Engineering description or classification of weathered rocks Essay


The description and Classification of Weathered stones brought together a series of of import surveies by taking geologist and technology research workers due to the countless troubles encountered by applied scientists in weather-beaten stone countries, how it affects site geographic expedition, program and rating stairss during undertakings. In the 1950s there has been a considerable sum of literature published on the word picture of weather-beaten stones and technology belongingss of weather-beaten stuffs, but there was small or no standardization of descriptive nomenclature during this period, the usage of these published informations for the anticipation of the technology behavior off from the original survey countries is limited. Thereafter the publications by the Geological Society Engineering Group Working Party ; the International Society of Rock Mechanics, the British Standards Institution, the International Association of Engineering Geologist and Dearman have rationalised the nomenclature by the usage of standard descriptive indices and simple index proving. These strategies enable the geologist or Civil applied scientist to depict the stuffs and stone construction in technology footings, and how it has been adopted for general pattern worldwide. However the pick of which strategy to utilize is by and large dependent on the penchant of the applied scientist responsible.

Background Analysis

The earliest efforts to sort weather-beaten stones in such a mode that will turn out utile to technology goes back to the early 1950s when enduring categorization of granite was introduced by Moye in the Snowy Mountains of Australia. Moye proposed the strategy for the publicity and designation of technology belongingss of weather-beaten stone stuffs and how it would assist to explicate the weathering footings of granite when they are used during site probe by assorted group of individuals.

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Six categories of stone stuffs were described based on the construct that logging of nucleuss would be done on the footing of acknowledgment of enduring types irrespective of order ; surface or downwards and without any effort suiting the initial consequences of the logging into a formatted or general enduring profile with subsequent zones established in the stone mass. Little ( 1967 ) , discoursing laterites, suggested that the Moye categorization could be applied to “other lateritic-type soils” and would be more successful for the intent, than the usual temperate dirt categorization into clay, silts etc. The interesting characteristic was that Little applied grade Numberss to the assorted grades of enduring recognised by Moye ( 1955 ) ; grade I was fresh stone and class VI was stone weathered to a residuary dirt.

Then the categorizations of weather-beaten stone came to a phase where a group of specializer came together in the UK and published a study on the first formalised enduring categorization of stones under the name of Geological Society Engineering Group Working Party Report on The Logging of Rock Cores for Engineering Purposes ( Anon, 1970 in ( Dearman, 1995 ) . It ‘s apparent that this was besides chiefly based on the categorization of ( Moye, 1955 ) strategy. However, few amendments were made ; the Moye ‘s flinty dirt term was changed to residual dirt thereby increasing the figure of classs from six to seven categories. Thus the new strategy was suggested to use for a broader scope of stones while it was ab initio devised to granite. Another point of involvement was that of the Working Party strategy which relied largely on general descriptions and observations, which includes crumbliness while that of Moye was based on categorization on specific index trial.

To pave the manner for the mass strategy recommendation in BS5930: 1981 ( Anon, 1995 ) , therefore the latter strategy classs were reduced back to 6 as it was originally done by ( Moye, 1955 ) and the same nomenclature was used with a complete different significance. The statement over utilizing the description of the stuffs or the mass scales for a categorization came on. However, the needed different attacks was advocated and rating the stuffs recommended to be ; decomposed, disintegrated, fresh and discoloured. Duncan ( 1969 ) besides proposed a strategy based on texture, construction, composing and categorization ( chalky or non-calcareous ) , color and grain size.

Following the publication of BS5930: 1981, efforts have been made at developing categorization strategies which allow the grade of enduring to be defined for different petrologies, ( Table.2 ) ( Anon 1970, Anon 1977, BS 5930 1981 ) . The early strategies ( Anon 1970, for case ) were based on the chemical weathering of granite stones and represented a intercrossed stuff class and zone strategy. In 1977, the working party of the Engineering Group of Geological Society on the Description of Rock Masses ( Geological Society of London 1977 ) clearly separated the description of enduring on a stone mass graduated table. This strategy, like the earlier 1s, placed great accent on the weathering profiles developed on flinty stones in tropical and sub-tropical environments, although, small counsel was given for the description of weathering.

The British Standard proposed that weathered stone stuffs may be described or graded utilizing four footings: decomposes, disintegrated, fresh and discoloured, but they did non supply any counsel for finding and depicting the grade or weathering. Attempts to utilize these strategies in the description of stone stuffs have met with trouble. It is the sentiment of the writers that any mention to the grade of weathering should be omitted from the description unless it is known with some certainty on the footing of experience and cognition of the typical weathering profile for that stone type. For stone weathering in conditions where physical decomposition dominates, it is improbable that the grade of weathering may be determined from scrutiny of stone stuffs entirely.

The descriptive strategy for weathering was subsequently criticized as being excessively restrictive in range and non easy applicable to a broad scope of stone types and structural state of affairs, though this was the original purpose. As it ‘s indicated by ( Cragg and Ingman, 1995 ) a figure of jobs may originate when ( BS5930: 1981 ) is used for major undertakings. At the initial phase it is hard to generalize the weathering form in two or three dimensions of stone nucleuss. In some occasions this inquiry can non be to the full answered unless closely spaced boreholes are cored, logged and so mass zones are ascribed after the complete set has been logged. In add-on, drill-hole may be insufficiently dense for a derivation of a mass piece of land from stuff nucleus logs.

The critics of ( BS5930: 1981 ) do non ever have more nonsubjective alternate strategies of categorizations. For some the type of stone alternate strategies may be preferred over the ( BS5930: 1981 ) , including ( Chandler, 1969 ) for Merica Mudstone and ( Chandler, 1972 ) for Upper Lisa Clay and etc. In a state of affairs where enduring dominates many facets of geotechnics, the complementary categorizations of ( Moye, 1955 ) and ( Ruxton and Berry, 1957 ) were basically adopted as criterions by the Hong Kong Government for technology descriptions in 1979 ( Anon, 1979 ) in ( Anon, 1995 ) , nevertheless, it is clear that all these options are site or part specified. They are by and large rock mass strategies based and gradatory or deepness controlled.

The IAEG ( Anon, 1981c ) in ( Anon, 1995 ) recommended a presumptively factual graduated table of per centums of enduring with no counsel for how this graduated table should be applied. Harmonizing to the strategy, the grade of weathering can be expressed quantitatively by research lab survey. But these attacks remain apt to take to misconstruing and differences refering descriptions.

Equally far as the jobs and troubles prolonged in all technology undertakings in the weather-beaten stones, the demand for such categorization increased. Weather-beaten stones can do peculiar troubles particularly in site probes. They are frequently unfastened textured and weakly bonded ; they can be really sensitive to disturbance during trying. Besides their profile are frequently complex and variableness can non be predicted with standard geological insertion or extrapolation.

The confusion, inapplicability of the suggested categorization strategies combined with the deficiency of understanding between professionals working in the field has led to assorted organic structures bring forthing their ain categorizations, e.g. ( Anon, 1988b ) . Similarly, many have turned back to the ( Anon, 1970 ) and ( Anon, 1972 ) . Some others keep utilizing formation specified strategies like that of ( Chandler, 1969 ) .

The Engineering Group of the Geological Society in an effort to do critics see the ambiguity in its thesis has commissioned a Working Party to analyze the description and categorization of weather-beaten stones for technology intents. The Report of Working Party ( 1995 ) provides a strategy for depicting the province of enduring for unvarying stone stuffs which are reasonably strong or stronger in the fresh province which shows a clear step in technology belongingss during enduring. The proposed categorization strategy requires the usage of appropriate index trials such as the point burden text and slaking trials.

The most logical attack to the job of sorting grade of weathering is to depict the stone stuff without trying to supply a statement on how weather-beaten it may be, apart from noticing on the presence of stain, decomposition, nothingnesss and softening. Once sufficient descriptive informations on the stone stuff and the stone mass has been acquired to set up the mechanisms and phases of enduring present, a site specific enduring categorization can be developed to supply a consistent agency of depicting both the stone stuff and, more significantly the stone mass.

Harmonizing to ( Anon, 1995 ) ; “The Working Party this clip preferred to do recommendations instead than trying to cover with all facets of weathering” . In add-on to go arounding the bill of exchange at assorted phases among many letter writers and adding valued part to it, a three twenty-four hours meeting was held at the Leeds University, UK, in April 1994 for a more luxuriant treatment. The Working Party study was so used during a twenty-four hours in the field and employed in the description of the weather-beaten stones in the research lab ( Anon, 1995 ) .


Apart from the possible communicating jobs, there is a strong statement for the demand to invent a individual modified version of the weather-beaten stone categorization proposed that might happen more general credence and be more readily applicable in field appraisals, both rock stuff and stone mass.


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