Green roofs in malaysia Essay

In Malaysia, green roofs are considered as a reasonably new construct although the construct offers many benefits. Green roofs promotesA agreeableness and aesthetic benefits, environmental benefits, and economic benefits. The chief purpose of this research is to better the quality of green roof systems in Malaysia by develop design guidelines for green roof systems. This research will place the public presentation benefits of green roof, the current phenomenon of green roof every bit good as their obstructions to follow green roof systems. Assorted method of qualitative and quantitative attack will be applied in this research. The reappraisal of the literature will be conducted to garner information about green roof in order to place the benefits of green roof systems. Survey will be conducted among three mark populations, viz. developers, designers and landscape designers who work in the Malayan building industry. Persons for the sample group will be selected because as suppliers of green roofs, their positions and actions have a direct influence on green roof development. The classification of the edifice professionals will enable easy designation of any disparity in positions between them. Besides that, the instance surveies besides one of the critical stairss to accomplish the aim of this research. The Case Studies will unite different methods to roll up an apprehension of design guidelines for green roof systems. Case study methods involve an in-depth, longitudinal scrutiny of a individual case or event. They provide a systematic manner of looking at events, roll uping informations, analysing information, and describing the consequences. This research is attempted to develop design guidelines for green roof systems in Malaysia. The findings from this research will open new avenues and Fieldss for future research workers and academicians to transport out extended researches on the subjects concerned.


The green roof is a system that used turning medium and flora on the top of the edifice roof ( Cresswell, 2007 ) . The flora is planted in a bed of dirt or turning medium as the top bed of the roof. The H2O membrane system is positioned between turning medium and roof deck to transport away entree H2O and besides have a filter system to do certain that the workss have a sufficient H2O supply during dryer twenty-four hours ( Long et al. , 2006, Piper, 2003 ) . Green roofs have been progressively popular in Germany, United Stated of America and Europe ( Koonce, 2010 ) non merely because of the aesthetic value, but besides for bettering environment ( Li et al. , 2010 ) . As discussed by ( Castleton et al. , 2010 ) the roof of a edifice can be partly or wholly covered with a bed of flora. Many adept confirm that green roof can be classified into two types of systems which are intensive and extended ( Long et al. , 2006, Molineux et al. , 2009, Cresswell, 2007, Castleton et al. , 2010 ) . Intensive systems is more like a roof garden back uping big tree and bush, but require deep substrates and regular care. Therefore, it is by and large heavy and requires a specific support from the edifice ( Molineux et al. , 2009, Cresswell, 2007 ) . The extended system is opposite of intensive systems which have a thin substrate bed with low degree planting, typically sedum or lawn, and can be really lightweight in construction ( Castleton et al. , 2010 ) . Alternatively of lightweight, these roofs require small or no extra structural support from the edifice, less expensive, low care, and designed for limited human entree. Plants selected for extended system are normally have a shallow root system, good regenerative abilities, opposition to direct solar radiation, rough air currents or heavy rainfall, and land screen species on inclines up to 30 % ( Long et al. , 2006, Cresswell, 2007 ) .

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There are many possible benefits of green roofs. These may be considered to fall into three chief classs, Amenity and Aesthetic Benefits, Environmental Benefits, and Economic Benefits, although there is a great trade of crossing over between classs. Amenity & A ; Aesthetic Benefitsinclude leisure and unfastened infinite, ocular aesthetic value, wellness and curative value, and nutrient production. Environmental Benefits include ecological and wildlife value, H2O direction, air quality, sound soaking up, and cut downing the urban heat island consequence. Economic Benefitsinclude increased roof life, constructing insularity and energy efficiency, and green edifice appraisal and public dealingss. These benefits operate at a scope of graduated tables. Some will merely run if comparatively big Numberss of green roofs are implemented in any peculiar country and their benefits will merely be evident at the larger vicinity or metropolis graduated table. Others will run straight on an single edifice ( Michael and Thomas, 2003, Vancouver, 2009 ) . Therefore, it is of import to follow green roof as it gives many benefits to cut down the environmental impact. The intent of this research is to develop design guidelines for green roof system in Malaysia.


The phenomenon of planetary heating or clime alteration has led to many environmental issues including higher atmospheric temperatures, intensive precipitation, addition nursery gaseous emanation and of class addition indoor discomfort status ( Asmat Ismail et al. , 2010 ) . Some scientists believe that alterations are portion of natural variableness ( Radhi, 2009 ) while others point to human activity ( Oh and Chua, 2010, Nordell, 2003 ) as the cause of increasing atmospheric concentrations of nursery gases ( GHGs ) and the cardinal driver of clime alteration. As the Carbon dioxide ( CO2 ) in ambiance additions, the ability of Earth surface to reradiate heat to the ambiance is lessen. Carbon dioxide acts as a cover over the surface and keeps the Earth warmer than it would otherwise be. The heater clime exterior will besides impact the indoor temperature of edifice. When the outdoor air temperature additions, edifice will see indoor uncomfortableness. The demand for mechanical airing will be critical and finally take to higher energy ingestion in edifice ( Asmat Ismail et al. , 2010 ) . The heavy trust on air conditioning typically increases energy usage, increased emanation of CO2, increase other GHGs to power the system ( Calm, 2002 ) and besides adding to negative impacts of planetary heating ( Wilkinson et al. , 2007 ) . Therefore, it is critical of import to cut down the energy ingestion in edifice by cut downing the use of air conditioning system where the air conditioning systems release the C into the air which has been identified as the component that insulates planet and one of the major subscriber in planetary heating.

Buildings are of import subscribers to the ever-increasing C emanation and its impact on planetary heating ( Kui, 4 October 2010 ; The Star, May 2009 ) . Buildings last longer, and over that life-time they play a portion in lending to the devastation of the environment. Over its life rhythm, a edifice uses many resources and is the beginning of much pollution emanations ( Yoon, 2009 ) . In Malaysia, commercial and residential edifice usage up 48 % of the electricity generated ( Li, 2009 ) . During the UN Climate Change Conference in December 2009, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak made really clear Malaysia ‘s committedness to the green cause, plighting to cut up to 40 per cent of Malaysia ‘s C emanation strength in footings of GDP by the twelvemonth 2020 from twelvemonth 2005 degrees ( Singh and Ping, 2010, Fernandez, 2010 ) . Therefore, one manner to cut down the impact of planetary heating and better urban environmental quality is by following the green roof engineerings ( Williams et al. , 2010 ) . However, the inquiry arises, why Malayan building industry must follow the green roof engineering? It is because most of the heat 75 % enters from roof comparison to 25 % from wall. Besides that, the roof is exposed most for the longest period to solar radiation where heat radiated from the Sun is absorbed by the roof surface and the ceiling absorbs the radiated heat ( Lu, 2009 ) . Apart from that, the green roof engineering is able to cut down the energy ingestion and can better the internal comfort during the spring and summer seasons ( Fioretti et al. , 2010, Michael and Thomas, 2003, Lawlor et al. , 2006 ) . Furthermore, green roof lead to take down energy measures, and supply a C sink in urban countries, along with many other diverse ecological advantages ( Sihau, 2009 ) . Therefore, in order to cut down the sum of heat come ining through the roofs, such edifices must be adopted with green roof engineering.

In Asia, the usage of green roofs has arisen in Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong and China. Although the thought of green roofs in Asia is new, these states are active in developing, practising and carry oning research on green roofs, peculiarly in Singapore ( Wan et al, 2010 ) . Harmonizing to Wong ( 2005 ) roofs present 21 % -26 % of urban countries and this can supply a alone chance to better the environment if green roofs are used. In urban countries such as Kuala Lumpur, there are a batch of chances to implement green roofs in the development because of rapid enlargement in these countries. By holding a green roof, the countries taken from nature to be developed are made to come alive once more. Green roofs in Malaysia are considered as a reasonably new though tonss of benefits are offered. However, in state that has similar clime with Malaysia such as Singapore have grown singular on green roof. Compare to Singapore, Malaysia are far behind in footings of research done, policies, engineering and pattern in this country ( Govindaraju et al. , 2005, Chandran et al. , 2009 ) . Malaysia still remains many possible obstructions to their more widespread acceptance. This obstacles include a deficiency of criterions, high costs when green roof installers are inexperienced, few presentation illustrations to animate and give assurance to developers sing a green roof and a deficiency of relevant and dependable research to supply assurance in the economic and environmental benefits of green roofs ( Williams et al. , 2010 ) ( Williams et al, 2010 ; Sihau 2009 ; Michael & A ; Thomas, 2003 ) . Besides that, Malaysia has a really different clime to the temperature parts of the Northern hemisphere where green roofs are more common. Trusting on northern hemisphere research, experience and engineering is debatable, due to important differences in rainfall, temperature, available substrates and suited flora ( Wilkinson, 2009 ) . This may present unacceptable degrees of hazard and unneeded disbursal to development undertakings sing green roofs. Since Singapore is progress in developing green roof system, hence Malaysia should set Singapore as an illustration to travel towards green roof system. This research examines green roofs in Malaysia, the position of the industry and discusses information spreads necessitating research. Therefore, it is of import to get the better of the obstructions by following green roof engineering in Malaysia in order to acquire the benefits offers from the engineering.

In recent old ages, green roofs are going more and more popular in the universe and have besides attracted much attending in Malaysia. However, when people consider using green roof systems, they frequently find it hard to understand the proficient demands, design an effectual system and measure their public presentation. Unlike other states that are really advance in green roof engineerings such as Germany and Japan, they have their ain guidelines for green roof system ( Hui, 2010 ) . A brief treatment with Ishamuddin Mazlan from Ministry of Energy, Green Technology and Water ( KeTTHA ) indicates that there are no design guidelines for green roof systems in Malaysia. In German, the German Landscape Research, Development and Construction Society ( FLL ) has been working on criterions for green roof engineering for 25 old ages. Their ‘Guideline for the Planning, Execution and Upkeep of Green-Roof Sites ‘ ( FLL-guidelines ) reflects the latest developments in German acknowledged state-of-the-art engineering ( Philippi, 2005 ) . Over 800 green roofs can be found in Germany entirely, a leader in edifice codifications and inducements for green roof installing. In Asia, Japan has become a centre for green roof engineering. Its capital, Tokyo, is the first metropolis to mandate edifice flora must represent 20 per centum of all new building ( Wark, 2003 ) . Their guidelines are really utile to implement green roof but they should non be copied straight without accommodating and sing the local conditions of Malaysia. Therefore, there is an pressing demand to develop local design guidelines for green roof systems in Malaysia.


There were assorted research has been conducted in the field of green roof systems and the measure seems to increase over the old ages since environmental issues become more concerning worldwide. The research that has been done in the field of green roof can be grouped into seven which are research on storm H2O direction, research on stuffs, research on chances and barrier, research on environment, research on energy and edifice, research on perceptual experiences, and research on guidelines. The research that has been done in storm H2O direction for case by Berghage et Al ( 2009 ) conducted a research on Green Roofs for Stormwater Runoff Control. The findings of the paper indicate that the green roofs are capable of taking 50 % of the one-year rainfall volume from a roof through keeping and evapotranspiration. Rainfall non retained by green roofs is detained, efficaciously increasing the clip to top out, and decelerating extremum flows for a watershed. Whereas Berndtsson et Al ( 2009 ) conducted a research on Runoff H2O quality from intensive and extended vegetated roofs. This survey investigated influence on overflow H2O quality from two full graduated table vegetated roofs ( an intensifier from Japan and an extended from Sweden ) . Results show that both extended and intensive vegetated roofs are a sink of nitrate N and ammonium N with similar public presentation. The intensive vegetated roof is besides a sink of entire N in contrast to the extended roof. While Hardin and Wanielista ( 2007 ) has done research on a H2O quality assesment of a green roof stormwater intervention systems. The consequences of this work show that the usage of green roof stormwater intervention systems for the betterment of stormwater quality is a promising intervention option. The sum suspended solids consequences show that green roofs had a lower concentration and smaller criterion divergence than the control Chamberss. Besides, Emilsson et Al ( 2007 ) has done a research on Effect of utilizing conventional and controlled release fertilizer on alimentary overflow from assorted vegetated roof systems. The findings of the paper indicate that Conventional fertilizers caused high alimentary concentrations in the overflow H2O. Concentrations decreased during the continuance of the experiment but at the terminal of the experiment they were still higher than after fertilization with CRF. Conventional fertilizer besides increased the entire alimentary overflow.

Research on stuffs for case has been done by Molineux et Al ( 2009 ) on Characterizing alternate recycled waste stuffs for usage as green roof turning media in the U.K. This survey have shown that the alternate substrates perform every bit good if non better, than the widely used crushed ruddy brick as turning media, in footings of works growing and stuff characterisations.. They are besides similar in monetary value to the ruddy brick substrate ( Shireminerals, pers. comm. ) and are already commercially available. While Cresswell ( 2007 ) has done a research on Characterisation of Mineral Wastes, Resources and Processing engineerings. The findings indicate that Aerated concrete is a stuff that is suited for usage as a light weight green roof substrate. It has the appropriate denseness and H2O soaking up.

Research that has been conducted on chances and barrier for case by Williams et Al ( 2010 ) on Green roofs for a broad brown land: Opportunities and barriers for rooftop rejuvenation in Australia. This paper examines green roofs in Australia, discusses the challenges to increasing their usage and the major information spreads that need to be researched to come on the industry in Australia. While Wilkinson and Reed ( 2010 ) roll up a alone edifice database integrating information about 536 commercial edifices and measure the possible suitableness of each edifice to undergo a green roof retrofit. A comparatively little proportion of roofs are found to be suited, partially a consequence of local clime conditions and rainfall forms, and the physical belongings stock. On a strictly physical appraisal, merely a really little proportion of cardinal concern territory ( CBD ) stock is found to be suited. These edifices are most likely to be in low secondary locations, ungraded or B class edifices, in private owned, concrete framed and non overshadowed by bordering belongingss. Besides, compile a alone edifice database integrating information about 536 commercial edifices and measure the possible suitableness of each edifice to undergo a green roof retrofit. A comparatively little proportion of roofs are found to be suited, partially a consequence of local clime conditions and rainfall forms, and the physical belongings stock. On a strictly physical appraisal, merely a really little proportion of CBD stock is found to be suited. These edifices are most likely to be in low secondary locations, ungraded or B class edifices, in private owned, concrete framed and non overshadowed by bordering belongingss. Besides, Rowe and Getter ( 2006 ) conducted research on The Role of Extensive Green Roofs in Sustainable Development. This paper is a reappraisal of current cognition sing the benefits of green roofs, works choice and civilization, and barriers to their credence in the United States. Because of edifice weight limitations and costs, shallow-substrate extended roofs are much more common than deeper intensive roofs. Therefore, the focal point of this reappraisal is chiefly on extended green roofs.

Research on environment for case has been done by Renterghemand Botteldooren ( 2011 ) on In-situ measurings of sound propagating over extended green roofs. In this survey, unmoved measurings of sound extension over level, extended green roofs were presented in 5 instance surveies. These involved state of affairss with either a individual diffraction or dual diffraction over green roofs. Measurements show that green roofs may take to consistent and important sound decrease at locations where merely diffracted sound moving ridges arrive. Among the individual diffraction instances, acoustic green roof betterments transcending 10 dubniums were found, over a broad frequence scope. While Li et Al ( 2010 ) survey on Effect of green roof on ambient CO2 concentration. The survey consistently investigates the consequence of green roofs on the ambient CO2 concentration utilizing field measurings, chamber experiments and numerical simulations. Plants can cut down the CO2 concentration in the environment by absorbing CO2 in the daylight. In a typical cheery twenty-four hours in summer in Hong Kong, the CO2 soaking up rate of a works in the daylight is much greater than the CO2 emanation rate at dark. The extent of the green roof consequence is related to the status of the workss, the place of the green roof and the ambient airflow status. In a cheery twenty-four hours, a green roof may take down the CO2 concentration in the nearby part every bit much as 2 % . On the other manus, Carter and Keeler ( 2008 ) conducted research on Life-cycle cost-benefit analysis of extended vegetated roof systems. This survey uses informations collected from an experimental green roof secret plan to develop a benefit cost analysis ( BCA ) for the life rhythm of extended ( thin bed ) green roof systems in an urban water parting. The consequences from this analysis are compared with a traditional roofing scenario. The net nowadays value ( NPV ) of this type of green roof presently ranges from 10 % to 14 % more expensive than its conventional opposite number. A decrease of 20 % in green roof building cost would do the societal NPV of the pattern less than traditional roof NPV. Besides, Jones and Alexandri ( 2008 ) studied on Temperature lessenings in an urban canon due to green walls and green roofs in diverse climes. From this quantitative research, it has been shown that there is an of import potency of take downing urban temperatures when the edifice envelope is covered with flora. Air temperature decreases at roof degree can make up to 26.0 1C upper limit and 12.8 1C day-time norm ( Riyadh ) , while inside the canon decreases reach up to 11.3 1C upper limit and 9.1 1C daytime norm, once more for hot and waterless Riyadh. It can be concluded that the hotter and drier a clime is, the greater the consequence of flora on urban temperatures.

Research on energy and edifice that has been done by Chang et Al ( 2011 ) on Optimal Design for Water Conservation and Energy Savings Using Green Roofs in a Green Building under Mixed Uncertainties. The survey identifies the optimum green roof country that keeps within the cost of a conventional place over a specific life clip, such as 50 old ages. Research findings show that as the dependability degree associated with the opportunity restraint was decreased, the upper edge of the green roof country did non vary much for either shake or metal roofs. The lower edge was found to diminish in the same state of affairs, nevertheless, due to the higher minimal cost of the cistern in relation to the greater volume of expected rainfall, coercing the needed green roof country to diminish. While Fioretti et Al ( 2010 ) investigate Green roof energy and H2O related public presentation in the Mediterranean clime. The probe performed within the specific climatic context of the Mediterranean part. All-out experimental consequences are provided from two instance surveies, located in north-west and cardinal Italy, dwelling in two to the full monitored green roofs on top of public edifices. The fading of solar radiation through the flora bed is evaluated every bit good as the thermic insularity public presentation of the green roof construction. The day-to-day heat flow through the roof surface is quantified demoing that the green roof outperforms the mention roof, hence cut downing the day-to-day energy demand. As for H2O direction, it is confirmed that green roofs significantly extenuate storm H2O overflow coevals even in a Mediterranean clime in footings of overflow volume decrease, peak fading and addition of concentration clip, although reduced public presentation could be observed during high precipitation periods. Besides, Castleton et Al ( 2010 ) conducted a research on Green roofs ; constructing energy nest eggs and the potency for retrofit. This paper reviews the current literature and foreground the state of affairss in which the greatest edifice energy nest eggs can be made. Older edifices with hapless bing insularity are deemed to profit most from a green roof as current edifice ordinances require such high degrees of insularity that green roofs are seen to barely impact one-year edifice energy ingestion. As over half of the bing UK edifice stock was built before any roof insularity was required, it is older edifices that will profit most from green roofs. The instance for retrofitting bing edifices is hence reviewed and it is found there is strong potency for green roof retrofit in the UK.

Research on perceptual experience has been done by Wan Zuriea et Al ( 2010 ) on Percept towards green roof in Malaysia. Consequences from interviews showed that the respondents ‘ perceived green roofs benefits are that they provide leisure and operational infinite, ocular comfortss value and wellness and curative value and environment and economic advantages. From the field observation survey, it was found that there is a good potency for green roof as it promotes a scope of benefits that can work out the job of ecological stairss, restriction of infinite, verdure balance, planetary heating, aesthetics and lost of wildlife home ground that occur in many urban countries. While House ( 2009 ) conducted research on North Texas Stakeholders: Percepts of Extensive Green Roofs. The findings of the paper indicate thatstakeholders perceived extended green roofs as being appropriate for usage in North Texas. Concerns were raised sing works choice, weight demands, initial cost, metropolis codifications, and aesthetics. Developers and metropolis functionaries indicated their concern for the public presentation of green roofs in the extremes of the North Texas clime, while designers and landscape designers spoke of the battalion of benefits and rightness for this part. Overall, perceptual experiences of extended green roofs were favourable, but a deficiency of equal research and concerns over cost issues were often cited as barriers to execution.

However, in this paper, researcher tends to concentrate on design guidelines of green roof system.A There is no similar thorough research which has been done by any other research worker in Malaysia sing on design guideline of green roof systems. Malaysia still do non hold the design guidelines for green roof system based on the preliminary interview that has been done with Encik Ishamuddin bin Mazlan from the Ministry of Energy, Green Technology and Water ( KeTTHA ) . For case, Hui ( 2010 ) has develop proficient guidelines for green roof systems in Hong Kong. This paper describes the major findings of a research to develop proficient guidelines for green roof systems in Hong Kong. The current cognition and latest tendencies of green roof engineering in the universe have been studied. Useful information and experience were examined for measuring the possible benefits and cardinal design factors. By look intoing the system constituents and practical considerations of typical green roof undertakings in Hong Kong and other states, cardinal information is established for fixing the proficient guidelines. Based on the reappraisal of the old related to the research, there seems no survey that has been done on design guideline for green roof systems in Malaysia and this will be an interesting subject for research worker in this Master research. Therefore, there is a spread that has been left for research worker to make full in and to lend to the bing organic structure of cognition.


By and large, this research seeks to hold an understanding and cognition on green roof systems. This survey aims to better the quality of green roof systems in Malaysia by develop design guidelines for green roof systems. In order to accomplish the purposes above, three ( 3 ) correlate aims are outlined as follows:

  1. To place the operational public presentation benefits of green roof engineering
  2. To research the obstruction to follow green roof engineering
  3. To develop design guidelines for green roof systems in Malaysia


Research inquiries are framed as a usher to carry through the research objectives. This research is expected to bring forth design guidelines that make best usage of the potency of green roof. Having decided that, the undermentioned research inquiries are addressed and framed:

Research inquiry for nonsubjective 1

  1. What are the consequence of the green roof to the environment
  2. How green roof can cut down energy ingestion in edifices
  3. How importance of utilizing green roof engineering in edifices

Research inquiry for nonsubjective 2

  1. What are the barriers in following green roof systems in Malaysia
  2. How make this barrier consequence the acceptance of green roof in Malaya

Research inquiry for nonsubjective 3

  1. What are the factor demand to be considered in planing the green roof systems


The methodological analysis in conducting is three different phases as follows:

a ) Literature Search & A ; Review

Literature hunt will conducted to garner information about green roof in order to place the benefits of green roof systems. The beginnings and information from diaries, articles, books and cyberspace are so to the full analyzed and studied to derive better understanding on green roof engineering.

B ) Survey

Survey will be conducted among three mark populations, viz. developers, designers and landscape designers who work in the Malayan building industry. Set of questionnaires will be distributed to research the obstructions to follow green roof engineering in Malaysia by comparing of replies to the same set of inquiries. The analysis of informations from the questionnaires responses may supply informations from which tabular arraies of obstructions can be produced.

degree Celsius ) Case Study

The Case Studies combine different methods to roll up an apprehension of modular green roof systems. Case study methods involve an in-depth, longitudinal scrutiny of a individual case or event: a instance. They provide a systematic manner of looking at events, roll uping informations, analysing information, and describing the consequences. As a consequence the research worker may derive a sharpened apprehension of why the case happened as it did, and what might go of import to look at more extensively in future research.


The mark group of this research dwelling of developers, designers, and landscape designers in the peninsular of Malaysia excepting Sabah and Sarawak who work in the Malayan building industry. Persons for the sample group will be selected because as suppliers of green roofs, their positions and actions have a direct influence on green roof development. The classification of the edifice professionals will enable easy designation of any disparity in positions between them.


This research is expected to place the public presentation benefits of green roof systems in order for green roof to be utilized in Malayan edifices. Besides that, this research will place the obstructions to follow green roof and develop recommendation to get the better of this obstructions. Furthermore, this survey will add to the organic structure of cognition that green roof systems can heighten the environment of the urban country, cut down energy usage in edifices, and assist to cut down consequence of planetary warming particularly in urban country in Malaysia. On top of that, this research hopes to give a better apprehension and manner to follow green roof systems in Malayan edifices. At the terminal of this research, it will develop new design guidelines for sustainable green roof systems in Malaysia.


Research Statement


Research Questions

Research Method

To better the quality of green roof systems in Malaysia by develop design guidelines for green roof systems.

Global heating or clime alteration

OB1: To place operational public presentation benefits of green roof engineering

RQ1.1: What are the effects of the green roof to the environment

RQ1.2: How green roof can cut down energy ingestion in edifices

RQ1.3: How importance of utilizing green roof engineering in edifices

Literature reappraisal

Obstacles in acceptance green roof systems

OB2: To research the obstructions to follow green roof engineering

RQ2.1: What are the barriers in following green roof systems in Malaysia

RQ2.2: How make this barrier consequence the acceptance of green roof engineering in Malaysia

Questionnaire Survey

Design Guidelines

OB3: To develop design guidelines for green roof systems in Malaysia

RQ3.1: What are the factor demand to be considered in planing the green roof systems

Case Study


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