Feminist and Other Psychoanalytic Trends Essay

The parts of the socio-cultural attacks to personality. by theoreticians like Karen Horney. Nancy Chodorow and Margaret Mahler. concentrating on societal and cultural variables. are compared with that of biologically goaded theories. “Freud had left depth psychology focused on the function played by biological science in personality development. While biological science is of import to single life. so. excessively. are an individual’s life history and the presiding cultural and historical context…” ( Kroger. 1996. p. 16 ) .

Karen Horney departed from some of the basic rules of Sigmund Freud and suggested societal and cultural factors for neuroticisms and personality upsets. She differed from Freud’s position of female psychological science and his inferior portraiture of adult females. Horney’s realisation that. “Freudian female psychological science was merely an outgrowth of male psychological science. to be expected in a male-oriented civilization. came when she experienced childbirth” ( Foty. 2008. parity. 1 ) . She gave the construct of uterus enviousness. opposite to the theory of phallus enviousness. given by Freud.

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In her book. The Neurotic Personality of Our Time ( 1937 ) . Horney phrased that “emphasis is put on the really bing struggles and the neurotic’s efforts to work out them” . in the intervention of neuroticism. ( p. seven ) . She did non dismiss the importance of childhood experiences. as theorized by Freud. but disliked the “one-sided fascination” that childhood held for psychoanalysts ( p. seven ) . Harmonizing to Freud the hassle between Idaho. self-importance and superego lead to anxiousness.

However. Karen Horney in her book. Self Analysis ( 1942 ) . said that. “Freud’s incredulity in a want for ego development is linked up with his posit that the self-importance is a weak bureau tossed about among the claims of instinctual thrusts. of the outside universe and of a ban conscience” ( p. 23 ) . She disagreed with this analysis and theorized that the infant’s anxiousness is caused when the kid feels isolated and entirely in a hostile universe. She argued that. “…Parental indifference. a deficiency of heat and fondness in childhood” causes anxiousness ( as cited in Boeree. 2006. Development subdivision. parity. 2 ) .

Harmonizing to Horney. kids have two basic demands: demand for fondness and blessing. and need for safety. These two demands are the most of import amongst the 10 needs that she gave for covering with anxiousness and they emerge due to indifference or miss of heat from parents. She gave three get bying schemes for covering with these demands: moving-toward. which is compliant type. similar to Adler’s acquiring or tilting attack ; moving-against. which is the hostile type. similar to Adler’s opinion or dominant type ; moving-away. which is the degage type. similar to Adler’s avoiding type ( Boeree. 2006. Theory subdivision ) .

“Freud brought away the person from the 19th-century household with his construct of the personal unconscious. redeveloping thoughts about gender and sexuality” . Thereafter feminism “gained support from depth psychology. which was itself transformed by war. revolution. socio-cultural change…” . and theories given by Horney and Melanie Klein ( Lieberman. 2004 ) . Melanie Klein’s Object Relations Theory emphasized the self-importance development of the kids. during their early old ages. as being related to parts of objects instead than the whole.

“Margaret Mahler conducted extended observations of healthy mother-infant and mother-toddler couples in a realistic scene to define the procedure by which the kid differentiates itself from its primary care-taker and becomes an independent person” ( Kroger. 1996. p. 51 ) . Harmonizing to Mahler. “separation and individuation” are the procedures used by babies in the early old ages of life. Separation is the child’s “emergence from a symbiotic merger with the mother” . whereas individualization is “those accomplishments taging the child’s premise of his ain single characteristics” ( P.

51 ) . Mahler gave four phases of separation- individualization procedure: Differentiation ( 5 to 10 months ) . which is the beginning of the difference between ego and the primary health professional ; Practicing ( 10 to 16 months ) . which marks the outgrowth of motor abilities ; Rapprochement ( 16 to 24 months ) . during which. “children foremost acquire a existent sense that they are persons. separate from their mothers” ( “Mahler” . 2007 ) ; Consolidation and object Constancy ( 24 to 36 months ) . in which the childs know that their female parent will be back and are non dying in their absence.

Two procedures take topographic point at this last stage: “The accomplishment of a definite… individuality” . and “the attainment of a certain grade of object constancy” ( Kroger. 1996. p. 53 ) . In her book The Reproduction of Mothering. Nancy Chodorow ( 1978 ) . another Object Relations theoretician. pointed out. “women experience a sense of self-in-relation that is in contrast to men’s creative activity of a ego that wishes to deny relation and connection” ( p. eight ) . Mother’s “by virtuousness of their gender. experience girls like them and boies unlike” .

Consequently. misss and male childs internalize these differences and “transform these unconscious maternal communications through their ain intra-psychic capacities” . ( p. eight ) . This leads to work forces being more independent and adult females more empathic. The misss fond regard to her female parent is “preoedipal”…concerned with “early mother-infant relational issues” and “issues of dependance and individuation” . A Boy’s “attachment to his mother” is oedipal. showing “his sense of difference and masculine opposition to her” . ( p. 97 ) .

Freud’s Oedipus composite was to explicate sexual individuality whereas the individualization procedure explains the child’s gender individuality. Separation-individuation theory outlines the importance of “nurture in human development” ( Edward. Ruskin & A ; Turrini. 1991. p. 3 ) . The relationship between female parent and kid during babyhood plays an built-in function in the child’s growing in ulterior old ages. “…separation-individuation assumes different developmental tracts for work forces and adult females. with work forces cultivating a personality manner that emphasizes liberty and adult females cultivating one in which attachment demands take precedence” ( Gnaulati & A ; Heini. 2001 ) .

Mentions Boeree. C. G. ( 2006 ) . Personality theories. In Shippensburg University my web site. Retrieved March 10. 2008. from hypertext transfer protocol: //webspace. ship. edu/cgboer/perscontents. hypertext markup language. Chodorow. N. ( 1978 ) . The reproduction of mothering: Psychoanalysis and the sociology of gender. Berkeley and Los Angeles. California: University of California Press. Edward. J. . Ruskin. N. . Turrini. P. ( 1992 ) . Separation/Individuation: Theory and application. ( 2nd ed. ) . New York: Brunner-Routledge. Foty. G. R. ( 1988 ) . A Mind of Her Own: The Life of Karen Horney.

Smithsonian. 19. n5. p. 127 ( 2 ) . Retrieved March 15. 2008. from British Council Journals Database via Gale: hypertext transfer protocol: //find. galegroup. com/ips/start. make? prodId=IPS Gnaulati. E. . & A ; Heine. B. J. ( 2001 ) . Separation-individuation in late adolescence: an probe of gender and cultural differences. The Journal of Psychology. 135. 1. p. 59 ( 12 ) . Retrieved March 15. 2008. from British Council Journals Database via Gale: hypertext transfer protocol: //find. galegroup. com/ips/start. make? prodId=IPS Horney. K. ( 1942 ) . Self analysis. London: Routledge & A ; Kegan Paul Ltd. Horney. K. ( 1937 ) . The neurotic personality of our clip.

London: Kegan Paul. Trench. Trubner & A ; Co. . Ltd. Kroger. J. ( 1996 ) . Identity in adolescence: The balance between ego and other. London: Routledge. Lieberman. E. J. ( 2004 ) . Zaretsky. Eli. Secrets of the Soul: A Social and Cultural History of Psychoanalysis. Library Journal. 129. 10. p. 162 ( 1 ) . Retrieved March 15. 2008. from British Council Journals Database via Gale: hypertext transfer protocol: //find. galegroup. com/ips/start. make? prodId=IPS Mahler’s Theory of Development. ( 2007 ) . KidsDevelopment. Retrieved March 15. 2008. from hypertext transfer protocol: //www. kidsdevelopment. co. uk/MahlersDevelopmentTheory. hypertext markup language


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