Evaluating the Purpose of a Company Essay

The company ‘s intent is guaranting the growing and strength of KPJ over the old ages through originative and advanced schemes have enabled the administration to travel frontward in driving criterions and uninterrupted invention and in developing the community as KPJ ‘s part towards the wellbeing of society. Developing the group ‘s ain human capital strength allows KPJ to be the best in all it does, peculiarly in caring for the health care, safety and the environment. With its firm committedness, KPJ is known for animating trust and answerability and standing house on the rules of the Business “ Jihad ” such as unity, uprightness and community spirit. The group ‘s “ Jihad ” is the attachment to the right behavior and moralss to accomplish concern excellence. At the same clip, KPJ remains focused on KPJ ‘s corporate vision which defines the preferable supplier in health care services and the corporate mission is presenting quality health care services to our clients.

KPJ has a clear company purpose which was created by the esteemed managers by concentrating on the rules of the Business “ Jihad ” . I strongly agree that this is a good thought in the company purpose which gives the company a strong hereafter where employees will instill the “ Jihad ‘s ” spirit and to hold the spirit to endeavor for the company in order to accomplish better net incomes and raising the company to greater highs. The Business “ Jihad ” was interpreted from the “ Jihad ” war where energy and motivational forces were harnessed, mobilized and channeled towards peace and prosperity that translate the best that Islam can offer in values and civilisational footings to the universe we live in. In order to better the company ‘s intent, employees from different direction degrees should invariably remind one another about the company ‘s intent at all times. Besides underscoring, employees should pattern the intent as “ actions speak louder than words ” . It is useless when a good company intent is being created and displayed in the company but non being practiced by employees. Therefore, it is critical to emphasize and pattern the importance of the company ‘s intent to all employees so that investors and clients will hold assurance in the company ‘s services.

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As KPJ continuously endeavoring to accomplish the vision and transporting out the mission, it will besides go on to construct on its nucleus values which states the overall intent of the company. The nucleus values consist of 5 values which are to guarantee safety for employees and clients to transport out the day-to-day concern activities. Employees presenting the services with courtesy with the ability to originate foremost with a smiling and be a helpful forces to clients at all times. Performing responsibilities with unity will go forth an feeling to stakeholder that employees are exerting professionalism at all times and endeavoring for uninterrupted betterment which ensures quality confidence and the attitude of larning will construct the assurance in stakeholder.

In decision, the employees of KPJ must play an active function in practising the nucleus values and reminding each other about the company intent in order to endeavor to do the company turn in net incomes, chance and human wellness quality.

[ 507 words ]


Johor Corporations ( 2010 ) ‘Business Jihad Journey: The Corporate Waqaf path –

Why Waqaf? ‘ Business Jihad. [ Online ] .

Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: //www.businessjihad.com/ [ accessed on 23rd April 2010 ] .

KPJ Healthcare Berhad ( 2008 ) Annual Report 2008. [ Online ]

Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: //kpj.listedcompany.com/ar.html [ Accessed 4th April 2010 ] .

Describe the sensed corporate civilization that the company patterns. ( Maximal 500 words )

( 10 Markss )

Corporate civilization can be defined as administration ‘s system, of rules, beliefs, and values which make a company unique ( Kurtz and Boone, 2007 ) . In other words, corporate civilization can intend by the character the organisation. Daft states that civilization is a form of shared values and premises about how things are done in the organisations. The values of a corporate civilization will decidedly act upon the ethical criterions within a corporation, every bit good as managerial behaviour and most significantly all the employees. There are two degrees of civilizations that can be classified which are the seeable and unseeable

As for the seeable degree of corporate civilization in KPJ, employees wear bluish uniform which signifies the coloring material and individuality of the company. On Saturdays, administrative employees are allowed to have on company T-shirts to work which makes working environment more relax and gratifying. KPJ uses a slogan “ attention for life ” to inform stakeholders that the company attention for the society.

The most important degree is the unseeable civilization which portrays the deeper values and shared apprehensions held by the administration members. In KPJ, the corporate civilization is based on the rules of Business “ Jihad ” and the nucleus values that employees should to the full understand and be passionate about the nucleus concern to present quality services to clients with safety, courtesy, unity, professionalism and uninterrupted betterment. This can be clearly shown when visitants or patients enter the infirmary district, employees of the company will come frontward with a smiling to recognize and offer them the needed aid. This is called the Standard People Practice where the company is instilling to the employees who will do the patients and visitants feel that person is caring for them and doing them experience valuable at all times. This will decidedly construct a repute of trueness and assurance in everyone who visits the KPJ Hospitals.

Corporate civilization is typically shaped by directors of different managerial degrees who operate and maneuver the whole company to greater highs. For case, KPJ had been doing net incomes throughout these old ages. This has clearly proven that employees are endeavoring hard in obtaining high net incomes for the company with the assistance of good corporate civilization. The company has the strong beliefs for employees to go on their womb-to-tomb acquisition journey which the company provides assorted sponsorships and scholarships for employee to prosecute their instruction around the universe in order to better their educational degree such as grades, Masterss and any other enfranchisements. Furthermore, every twelvemonth the company allocates certain sum of wage as preparation cost where employees will hold the opportunity to go to workshops and seminars to farther better in work related countries such as public dealingss, fire safety and corporate civilization. For illustration, the Innovative and Creative Circle where employees need to bring forth new thoughts in doing more net incomes for the company and at the same clip to keep good relationships with stakeholders.

In decision, corporate civilization plays an of import function in determining and modeling employees to hold a better apprehension and position of the company ‘s intent.

[ 501 words ]


Daft, R.L. ( 2008 ) New Era of Management. 9th erectile dysfunction. Mason: Thomson South-Western

KPJ Healthcare Berhad ( 2010 ) ‘Control Environment ‘ The Star. [ on-line ]

Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: //www.kpjhealth.com.my//index.php? option=com_contentHYPERLINK “ hypertext transfer protocol: //www.kpjhealth.com.my//index.php? option=com_content & A ; task=view & A ; id=70 & A ; Itemid=82 ” & amp ; HYPERLINK “ hypertext transfer protocol: //www.kpjhealth.com.my//index.php? option=com_content & A ; task=view & A ; id=70 & A ; Itemid=82 ” task=viewHYPERLINK “ hypertext transfer protocol: //www.kpjhealth.com.my//index.php? option=com_content & A ; task=view & A ; id=70 & A ; Itemid=82 ” & amp ; HYPERLINK “ hypertext transfer protocol: //www.kpjhealth.com.my//index.php? option=com_content & A ; task=view & A ; id=70 & A ; Itemid=82 ” id=70HYPERLINK “ hypertext transfer protocol: //www.kpjhealth.com.my//index.php? option=com_content & A ; task=view & A ; id=70 & A ; Itemid=82 ” & amp ; HYPERLINK “ hypertext transfer protocol: //www.kpjhealth.com.my//index.php? option=com_content & A ; task=view & A ; id=70 & A ; Itemid=82 ” Itemid=82 [ accessed on 26th April 2010 ] .

KPJ Healthcare Berhad ( 2008 ) Annual Report 2008. [ Online ]

Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: //kpj.listedcompany.com/ar.html [ Accessed 4th April 2010 ] .

Kurtz, D.L. and Boone, L.E. ( 2007 ) Contemporary Business 2007. 11th erectile dysfunction. London: Thomson South-Western

Extract the undermentioned information from the last 3 twelvemonth ‘s one-year study.

Number of managers on the board

Number of Non-Executive Independent Directors

Evaluate whether the company patterns good corporate administration. ( Maximal 500 words )

( 10 Markss )





Number of Non-Executive Independent Directors




Non-executive Chairman




Non-Executive Directors




Executive / Managing Director




Entire Number of managers on the board




Corporate administration can be defined as the system of regulating an administration to protect the stakeholders ( Daft, 2008 ) . In 2008, KPJ has a sum of 11 managers sitting in the board. The intent of holding seven

I do non believe that KPJ by holding seven Non-Executive Independent Directors will pattern good corporate civilization as most of the managers hold a certain sum of direct or indirect portions in the company and in the company ‘s subordinates. I think that the determination made by them may be prejudices and non practically based on the rule of corporate administration. As the study can demo how good the company is making, but in existent fact the “ many good workss may merely cover the bad workss ” . If managers have portions straight or indirectly under the company or the company ‘s subordinates, how could they pull off to follow to the full to the rules of corporate administration.

There will decidedly be some biasness in the determination devising as most of the managers are the same people sitting in assorted company ‘s board and sorting themselves as Non-Executive Independent Directors for KPJ Healthcare Berhad. It is like holding the same group of managers in Company A, Company B and in Company C and sorting themselves as independent. Harmonizing to the fiscal statement, it states that Non-Executive Independent Directors is to do independent judgement and act in the best involvement of the company and its stockholders as they do non prosecute in any concern traffics or other relationship with the company. I think that it contradicts the whole function of being a Non-Executive Independent Director.

In order to do determination independently, Non-Executive Independent Directors should non keep any portions from the company direct or indirectly and even in subordinates. In order to hold good pattern of corporate administration, managers of other companies should be invited to go to the board meeting and to do determination as they have no relationship at all with the company to make up one’s mind the company ‘s determination devisings such as wages of managers, or solutions as to work out company ‘s affairs. With this pattern, it will supply the company and stockholders better precaution. Besides holding a foreign manager of another company to go to the board meetings, sometimes it might be unsafe as that foreign manager might be a rival to the company and gives incorrect determinations as the purpose of destructing the company ‘s growing. This can be another possibility of holding a foreign manager to take part in the board meeting. Therefore, the concluding determination is looked upon by the non-executive president, non-executive managers and the managing managers where they have the concluding authorization to make up one’s mind on the determinations made by the board.

In decision, corporate administration plays an of import function as to regulate the righteousness of the company and the stockholders. As to avoid instances such as Enron, HealthSouth and many companies who have ceased operations due to fraud from reiterating, companies must be careful in put uping managers to be Non-Executive Independent Directors in the administration.

[ 495 words ]


Daft, R.L. ( 2008 ) New Era of Management. 9th erectile dysfunction. Mason: Thomson South-Western

KPJ Healthcare Berhad ( 2006 ) Annual Report 2006. [ Online ]

Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: //kpj.listedcompany.com/ar.html [ Accessed 4th April 2010 ] .

KPJ Healthcare Berhad ( 2007 ) Annual Report 2007. [ Online ]

Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: //kpj.listedcompany.com/ar.html [ Accessed 4th April 2010 ] .

KPJ Healthcare Berhad ( 2008 ) Annual Report 2008. [ Online ]

Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: //kpj.listedcompany.com/ar.html [ Accessed 4th April 2010 ] .

Do you believe the company should be more socially responsible? Explain your concluding. Propose to the company what should be done to better on its societal duty. ( Maximal 500 words )

( 10 Markss )

Yes, I strongly agree that company should be more socially responsible than merely doing net incomes. Making net incomes is the premier aim of most companies which can non be denied by business people. Corporate societal duty ( CSR ) can be defined as the direction ‘s duty to do determination and to take actions that will heighten the wellbeing and consumer satisfaction every bit good as the administration ( Daft, 2008 ) . In other words, corporate societal duty emphasises more on what the company can give back to the society instead than what the company can gain from the society.

With the KPJ ‘s slogan “ Care for Life ” has instill the spirit of the employees to present quality health care services to the society and the attitude of desiring to lend more to society where KPJ created the “ Klinik Waqaf An-Nur ( KWAN ) ” in 1998 to function the lower income group in the facet of health care by supplying outpatient intervention for merely RM5.00 which is inclusive of audiences and medicines. Presently, KWAN has eight clinics around Malaysia and the direction is be aftering to open more clinics in the close hereafter. This constitution is portion of the Group ‘s attempt in doing quality health care low-cost to all walks of life.

KPJ has besides involved in a telecasting programme which is the “ At-Tijarah ” to assist educate the society on wellness consciousness. This programme is linked to At-TIjarah Ramadan which is to assist the less privileged in the community during the month of Ramadan by patronizing and supplying medical intervention to selected patients. Furthermore, KPJ has contributed to the fund to help patients who are seeking medical attending.

Every twelvemonth during Nurses Day, the Nursing Service of KPJ infirmaries will organize assorted fund raising undertakings such as jumble gross revenues, nutrient carnivals and other charity event in order to raise financess to assist the environing vicinity like the spastic kids places, disability kids places, orphanhoods and any other public assistance places. Doctors and direction from KPJ infirmaries contribute to a fund called “ Perhatian ” where every RM1.00 collected by New Straight Times will be matched by the direction who needs fiscal assistance for medical interventions. This can demo that the different degree of employees in KPJ attentions socially in assisting the society in one manner or another.

KPJ besides contributes back to the community by take parting in outreach programmes such as take parting in wellness runs to construct wellness consciousness in the society. Recently, KPJ had joint run with Reckitt Benckiser, maker of pest control trade name ( Shieldtox ) in battling the spread of dandy fever. To hold farther impact on the run, the two companies have organised an educational “ gotong-royong ” programme at assorted dandy fever prone countries as to cut down the instances of dandy fever among the society.

In decision, KPJ ‘s societal duty is closely related to the rules of sustainability which encourage the corporation to do determinations based non merely on fiscal net income factor, but besides to see the immediate and long-run societal and environment effects of the company ‘s activities. KPJ believes that corporate duty and making concern have to be reciprocally inclusive.

[ 500 words ]


Daft, R.L. ( 2008 ) New Era of Management. 9th erectile dysfunction. Mason: Thomson South-Western

KPJ Healthcare Berhad ( 2010 ) ‘Dengue deadlier the 2nd clip ‘ The Star. 20 March 2010 [ online ]

Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: //thestar.com.my/metro/story.asp? file=/2010/3/20/central/5875650 & A ; sec=central [ accessed on 26th April 2010 ] .

KPJ Healthcare Berhad ( 2010 ) ‘Health attention for the needy ‘ The Star. 2 January 2010, hypertext transfer protocol: //thestar.com.my/metro/story.asp? file=/2010/1/2/north/5380432 & A ; sec=north [ accessed on 26th April 2010 ] .

KPJ Healthcare Berhad ( 2008 ) Annual Report 2008. [ Online ]

Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: //kpj.listedcompany.com/ar.html [ Accessed 4th April 2010 ] .

Kurtz, D.L. and Boone, L.E. ( 2007 ) Contemporary Business 2007. 11th erectile dysfunction. London: Thomson South-Western

Using the latest three twelvemonth ‘s fiscal statements, pull out the cardinal fiscal informations of the company – as per the Microsoft Excel table format below:




Comparison between


Comparison between

Comparison between

RM ‘000

RM ‘000

2006 & A ; 2007

RM ‘000

2007 & A ; 2008

2006 & A ; 2008

Gross saless



33.26 %


14.38 %

52.42 %

Operating Net income ( EBIT )



31.85 %


25.72 %

65.76 %

Interest Expense

( 19,928 )

( 20,206 )

1.40 %

( 18,533 )

-8.28 %

-7.00 %

Net Income ( Net Net income )



81.23 %


15.37 %

109.08 %




5.68 %


6.10 %

12.12 %

Current Assetss



69.63 %


36.00 %

130.70 %

Current Liabilitiess



26.82 %


10.74 %

40.44 %

Entire Debt



5.77 %


-0.03 %

5.74 %

Entire Equity



13.81 %


13.34 %

29.00 %

Net Asset Value



17.41 %


14.14 %

34.02 %

Cash Flow from Operations



70.45 %


33.28 %

127.17 %

Cash Flow from Investing


( 37,033 )

-189.72 %

( 61,258 )

65.41 %

-248.41 %

Cash Flow from Financing

( 90,288 )


-101.56 %

( 52,294 )

-3824.64 %

-42.08 %

Remark on the fiscal public presentation of the company during the last three old ages. ( Maximal 300 words )

KPJ had made net incomes for the past three old ages. Compared from 2008 to 2006, net incomes have been increased by 52.42 % . This is because gross revenues have increased for the past three old ages due to the addition of infirmaries in Malaysia and the entire patients have besides increased which contributed to the net incomes throughout these old ages. Furthermore, this can be clearly shown by the net hard currency generated from operating activities which means that hard currency generated from the company ‘s normal trading activities.

Current assets have increased 34.15 % from 2006 to 2008. These include hard currency which besides increased 12.12 % from 2006 to 2008. The grounds for the addition in current assets throughout these 3 old ages are because of the addition of shuting stock lists, receivables, sedimentations and prepayments, hard currency and bank balances.

Current liabilities have increased 40.44 % from 2006 to 2008 due to the addition of payables and adoptions where the company owes assorted trade payables such as providers. During these old ages, the company borrowed money from Bankss for company development undertakings. But with the increased of current liabilities, the company net plus value shows increasing figures throughout these three old ages which is 29 % from 2006 to 2008. These figures are derived from the entire assets minus the entire liabilities to obtain the net plus value which defines the company ‘s worth and the entire equity of the company.

The company had made investings in 2007 and 2008 where the hard currency flow from puting activities which shows a negative value. In 2006, hard currency was generated from puting activities. This could be the possibility for the company to derive income from disposal of belongings, works and equipment which the company had disposed one of its land in 2006. As for the negative figures for hard currency flow signifier funding activities shows that the company made investings.

In decision, the company ‘s fiscal place and public presentation is good and healthy.

[ 310 words ]

Do you believe the company ‘s gross revenues and net incomes will go on to turn in 2010-2011? Explain. ( Maximal 100 words )

( 10 Markss )

I think the company ‘s gross revenues and net incomes will increase and continues to turn in 2010 to 2011. This is because the company had announced in November 2009 that there will be a portion split in the beginning of 2010. When a company announces that they will be dividing ordinary portion into two without raising any new financess, it means that the company is doing the portion monetary value more low-cost for new investors to put. Therefore, the company will hold better fiscal position in the hereafter for farther continual betterments. This will decidedly increase new investings, gross revenues and net incomes for the company.

[ 101 words ]


KPJ ( 2009 ) ‘KPJ Healthcare proposes portion split ‘ The Star. 29 December 2009, [ on-line ] Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: //biz.thestar.com.my/news/story.asp? file=/2009/12/29/business/5375549HYPERLINK “ hypertext transfer protocol: //biz.thestar.com.my/news/story.asp? file=/2009/12/29/business/5375549 & A ; sec=business ” & amp ; HYPERLINK “ hypertext transfer protocol: //biz.thestar.com.my/news/story.asp? file=/2009/12/29/business/5375549 & A ; sec=business ” sec=business [ assessed on 25th April 2010 ] .

KPJ Healthcare Berhad ( 2006 ) Annual Report 2006. [ Online ]

Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: //kpj.listedcompany.com/ar.html [ Accessed 4th April 2010 ] .

KPJ Healthcare Berhad ( 2007 ) Annual Report 2007. [ Online ]

Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: //kpj.listedcompany.com/ar.html [ Accessed 4th April 2010 ] .

KPJ Healthcare Berhad ( 2008 ) Annual Report 2008. [ Online ]

Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: //kpj.listedcompany.com/ar.html [ Accessed 4th April 2010 ] .

Track the shutting portion monetary value of the company on a day-to-day footing from 1 April 2010 – 30 April 2010.

Fix a graph of the day-to-day portion monetary value motions for your company. Information of the day-to-day portion monetary value should be shown in a Microsoft Excel table screening Date and Closing Price.

KPJ Closing Share Price


































Fix a graph of the day-to-day motion of the Kuala Lumpur Composite Index ( FBM-KLCI ) . Information of the index should be shown in a Microsoft Excel tabular array demoing the Date and Closing Index value.

Kuala Lumpur Composite Index Closing Value


































Supply an overview of portion monetary value public presentation of your company. Explain any important motion in your portion monetary values and the portion market with grounds from newspapers. ( Maximal 200 words )

( 5 Markss )

The scope of the shutting value of KPJ Healthcare Berhad in April 2010 is 2.74 between 3.06. At the beginning of April, the tendency of the graph is worsening where the shutting value on the 1st declined until the 19th of April and began to lift and keep towards the terminal of the month. The overall tendency of April showed a worsening tendency. There are no important motions which show huge difference in the shutting portion monetary value the scope is 0.32 which is non that important to the company ‘s shutting portion monetary value.

In the Kuala Lumpur Composite Index ( KLCI ) , the highest shutting value is 1346.38 and the lowest shutting value is 1326.67. Both graphs showed similar tendencies where the KLCI is being used as the barometer of the whole market. The abruptness of the graph is non every bit steep as KPJ portions is because KPJ is one house in the industry where the KLCI consist of top 30 houses in Malaysia.

In decision, the portion monetary value of KPJ and the KLCI are entirely based on the whole economic in concern universe where the current concern universe is confronting with economic crisis where portion values depreciate.

[ 195 words ]


KPJ Healthcare Berhad ( 2008 ) Annual Report 2008. [ Online ]

Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: //kpj.listedcompany.com/ar.html [ Accessed 4th April 2010 ] .

hypertext transfer protocol: //biz.thestar.com.my/marketwatch/

Behavior an Environmental analysis for the company selected. Measure the impact of the environmental forces on the company selected. ( Maximal 500 words )

( 10 Markss )

Environment is the most of import component which exist in the external boundaries of the administration that have the possible to impact the administration ( Daft, 2008 ) . Environmental analysis involves of many aspect such as legal-political, economic, social-cultural and technological which will give impact to the internal environment of an administration.

The legal environment of the health care industry requires all health care institutes to follow with regulations and ordinances set by authorization. This is to guarantee that the health care industry to supply health care services safely to stakeholders. Harmonizing to the Environmental Quality Act 1974 requires that scheduled waste to be managed by a registered clinical waste contractor with the Department of Environment. It is of import for the infirmary to follow with the demands as infirmary ‘s chemical or surgical waste could be risky to the environment and to the society. Therefore, KPJ has to incur disbursals to dispose waste in right mode as to follow the rule of the company. In add-on, KPJ focuses on the betterment of clinical results by following to the International Organisation for Standardisation ( ISO ) 9000 which centres in corporate administration and quality, Occupational Health & A ; Safety Advisory Services ( OHSAS ) which ensures worker wellness and safety in the premises of the company and ISO 14000 which focal points in environmental direction. To follow with all these demands, it requires a batch of clip, money and experts to cover with all the paper work and to pull off and guarantee that the whole administration is following with the demands of the assorted criterions. Sometimes, it might interfere with the chief aim of the company which is to present quality health care services to clients as employees are excessively focus in obtaining these enfranchisement and neglecting to maintain up in presenting lovingness and quality services to patients.

Technologies play a critical function in the current health care industry as to hold the capableness and resources to name assorted new diseases in the health care environment. As to hold these new engineerings in the infirmary, the company is required to hold the fundss to purchases these engineerings to provide for the demand of the society. If the infirmary is unable to provide the demands of the society, therefore, the company will lose concern to its rivals. Besides holding the latest machineries, the company has to use suited experts such as specialise physicians and technicians to steer these equipments. KPJ has many rivals such as Pantai, Gleneagles and other private infirmaries, the infirmary has emerged has the largest web of infirmaries in Malaysia. Therefore, it is of import for the infirmary to be progress and to be to the full equipped with work force and installations to execute processs by maintaining up with engineerings in order to bring around assorted current mutating diseases such as H1N1.

In decision, the health care environment sets the minimal par criterions for infirmaries to follow. If the infirmary like KPJ can raise up to the criterions of the health care industry as they have achieved, the company will decidedly be able to last in different outlook of the assorted environments.


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