries ”

Engagement is a system/process of employee engagement in doing determinations and sharing information. Harmonizing to Geary and Sisson ( 1994 ) , Participation can be divided in to a. ) Direct, which includes employees themselves ; Consultative & A ; Delegative are the two types of direct engagement. In advisory engagement directors support employees to portion their sentiments in different footings but employees are non allowed to do the concluding determinations such as meetings. Delegative: gives the employee more freedom and ego administration to organize their ain occupations such as scheduling work B. ) Indirect, includes employee representative organic structures like trade brotherhoods ( Cotton et al, 1988 ) .

Harmonizing to Anthony ( 1978 ) , Frost et Al ( 1974 ) and Miller ( 1986 ) had argued that the prospective of direct engagement trades with two theoretical theoretical accounts of effects a. ) Cognitive theoretical account of participative effects b. ) Affectional theoretical accounts of participative consequence. Cognitive theoretical account helps to increase the flow of information by employee engagement. Often employees executing apparently unimportant undertakings have entree to valuable information. By different participative direction patterns higher degree directors are seeking to increase their entree to the above mentioned information. Thus Lawler et Al ( 1995 ) identified that for the higher public presentation & A ; efficiency, the employee must experience the freedom to portion their thoughts with the higher degree. Blake and Gregerson ( 1964 ) and Likert ( 1967 ) identified affectional theoretical account which was antecedently discussed in human relation. Miller and Monge ( 1986 ) has argued that, employee engagement carry through higher order demands which lead to the higher contentment and this satisfaction formalize the motive which finally leads to the higher productiveness.

The engagement strategies have a long running history of employers who seeks to defy their invasion, so it can be argued that engagement strategies are much more strengthen the managerial power.

Blyton & A ; Turnbull ( 1998 ) argued that the ‘participation ‘ is a pluralistic attack with a scope from ‘no engagement ‘ to ’employee control ‘ . As such it may affect procedures and mechanisms such as:

– Collective bargaining – Employee portion strategies

– Works councils – Worker managers

– Joint Consultative Committees – European Works Councils

Much of the literature on employee engagement had focused on the consequence of engagement. Harmonizing to the Meta analysis conducted by Miller ( 1986 ) , it can be seeable that employee engagement. Despite this overplus of surveies, there is small known as to which factors determine the degree of employee engagement than an administration will probably follow.

Hodgkinson ( 1996 ) stated that engagements mechanisms are influenced by the political environment. European companies have highlighted the advantage of the engagement mechanisms and besides stated the right of employee engagement.

When analyzing the research carried out by the Poole & A ; Mansfield ( 1993 ) it can be seen that, in states like USA and UK, unitary methods has highlighted the directors right in contriving individualistic advisory mechanisms. It highlighted that instead than representative organic structures they have to hold direct communicating with the employees. Harmonizing to Hodgkinson ( 1996 ) it can be argued that, in an unstable market to derive the competitory advantage mechanisms like engagement are developed by the directors.

It can be seen that with the clip, in joint labour direction procedures brotherhoods are more likely to take part. And besides the attitude of brotherhoods for the engagement can be differ from state to state ( Anglo states ) .

It can be argued that engagement is another manner to unionism and besides it has a long permanent life when it ‘s in nonionized on the job civilization. However the power of the brotherhoods may change with the states legislative demands and the handiness of the resources for carry oning regular activities. Harmonizing to US Labour Department studies in 1995, in Germany there can be seen a great relationship between the brotherhoods and the other participative mechanisms.

In 1970s Ramsay ‘s Cycle confirmed the cogency of the worsening of engagement. Ramsay highlighted assorted issues in engagement strategies like ‘ arose out of a managerial response to menace to its authorization from labour etc. ‘ Recently Harvie developed the rhythm theory by saying that because of the new managerial offensives the potency for the industrial democracy has ‘ swept under the rugs ‘

Marchington et Al ( 1993 ) argued that ‘cycle thesis could non account for growing in the figure of employees involvement strategies from the mid 1980s onwards. And besides stated that brotherhoods lacked power and would hold been the rhythm theses anticipation in diminution in engagement.

Employee engagement and engagement in contrast

When analyzing the literature it can be seen that some authors seen engagement and engagement is tantamount in footings but amount argued that engagement and engagement differs from each other. Typical illustrations are Lawler ( 1991 ) ; identified engagement is tantamount to involvement which includes power, information, cognition and wages. But other authors such as Cotton et Al ( 1998 ) saw engagement which included influence sharing, participative determination devising, engagement, and authorization. When analyzing the literature it can be argued that European working systems have high engagement through formal power sharing and representative systems.

The nexus between EIP and employee voice

When analyzing literature it can be argued that employee voice involve both employee engagement and engagement. In 1992 McCabe and Lewin has defined the voice, which include two chief elements. First is the look of ailments or grudges in a work context by employees to direction and the 2nd is the engagement of the employees in determination devising procedure. And harmonizing to Millward et Al ( 2000 ) , voice can be defined in three countries. a. ) through trade brotherhood membership/representative organic structures b. ) Indirect engagement mechanisms like joint audience c. ) Employee engagement.

Dundon ( 2004 ) has stated that brotherhoods, joint audience and corporate bargaining have declined over a period of clip. Yet he has identified that direct employee engagement has increased dramatically such as communicating, techniques of job resolution.

Dundon et Al ( 2004 ) has highlighted that the US literature on human resource direction had widen the construct of voice off from a individual channel of workers representation towards one that views it as capable of being articulated through a assortment of channels.

Figure 2 – Forms of employee voice ( article- another paper )

Harmonizing to wood and wall ( 2007 ) mentioned that EI centrally illustrated by Lawler ‘s ( XXXX ) pick of label. Lawer and Benson ( 2003 ) mentioned EI as “ supplying lower-level employees with chances to do determinations refering the behavior of their occupations and to take part in the concern as a whole ” .

It can be seen that occupation enrichment trades with designing of the occupation so so the employee have a high grade in determination devising. But the employee voice which is in the organizational degree, this was done by the employee engagement in straight or via representative organic structures. This construct was ab initio developed by Hirchman in 1971 to stand for one of the options that people have. Then Freeman and Medoff ( XXXX ) used Hirchmans ‘ construct of issue voice, which means employees ‘ leave administration, voice means the workers express their dissatisfaction. Besides they have taken trade brotherhoods as a mechanism for showing grudges. From the above mentioned surveies they able to happen out, there is a positive impact from trade brotherhoods on administrations public presentation and assumes that it will leads to the employees satisfaction and it will assist to cut down labour bend over. Furthermore, Walton and Lawler see employee voice will take to the high public presentation.

enrichment and decentralised determination devising but subsequently on organizational degree involvement trades as synonymous with employee voice.

Pluralist & A ; Unitarist Philosophies

Harmonizing to Beardwell & A ; Claydon ( 2007 ) , the employee engagement is based on pluralist believing unlike employee engagement which described as Unitarist. Unitarism and Pluralism is complex footings that consist of long histories. They offer different prospective on employee relationships and organisations.

The General doctrine of the pluralist is that an organisation consists with people with a diverseness of purposes, aspirations and involvements. No party is dominates another due to the manner that power is diffused between the chief bargaining groups. Pluralism implies that employee relationships are open-ended and indeterminate and they observe the function of province as to procure public involvement and command the power of the strong to protect weak. Management should non anticipate blind understanding of suppress any thoughts or aims that struggle with its ain. The purpose is to accommodate conflicting sentiments and maintain the struggle within acceptable bounds so that the struggle does non destruct the endeavor. Unions act as the lawful representatives of employee involvements. They have the right to dispute the right to pull off with the liability of compromising. Harmonizing to the Pluralism within workplace struggles are inevitable.

The General doctrine of the Unitarist is that all workplaces are incorporated and well-balanced entity that caters a common intent. In acknowledgment of their common aims employees should be loyal to the organisation and its direction. Unions are to affect in the trueness and committedness of employees. Harmonizing to unitarism of course there are no struggles in the workplace, if there is a struggle that is due to miscommunication, failure of understanding the commonalty of involvements and work of militant. But when analyse each attack ( Pluralist & A ; Unitarist ) it can be argued that none of the organisations are to the full pluralist or to the full unitarist and both offers benefits to single employees every bit good s for the administration. When within the organisation either of constructs runs out of balance immense jobs of either attack could originate.

Engagement and Participation Mechanism – Decision Devising

In Hodgkinson ‘s paper ( 1996 ) , He has highlighted assorted mechanisms of employee engagement and engagement in determination devising. When analyzing the literature it can be seen during 1980 that there was an betterment in the EI and engagement mechanisms in determination devising procedure. Following figure illustrates the typology of engagement and engagement mechanisms.

With Individual Workers with Worker Representatives

Communication Newsletters ( downward ) Board Representatives

Channels Suggestion Schemes ( upward ) Discussions with Union

Informal Meetings Delegates

Quality Circles Discussions with Full-time brotherhood functionaries

Attitude Surveys ( upward )

Decision Making Fully or Semi Autonomous Works Councils*

Work Groups Joint Consultative

Formal Meetings Committees*

Particular Committees*

Worker Directors

Figure 1: Typology of Involvement and Participation Mechanisms

When comparing the employee engagement and engagement, in undertaking orientated work, it can be argued that engagement is more power orientated than engagement as it deals with joint determination devising and finding hence ; this could take to struggles and work stoppages. The difference of fire-fighters in 2003 can take as the recent illustration for this.

Harmonizing to Hodgkinson ( 1996 ) highlighted EI mechanism, which directors consider lower degree employee ‘s thoughts in determination devising procedure. But Hyman & A ; Mason ( 1995 ) suggest employee engagement gives employees a major portion in determination devising procedure.

Beardwell and Claydon ( 2007 ) states “ Participation is besides helps to derive to comparatively higher order ‘range ‘ of determination than that provided by the machinery of employee engagement. ”

Engagement can besides taken as a political procedure lending to determination devising in in managerial degree which is opposite to the ‘socio – proficient nature ‘ of employee engagement that limit significant employee influence to contract production issues ( Abrahamson1997 )

When analyzing the industrial relation literature it can be argued that employee engagement and engagement were every bit in footings. Engagement every bit scene as system which gives a positive attitude which develops equity at the working environment. But subsequently on the thought about the EI was developed by Adams ( 2005 ) where he sees involvement chiefly as motive. But in general, the consequences suggest that employee engagement has a really small impact on occupation satisfaction and public presentation compared to engagement.


When analyzing the research method that has been carried out in EI and engagement literature, it can be seen that authors have used both qualitative and quantitative methods to analyze informations.

Some research have been carried out to analyze the grade of engagement in state wise. Holdens ( 1996 ) research was to analyze the grade of engagement of the employees in micro and macro degree determination devising in Sweden and Britain Bankss. Holden used methodological analysis of triangulation which includes qualitative and quantitative attacks like interviews by sing two Bankss with the employees and directing them a questionnaire.

In the Dundonet Al ‘s paper, to place the different patterns of employee voice the information was collected from 18 different administrations ( administration by size, construction and ownership ) . He used merely qualitative methods like questioning workers.

Hodson ‘s research was chiefly based chiefly on work topographic point descriptive anthropologies which contains good information on employee relation. By utilizing descriptive anthropologies he tried to get the better of bounds from earlier instance surveies. By returning to the theoretical elucidation of chief findings he tried to recontexualize the information. This type of researches help to unite the qualitative and quantitative informations.

Research on impact on EI was carried out by testimonial attack where they ask inquiries from directors.

Restrictions and Future Research

When reexamining the literature it can be seen that there are restrictions in current research. Kelly and Harison ( 1991 ) highlighted that most of their samples contains EI and barely of all time compare those houses without EI. Juravich identified that some instance surveies which evaluates impact of EI is measuring the house public presentation.

It is possible to reason that there were considerable restrictions for the informations.


When analyzing the literature in EI, it can be seeable that there were no sufficient inside informations for determination devising by brotherhoods. Research was carried out by utilizing qualitative research methods which include interviews past literature. As an illustration the research conducted by Guillermo in 1987 on Quality circles and anti unionism in American industry.. and besides this can be taken as strict piece of work. Harmonizing to Jurvich ( 1996 ) EI has been altering over periods, it has assortment of findings but the most steady determination is that administrations programmes alterations attitudes and besides harmonizing to Driscoll ( 1980 ) , that change in attitudes include occupation satisfaction and higher communicating accomplishments.

Discussion and Decision

Discussion and decisions

This paper has given a sensible apprehension of Employee Involvement and Participation and besides argued that there is a demand to mensurate quality of the EIP and besides suggested how to accomplish this. The subject of Employee engagement and engagement is a wide subject that consist of three related but distant topics i.e. employee engagement, employee engagement and industrial democracy but this paper merely discuss about employee engagement ( EI ) which is the assortment that runing from limited undertaking employee input through to engagement which is the combined determination devising.

Direct engagement improves the organizational public presentation by by and large capturing the employee creativeness.

Plans in Employee Involvement most perchance affecting in alteration attitudes which includes improve communicating accomplishments every bit good as occupation satisfaction. And it has besides identified that EI could take sufficient quality and productiveness betterments but EI is improbable make a important alteration entirely.

But when analyse each attack it can be argued that none of the organisations are to the full pluralist or to the full unitarist and both offers benefits to single employees every bit good s for the administration. When within the organisation either of constructs runs out of balance immense jobs of either attack could originate.

In general, the consequences suggest that employee engagement has a really small impact on occupation satisfaction and public presentation.

When analyzing the industrial relation literature it can be argued that employee engagement and engagement were every bit in footings. Engagement every bit scene as system which gives a positive attitude which develops equity at the working environment. But subsequently on the thought about the EI was developed by Adams ( 2005 ) where he sees involvement chiefly as motive.

When analyzing the industrial relation literature it can be argued that employee engagement and engagement were every bit in footings.

Nowadays it can be argued that Participation is the most realistic mechanism in the work topographic point civilization.

But it can be argued that EI is fall short of ‘participation ‘ doubtless in decision-making.


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