Example Answer to Question Theories of Motivation Essay

There are two types of motivational theories, procedure and content theory.Maslow was highly clear to stress that administrations should, within grounds carry out all they can to fulfill demands of all degrees in an administration ; whether, sing squads, sections or persons. ( Fincham et. al. ( 2005 ) ) . Used

He besides recognised the job affecting this thought, Fincham ( 2005 ) states “ it is difficult for us to travel rearward psychologically ”

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“ A theory which offered a figure of anticipations about what motivates people in societies offering comparatively full employment, when occupations are scarce ; employees are motivated entirely by lack demands. ” Fincham and Rhodes, page 197 )

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Motivation has increased in popularity over the past epoch, finding organizational behavior ; theories of motive are necessary in guaranting comprehensive and promising organizational activities. This essay explores the importance, similarities and differences of motivational theories concentrating specifically on Maslow ‘s and Hertzberg ‘s theory ; besides the essay investigates how team leaders might exert the two theories to actuate their squads in an organizational scene. Hallway ( 1991 ) reveals that by the 1960 ‘s motive became the cardinal construct through which to understand occupation satisfaction.

Motivational theories are divided into two different classs ; termed content and procedure theories. Both Maslow ‘s and Hertzberg ‘s theories are in the content class ; content theories assume that all persons possess the same sets of demands ( Fincham et al. 2005 ) . Although, Maslow ‘s and Hertzberg ‘s theories are both in the content class, both have similarities and differences ; it is highly of import to look into both theory ‘s uniqueness and fluctuations. Fincham et Al ( 2005 ) agues that Maslow was highly clear to stress that administrations and direction should, within grounds carry out all they can to fulfill demands of all degrees in an administration ; whether, sing squads, sections or persons. It is highly of import to understand how squad leaders can utilize Maslow ‘s and Hertzberg ‘s theories of motive, in making ; high-quality structured organized and incentivised persons.

Equally, both theories have some relationships between them for case, the two psychologist categorised thoughts into divisions. For illustration, Hertzberg divided his thought into two factors termed hygiene factor and incentive factor. On the other manus, Abraham Maslow in add-on divided the theory into a patterned advance pyramid expressed as lack demands and the higher-order demands. Consequently, lack demands must be met in order to actuate employees, lack demands are similar to hygiene factor, and nevertheless the incentives of Hertzberg are similarly similar to Maslow ‘s higher-order demands.

Furthermore, squad leaders must be highly witting of the long term aims and purposes of building such theories. One intent of motive theories is to promote administrations to esteem the feeling and demands of the work force ; there are many ways and methods to fulfill persons. For case, harmonizing to Hertzberg, supplying employees ‘ with good working environment ; administrations will bit by bit detect the impact of the incentive factor ( after carry throughing the hygiene factor ) through the quality of work and productiveness. Ultimately, this suggests when employees ‘ are basking quality working environment, later productiveness will increase tremendously. Fincham et Al ( 2005 ) quotes ‘the presence of incentives in a workplace caused digesting provinces of motive in employees ‘ . Consequently, Hygiene factors usually produce acceptable work environment but non increased in satisfaction.

Similarly, Maslow steadfastly believes that lack demands must be met before anticipating to the full motivated squad ; lack needs consists of three constructs of human necessitate which are Physiological demands ( such as environment ) , safety demands ( occupation security ) and societal demands such as belonging and love. Fincham et Al ( 2005 ) clearly demonstrate that the theory is directing strong messages that when occupations are readily available, wage is equal, and there is a sense of occupation security, lack demands are easy satisfied. As lack demands are fulfilled by an employer, the patterned advance in the hierarchy is indispensable this is because when physiological and security demands are met, this will build societal demands an exceptionally of import incentive ; squad leaders should put in societal facets of demands this is because an persons tends to experience odd in a new squad ; societal sweetening is really of import to administrations since recognition of the work force is classed as an inducement ; therefore Hertzberg ‘s incentive factor ( acknowledgment ) is satisfied.

Furthermore, acknowledgment is the recognition of person for making creditable occupation however, motive theory encourages squad leaders to ever appreciate squad member ‘s part and hence close relationship between the two ( squad member and leader ) must be familiarised. Hayes ( 1997 ) stresses the necessitate of relationship combination between the squad leader and the squad, for illustration, by recognizing an person ‘s demands for support and proviso, a squad leader is able to prosecute the proviso of preparation in new accomplishments, giving an single clip off after a demanding period at the workplace and or merely supplying emotional support to them. Achieving the above will take to a squad ‘s victory ( accomplishment ) likewise supplying squad members with feedback on their advancement will heighten an person ‘s assurance to admit their full potency and to achieve more.


quality work is produced. ( ain authorship )

In order to come on through. theories have two side The grouping of both theories One straightforward relationship between Maslow ‘s and Hertzberg ‘s theory


1-Hertzberg et al.1959. Hertzberg- psychologist categorised their theories into to class of their ain, Hertzberg has split his theory into two factors, he called it hygiene and incentive factor. Whereas, Maslow called his hierarchy of demands, the lack demands and the higher-order demands.

2-Maslow Similarity: the theory explains “ when occupations are readily available, wage is equal, and there is grade of occupation security, lack demands are easy satisfied ” ( Fincham et al. page 197 ) . As lack demands are fulfilled by an employer, the patterned advance in the hierarchy is indispensable this is because when physiological and security demands are met, this will do societal demands an highly of import incentive. First lack demands must be met in order to actuate employees, the lack demands are similar to hygiene factor, and nevertheless the incentives of Hertzberg are similarly similar to Maslow ‘s higher-order demands. ( Own authorship )

3- Both theory did non include pecuniary wages is a incentive ; Maslow defines salary as a norm, whereas Hertzberg referred salary as a hygiene factor which merely stops dissatisfaction of employees but do non actuate them. For illustration, Hertzberg ( 1972 ) located wage in the hygiene factor. ( Fincham et al. page 195:200, ( 2005 ) ) it is of import to see the function of non-financial wagess and acknowledgment drama in actuating staff.


Main difference- psychologist Hertzberg ‘s first history of his theory was that it made the proposals easy testable ( major difference between the two psychologists ‘ histories ) . ( Page 199 Fincham, ( 2005 ) )

Possible difference from Maslow theory: although Maslow has described how the concepts could be measured but the procedure he has set out were ill-defined because the complexness of the description ( can non be easy measured which made it hard for anyone to follow ) . Fincham et Al. ( p 198, ( 2005 ) ) states the operational definitions of the demand concepts or other variables such as predominance were non ever clear. And so measuring of them was constantly debatable ( Maslow did depict how the concepts might be measured but the procedure he set out was highly complex and ne’er followed by anyone )

Although, Hertzberg theory illustrate how employers can actuate their employees, Hertzberg goes farther than that, he besides described how occupations can be changed to derive well-motivated work force for the long tally. ( Fincham et al. P200, ( 2005 ) )

How can a team leader actuate his squad?

Herzberg motivators- “ the presence of incentives in a workplace caused digesting provinces of motive in employees ” ( Fincham et al. Page 199, ( 2005 ) )

Subsequently, Hygiene factors usually produce acceptable work environment but non increased in satisfaction.

09.11.2010 written

By the 1960 ‘s motive had become the cardinal construct through which to understand occupation satisfaction. ( Page 97, work psychological science and organizational behavior, Wendy Hallway,1991 )

Team leader can actuate workers by offering them intrinsic wages.

Herzterg believes the lone manner to actuate employees is to give them disputing work in which employees ‘ can presume duty.

Harmonizing to Hertzberg ‘s two factor theory, giving employees ‘ good working environment, squad leaders will finally detect the impact of this factor through the quality of work and productiveness ( ain authorship )

Harmonizing to Hertzberg and Maslow persons are motivated in certain ways, for illustration Hertzberg has indicated how occupation redesigned can integrate more motive.

Wayss of actuating employees harmonizing to Hertzberg incentive factor:

Responsibility – by increasing employees ‘ liberty ( independency ) while retaining answerability, employees will experience that they possess responsibly which allows them to accomplish more.

Accountability- increasing answerability of employees for their ain work will actuate them by recognizing them.

Recognition -giving employees feedback on their work enhances an single assurance. Hayes ( 1997 ) & lt ; page 218 & gt ; stresses the necessitate of relationship combination between the squad leader and the squad, for illustration, by recognizing an person ‘s desires for support and proviso, a squad leader is able to prosecute the proviso of preparation in new accomplishments, giving an single clip off after a demanding period at the workplace and or merely supplying emotional support to them. Achieving the above incentive ( Hertzberg ‘s incentive factor ) will take to team ‘s victory ( accomplishment ) .


Achievement- assignment persons specific and specialized undertakings enhances the expertness of an employee.

Above are incentives of Hertzberg theory of motive, Hertzberg ( 1972 ) believes these incentives contributes to development and promotes psychological growing.

Consequently, in Maslow ‘s higher-order demands, he includes self regard and ego realization, Maslow steadfastly believes that these demands will advance an single full potency.

Stress is the cause of many unwellnesss whether psychological or physical unwellness, for illustration, Parkinson et Al ( 1995 ) & lt ; page 85 & gt ; have stressed out that research on emphasis had revealed the cause of psychological unwellnesss. Motivating employees, squad leaders are able cut down the happening of emphasis, emphasis is chiefly caused when a occupation or the function of an employee is insistent or is missing assortment. Employees ‘ prefer to utilize assortment of accomplishments but when a occupation is insistent, limited accomplishments are been consumed which causes emphasis amongst employees. Fincham et Al. ( 2005 ) & lt ; page 72 & gt ; , demonstrates the degree of stimulation a occupation provides is similarly associated with the sum of emphasis it can do employees to see. Even though it is possible to belie and knock this determination, some believe everyday work is common in some workplaces.

Persons have a inclination to be uninspired by repetitive and deficiency of assortment in work, accordingly team leader can actuate their squad utilizing Maslow and Hertzberg ‘s theory of motive. There are many ways and methods of actuating employees, one illustration revolving functions between persons will ensue in a significantly high motive. Harmonizing to Hollway ( 1991 ) there were assorted efforts that have been applied since the first universe war to work out the jobs caused by insistent occupations, Walker ( 1950 ) quoted in Hollway ( 1991 ) references ‘within industry a assortment of devices have been tried for a alleviation of humdrum in extremely simplified, insistent operation… debut of remainder intermissions, music in the workshop and the grouping of workers into competitory squads. ‘ Although utilizing music in the workshop can be rather interesting for some employees, others will reason that non everybody can be motivated by music, alternatively music can besides bee reasonably nerve-racking.


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