Exploration of selected water colour techniques to motivate students in painting.


Exploration of selected H2O coloring material techniques to actuate pupils in painting. An action Research at Form IV degree.


Learning is an on-going procedure that occurs every minute in the field of instruction.

Learning agencies to derive cognition or accomplishment by analyzing, practising, being taught, or sing something. As instructor, our end is to promote acquisition in the schoolroom.

The intent of this survey is to transport out an action research through selected watercolor techniques to better pupil’s public presentation.

A pupil comes in category with a certain grade of motive. But, teacher’s behaviour and the manner of his instruction, the construction of the class, and interactions with the pupils all have a wide consequence on the pupil motive. There are three things to retrieve approximately instruction as per Maher and Meyer’s construct ( 1997, p 377 ) , “the foremost is motive, the 2nd is motive and the 3rd is motivation.”

Teaching efficaciously involves non merely the usage of tools, techniques, and schemes to optimise pupil larning but an apprehension of context, in peculiar how your pupils learn, how they process information, what motivates them to larn more, and what impedes the acquisition procedure.

It ‘s non easy maintaining kids interested and motivated in schoolroom direction. However, several tips and selected techniques can assist instructors actively engage pupils and promote them to larn and interact positively with others.


In the class of my instruction of Art and Design at form four degree in my college, I have noticed that there are some subjects where pupils run into troubles. The topic has been introduced since more than 35 old ages at Hamilton College Girls section, at Mahebourg, pupils have adopted the instructor centred attack and depend wholly on what the instructor gave them as instructions. Since, the bulk of the pupils come from different socioeconomic backgrounds and they are largely low winners, they should be boost up in making their ain acquisition environment whereby they know what and how they are making it. At form four degrees, pupils will be holding adequate clip to accommodate to the new instruction and acquisition techniques which will be implemented. Adequate clip will be given to them for active larning during their practical classes..

Purpose and justification of the survey

I have been working as a practicing instructor for about 15 old ages in a private secondary school, located in a coastal country. I have been learning art and design both in lower and upper categories. When I started working with Form IV pupils this twelvemonth I noticed that students at this degree execute really ill while utilizing H2O coloring material technique in their picture. They had great troubles in managing this media. They lack assurance and hence they fear to botch their drawing and picture. When these students undergo the scrutinies, they come with hapless consequences. These are some of the ground for me to utilize some selected watercolor techniques to hike up their degree, therefore guaranting better scrutiny consequences.

Students Profile

Normally pupils who pass the CPE ( Standard VI ) with C, D, and E are admitted in the school. Very seldom a pupil is seen to hold been admitted with B’s and least frequently with A’s. Apart from their low rational luggage, pupils from this school come from coastal parts like Grand Port, Bois des Amourettes, Grand Sable and other adjacent small towns. Their societal background is rather hapless as there are many misss who have merely one parent or who live with grandmas or aunts- the consequence of broken places due to alcoholic parents. The students do non hold art stuffs most of the clip. The absenteeism rate is rather high.

Literow ability students

Low ability students are those students whose gait of acquisition is really slow and they exist in all schools. They should be provided more clip than the mean and high winners so that it will be easy for them to hold on the BASIC of the acquisition activities. These pupils need particular aid over a drawn-out period from the instructors. Some causes of low winners are poverty, broken household, emotional or personal factors.

Purposes of the survey

  • To use selected H2O coloring material techniques in the category in order to advance acquisition among pupils in practical categories.

This research has objectives as:

  • To make an involvement in painting utilizing watercolor among the students and promote engagement in category.
  • To do pupils cognizant of different H2O coloring material techniques in picture.
  • To advance self-learning.
  • Implement the selected schemes in the category. Analyse and reflect critically whether the usage of the schemes have been effectual.
  • Improve pupil’s public presentation
  • Efficaciously use elements and rules of design while painting with H2O based pigment.

Problem statement

Aproblem statementis a concise description of the issues that need to be addressed by a job work outing squad and should be presented to them ( or created by them ) before they try to work out the job. The primary intent of aproblem statementis to concentrate the attending of the job work outing squad.

As I have mentioned above that pupils at Form IV degree perform really ill while utilizing H2O coloring material technique in their picture. They had great troubles in managing this media and they lack assurance and hence they fear to botch their drawing and picture. So certain inquiries should be put frontward to rectify the state of affairs in art and design categories.

Research Questions:

  1. What are pupils’ overall perceptual experience in painting with watercolor?
  2. Why do students execute ill while utilizing watercolour techniques?
  3. Can selected watercolor techniques boost up pupil’s public presentation while painting?


This chapter highlights the theoretical and empirical literature of this survey on the geographic expedition of selected H2O coloring material techniques and motive of pupils.

Many college instructors today want to travel from inactive larning to active acquisition, to happen better ways of prosecuting pupils in the acquisition procedure.

I have gone through the book “WATERCOLOUR” by the writer Milind Mulick where it is mentioned that watercolour as an independent genre was brought in trend by Joseph Turner and John Constable, two British painters of the 18Thursdaycentury. John Singer Sargent, Winslow Homer, William Russell Flint took the art of watercolors to new highs. In this book Milind has mentioned the of import characteristics of H2O coloring material, techniques and about the stuffs to be used, such as paper coppices and pigments. He has besides written about the pattern, composing and chalk outing which is the beginning of pulling. The presentation portion of the book will greatly assist pupils understand the application of H2O coloring material throughout the picture of landscape.

Researching Watercoloris to detect new ways to acquire expressive with coloring materials… thoughts for utilizing nature ‘s forms to animate luring designs… how to spread out your repertory and unleash your creativeness by experimenting with freeform montages, found imagination, and other advanced techniques. Wherever you are as an creative person, this hands-on usher ( Researching watercolor Techniques by Elizabeth Grove ) will assist you get the hang the water-color medium and develop your single manner, and travel beyond a actual rendition of your capable affair.


Motivationis a psychological characteristic that arouses an being to move towards a coveted end and elicits, controls, and sustains certain purposive behaviours.

Motivation involves a configuration of beliefs, perceptual experiences, values, involvements, and actions that are all closely related. Motivation is an of import factor in acquisition.

Type of motives


Intrinsic motiveagencies that the person ‘s motivational stimulations are coming from within. Intrinsic motive is motive that is animated by personal enjoyment, involvement, or pleasance.

Extrinsic motiveagencies that the person ‘s motivational stimulations are coming from outside. In other words, our desires to execute a undertaking are controlled by an outside beginning. Motivation refers to “the grounds underlying behaviour” ( Guay et al. , 2010, p. 712 ) .

“Motivation in school larning involves eliciting, prolonging and desirable conduct” ( Woolfolk, 1988 ) .

It depends upon how good a instructor can elicit the involvements and motivations of pupil.

“The ultimate end of schools is to transform its pupils by supplying cognition and accomplishments and by constructing character and transfusing virtue” ( Sergiovanni, 1991 ) .

Motivation has been defined as the degree of attempt an person is willing to use toward the accomplishment of a certain end.

Biehler and Snowman ( 1993 ) province that “motivation is typically defined as the forces that account for the rousing, choice, way, and continuance of behavior” .

duty is to make the conditions that will heighten students’ motive to prosecute academic ends actively over a long period of clip.


“If you have a cock, you tend to see any job as a nail, ” significance, the more tools you have in your tool chest, the better prepared you are to confront any challenge that awaits you.”

“A instrumentalist must do music, an creative person must paint, a poet must compose, if he is to be finally at peace with himself.”

“In you lies something, a passion that makes you genuinely happy. Find it and don’t Lashkar-e-Taiba go.”

( www.youmotivation.com/-By Abhaham Maslow )


Paint is an ideal medium for developing the child’s sensitiveness to color, because it is unstable and its effects are immediate. It is of import to research the expressive and descriptive effects of a assortment of color media and to promote adventuresome usage. Colour consciousness promotes sensitiveness to and enjoyment of coloring material in the child’s milieus and is further enhanced when the kid has chances to look at the work of creative persons.

Watercolor pigment is made by blending pigments with a binder, normally gum Arabic, and so using it with H2O to a support such as vellum ( all right animate being tegument ) or paper. It besides contain glycerols, ox saddle sore and preservative for the lastingness of the pigment. The H2O evaporates and the binder fixes the pigment to the support. Watercolor was used long earlier

Prehistoric worlds in the Paleolithic ages painted the walls of their caves with mixtures of ocher, wood coal, and other natural pigments. Watercolors were besides painted on papyrus and used in Egyptian art signifiers. In Asia, traditional Chinese picture with water-colors developed around 4,000 B.C. , chiefly as a cosmetic medium, and by the first century A.D. , the art of painting spiritual wall paintings had taken clasp. By the fourth century landscape water-color picture in Asia had established itself as an independent art signifier. While early European creative persons prepared their ain water-color mixtures for fresco wall picture, this was shortly applied to paper.

Some of the 20th-century creative persons who produced of import plants in water-color are Wassily Kandinsky, Emil Nolde, Paul Klee, Egon Schiele and Raoul Dufy. Watercolor painting emerged in Europe during the Renaissance period with promotions in papermaking.

Modern water-color pigments are now as lasting and colourful as oil or acrylic pigments, and the involvement in pulling and multimedia art has besides encouraged demand for all right plants in water-color.

Watercolor has been around since picture began, but didn’t truly take off until the Renaissance. The German graphic artist Albrecht Durer was an early practician, and found the medium ideal for little, elaborate surveies.

Many beautiful landscapes, portrayals, and other scenes have derived from water-color pictures. Some of the celebrated writers of these pictures are Marina Abramoviac, Yaacov Agam, Constantin Alajalov, Henri Matisse, Rene Magritte, and Alfred Maurer. These painters are known for holding created some of the most singular plants of water-color art..

Clapp’s sentiment about H2O coloring material, ”I would propose a pupil merely work with one coloring material, monochromatically, for a piece. This will let seeing more clearly the effects of different coppices and sum of H2O you are using.”

“If I were to learn a H2O coloring material category, there are truly merely a twosome of things I would make that are different from how I would learn any picture in any media. Both of these thoughts address the bosom of the job people face when seeking to paint in H2O colour.’

“Since the sum of H2O in the coppice controls your values, borders, and the sort of Markss you can do, you can non paint good in the medium, until you understand how to command the sum of H2O in your brush.”


It is proposed that strategies advancing active acquisition be defined as instructional activities affecting pupils in making things and believing about what they are making. The selected 1s are:

  1. Presentation
  2. Pair and portion
  3. Guided talk
  4. Class Discussion
  5. Peer instruction


I will take three technique from the followers:

Wet on moisture

Wet on prohibitionist





Salt texture


The survey necessitate an action research.

Action research in schoolrooms involves the instructor straight. Peer instructors, the Rector, instructors, pupils and schoolroom research workers are portion of the procedure. An action research is a procedure in which participants examine their ain educational pattern consistently and carefully used techniques of research and it is based on the undermentioned premises:

It involves:

  • a particular job within a peculiar schoolroom
  • Planned action
  • elements of the formal research
  • betterment of schoolroom pattern.
  • Contributes to the self rating procedure

I am traveling to make an action research for the existent job ( trouble in utilizing watercolour techniques ) of the Form IV pupils. I will look for some new methods to actuate pupils and to heighten their public presentation.

  • Sample

The survey will be targeted at pupils of signifier four analyzing Art and design at Hamilton College Girls Department. A category sample of 10 pupils will be taken from two different categories. For group work the pupils will be selected indiscriminately as the category is considered to be a assorted ability one but the figure of low winners is rather high.

  • Interview and observation

Interviews will be carried out with the pupils during the category or after and the feedback of pupils will be noted.

Students will be observed by the instructor during their practical categories and their attacks towards the lesson on a peculiar subject will be noted.

  • Use of appraisal both summational, formative and diagnosing and the usage of grade sheets.

( two ) Method to be used during category

1. Observation

2. Checklists

3. Formulated inquiries

Cycle 1

Direct learning – instructor centered – chalk and speak

Cycle 2

– 2 Lesson programs

– usage of selected watercolor techniques

– Expectation of consequences above 60 %

– Comparison between rhythm 1 and rhythm 2

Cycle 3

More lessons on watercolor techniques.

( three ) Analysis and Interpretation of informations

Data will be represented as:

1. Bar chart

2. Pie chart


I will look into through the research and come to a decision and I hope that this survey will be utile to instructors in better making the conditions that will further pupils engagement.


  1. Barry K & A ; King L, ( 1998 ) , Get downing Teaching and Beyond, 3rdEdition.
  2. hypertext transfer protocol: //barrycoombs.wordpress.com/tag/watercolor-demonstration/
  3. hypertext transfer protocol: //voices.yahoo.com/21-ways-motivate-students-art-class-guide-5440335.html? cat=4
  4. hypertext transfer protocol: //olc.spsd.sk.ca/DE/PD/instr/categ.html
  5. hypertext transfer protocol: //www.crlt.umich.edu/gsis/p2_5
  6. hypertext transfer protocol: //www.bing.com/search? q=exploring+watercolour+techniques & A ; go= & A ; qs=n & A ; form=QBRE & A ; pq=exploring+watercolour+techniques & A ; sc=0-0 & amp ; sp=-1 & A ; sk=

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