Environment/ Change Over Time

Question Answer
What is the study of similarities and differences in living species called? Comparative anatomy
What are vestigial structures? body parts that lost their original function through evolution
What is embryology The science of the development of embryos from fertilization to birth
What are analogous structures? body parts that perform a similar function but are different in structure
What do you call body parts of that are similar in structure and position but have a different function? homologous structures
What is a fossil record? record of all the fossils ever discovered on Earth
What is an impression of a an organism in a rock called? mold
What do you call the preserved evidence of the activity of an organism? trace fossil (may show footsteps)
What is a geological time scale? a chart that divides Earth's history into different time units
What is it called when the last of an organism dies? extinction
What is biological evolution? This is the change in populations of related organisms over time
What is a cast? a fossil copy of an organism in a rock
What is a naturalist? a person who studies plants and animals by observing them
What do you call breeding an organism for a desired trait or characteristic? selective breeding
What is camouflage? an adaption that allows a species to blend into its enviornment
What is natural selection? the way in which organisms have variations to survive in their environments to live longer and reproduce more than those that do not have variations
What is adaptation? a trait that increases an organism's chance of surviving and reproducing
What is evolution? a change in the hereditary features over time
What is absolute dating? very specific and gives more exact times
What is relative dating? just puts things in order of how they happened

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