Four steps for unit planning using the 4Cs Essay

DIDACTIC UNIT: LET’S GO TO THE SUPERMARKET Four steps for unit planning using the 4Cs TARGET LANGUAGE (CLIL language) : English CLIL MODEL: Cross-curricular modules 2h a week. LEVEL: 2nd Primary (7 year-olds) PRIOR LEARNING: Previously they know food vocabulary, numbers, routines, greetings, numbers to 20. GLOBAL GOAL: – Learn key skills and use appropriate strategies for arithmetic operations in a real environment. – Know the basis of healthy eating. DURATION: 2,5 weeks. 5 one-hour sessions TITLE OF THE UNIT: Let’s go to the supermarket. O.

INTRODUCING THE UNIT In this didactic unit, students will create a supermarket where they can interact uying, selling, planning the shopping list and managing money. The unit will begin with with a lesson dedicated to drawing and cutting food, coins and bills from photographs as well as to doing murals with vocabulary and price lists. In the following three lessons we will review the basic arithmetical operations, the use of money and food pyramid through games. Finally, in the last lesson, children can put into practice what they have learned in the supermarket of the class. 1.

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CONTENT MATHEMATICS CONTENT: – The mathematical names of numbers and symbols – Rapid recall of addition and subtraction facts – Mental calculation strategies (+, x, Comparing numbers – Choose the appropiate operation to solve problems in real situations ARTISTIC EDUCATION CONTENT: – Plastics techniques of drawing, cutting and gluing – Production of drawings, murals and 2d and 3d shapes KNOWLEDGE Of THE ENVIRONMENT CONTENT: – Classify food according different criteria – Services in our community – Jobs in a supermarket CROSS CURRICULAR CONTENT: – Developing cultural awareness: euros and pounds – The food pyramid 2.

COGNITION (children will be able to) – Understanding instructions and apply them – Identifying the value of each coin or bill – Interpreting information Making decisions: choose and use appropriate number operations to solve problems – Considering different methods to solve problems and giving reasons – Processing information from a problem – Looking for innovative solutions when solving problems – Finding more than one solution to problems – Develop multiple intelligences (Gardner) and use the HOTS and LOTS ??? : Verbal: Classify food, counting, operations (Applying) ??? Mathematical: Problem solving task (Analyzing) ??? Visual/spatial: Reviewing name of food (Remembering) ??? Kinaestetic: Plan your performance in a role play (Creating) ??? Musical: Listening to ursery rhyme (Remembering) ??? Interpersonal: Playing with money in groups (Understanding) ??? Intrapersonal: Collect pictures and images of food (Applying) ??? Naturalistic: Observe people in the supermarket and decide your role play (Analyzing) 3. COMMUNICATION LANGUAGE OF LEARNING: – Vocabulary of the topic: Add, double, subtract, even, odd, digit, highest/ lowest, lower than/ highest than, between, ascending, plus, minus, equal, first, second, third, fourth, fifth… More, sum, total, altogether, increase, equals, sign, take away, subtract, how many are left, how much less, difference between, how much more, how many ore to take, decrease, altogether, share into groups. – Structures for communication: It is an / a (odd/ even number) Number (… ) is bigger/smaller than (… ) Number (… is the biggest/smallest First/ second number (… ) because the units/ hundreds are bigger/smaller The (units) are equal, but the (thousands) are smaller/ bigger I think you add on/ subtract (… ) to get the next number We will have(… ) each/ per person – Food vocabulary: Butter, cheese, milk, yogurt, ice cream, meat, bacon, fish, hamburger, hot dog, steak, fruit, apple, banana, cherry, grape, lemon, orange, trawberry, watermelon, vegetables, peas, beans, tomatoe, potato, carrots onion, broccoli, cucumber, lettuce, cauliflower, grains, rice, bread, pasta, cereal, snacks, chocolate, chips, cookie, pie popsicle, doughnut, pretzel, soda pop, water. Reporting the strategies to use when solving a problem – Justifying methods used and decisions made when solving a problem – Explaining mental processes to solve problems – Discussing how to solve problems – Asking for prices and comparing them – Making decisions – Classroom language: Read the problem, order, listen, count, report, what is the main information? Is it addition or subtraction? he rule/ pattern is… Respond (rapidly) quickly, explain the strategy used, work out mentally, add/subtract mentally, count up/ down, report, what can you see? , how many will you need? how much does it cost? How much do they cost? LANGUAGE THROUGH LEARNING: – Dictionary skills – Questions that come across out throughout the lessons 4.

CULTURE AND COMMUNITY CULTURE: – Food from around the world – English vs spanish culture: use of dots instead of comas when using decimals – Awareness of others perspectives when working in pairs or group COMMUNITY: – Respect others’ conclusions when discussing – Parents role in homework Supermarkets in our neighbourhood LESSON PLAN The didactic unit is divided into five lessons that are taught on a one-hour session each. LESSON 1: LET’S CREATE THE SUPERMARKET ACTIVITY 1 : 5′: The teacher will explain briefly the session and he will show students in the screen the vocabulary necessary for the activity. Children can see a picture of each food with its english name. 55′: The rest of the class will be dedicated that students generate all the necessary material for the supermarket. They will be divided into three groups: a group will cut pictures of food, another will draw coins and banknotes, and the last will create urals with price lists and the food pyramid.

Resources: Scissors, cardstock, photographs, digital board, glue LESSON 2: SHOPPING CALCULATIONS ACTIVITY 2: 25t The students browse through these websites and practice purchase virtual items Depending on the number of computers available in the classroom, they will be organized into larger groups or smaller. http://www. primaryresources. co. uk/online/moneyl . swf http://www. teachingmoney. co. uk/eurosite/wb/CLASSchangeEURO. html http:// www. teachingmoney. co. uk/eurosite/wb/crazycafeEURO. html http:// www. teachingmoney. co. uk/eurosite/games/picknmixEURO. html ACTIVITY 3: 5′: We ask students to look out for the price list they created in the previous session and is hanging on the wall.

We set up the classroom to represent different shops: bakery, butcher, fish and fruit. We split the money and a shopping list for each group. Children will need to make the purchase with the money that has been given. 10′: At the end of the class, each group will show others their shopping list and the products they bought, and the money they have spent. Resources: computers with internet access, paper money, shopping lists, price list. LESSON 3: REAL LIFE PROBLEMS AND INVERSE OPERATION ACTIVITY 4: 0′: Pupils practice “Read, plan, work and check” strategy for problem solving. Show the problems of addition and subtraction from the BBC Web http://www. bbc. co. uk/ skillswise/ maths/games.

Choose “conveyor belt substraction game” and “conveyor belt addition game” games. Use the section B without answers. Help pupils identify key words of the problems. Write the sentences on the board: PUPIL: “l think the result is…. ” , or “l am sure the result is… ” Pupils answer on the whiteboards and explain the operation they used to solve it. Ask the pupils how they can check if the answer is right (introducing the term inverse operation) When ubtracting, reinforce the questions where the inverse operation is needed: “How many left? ” “How many do you need? ” and “How many do you owe? ” Introduce the need of inverse operation for solving “missing information”.

ACTIVITY 5: 30′: To end the lesson, show the pupils “inverse_operation” power point presentation about the uses of inverse operations. They will write the answers of on their whiteboards. Make the example of the first one. After that, ask them: TEACHER: Can you think on a money problem where you need to use inverse operation to solve it? Show them previous examples of problems involving inverse operation to solve them in pairs). Resources: whiteboards, BBC website, power point presentation, computers with internet access. LESSON 4: FOOD PYRAMID ACTIVITY 6: 20″. Warm up videos: http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=5iS8hOJ_Ows Pupils can sing it with the words provided by the teacher. http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=A’V_DcnnPmX4 This cartoon talks about food pyramid. 0′: On the website http://www. nourishinteractive. com/kids/healthy-games/ 13-interactivefood-pyramid-five-food-groups Chef Solus welcomes the students to the Interactive Food Pyramid, nothing that it is a “NeW’ Pyramid. When students move the about that particular group. Students can read along with the Chefs narration, too. During the lesson, the teacher: – Review the food pyramid that is in the classroom wall. – Ask if anyone thinks that they eat balanced meals, something from each of the food group. – Guide the students to the Interactive Food Pyramid to introduce them to the Food Pyramid and the 5 Food Groups. Resources: computers with internet access.

LESSON 5: LET’S GO TO THE SUPERMARKET (final task) ACTIVITY 7: 45′: We ask students to set up the classroom to represent the supermarket and divide he children into groups. Each group has to make a day menu based on the food pyramid with a certain amount of money. They will have to buy the right foods at the supermarket in the class. 1 5′: At the end of the class each group will present its menu and Justify their purchases. Resources: paper money, shopping lists, price list. UNIT ASSESSMENT – Questioning in classroom during the activities to ensure an objective assessment. – Revision of the activities, tidiness, orders, etc. – Observation of student in class. – Participation of student in class. – Use and share feedback with students


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