Greenwood County Keeps Growing Every Year New Things Are Build , Like Essay

houses , industries andmany other things. Greenwood County has a diversified manufacturing economy some companies
have more than a century , others have only recently selected Greenwood as the location of new
Industries. Greenwood Mills , Inc. , began operations in 1891 , the town’s first textile
manufacturing plant , is now a major producer of denim and other fabrics . With 7,000 employees
in South Carolina , Georgia , Tennessee . George W. Park Seed Company has been in business
since 1868 and is international mail – order supplier of gardening materials and seeds . In 1918
Southern Brick Company was established , when rich deposits of clay were discovered in Ninety
Six Creek ,and continues to manufacture building materials.

Fuji photo film, Inc. , was established in Greenwood in 1889 . In early 1994 , Fuji announced the
construction of its largest and most technologically facility in Greenwood .This factory has recently
been completed and is ready to supply color photographic paper to the US Market . Fuji
announced on June 20 , 1995 , that the construction was completed and production had begun at
the Greenwood site . The construction of a Central Distribution Center was announced in January ,
1996 . This facility has been completed and serves of all the manufacturing facilities at the fuji
Greenwood complex . The Distribution Center is over 3,000,000 square feet in size and
represents as investments of 20 to 25 million dollars . Also in January of 1996 , Fuji of Greenwood
announced the construction of new 100,000 square foot facility which will expand Fuji’s ability to
serve the graphic arts market . The new plant will be operational in early 1997 , will employ about
70 new Associates , and will represent an additional investment of approximately 25 Million .In
February of 1996 , Fuji of Greenwood public announced an additional factory which will finish 35
mm color film . Sara Lee Knit products opened a modern production facility in 1994and produces

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