Ethics Case Study Sample Essay

Ethical motives. besides known as moral doctrine. is a subdivision of doctrine that involves systematising. supporting. and urging constructs of right and incorrect behavior. [ 1 ] The term comes from the Grecian word ethos. which means “character” . Ethical motives is a complement to Aesthetics in the doctrine field of Axiology. In doctrine. moralss surveies the moral behaviour in worlds. and how one should move. Ethical motives may be divided into four major countries of survey: [ 1 ]

Meta-ethics. about the theoretical significance and mention of moral propositions and how their truth values ( if any ) may be determined ; Normative moralss. about the practical agencies of finding a moral class of action ; Applied moralss. about how moral results can be achieved in specific state of affairss ; Descriptive moralss. besides known as comparative moralss. is the survey of people’s beliefs about morality ;

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Harmonizing to Tomas Paul and Linda Elder of the Foundation for Critical Thinking. “most people confuse moralss with behaving in conformity with societal conventions. spiritual beliefs. and the law” . and don’t dainty moralss as a stand-alone construct. [ 2 ] Paul and Elder define moralss as “a set of constructs and rules that guide us in finding what behaviour helps or injuries animate creatures” . [ 2 ] The Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy provinces that the word moralss is “commonly used interchangeably with ‘morality’ … and sometimes it is used more narrowly to intend the moral rules of a peculiar tradition. group. or single. ” [ 3 ]

Meta-ethics is a field within moralss that seeks to understand the nature of normative moralss. The focal point of meta-ethics is on how we understand. cognize about. and what we mean when we talk about what is right and what is incorrect.

Meta-ethics came to the bow with G. E. Moore’s Principia Ethica from 1903. In it he foremost wrote about what he called the realistic false belief. Moore was seen to reject naturalism in moralss. in his Open Question Argument. This made minds look once more at 2nd order inquiries about moralss. Earlier. the Scots philosopher David Hume had put frontward a similar position on the difference between facts and values.

Surveies of how we know in moralss divide into cognitivism and non-cognitivism ; this is similar to the contrast between descriptivists and non-descriptivists. Non-cognitivism is the claim that when we judge something every bit right or incorrect. this is neither true nor false. We may for illustration be merely showing our emotional feelings about these things. [ 4 ] Cognitivism can so be seen as the claim that when we talk about right and incorrect. we are speaking about affairs of fact.

The ontology of moralss is about value-bearing things or belongingss. i. e. the sort of things or material referred to by ethical propositions. Non-descriptivists and non-cognitivists believe that moralss does non necessitate a specific ontology. since ethical propositions do non mention. This is known as an anti-realist place. Realists on the other manus must explicate what sort of entities. belongingss or provinces are relevant for moralss. how they have value. and why they guide and motivate our actions. [ 5 ]

Virtue moralss describes the character of a moral agent as a drive force for ethical behaviour. and is used to depict the moralss of Socrates. Aristotle. and other early Grecian philosophers. Socrates ( 469 BC – 399 BC ) was one of the first Grecian philosophers to promote both bookmans and the common citizen to turn their attending from the outside universe to the status of world. In this position. cognition holding a bearing on human life was placed highest. all other cognition being secondary. Self-knowledge was considered necessary for success and inherently an indispensable good. A self-conscious individual will move wholly within his capablenesss to his pinnacle. while an nescient individual will stagger and meet trouble. To Socrates. a individual must go cognizant of every fact ( and its context ) relevant to his being. if he wishes to achieve self-knowledge. He posited that people will of course make what is good. if they know what is right. Evil or bad actions are the consequence of ignorance. If a felon was genuinely cognizant of the mental and religious effects of his actions. he would neither perpetrate nor even see perpetrating those actions. Any individual who knows what is genuinely right will automatically make it. harmonizing to Socrates. While he correlated cognition with virtuousness. he likewise equated virtuousness with felicity. The truly wise adult male will cognize what is right. make what is good. and hence be happy. [ 6 ]

Aristotle ( 384 BC – 322 BC ) posited an ethical system that may be termed “self-realizationism. ” In Aristotle’s position. when a individual acts in conformity with his nature and recognize his full potency. he will make good and be content. At birth. a babe is non a individual. but a possible individual. To go a “real” individual. the child’s built-in potency must be realized. Unhappiness and defeat are caused by the unfulfilled potency of a individual. taking to failed ends and a hapless life. Aristotle said. “Nature does nil in vain. ” Therefore. it is imperative for individuals to move in conformity with their nature and develop their latent endowments in order to be content and complete. Happiness was held to be the ultimate end. All other things. such as civic life or wealth. are simply means to the terminal. Self-fulfillment. the consciousness of one’s nature and the development of one’s endowments. is the certain way to happiness. [ 7 ]

Aristotle asserted that adult male had three natures: veggie ( physical/metabolism ) . animate being ( emotional/appetite ) and rational ( mental/conceptual ) . Physical nature can be assuaged through exercising and attention. emotional nature through indulgence of inherent aptitude and impulses. and mental through human ground and developed possible. Rational development was considered the most of import. as indispensable to philosophical self-awareness and as uniquely human. Moderation was encouraged. with the extremes seen as debauched and immoral. For illustration. bravery is the moderate virtuousness between the extremes of cowardliness and foolhardiness. Man should non merely unrecorded. but unrecorded good with behavior governed by moderate virtuousness. This is regarded as hard. as virtuousness denotes making the right thing. to the right individual. at the right clip. to the proper extent. in the right manner. for the right ground. [ 8 ] [ edit ] StoicismThe Stoic philosopher Epictetus posited that the greatest good was contentment and repose. Peace of head. or Apatheia. was of the highest value ; self-mastery over one’s desires and emotions leads to religious peace. The “unconquerable will” is cardinal to this doctrine. The individual’s will should be independent and intact. Leting a individual to upset the mental equilibrium is in kernel offering yourself in bondage. If a individual is free to anger you at will. you have no control over your internal universe. and hence no freedom. Freedom from stuff fond regards is besides necessary.

If a thing interruption. the individual should non be upset. but realize it was a thing that could interrupt. Similarly. if person should decease. those close to them should keep to their repose because the loved 1 was made of flesh and blood destined to decease. Stoic doctrine says to accept things that can non be changed. vacating oneself to existence and digesting in a rational manner. Death is non feared. Peoples do non “lose” their life. but alternatively “return” . for they are returning to God ( who ab initio gave what the individual is as a individual ) . Epictetus said hard jobs in life should non be avoided. but instead embraced. They are religious exercisings needed for the wellness of the spirit. merely as physical exercising is required for the wellness of the organic structure. He besides stated that sex and sexual desire are to be avoided as the greatest menace to the unity and equilibrium of a man’s head. Abstinence is extremely desirable. Epictetus said staying abstainer in the face of enticement was a triumph for which a adult male could be proud. [ 9 ] [ edit ] HedonismMain article: Hedonism
Hedonism posits that the chief moral principle is maximising pleasance and minimising hurting. There are several schools of Hedonist thought runing from those recommending the indulgence of even fleeting desires to those learning a chase of religious cloud nine. In their consideration of effects. they range from those recommending self-gratification regardless of the hurting and disbursal to others. to those saying that the most ethical chase maximizes pleasance and felicity for the most people. [ 10 ]

[ edit ] Cyrenaic hedonismFounded by Aristippus of Cyrene. Cyrenaics supported immediate satisfaction or pleasance. “Eat. imbibe and be merry. for tomorrow we die. ” Even fugitive desires should be indulged. for fright the chance should be everlastingly lost. There was small to no concern with the hereafter. the present dominating in the chase for immediate pleasance. Cyrenaic hedonism encouraged the chase of enjoyment and indulgence without vacillation. believing pleasance to be the lone good. [ 10 ] [ edit ] EpicureanismMain article: Epicureanism
Epicurean moralss is a hedonist signifier of virtuousness moralss. Epicurus “presented a sustained statement that pleasance. right understood. will co-occur with virtue” . [ 11 ] He rejected the extremism of the Cyrenaics. believing some pleasances and indulgences to be damaging to human existences. Epicures observed that indiscriminate indulgence sometimes resulted in negative effects. Some experiences were hence rejected out of manus. and some unpleasant experiences endured in the present to guarantee a better life in the hereafter. To Epicurus the summum bonum. or greatest good. was prudence. exercised through moderateness and cautiousness. Excessive indulgence can be destructive to pleasure and can even take to trouble.

For illustration. eating one nutrient excessively frequently will do a individual to lose gustatory sensation for it. Eating excessively much nutrient at one time will take to discomfort and ill-health. Pain and fright were to be avoided. Populating was basically good. excluding hurting and unwellness. Death was non to be feared. Fear was considered the beginning of most unhappiness. Suppressing the fright of decease would of course take to a happier life. Epicurus reasoned if there was an hereafter and immortality. the fright of decease was irrational. If there was no life after decease. so the individual would non be alive to endure. fright or concern ; he would be non-existent in decease. It is irrational to fuss over fortunes that do non be. such as one’s province in decease in the absence of an hereafter. [ 12 ]


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