Financial Statements In Developing A Financial Management System Accounting Essay

Accountancy is a really of import and indispensable sector of each and every concern whether little or large in size. A sound and smooth concern is merely possible if there is proper and crystalline dealing detailed and therefore the demand of different fiscal studies comes in to demo the concern place at a peculiar period of clip. Therefore, the first measure in developing a fiscal direction system is the creative activity of fiscal statements.

Fiscal Statements

A fiscal statement isA a written study of the fiscal status of a house. Fiscal statements include the balance sheet, income statement, statement of alterations in net worth and statement of hard currency flows.

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The elements of fiscal statements are the edifice blocks for the balance sheet and income statement. The chief elements are as follows:

Balance Sheet




Income Statement



Additions and losingss

1. Income statement

The income statement ( besides called a net income and loss history ) records whether the company ‘s gross revenues gross is greater than its costs. It allows comparing the latest net income with old twelvemonth ‘s net income, or with other companies. It besides states what happened to the net income ; the proportions that were paid out in revenue enhancement, in dividends, or retained within the concern.

2. Balance Sheet

The balance sheet is a fiscal statement that reveals the fiscal status of a company at a peculiar point in clip, normally the terminal of a one-fourth or financial twelvemonth. It is utile to investors because the relationship among different portion of the balance sheet provides grounds as to a company ‘s fiscal strength, which in bend can supply hints to its future public presentation. The balance sheet summarizes what a company owns ( assets ) balanced by what a company owes ( liabilities ) and to proprietors of the endeavor ( proprietors ‘ equity or shareholders ‘ equity ) .

In equation signifier, the balance sheet is represented as follows:

Assetss = Liabilitiess + Stockholders ‘ Equity

So in whole it can be said that, the balance sheet is a snapshot of what the company owns and is owed on a peculiar twenty-four hours ; normally the last twenty-four hours of the fiscal twelvemonth. The balance sheet summarizes the assets and the liability of the concern.The difference between the assets and the liabilities is the stockholders ‘ financess.

By definition, the balnce sheet must ever equilibrate, intending assets must ever be liabilities plus shareholders ‘ equity. This relationship is important to understanding the balance sheet. For illustration, if a company has assets of ?10 million and liabilities of ?8 million, so shareholders ‘ equity will be ?2 million. Therefore, an alternate position of the balance sheet equation is to rearrange liabilities:

Assetss – Liabilitiess = Stockholders ‘ Equity

Hence, in studies and histories, the net income comes from the difference between the asserts and the liabilities.

This signifier of the equation reflects that shareholders ‘ have a claim to assets merely after creditors ‘ claims are satisfied.


The economic resources expected to supply future benefits to the company are called assets. A balance sheet is classified so that similar points are grouped together to get at important subtotals.

Assetss are divided into two classs:

Fixed assets

Current assets

Fixed assets: Fixed assets are those that are non held for resale, but for usage for the concern, and it is by and large disclosed for three classs.

Tangible assets: Tangible assets include assets with comparatively long lives. These are assets used to gain gross that have a physical presence. Assetss within this class are depreciated over their utile lives. Depreciation is a method of apportioning the cost of an plus over its productive life. The entire depreciation disbursal recorded is called accrued depreciation.

Examples: Property, works and equipment such as land, machinery and vehicles are touchable assets.

Intangible assets: Intangible assets embody valuable rights to the company even though they have no physical substance. Patents for illustration, supply the holder with the sole right to utilize, industry and sell a merchandise or procedure for a period of 17 old ages without any intervention or violation by others.

Example: Patents, hallmarks, good will, franchises, right of first publications or other publication rights, licences and so on.

Investing: These assets are expected to be last for long term. As being the stockholders for other companies or purchasing the bonds, insurance, investing financess of other companies. It besides can be shown at cost.

Current assets: Current assets are assets that include hard currency plus other assets expected to be converted into hard currency within one twelvemonth. These are the assets used up and replenished continuously in the on-going operations of the company.

Examples: The most outstanding current assets are hard currency, marketable securities, receivables and stock lists.


The definition of liability is a fiscal duty, debt, claim, or possible loss, in other words liabilities are economic duties of a company to foreigners. Liabilitiess are chiefly of two types:

Current Liabilitiess: Those are normally collectible within one twelvemonth.

Long-run Liabilitiess: Those normally come due after one twelvemonth.

To interrupt it down, liabilities can be classified into more elaborating typologies. These assorted types of liabilities are discussed below:

FixedA liability: A TheA liabilityA which is to be paid of at the clip of disintegration of house is called fixedA liability. Examples are Capital, Reserve and Surplus.

Long-termA liability: A TheA liabilityA which is non collectible within the nextA accountingA period is called long-termA liability. Examples are Debentures of a company, A Mortgage LoanA etc.

CurrentA liability: A TheA liabilityA which is to be paid of in the nextA accountingA period is currentA liability.. Examples: Sundry, creditors, Bills Payable and Bank overdraft etc.

TradeA liability: A LiabilityA which is incurred for goods and services supplied or disbursals incurred are called tradeA liability. Example: Bill collectible and assorted period.

FinancialA liability: A LiabilityA which is incurred for fiscal intents is called financialA liability. Examples: Bank overdraft, burden taken for a short period.

ContingentA liability: A A contingentA liabilityA is one which is non an actualA liabilityA but which will go an existent 1 on the occurrence of some event which is unsure. Examples: Bills discounted before adulthood, A LiabilityA of a instance pending in the tribunal.

The evolving of the definition of assets in old ages

Definitions of assets have evolved from a narrow legal orientation to a broader construct of economic resources. The first definition of assets emphatic legal belongings but besides included deferred charges because they relate to future period income statements. This facet of the definition represents a revenue-expense attack to the fiscal statements. The 2nd definition emphasized that assets are economic resources. Anything holding future economic value was considered an plus. Deferred charges were individually identified in this definition but were still grouped with assets. The 3rd definition identified the cardinal features of an plus as ( 1 ) its capacity to supply future economic benefits, ( 2 ) control of the plus by the house, and ( 3 ) the happening of the dealing giving rise to command and the economic benefits. Deferred charges were dropped from the plus definition. The economic resources approach represents a broader construct of assets than the legal belongings construct and is consistent with the economic impression that an plus has value because of a future income ( hard currency ) watercourse.

The first definition of liabilities defined them as recognition balances that would be decently carried frontward upon a shutting of books of history harmonizing to the regulations or rules of accounting, provided such recognition balance is non in consequence a negative balance applicable to an plus. This definition made no differentiation between proprietors ‘ equity and liabilities, therefore connoting an entity theory position of the house. The other two liability definitions do non advert proprietors ‘ equity, which seems to connote a proprietary position of the house in which proprietors ‘ equity represents proprietors ‘ residuary involvement in the net assets. The liability part of the first definition emphasizes legal debts. In the 2nd definition, the liability construct is broadened to intend economic duties. In add-on, deferred credits are identified individually but are still considered to be a portion of liabilities. The 3rd and most recent definition continues the accent on economic duties instead than legal debt and beads deferred credits. This definition lists three indispensable features of an accounting liability: ( 1 ) a responsibility exists, ( 2 ) the responsibility is virtually ineluctable, and ( 3 ) the event compeling the endeavor has occurred.

Relationship between balance sheet and income statement

There can be either dealingss between the income statement and balance sheet or non. As they are all ciphering the net income, it ‘s merely about how the manner for the company to make.

While a balance sheet is a stock-based inactive statement that presents a company ‘s fiscal place at a point in clip, an income statement is a flow-based dynamic statement that describes a company ‘s operating public presentation over a period of clip. The period covered by an income statement must be clearly specified.aˆˆHistorically, the income statement used to be a back uping statement to the balance sheet. Without the income statement, we would enter gross as an addition, and disbursal as a lessening, of the equity history Retained Net incomes. Such minutess are legion. aˆˆDepending on how grosss and disbursals are presented, there are approximately two formats of the income statement, the traditional multi-step format and the comparatively new two-step format. The former has a few stairss: Gross saless – Cost of Goods Sold = Gross Profit ; Gross Profit – Operating Expenses = Operating Income ; Operating Income A± Non-Operating Items = EBT ( Earnings Before Tax ) ; EBT – Income Tax = Net Income. aˆˆOf class whether an point is runing or non depends on the nature of the concern. For case, while Interest Expense may be a non-operating disbursal for many companies, it is the most of import operating disbursal for Bankss. aˆˆWhen a company has losingss instead than net incomes, it does non hold to pay income revenue enhancement. It may besides be allowed to transport the loss backward and/or frontward, depending on the revenue enhancement environment the company is in. aˆˆDifferent users of fiscal statements frequently have different demands. The multi-step format of the income statement is improbable to accommodate all demands. Some American companies took the lead to utilize the two-step format. In this format, the income statement contains fundamentally two parts. The first portion lists all beginnings of grosss while the 2nd lists all sorts of disbursals. A reader can fix the income statement in any signifier to accommodate his intent. It must be pointed out that the net income shown in the income statement is an accounting net income, non hard currency flow. In the calculation of accounting net income, hard currency grosss from selling menu cards are non recognized as gross. Rather, they are “ Unearned Gross ” classified under Current Liabilities. Gross is considered realized merely after the coach service is provided and consumed. Similarly, insurance premium paid for any portion of the following fiscal twelvemonth will non travel to the disbursal in the income statement.


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