ENV 301 Biodiversity and Population Ecology

Question Answer
Birth within the population Natality
Death within the population Mortality
Arrival of individuals from outside the population… Immigration
Departure of individuals from the population… Emigration
Growth Rote = Crude Birth Rate + Immigration Rate – (Crude Death Rate + Emigration)
Physical, chemical, and biological characteristics of the environment that restrain population growth: Limiting Factors
Interaction of limiting factors is commonly is referred as: Carrying Capacity
Curve that rises sharply at first but then begins to level off as the effect of limiting factors become stronger: Growth Curve
The forces that stabilize population size and carrying capacity: Environmental Resistance
Common examples of Limiting Factors: Water, Space, Food, Disease
Biotic potential based on quantity not quality: r-selected
Biotic potential based on devoting large amount of energy and resource to caring for and protecting the relatively few offspring – K-Selected
Disappearance of species from Earth: Extinction
Sum total of all organisms in an area: Biodiversity
Population or group of populations whose members share certain characteristics and can freely breed with one another and produce entire offspring: Species
Group of individuals that live in the same area: Population
The process by which new species are generated is termed: Speciation

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