Evaluate the research questions


The intent of this study is to measure the research inquiries which were raised through my literature reappraisal and formed the footing of my hypothesis. It was antecedently explained that the building industry is invariably germinating as a consequence of ; a levelling of the trade rhythm, methods of puting contracts, increased accent on quality, experience and inventions, increased competition among houses and a alteration in clients purchasing behavior ( Yisa, Ndekugri & A ; Ambrose 1996, pp.47 ) .

The methodological analysis which is described in greater item in the study involved carry oning two interviews with industry specializers and organizing an analysis of the consequences through cognitive function and determination adventurer.

The chief decisions are that the points rose in my literature reappraisal and interviews were about indistinguishable. The chief issues in both were the economic recession, alteration in attitudes, below cost tendering, increased public disbursement, reduced command frequence, partnering, thin building, invention, strategic undertaking mix and being in a strong place following the recession.

The recommendations were that the building industry can non blockade alteration but needs to welcome it and follow new patterns which can profit all the stakeholders. Thin building for single undertakings and the whole company needs to be adopted so as to cut down waste and operating expenses. Further analysis is recommended in the signifier of a questionnaire which can so be assessed.

1. Introduction

In add-on to the altering attitudes of clients in building which was promoted by the Latham and Egan reports the economic clime has brought extra troubles to the industry. Clients have become more advanced and are continually seeking betterments within the industry to run into there demands ( Yisa, Ndekugri & A ; Ambrose 1996, pp.51 ) . In add-on to this they realised that during hard times, they can utilize their laterality to get a better trade ( Woods & A ; Ellis, 2005, pp.321 ) .

The research comprises of two unstructured interviews completed by industry specializers which aims to analyze and compare their positions on the impact of an economic recession on tendering patterns in UK building. On the evidences of confidentiality both interviewee names and their company name have been omitted but if required contact inside informations such as electronic mail references and phone Numberss can be provided. The chief purpose is to develop a greater apprehension of the topic in add-on to the old literature reappraisal and to falter upon any differences between the two. An opening inquiry was provided which allowed the interviewee to spread out his ideas along with some cardinal inquiries in order to maintain the interviewee on the subject.

Both interviewees are employed by the largest in private owned building company in the UK with offices in India, Australia and the United Arab Emirates. The company has an integrated capableness therefore leting a holistic position of building.

The first interviewee is a undertaking director who has experience of tendering with Lagan and Farran building and is presently working aboard NIW on a big PFI undertaking valued at about & amp ; lb ; 130 million.

The 2nd interviewee is a command director for on the edifice schools for the hereafter model ( BSF ) . He is taking a squad on a undertaking worth over & As ; lb ; 1 billion with a budget of & A ; lb ; 5.6 million.

Following the analysis a figure of issues were highlighted in both the literature reappraisal and interviews and will help in explicating a questionnaire. This attack of uniting qualitative and quantitative research will give a superior analysis of the topic.

The study is structured in a streamlined mode so as to foremost give the reader an penetration into the research methodological analysis, a brief debut into function and the three cognitive maps which so allows the analysis and treatment to be completed. The study concludes with the chief decisions, recommendations and a figure of deductions for pattern.

2. Research Methodology

In order to have a greater apprehension of the subject we are uniting qualitative and quantitative research methods. The attack employed is that qualitative research facilitates quantitative research by supplying a hypothesis or aids measuring by proposing inquiries ( Lukumon, 2009 ) .

The hypothesis was established through reading relevant diaries and this was developed farther through transporting out two interviews which when mapped can so help in organizing a questionnaire.

2.1 Qualitative Research

Yin ( 1989 ) observes that in qualitative research the broadest inquiry should be stated so that informations can be drawn from a figure of beginnings such as: archival records, direct observation, paperss, interviews, participant observation and physical artifacts. Qualitative research is any sort of research that produces findings non arrived at by agencies of statistical processs or other agencies of quantification ( Strauss and Corbin, 1990 ) .

2.2 Quantitative Research

Creswell ( 2003 ) explained quantitative research methods are used to prove or verify theories or accounts, place variables to analyze, associate variables in inquiries or hypotheses, use statistical criterions of cogency and dependability, and employ statistical processs for analysis.

2.3 Unstructured Interview

This interview has no set format beyond the opening inquiry but the interviewer may hold some cardinal inquiries which they can utilize to maintain the interviewee on the subject. The interviewer is receptive to the interviewee ‘s responses and the interview follows a colloquial manner.

3. Cognitive Function

Cognitive function allows the analysis of big sums of qualitative information and can be used to construction messy or complex informations for job resolution. It is particularly utile as a note taking method during interviews and helping the procedure by increasing the apprehension of the topic ( Ackermann et al. , 1992 ) .

Decision adventurer is a tool which allows relationships to be pictured associating to a topic. Data entry is provided utilizing “ constructs ” , which capture the nucleus facets of a impression. The constructs are so linked to demo the relationship and factors of importance between thoughts ( Brightman, 2002 ) .

Figure 3.1 shows the three methods which can be used to oppugn where a construct is prima towards. For the intent of this analysis I have utilized the Action – Result method as I feel that it is best suited to researching the topic and detecting the goals/outcomes. Once completed, argument and contemplation can so follow on the most of import factors which have been established.

3.1 Map No.1

3.2 Map No.2

3.3 Map No.3 – Merged Map

4. Analysis & A ; Discussion

Using the maps in the old chapter the chief factors can be discussed and their influence on other constructs.

4.1 Cardinal Concepts Analysis

Cardinal analysis reveals the constructs that have been linked the most times with other constructs and means that the constructs listed at a lower place have the greatest influence on the analysis. A cardinal analysis was conducted and the undermentioned top five constructs were revealed:

  1. Change in Contractor & A ; Client Attitudes
  2. 20 from 39 Concepts.

  3. Contractors Using below Cost Tendering
  4. 19 from 35 Concepts.

  5. To Stay Thin and Competitive During the Recession
  6. 15 from 31 Concepts.

  7. Economic Recession
  8. 14 from 32 Concepts.

  9. Increased Likelihood of Repeat Work
  10. 14 from 29 Concepts

All these top five constructs are straight related as the economic recession and alteration in attitudes has resulted in contractors utilizing below cost tendering and thin building to stay competitory during the recession with the increased likeliness of repetition work.

The chief issue/driver mentioned in the interviews was the economic recession which as stated in my literature reappraisal impacts badly on the building industry as there is a decrease in the figure of undertakings along with the cost of borrowing to refund loans and wage rewards increasing ( Ren & A ; Lin, 1996 ) . This logical relation was explained in my literature reappraisal and is illustrated in Figure 4.1.

The alteration in attitudes from both the contractor and client was besides discussed with Latham ( 1994 ) seeking to follow a “ win-win ” outlook and Egan ( 1998 ) concentrating on bettering quality and efficiency and making a “ motion for alteration ” . This alteration from the 1960 ‘s outlook whereby private and public occupations were awarded entirely on competitory tendering to a state of affairs whereby a assortment of issues are evaluated ( Edum-Fotwe & A ; McCaffer, 1999 ) has put extra force per unit area on contractors coercing them to retain quality and undertaking clip but cut down their stamps to below cost if necessary.

Clients are holding a greater engagement and have requested a less disconnected attack which has resulted in a alteration of contracts to a more frequent usage of design and physique ( Yisa, Ndekugri and Ambrose, 1996 ) .

Interviewee No.2 feels that clients are pull stringsing the current clime in order to acquire the same quality of work done cheaper whereas Interviewee No.1 is of the sentiment that it is the contractors who are speedy to follow below cost tendering in an attempt to keep onto staff as other undertakings are completed.

The construct of staying thin and competitory during the recession is highly of import and is discussed in great item in my literature reappraisal. Cartlidge ( 2002 ) describes how thin building eliminates waste so that value is added to each procedure, taking to take down costs, shorter building periods and greater net incomes. The construct of meagerness incorporates reduced bid frequence as operating expenses need to be reduced. Walwork ( 1999 ) and Interviewee No.1 both stress the demand for contractors to choose the “ right undertaking ” which will so give a greater opportunity of success. Invention can cut down costs through “ organisational acquisition ” ( Barlow and Jashapara, 1998 ) but both interviewees felt that as operating expenses need to be reduced invention should come from your supply concatenation which have budgets for research and development. As discussed in my literature reappraisal providers engagement should be welcomed at an early phase so that they can lend new thoughts, merchandises, or procedures ( Cartlidge, 2002 ) .

Increased likeliness of repetition work was felt by Interviewee No.1 to come through partnering which allows a greater result for the whole supply concatenation ( Dozzi et al. , 1996 ; Larson and Drexler, 1997 ) . A better result is achieved as the needed concern aims can be met or exceeded ( Bennett & A ; Jayes, 1998 ) . Interviewee No.2 felt that early engagement with the client allowed links to be established therefore taking onto repetition work.

4.2 Domain Concepts Analysis

The sphere analysis counts the highest figure of links in and out of a construct and establishes connexions with other issues within its immediate sphere. It analyses local complexness but fails to analyze the wider context of the topic. A sphere analysis was conducted and the undermentioned top five constructs were revealed:

  • 8 Linkss around
  1. Change in contractor & A ; client attitudes
  2. Contractors utilizing below cost tendering
  • 6 Linkss around
  • Increased public disbursement
  • Partnering and increased communicating
  • To stay thin and competitory during the recession
  • The old cardinal consequences determined the constructs with the greatest influence on the full map and therefore it follows that these should hold the highest figure of links.

    Changes in attitudes, below cost tendering and thin building were cardinal to my literature reappraisal and interviews and this is why they have been highlighted here. The drivers for alteration are altering attitudes and below cost tendering with thin building supplying a figure of schemes to better through off-site fabrication, advanced design and assembly, pre-fabrication, supply concatenation integrating and pre-assembly ( Cooke and Williams, 2009 ) .

    The authorities ‘s policy of increased public disbursement was noted by both interviewees and McFall ( 2008 ) in my literature reappraisal as offering a company scheme to last the economic recession. RICS ( 1st October 2009 ) reported that stamp monetary values for new building work will non lift until 2011 and that if the public disbursement was cut it would hold a damaging consequence on the building industry.

    This is farther supported in my literature reappraisal which states that strategic tendering and undertaking mix is even more important during a recession. Ren and Lin ( 1996 ) justice that it is in a company ‘s long term involvement to transport out a more aggressive command policy towards the populace sector. The issue of measuring clients was emphasised by both interviewees as a figure of private clients have merely injure up their undertakings. Both see the public sector as a safe stake for investing both in a roar and even more so in a recession as they possess a three-base hit A evaluation by the evaluation bureaus.

    Partnering was touched upon by both interviewees but they had a different point of view with Interviewee No.1 feeling that it has opened a forum for communicating and along with the new technology contract there is a “ win-win ” outlook established as encouraged by the Latham study ( 1994 ) .

    Interviewee No.2 was doubting nevertheless and felt that clients and contractors were both returning to type with contractors utilizing below cost tendering and looking for fluctuations while client were pull stringsing the clime by disregarding models in order to tender of all time undertaking and have increased nest eggs.

    Forests and Ellis ( 2005 ) as mentioned in my literature reappraisal accepted that a more unfastened relationship now exists but that it will take some clip before a to the full echt relationship will be in topographic point due to an engrained civilization of misgiving and misrepresentation.

    4.3 Cluster Analysis

    The bunch analysis produces an overview of the theoretical account, with each bunch a comparatively stray set of thoughts. It is merely a proposal about the manner in which a theoretical account could be split.

    4.3.1 Cluster Analysis No.1

    As stressed in my literature reappraisal and illustrated below in Figure 4.2 the economic recession has caused an addition in public disbursement which along with a alteration in contractor and client attitudes has resulted in a “ win-win ” outlook, different procurance methods and hence the usage of partnering and increased communicating which relates back to the Latham and Egan studies.

    Another consequence of the economic recession has been a decreased figure of contracts which causes increased competition and a decreased frequence of command due to higher tendering costs ( Cooke and Williams ) .

    The concluding analysis revolves around contractors need to win work which along with the recession causes them to alter their attitude and utilize below cost tendering which reduces staff Numberss and increases the work load therefore impacting on quality, environmental and H & A ; S criterions.

    4.3.2 Cluster Analysis No.2

    Both interviewees drew attending to increased exposure to put on the line which can do a contractor to travel belly-up due to a deficiency of hard currency. The demand to measure client fiscal stableness was established in my literature reappraisal ( Kometa et al. , 1996 ) .

    Besides fiscal hazard exposure there is besides the hazard associated with H & A ; S, environmental and CSR which require investing so as to advance a favorable client and public perceptual experience which leads onto the end of a strong company place.

    The other analysis involves using invention to derive a competitory advantage which can be accomplished through thin building and supercharging the supply concatenation which both interviewees feel have the research and development capablenesss and budgets to provide new merchandises therefore leting contractors to follow their procedures. Once once more, this allows the company to stay thin and be in a strong place following the recession.

    4.3.3 Cluster Analysis No.3

    The concluding bunch analysis focuses on the end of going the company of first pick which is portion of the interviewee ‘s company vision and both interviewees referred to it. It concentrates on the rule that building is continually germinating and that contractors need to innovative and follow so that stakeholders are satisfied. It relates to a figure of factors such as endeavoring for a better result for both client and contractor and alining your company towards the most advantageous sector through strategic undertaking mix which many contractors see coming from PFI undertakings as they have a guaranteed beginning of income for a figure of old ages.

    5. Decisions

    As highlighted in my literature reappraisal and enforced through the two interviews, the building industry is continually germinating due to the economic clime, client demands, methods of puting contracts, inventions and authorities policies.

    The economic recession has forced cost to the head of clients and contractors heads therefore necessitating a figure of schemes to be implemented so that the criterions reached in quality, wellness and safety and the environment are non abandoned. Reverting back to type by both parties through below cost tendering is a sorry scenario as there have been many progresss in the last figure of old ages through building.

    Following the literature reappraisal and interviews I can reason that there are many techniques available to the industry so that Latham ‘s ( 1994 ) purpose of a “ win-win ” outlook can still be achieved through thin building, measuring hazards, strategic undertaking mix, reduced command frequence and invention. The construct of partnering and early client engagement is highly of import so as to construct up a strong relationship with a better result for both the client and the contractor with the increased likeliness of repetition work.

    The original hypothesis ;

    “ That the building industry has adapted and improved in the last figure of decennaries but will hold to go on to make so in the face of new challenges ” ,

    remains unchanged and has been supported by the interviews.

    6. Recommendations

    Based on my hypothesis, literature reappraisal and interviews the building industry can non blockade alteration but needs to encompass it and follow new patterns which can profit all the stakeholders.

    It is excessively easy to believe that in order to cut costs you can cut down outgo on wellness and safety, environmental, CSR, etc. as this increases your exposure to put on the line which may be you more in the long term. It has been shown and supported that by following new patterns, costs can be reduced without holding a negative consequence on other facets. Thin building can be adopted through single undertakings or the company as a whole.

    It is recommended that farther analysis is carried out in the signifier of a questionnaire which will make a larger mark country and therefore give a greater apprehension of the subject.

    Deductions for Practice

    The deductions for the pattern include ;

    1. The economic recession has slowed the progresss of the Latham and Egan studies which may so ask a new study.
    2. Below cost tendering has caused both the client and contractor to return to type with contractors looking for fluctuations and clients seeking to pull strings the current state of affairs.
    3. In an attempt to win work contractors have increased their exposure to put on the line and many have gone belly-up.
    4. If contractors fail to accommodate and better they will be left behind by a progressive industry.

    8. Mentions

    • Ackermann, F. E. ( 1992 ) . Geting Started with Cognitive Mapping. Warwick: University of Warwick.
    • Bennett and Jayes ( 1998 ) . The Seven Pillars of Partnering: A Guide to Second Generation Partnering. London: Thomas Telford.
    • Brightman, J. ( 2002 ) . An Introduction to Decision Explorer. Banxia Software Ltd.
    • Cartlidge, D. ( 2002 ) . New Aspects of Quantity Surveying Practice. Elsevier.
    • Cooke, B and Williams, P. ( 2009 ) . Construction Planning, Programming and Control. Wiley-Blackwell.
    • Creswell, J. ( 2003 ) . Research Design. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
    • Dozzi, P. H. ( 1996 ) . More Stable Owner-Contractor Relationships. Journal of Construction Enngineering and Management, Vol.122 No.1: pp.30-35.
    • Egan, S. J. ( 1998 ) . Rethinking Construction. London: The Report of Construction Task
    • Jashapara, B. & A ; . ( 1998 ) . Organizational Learning and Inter-Firm “ Partnering ” in the UK Construction Industry. The Learning Organization, Vol.5 No.2: pp.86-98.
    • Kometa, S. , Olomolaiye, P. and Harris, F. ( 1996 ) . A Review of Client Generated Risks to Project Consultants. International Journal of Project Management, Vol.14 No.5: pp.273-279.
    • Larson, E. & A ; . ( 1997 ) . Barriers to Project Partnering: Report from the Firing Line. Project Management Journal, Vol.28 No.2: pp.46-52.
    • Latham, S. M. ( 1994 ) . Constructing the Team, Final Report of Government/Industry Review of Procurement and Contractual Agreement in the UK Construction Industry. London: HMSO.
    • Lukumon, O. ( 26th October 2009 ) . Understannding Differences between Qualitative and Quantitative Research Approaches. ( pp. 1-32 ) . Capital of northern ireland: Queens University Belfast.
    • McCaffer, E.-F. & A ; . ( 1999 ) . Sub-Contracting or Co-Contracting: Construction Procurement in Perspective. Loughborough, UK: Dept. of Civil and Building Engineering Loughborough University.
    • McFall, J. ( 2008, October 24th ) . Guardian Politics. Retrieved November 15th, 2009, from Guardian Newspaper Website: hypertext transfer protocol: //www.guardian.co.uk/politics/blog/2008/oct/24/economy-taxandspending
    • Ren and Lin ( 1996 ) . THe UK Construction Industry Under Cyclical High Inflation, High Interest Ratess and Recession. International Journal of Project Management, Vol.14 No.5: pp.301-305.
    • RICS. ( 2009, October 1st ) . Royal Institute of Charted Surveyors. Retrieved November 15th, 2009, from www.rics.co.uk: hypertext transfer protocol: //www.rics.org/site/scripts/press_article.aspx? pressreleaseID=128
    • Strauss, A. a. ( 1990 ) . Basicss of Qualitative Research: Grounded Theory Procedures and Techniques. London: Sage Publications.
    • Wallwork, J. ( 1999 ) . Is at that place a Right Monetary value in Construction Bids? Cost Engineering, Vol.41 No.2: pp.41-43.
    • Forests and Ellis ( 2005 ) . Main Contractor Experiences of Partnering Relationships on UK Construction Projects. Construction Management and Economics, Vol..23: pp.317-325.
    • Yin, R. ( 1989 ) . Case Study Research: Design and Methods. Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publication.
    • Yisa, S. , Ndekugri, I. and Ambrose, B. ( 1996 ) . A Review of Changes in the UK Construction Industry. European Journal of Marketing, Vol.30: pp.47-64.

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