Grievance and Disciplinary Procedure Essay

1. GRIEVANCE AND DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURE 1. 1Grievance A grievance is any dissatisfaction or feeling of injustice in connection with your employment situation that is brought to the attention of management. Sometimes, individual problems and differences may be more sensitive and/or serious, and a more formal approach is necessary. The Company handles grievances in the following procedures: 1. 1. 1First Stage An employee wishing to report a grievance should submit the case in writing to his or her Head of Department/Immediate Supervisor. If the case is very serious the Manager must notify the Administration immediately. 1. . 2Second Stage The Head of Department must interview the employee and endeavor to work a mutually satisfactory solution. 1. 1. 3Third Stage The Head of Department must submit a written report to the Administration, giving details of the grievance, as well as any action taken, within seven days of the date of the written grievance. 1. 1. 4Fourth Stage If, at this stage, no satisfactory solution to the grievance has been achieved, the employee may seek an interview with the Administration. This interview must be conducted no later than seven days after receipt of the report of Head of the Department of the first interview.

Also at this stage, copies of all documents relating to the case must be sent to the Administration. 1. 1. 5Fifth Stage Should the grievance remain unresolved following the interview with the Administration, it must, within seven days, be referred to the Chairman/MD who will review the facts of the grievance and interview the parties concerned. At this stage decision of Chairman/MD is final. Should the grievance be against the employee’s Department Head, the employee may choose to submit the written grievance directly to the Administration and Administration will have to send copy to Top Management. . 2Disciplinary Action Employees need to know the standards of behavior and performance which are expected by the company contained in such documents as the Code of Conduct, Job Description, and various Policies and Circulars. When employees fail to meet these established standards, it is management’s responsibility to take disciplinary action. 1. 2. 1Reasons for Disciplinary Action The following acts and/or omissions shall be treated as misconduct for which Management may decide to take disciplinary action against an employee. 1. 2. 1. 1Personal Misconduct & Inappropriate Behavior Absenteeism- to be frequently late in attending office and/or to remain absent from office frequently without prior sanction of leave(unauthorized absence); • Habitual late attendance and habitual leaving early or returning late after duty outside the office; • Improper or non-abiding by the rules and regulations of the organizations; • Willfully neglecting in discharge of responsibility or insubordination; • Inappropriate behavior, undue criticizing toward seniors/colleagues/subordinates or customers; • Unauthorized use of company time or equipment for personal or third party concerns; • Taking major meal, or smoking on duty; • Use of bad language; • Negligence of duty, or neglect of work; • Undue delay in execution of work; 1. 2. 1. 2Poor Performance • Failure to meet minimum requirements of the job in output (volume or quality); • Violation of policy, regulation or custom which result in inconvenience and/or loss to the company or in customer dissatisfaction; • Lack of care and standards in performing duties which expose the company to risk or financial loss; 1. 2. 1. 3Gross Misconduct • Has been guilty of misconduct; Habitual absenteeism (unauthorized absence or desertion of duties); • Habitual negligence of duty and/or habitual delaying in execution of work; • Possession or use of drugs, alcohol or illegal substances and drunkness, or gambling while on duty; • Willful destruction of company property and riotous or disorderly behavior; • Behavior causing severe damage to customer relations; • Threatening or intimidating an employee of the company within or outside the office; • Inciting others to abstain from work or agitation in any form and manner within or outside office premises; • Distribution or display within office premises of any paper, hand bills pamphlets or poster without prior approval of the management; • Holding of meetings within office premises without prior permission of the management; • Refusal to comply with an order of company, or directly or indirectly trying influence the management to cancel an order; • To be convicted in a court of law on charges of moral turpitude; 1. 2. 1. 4Breaches of Trust and Dishonesty Theft of any kind – regardless of amount or value; • Fraud of any kind – regardless of amount or value; • Falsification/tempering with the administrative, programmatic and/or financial record or any documents of the company; • To accept any illegal gratification or to do anything that causes damage to the property of the company and/or its image and goodwill; • Violation of policy, law or custom for personal gain or to the benefit of family, friends or other associates; • Failure to report illegal or fraudulent activities; • Failure to report errors which place the company at material risk; • Violations of the Code of Conduct and the Declaration of Confidentiality; • Taking or giving bribes; • Style of living beyond one’s means; 1. 2. 2Types of Penalties

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The measure of punishment should be proportionate to the severity of the offence committed, the employees’ performance history and the ability of management and the employees to agree on a suitable corrective action program. However, penalty may be of two types in accordance with Law: • Minor Penalties; • Major Penalties; 1. 2. 2. 1Minor Penalties • Warning; • Suspension as a measure of punishment; • Recovery from salary of any financial loss/ expenses to the Company; • Withholding confirmation or promotion or increment for a specified period; 1. 2. 2. 2Major Penalties • Degradation to any lower grade; • Compulsory retirement from the service, with or without retirement benefits; • Termination by way of punishment; • Dismissal from services. 1. 2. 3Disciplinary Procedure

If on the basis of any report the company decides to proceed with disciplinary action, an employee shall be served with written notice wherein specific charges would be mentioned with the directive to show cause within 7(seven) days of the receipt of notice, as to why he/she should not be subjected to disciplinary action. When the employee has replied to the notice in self-defense, top management will conduct an independent investigation and report whether the employee is found guilty of the charges against him/her or not. The Management may on the basis of the investigation result and personal herring (if necessary) impose punishment (mentioned earlier) as deem fit.


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