Executive summary-Business description and ownership Essay

The little concern I have chosen to compose a little concern program for is a gym, called ‘Pump Some Iron Gym ‘ . The legal construction of the concern is exclusive bargainer. This private sector concern is located at 223 King Georges Rd Roselands NSW 2196, which is at a chief route intersection. The industry sector of the concern is the third sector. It is non an international or multinational concern. The concern is in the establishment stage of the concern life rhythm. A SWOT analysis allows the concern to set up its current place.

The concern assesses client ‘s fittingness, it seeks to assist the client with dieting, seting on weight or losing weight, or merely remaining healthy and fit. The proprietor of the concern is Mr. Amjad Taouk. The purpose of the concern is to bring forth net income and assist people maintain tantrum and healthy, and unafraid hereafter in the work force. The enterpriser is motivated by being their ain foreman and functioning the community.

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The concern proprietor is a adult male of a Lebanese cultural background. Due to this he has certain features attributed to his cultural heritage. These include doggedness and dialogue accomplishments. As he is from a Lebanese background Mr. Amjad Taouk is credited with cognizing two linguistic communications: English and Arabic. This allows clients with Non-English talking backgrounds from the Arab society to be able to pass on more efficaciously with him.

The ownership of ‘Pump Some Iron Gym ‘ has given the enterpriser the chance to take control of the concern and do the determinations, and serve the community. However, Mr. Amjad Taouk puts increased hazard on his personal assets by holding limitless liability.

The mission statement of ‘Pump Some Iron Gym ‘ is: ‘Our mission is to supply you with the foundation and finding and with your will make your set ends and see consequences. ‘

The vision statement of ‘Pump Some Iron Gym ‘ is: ‘Our Vision is to assist everyone stay fit and healthy, motivate people to do the write determinations and to distribute around the state to different communities to assist everyone ‘ .

Business life rhythm

The life rhythm of a concern is made up of four separate phases, constitution, growing, adulthood and station adulthood. There is no fixed clip bound for any phase of the life rhythm. Some concerns with experience, the constitution and growing stage are a short period of clip and travel into adulthood in a short-period, were as other concerns in the establishment stage may take a drawn-out period of clip, such as ‘Pump Some Iron Gym ‘ as the enterpriser is inexperienced.

Business life rhythm





– concern first enters market

– finance needed to get down concern

– slow growing in gross revenues

– trouble obtaining gross to cover disbursals

– concern proprietor needs to place ; location, staff, merchandises, equipment, advertisement, legal construction

– high costs

– obtaining fundss

– trouble obtaining gross to cover disbursals

-abiding by authorities Torahs and ordinances


– consumer consciousness

– increased gross revenues

– increased net incomes, gross and market portion

– more chances

– more employees

– liquid ( able to pay the concern short-run debts )

-develop budgets to keep fiscal place

– alteration to staffing directors taking on more duties, and hiring of new staff

– better meet demands of clients

– better adhere to authorities ordinances

– holding sufficient money for twenty-four hours to twenty-four hours operations

– effectual stock control direction

– JIT ( just-in-time ) stock list control

-management and organisation of support services


– market portion and growing begin to decelerate

– more competition

– schemes to keep client trueness

– motivation employees and direction

– fiscal place

– be cognizant of the external environment to see alteration in client pattern/trends


-steady province ; maintain clients and concern

– diminution ; falling gross revenues and diminution in market portion

– reclamation ; growing in gross revenues, market portion additions

– be cognizant of legal duties

– motivate employees and staff

– maintain an active involvement in the concern

‘Pump Some Iron Gym ‘ is in the constitution stage still and is confronting the challenges and features of this stage.

Key concern maps

The key concern maps are: operations, employment dealingss, accounting and finance, and selling. All four concern maps interrelate with each other. Each of the four sections must cognize state of affairss the other sections are traveling through and are mutualist for information. It is the duty of functional sections that the concern maps undertakings are decently completed. All functional sections collaborate together and lend input to the concluding merchandise through a procedure of stairss called the value concatenation. This involves the production and distribution of the concluding merchandise. Each of the stairss in the value concatenation is expected to increase the value of the merchandise, and can be anticipated with a good manage. It is the function of direction to guarantee maximal value of the merchandise by overlooking the production procedure and doing certain there is efficient usage of resources. The communicating between functional sections must be clear, effectual and complete. Each section must understand their importance for the other sections and that they are constitutional of a larger unit- the concern.[ 1 ]

Individual functional sections are set up to do certain of the successful operation of a concern by run intoing the concern ‘s ends. They provide each other with information that help the concern make short-run programs to concentrate on the stairss that are smaller, so finally the overall long-run ends can be met. A long-run program of action ( strategic ) indicates overall concern scheme to carry through set concern ends and the way of the concern expected in the hereafter.[ 2 ]


the operations map of ‘Pump Some Iron Gym ‘ is providing people with the service of weight preparation, pugilism, one on one personal preparation, nutritionary advice, attack to lifestyle, wellness and fittingness direction, and cardio preparation. Its premier map is to supply people with complete fittingness services.

Employment dealingss

There are four phases in the human resource rhythm acquisition, development, care and separation.

Acquisition is the first phase in the human resource rhythm that involves:

-identifying staffing demands, it can be simple as developing bing staff to do them more able to get by with alterations such as equipment or engineering, or if non so new employees are needed, so the specific occupation demands to be identified and analysed. This should ensue in a occupation description, occupation specification and wage figure attached.

– enlisting through internal or external ; internal enlisting can be advancing bing staff ; external enlisting is enrolling people from bureaus, through interviews, on-line calling sites, and it can be advertised in newspapers.

-selection, which is a screening procedure. The information gathered about occupation appliers is reviewed and the most appropriate applier is chosen. The procedure may affect application signifiers, interviews, appraisals, written trials and computing machine interviewing.[ 3 ]

‘Pump Some Iron Gym ‘ will utilize this to choose their staff and recruit, as they must run into there staffing demands and outlooks.

Development is the 2nd phase and involves:

– preparation new staff with such affairs as staff demands, codification of behavior, rostering, places, work systems, techniques, and equipments. It can besides include developing bing staff to better accomplishments, and cognition. Training methods are on the occupation preparation such as apprenticeships and occupation rotary motion, and off the occupation preparation such as tafe, or university classs and seminars.

– public presentation assessments, formal appraisals of how good a individual is working, it provides a footing for future preparation demands, wage rises, publicities and possible farther development.[ 4 ]

This will assist the concern better employee ‘s cognition and public presentation in the concern.

The care is the 3rd phase and involves:

-keeping employees loyal and committed workers, this will increase productiveness, better communicating between direction and workers, cut down the degree of absenteeism, lessening cost through lower staff turnover, as the concern will supply the on the job conditions and work environment that motivate staff.

– providing pecuniary benefits which may be paid as a fillips to hard working employees. Besides non-monetary benefits may include greater occupation assortment, more flexible working hours, besides non-monetary benefits such as intrinsic wages, which is a feeling of satisfaction that comes with making a occupation good.

Care helps maintain the employee ‘s loyal to the concern, motivate staff and addition productiveness hence doing the concern more effectual and efficient to accomplishing its ends.

This is the last measure of the human resource rhythm, but this rhythm is an on-going rhythm, this phase involves:

– voluntary separation due to retirement, surrender or voluntary redundancy.

– involuntary separation due to nonvoluntary redundancy, or dismissal.

This is the phase were the employee ‘s offprint from the concern either through voluntary or nonvoluntary and the concern must travel back to the first measure of the human resource rhythm to make full in the missing place.


It involves market research and happening out what possible clients need and want. This can so be connected to helping the services of the concern being better than its rivals. Marketing schemes ‘Pump Some Iron Gym ‘ utilizations include: a trade name name that is simple and is tricky ; inexpensive monetary values for gym rank ; monetary values are lower so rivals ; located on a chief route with good advertisement.

Accounting and finance

The accounting and finance map, will be carried out by an comptroller, as it is their concern map to cover with fiscal information of the concern, they will help the concern in doing practical and effectual determinations.

Purpose of program and state of affairs analysis
‘A concern does non be after to neglect, it fails to be after ‘ this is a really good used stating in concern.

A concern program is a elaborate enchiridion for running a concern, it contains the ends and aims of the concern.

A well devised concern program will supply the house with:

– a clear way, or way, for the hereafter

– a prognosis of future public presentation

– increased consciousness of chances originating for future growing

– ability to place the strengths that may five the house a competitory advantage

– greater consciousness of menaces

– ability to place failings that need to be overcome

– a clear thought of the precedences set for the house for directors and staff to follow

– a model for determination devising

overall the concern program provides the working program, or design and sets marks for the concern.[ 5 ]

‘Pump Some Iron Gym ‘ has programs for the hereafter that are insightful. The planning procedure includes set uping long term ( strategic ) ends, set uping a set of schemes to accomplish these ends, and set uping processs for rating and criterions being set to mensurate the advancement of the concern in accomplishing its ends, and why/why non the ends have been achieved. Mr. Amjad Taouk has strategic ends to spread out the concern by set uping another gym in a different location. The tactical planning of ‘Pump Some Iron Gym ‘ is to first increase client consciousness of the service in order to increase clients, hence increasing net incomes, recruit more staff and put the latest equipment, and best quality equipment in the gym. The operational planning of ‘Pump Some Iron Gym ‘ is to assist clients to acquire to their aims/results.

Evaluation processs of the set ends are put forth utilizing controls and are assessed by comparing the concluding consequences with the original programs. ‘SMARTER ‘ can be used to do the programs. Goals may necessitate to be changed if they are found to be unrealistic. Controls used to supervise progress include gross revenues and budgets. The concern maps rely on, and impact, each other to give a concluding consequence that adheres to the planning procedure.

The proprietor must do a concern program so that the concern has short and long term ends, schemes, and steps of public presentation. Mr. Amjad Taouk makes the determinations on what avenues the concern will take in order to hold a greater market portion. The concern is advertised through streamers and booklets. The location of ‘Pump Some Iron Gym ‘ has made it good recognized by the populace as it is at a chief route intersection. A SWOT analysis is a situational analysis that looks at both the external and internal environments of a concern in order to place certain factors that impact on the concern straight, and those that are under the control of the concern.

A SWOT analysis impacts on the concern by impacting the ability of the house to accomplish its ends, measure merely how effectual the original concern ends are. Its AIDSs the house in placing what place it is in and it helps in enabling the concern to do an analysis of influences in its environment. It is the undertaking of direction, in this instance Mr. Amjad Taouk, to place as many influential factors to the concern as possible. It is non simply adequate to entirely concentrate on the SWOT analysis when placing the strengths of the concern. The ability of the competition must besides be considered and compared to.


The internal factors of a SWOT analysis are strengths and failings. Strengths contribute to concern success, while failings contribute to concern failure. The following are internal factors of a SWOT analysis of ‘Pump Some Iron Gym ‘ :


– Good concern name

– Good ability to garner information about the client

– Giving client ‘s good attending

– Good location

– Provides more so merely weights

– All net incomes go to the proprietor

– Excellent quality merchandises


-Sole bargainer

– Unlimited liability

– Owner is responsible for all determinations

– Entrepreneur is inexperienced with having a concern.

The external factors of a SWOT analysis are chances and menaces. Political/ legal systems modulate how the concern can be run. They can make Torahs which are good to the success of the concern. Economic conditions can increase or diminish competition through upswings and downswings. Society ‘s expressions on wellness can increase clients. The following are external factors of a SWOT analysis of ‘Pump Some Iron Gym ‘ :


– Located following to a swimming pool

– societies look on wellness is altering as many people are going corpulent

– located on a chief route with good parking, which makes the concern advertised good to the populace

– no gyms next to the concern in the country


– sole bargainer, so debt finance increasing and if the concern is non successful bankruptcy is possible

– enterpriser has ne’er opened up a concern before

– easiness of entry for rivals

Aims and relevant schemes
The concern has 5 aims, these aims are all strategic ends of the concern and are all long term ends ( 5-10 old ages ) , they are placed under three headers fiscal, societal and personal ends.

Fiscal goals/objectives of the concern are:

– To spread out the concern by set uping another gym in a different location.

– Profitableness, as is it indispensable for the concerns long term endurance.

Social goals/objectives of the concern are:

– Supply fiscal support to local featuring squads.

Personal goals/objectives of the concern are:

– Support the community and inform immature childs about wellness and how to be healthy.

These objectives/goals, which are long term ( strategic ) , can be achieved through utilizing tactical ( short term programs ) and operational planning ( twenty-four hours to twenty-four hours running of the concern ) .

The tactical planning of ‘Pump Some Iron Gym ‘ is to first increase client consciousness of the service in order to increase clients, hence increasing net incomes, recruit more staff and put the latest equipment, and best quality equipment in the gym.

The operational planning of ‘Pump Some Iron Gym ‘ is to assist clients to acquire to their aims/results in the gym.

Relevant schemes which will be used to assist accomplish these aims are:

– Research the market to place concern chances in a turning market.

– Manage hard currency flow and lessening escape

– Renting the latest equipment alternatively of purchasing assets and prepaying disbursals, to hold a competitory advantage.

– addition gross revenues and market portion

Operationss -Description of the product/service

The concern premier map is to supply people with complete fittingness services. The premier map specifically deals with operations map as its chief beginning of net income for the concern is from supplying people with fitness consequences and assisting them in their demands to accomplish their ends. The gym is a topographic point for people to better their well-being whether it will be fitness, seting on size, bettering overall wellness or doing friends and socialising.

The concern provides services in/and specializes in: – taking a holistic attack to lifestyle, wellness and fittingness direction – providing clients with practical and advanced fittingness plans that flexibly integrate into busy life styles – weight developing – packaging – giving advice for alimentary diets – one on one personal preparation. The merchandises the concern provides are merchandises such as protein shingles and preparation straps. Merchandises provided are weight preparation merchandises, cardio merchandises such as treadmills and exercising motorcycles, packaging room with packaging equipment such as packaging bag. All equipments are made from ‘York ‘ Canada.

Staffing demands
Number of staff required:

The concern will necessitate 5 personal trainers, and 2 pugilism teachers. The concern will guarantee employees understand what their occupation involves and what is expected of them. It will set up a wages system to keep and actuate workers. Besides guarantee a safe and healthy working environment.

Qualifications needed for personal trainers needed are at least:

– certification in first assistance

– Certificate III and certificate IV in fittingness.

Experience needed for personal trainers:

– lower limit 2 old ages experience in the gym

– cognition of dieting and nutritionary advice

Skills required is at least:

– cognition in weight loss and weight addition

– weight preparation

– organic structure edifice

– fittingness

Qualifications needed for packaging teacher:

-certificate in first assistance

– clump pugilism trainer minimal degree 1

Experience needed for packaging teacher:

– lower limit 3 old ages experience in pugilism

Skills required:

– group fittingness classes/ preparation

– fittingness preparation

Marketing -Market analysis and schemes
Market analysis includes a survey of clients, market size and tendencies, competition/competitor analysis and merchandise analysis.


– The mark market of the gym is all ages, and both male and females

– The gym will besides aim schools in the local country to direct there pupils for athletics there during the hebdomad as a wellness plan

– Population statics show the population of the country is lifting[ 6 ]

Market size and tendencies:

– it is expected that adolescence and immature grownups will be the largest per centum of customers/ entire market

-the concern may enlarge the targeted group, adolescence and immature grownups, by supplying extra merchandises, and forecast future tendencies, to better services or merchandises, to increase the size targeted market.

Competition/competitor analysis:

– the concern is located at King Georges Rd Roselands NSW 2196, the chief rival within the territory is hurstville fittingness Centre, its competitory advantage is it has a pool within the Centre, but ‘Pump Some Iron Gym ‘ has a swimming pool two proceedingss off by pes.

– it owns most of the market portion within the country, but its monetary values are high, ‘Pump Some Iron Gym ‘ will hold lower monetary values than hurstville fittingness Centre to pull more clients

– hurstville fittingness Centre does n’t supply merchandises such as protein shingles and baseball mitts, while ‘Pump Some Iron Gym ‘ does provide these.

-hurstville fittingness Centre has up to day of the month green goods, ‘Pump Some Iron Gym ‘ will besides hold the most newest fittingness equipment to hold a competitory advantage.

– All ‘Pump Some Iron Gym ‘ equipment is high quality made from Canada ( York ) , while hurstville fittingness Centre does n’t hold all equipment every bit high quality.

– hurstville fittingness Centre ‘s entry fees are high, at $ 19.00 for insouciant entry[ 7 ], while ‘Pump Some Iron Gym ‘ has a low $ 12.00 for insouciant entry

-both gyms are located off the same route, king Georges route

– hurstville fittingness Centre is owned by the hurstville metropolis council

Marketing schemes:

– addition gross revenues

– addition market portion

– addition net incomes

– managing hard currency flow and diminishing escape

Merchandise analysis:

‘Pump Some Iron Gym ‘ equipment will be from the trade name name ‘York ‘ , which is a trade name with really good repute, which makes clients experience they are utilizing top quality equipment, and epicurean point.

Protein shakes that are being sold will be two different trade names of protein, ‘Whey protein ‘ and ‘Mass gainer protein ‘ ; these are both good known trade names around Australia and are non really expensive. ‘Pump Some Iron Gym ‘ besides provides 300 milliliter protein shingles from these two trade names, if clients do non hold protein with them.

It besides provides baseball mitts for preparation and pugilism, and preparation straps. ‘Pump Some Iron Gym ‘ supplies top quality merchandises for inexpensive monetary values.

Finance – Finance
The finance subdivision of the concern program outlines the financess available and those needed to back up the concern program.[ 8 ]It includes fiscal demands, prognosiss, records and controls.

Fiscal demands

The concern will necessitate to hold a clear thought of the sum of financess they will necessitate. The finance for this concern will be from:

– proprietors funds/equity

– debt finance from fiscal establishments

A dislocation of how these initial financess or extra financess will be used. Fundss will be spent on:

– start up cost

– purchase of new equipment

– financess available after the concern has begun

‘Pump Some Iron Gym ‘ will necessitate $ 60000 to cover get down up cost and cost of equipment, the concern will non necessitate more money as the land is already bought and built and is passed down from household. The proprietor of the concern Mr. Amjad Taouk will be supplying $ 20000 from proprietor ‘s fund, go forthing $ 40000 borrowed from a fiscal establishment and is debt finance.

Fiscal prognosiss

Planning is a premier map and it will state the proprietor if they can really afford to bring forth the merchandise or supply the service. Fiscal prognosiss for this concern will be made through a interruption even analysis and forecasted hard currency flow statement.

A interruption even analysis is a fiscal planning tool that can be used to calculate how much of a merchandise has to be produced and sold in order to cover costs. It helps find how much net income may be made at different degrees of gross revenues. A interruption even analysis shows the relationship that exists between the gross from gross revenues and all the costs of bring forthing the goods and the degree of ensuing net income or loss. It will set up a interruption even indicate where the entire gross equals the entire costs.[ 9 ]

Forecasted hard currency flow statements demo how much money is needed, where it will come from and when it is needed. It is reflected in clip frames such as hebdomadal, monthly, or quarterly. It will be affected by gross revenues turnover clip periods and the clip it takes to retrieve histories receivable. Expensive, high net income luxury merchandises with term payment conditions will show a different set of consequences than low priced points with high degrees of turnover in hard currency gross revenues.[ 10 ]

Fiscal records

The concern needs to maintain accurate fiscal records for all minutess. The concern must hold a:

– gross statements

-cash flow statements

– balance sheets

– financess statement

– budgets

A gross statement is a sum-up of all the grosss that are generated for the concern and all the disbursals that are incurred to derive the gross. The sum-up is taken over a specific period of clip, such as a fiscal twelvemonth.

A hard currency flow statement sum-ups hard currency minutess that have occurred over a period of clip. Its intent is to supply information about the flow of hard currency grosss and hard currency payments within the accounting period and supply direction with necessary inside informations for budgeting.

A balance sheet is a drumhead statement supplying a fiscal image of a concern at a peculiar day of the month. It provides a position of the stableness of fiscal province of the concern. The balance sheet is a statement of the concern ‘s assets, liabilities and proprietors equity at a set clip, normally terminal of fiscal twelvemonth.

A fund statement summarizes minutess that increased the work capital, such as net income or used up hard currency, such as purchases of machinery and equipment, payments of dividends, refund of debts and payment of revenue enhancements.

A budget is a program based on Numberss, it is a statement that sets out a program for accomplishing set results and is based on forecasted figures or outlooks of future operations. They specify the finance needed for the resources that are required to run programs such as strategic, tactical and operational.

Financial controls

The concern program will necessitate to hold controls in topographic point to guarantee the concern corsets on path. In the concern controls need to be set up to supply criterions to which the house can compare itself. Controls allow for disciplinary action to be taken to maintain the concern on a successful way.[ 11 ]

A budget can be used as planning and fiscal control tools. They enable the house to asses the grade of its fiscal success.[ 12 ]

Gross saless study can be used as a planning and fiscal control, it provides directors with statistical and fiscal information, to let them to supervise entire gross revenues


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