Grayson's 5th grade science

Question Answer
Something that you experience with your five senses Observation
A decision you make based in your observations and questions Inference
A prediction that you arrive at after making observations Hypothesis
Anything that has mass and takes up space Matter
The amount of matter in an object Mass. Examples- Paper clip= 1G, Liter of milk= 1KG
What can you measure mass with? A balance
What is the same everywhere in the universe The mass of an object
The measure of the pull of gravity on an object's mass Weight
What causes the weight of an object to not be the same everywhere in the universe? Gravity
The mass of an object equals? The total mass of it's parts
What is never lost but can change form? Mass (solid, liquid, gas)
How can you make things appear larger than they are? Magnify them
Name a tool that makes small objects appear larger? Hand lens
Name a tool that makes tiny objects appear larger? Microscope
All matter is made up of tiny particles called…. Atoms
Atoms join together to form large particles called… Molecules
A feature that can be observed directly or measured with a tool? Physical property
Give some examples of physical properties Color, texture, taste, volume, and density
The amount of space something takes up is it's…. Volume
How can you measure something's volume? Length x Width x Height
An object's mass divided by it's volume is it's ? Density
If an object floats is it considered to be less or more dense than the liquid? Less
If an object sinks is it considered to be less or more dense than the liquid? More
State of matter that has a fixed volume and shape Solid- examples are ice, block, chair, book
State of matter that has a fixed volume but not a fixed shape Liquid- examples are water, tea, soap
State of matter that has no volume or fixed shape Gas- Examples are helium, air, steam
Particles only vibrate and can't move- what am I? Solid
Particles move enough to slide past each other- what am I? Liquid
Particles bounce freely- what am I? Gas
Have a positive charge and are located in the center of an atom? Protons
Don't have a charge Neutrons
Have a negative charge Electrons
Dense body located in the center of an atom Nucleus

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