Energy Quiz Terms

Question Answer
Temperature Hint: What is it outside hot or cold. the total energy of the particles in an object. or the total kinetic energy in an object.
Celsius Scale The most commonly used temperature scale in the world
Fahrenheit scale The temperature scale used in the United States
Kelvin Scale The temperature scaled used in Science
Heat thermal energy that is transferred from one substance to another
Conduction Hint: Train Conductor goes between trains the direct transfer of heat between particles in an object
Convection Hint: Currents Convection is the transfer of heat by the movement of currents within a gas or liquid.
Radiation Hint: Microwave popcorn the transfer of energy by electromagnetic waves
Insulator Hint: blanket a material that DOES NOT allow the transfer of heat easily
Conductor Hint: Train Conductor goes between trains a material that allows the transfer of heat easily.
Thermal Energy is the total energy of the particles in an object.
Absolute Zero Hint can't get any colder. the coldest temperature. the temperature at which no more energy can be removed form an object/matter

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