Groups Of The Periodic Tables (metals, Non-metals, Metalloids

Earth, fire, water, wind
Metals, metalloids, and non-metals
Three main categories
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Groups Of The Periodic Tables (metals, Non-metals, Metalloids
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95% of the periodic table are metals
Elements of the periodic table
Non-metals 2nd and metalloids 3rd
Second and third largest group of metals
To the left in a dark ziz-zag line
Where do metals appear
Ductile, malleable, lust, high melting point, dense, conductors of electricity and heat
Properties of metals
Corrosion and rust (reaction with water)
Chemical property
Sulfur, nitrogen, selenium, bromine
Occur to the right of the dark zig-zag
Non-metals location
Non-metal is a gas to at room tempertaure
They are dull, brittle ( not ductile or malleable), low density, low melting point, 5 or less, valance electrons
Properties of non metals
Germanium. Silicon, polonium, Arsenic, antimony or silicon
Cluster around the dark zig-zag line, have similar properties to metals and non-metals, shiny or dull, are ok conductors, malleable and ductile,
Properties of metalloids
Like metals or metal like
Root of metalloids
3 or less V.E usually give it away
Valance electrons in metals

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