Group and Individual Communication Essay

Individual communication is one-on-one interaction with another. Individual communication allows for continuous feedback based on each person’s input. The communication that takes place between two individuals is very specific to each other’s responses. Since the flow of communication is continuous, individuals have a better understanding of each others thoughts and opinions and can respond directly back to each other. In contrast, group communication is contact between more than two people in a group. Group communication is more than one person communicating to a group; it is many people interacting together.

Group communication relies on prior understanding of the group objectives and the group’s culture. Unlike individual communication, individuals in a group do not provide feedback directly to one another. Rather, they provide feedback to be addressed by the entire group. With group communication, every participant’s input is necessary to help the group comprehend the objectives so that the whole group can benefit and arrive at mutual understanding. Therefore, in individual communication, the exchange of ideas and opinion is specific to the two individuals involved.

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Whereas, group communication involves many people and the communication is not specific to just one person. Group communication includes the input of many people which makes the process more difficult. Everyone in the group contributes ideas that need consideration. Members of a group want to feel that their input is having impact on the group dynamics. . Small-group communication refers to the nature of communication that occurs in groups that are between 3 and 12 to 20 individuals (Beebe, 2006). You cannot avoid groups; groups are part of every fabric of our lives. Beebe, Steven A. ; John T. Masterson (2006) (in English).

Communicating in Small Groups Principles and Practices (8 ed. ). Boston: Pearson Education, Inc. Group communication basically implies a many-to-many communication style in a group; this goes beyond both one-to-one communication (i. e. , unicast) and one-to-many communication organizations are focused on creating a culture of diversity and acceptance in the workplace, helps coworkers collaborate and use teamwork to solve problems. 1c. Strategies to promote individual and group communication disrespecting a person by refusing to acknowledge their presence springs, no doubt, from some primal urge to demonstrate superiority. ttp://www. uap. vt. edu/cdrom/tools/tools1. htm#One-on-one (interpersonal) skills |Be responsive |The first order of business is to be available, accessible, and responsive. While this is often difficult | | |with busy schedules, it is important to serve the client: make time in your schedule to be available, | | |respond to phone calls, e-mails, and other inquiries in a timely manner, develop back-up mechanisms for | | |responding when you are unavailable. |Be engaging |“Be alive! ” “Look the client squarely in the eyes! ” “Be an active listener. ” Connecting with the client | | |often takes some work, and it is important to make the effort to focus attention on the request or issues | | |at hand. Paraphrasing and other methods are helpful to assure clients that you hear and are interested in | | |what they say.

Most often this approach leads to the most effective and efficient outcome. | |Be pleasant |Work should be fun! A smile and some humor go a long way toward breaking the ice, easing anxiety, defusing | | |conflict, and thereby increasingly the channels of communication. | |Be patient |“Treat impatient people with patience” is one of the most difficult skills in interpersonal communication, | | |but one of the most important for public officials.

Often times it is important to give clients the | | |opportunity to vent before trying to get to the root of the problem and find solutions. | |Be clear |Clarity of communication is critical. Active listening and paraphrasing are a critical first step. It is | | |also important to leave the client with a clear idea of where your stand, what to expect, and what next | | |steps to take. |Be positive |It is easy to look at the “dark side” of any situation. One of the important skills of interpersonal | | |communication is to look at a situation in a positive light, to empathize with the client, and to seek | | |solutions. | |Be realistic |While it is important to be positive, it is critical to be realistic. If there are difficult or | | |insurmountable problems, the client needs to know. |Be a problem solver |All of these skills amount to being a problem solver, or one actively involved in trying to resolve a | | |client’s concerns. Helping people solve their problems through responsiveness, engagement, patience, | | |clarity, and a positive, empathetic and realistic approach is the best way to perform the role of public | | |servant and to “win friends and influence people.   | 1. Watch group vibes: If people seem bored or inattentive, you may have to speed up the pace of the meeting. If people seem tense because of unvoiced disagreements, you may have to bring concerns out into the open. 2. Ask open ended questions: For instance, “We seem to be having trouble resolving the matter. What do you think we should do? ”  3. Summarize what others say: For instance, you might say, “It seems we agree that . . ” 4. Make sure everyone gets a chance to speak: One way of ensuring quiet people get a chance to speak is to initiate a round. In a round you move around the table with everyone getting a few minutes to present their views. 5. Inject humor: There a few better ways of overcoming cranky, niggling or petty behavior. 6. Learn to deal with difficult behavior: · |[p|Flare-ups: When two members get into a heated discussion summarize |ic|the points made by each, then turn the discussion back to the group. ·  | |] | | |[p|Grand standing: Interrupt the one-man show with a statement that gives  | |ic|him credit for his contribution, but ask him to reserve his other points for  | |] |later.

Alternatively, interrupt with, “You have brought up a great many  | | |points. Would anyone like to take up one of these points? ” ·  | |[p|Broken recording: When someone keeps repeating the same point,  | |ic|assure them their point has been heard.

If necessary ask the group if  | |] |they want to allow the person to finish making their point. ·  | |[p|Interrupting: Step in immediately with, “Hold on, let X finish what they  | |ic|have to say. ” If necessary, ask the person who tends to interrupt to act  | |] |as the recorder for the meeting.   | |[p|Continual criticizing: Legitimize negative feelings on difficult issues. | |ic|You might say, “Yes, it will be tough to reduce traffic congestion on  | |] |Marguerite, but there are successful models we can look at. ” If necessary,  | | |ask the critical person to take on an achievable task. |


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