Evaluation of Educational Testings Essay

Title of the test: School Motivation and Learning Strategies Inventory B. Acronym used: SMALLS C. Authors: Stored, Kathy Chatham & Reynolds, Cecil R. D. Publisher: Western Psychological Services E. Year of publication: 2006 F. Intended grade/age level of use: Ages 8-12, 13-18 G. Intended purpose: To measure strategies students actively employ In learning and test taking H. Test category: Study skills I.

Description of test components: A manual, test forms for child and teen, profile sheets for child and teen, scoring template for child and teen, audio CD, and andiron. Part II. Mental Measurements Yearbook A. Yearbook number: 18 B. Summary of test review by Christine Novak & Claudia Wright: The School Motivation and Learning Strategies Inventory (SMALLS) is a self-report tool designed to determine student performance across a comprehensive set of behaviors representing learning strategies, academic motivation, and test-taking.

SMALLS Is written at a third grade reading level and can be administered to students individually or in a group. SMALLS is intended to be used with school-aged youth and can De uses In ten general coeducation or special coeducation classroom. Scoring Is draughtswoman and uses scale rather total scores in order to easily examine areas of strength and weakness. According to Claudia Wright, the SMALLS is a useful tool for school personnel to identify discrete skills that may boost achievement following intervention Part Ill. Publisher’s Website A. Publisher’s website for this test: http://www. Syphilis. Com/store/search? Q=School motivationnandrlearningestrategiesrinventoryew oOverview: 1 panting. 50 per complete kit including manual, 25 child test forms, 25 child profile sheets, child scoring template, 25 teen test forms, 25 teen profile sheets, teen scoring emplate, aemplace, and handbook. 2. $191. 50 per child or teen kit including manual, 25 test forms and 25 profile sheets (specify child or teen), scoring template (specify child or teen), audio CD, and handbook. 3. $43 per 25 test forms, $40 per scoring template, $34. 0 per 100 profile sheets (specify child or teen), $19. 50 per audio CD, $63 per manual, and $453 per scoring CD C. From the publisher’s website: 1 . Provide quick cost-effective way to identify and target poor learning strategies that affect academic performance 2. Screen individuals or groups in 20-30 minutes 3. Available in Spanish (separate norms not available) . Related products: Learning Styles Inventory (LSI), Achievement Motivation Profile (AMP), Wide Range Achievement Test 4 (WRAT4), ReWRATHs Intellectual Assessment Scales (RIAS) PartARIAS

Intended grade/age level of use: Grades PreK – 12 Prepntended purpose: To evaluate learners in context and address needed instructional, home, and home-school supports for learning H. Test category: Behavior l. Description of test components: Instructional Environment Checklist, Instructional Needs Checklist, Parental Experience With Their Children’s Learning and Schoolwork, Intervention Documentation Record, Observation Record, Student Interview Record, Teacher Interview Record, Parent Interview Record, Supplemental Teacher Interview Questions, Supplemental Student Interview Questions.

Part II. Mental Measurements Yearbook A. Yearbook number: 17 B. Summary of test review by James YsseldykesWeekdaysChristenson: The materials are attractively packaged and the manual is very readable. Allowing the reader to copy the forms makes it economical and convenient to use. The manual’s review of possible interventions by instructional component provides useful reminders of good eaucatlonacoeducational practicere nnervests to aamlnlstermanliestrms ana TortslAnasscentlessility or validity included. Part Ill. Publisher’s Website A. Publisher’s website for this test: http://www. oprislearnPrearrangingssComt/ functional-assessment-of-academic-behavior B. Overview of pricing: 1 . $80. 95 for Functional Assessment of Academic Behavior consists of a manual subtitled Creating Successful Learning Environments, with a series of checklists, questionnaires, and rating scales contained in the appendices. C. From the publisher’s website: 1 . Rather than focusing on what’s “wrong” with a student, this assessment tool evaluates the student’s entire learning environment-?instructional setting, home, nd home/scNDol relationship-?to help create effective interventions. 2.

FAAB is anFAAated and expanded version of The Instructional Environment System-II (TIES-II). 3. Related products – Best Behavior, Behavior Intervention Planning, Functional Assessment and Intervention Planning (FAIP) PartAPIPA Evalualbon – Based on my research of School Motivation and Learning Strategies Inventory (SMALSI), ISMALLS not recom ‘menreconchasing this product even though it is affordablyaffordablehe manual does not include any information about reliability and is very vague. It may e difficult for novice users to administer and may be understood very differently based on the user’s education and training.

Part 1: Description A. Title of the test: College Survival and Success Scale, Second Edition B. Acronym used: CSSS C. AuCUSSs: John Liptak D. Liptonher: Jist PubliJustg, Inc. F. Intended grade/age level of use: Individuals interested in attending college G. Intended purpose: To identify the concerns college students are experiencing or the concerns that prospective college students can anticipate H. Test category: l. Description of test components: The test booklet includes a five-step process for ompleting implementing, calculating, interpreting, and profiling scores, and developing a plan for success.

Included in the administrator’s guide are sections describing the theoretical framework underlying the process, directions and guidelines for administering the scale, how to calculate and interpret scores, an illustrative case, development of the scale, and a brief description of the psychometric properties. Part II. Mental Measurements Yearbook C. Yearbook number: 17 D. Summary of test review by Heidi CartHideeCarryege Survival and Success Scale (CSSS) was CUSSgned as a tool to measure a person’s knowledge and attitude about he skills needed for college survival and success and to identify one’s strengths and weaknesses.

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