Health Center 21- Infection Control

Portal of entry
How does a Pathogen enter a new reservoir?
Diseases that are caused by fungi are called what?
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Health Center 21- Infection Control
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What causes infectious disease?
Make bacteria difficult to eliminate
What is the role of spores?
Bacteria, Fungi, viruses, Protozoa
What are the four main classes of microorganisms?
Protozoa are often found in what kind of environment?
The susceptible host
Sandra has the flu, but she goes to work anyway. Within a few days, her co-worker Olivia gets sick with the flu. In the chain of infection what is Olivia?
Medical Asepsis
Hand washing, routine cleaning and using PPE are examples of what type of practice?
By invading living cells
How do viruses reproduce?
20 mins
How long must an object soak in disinfectant solution to be properly disinfected?
Living organisms that are not visible to the naked eye
What is a microorganism?
Dry heat
What do you not use to sanitize?
It helps the transmission of disease
Why is infection control important to health care workers?
Wash your hands
What is the best way to prevent the spread of infection?
Blood borne
HIV can be spread through which mode of transmission?
All patients should be considered infectious
Which patients should be considered infectious?
After donning gown, masks, and eyewear
When should gloves be donned if you are wearing additional PPE?
Before providing care in between patients
When should health care workers wash their hands?
What should body fluid be considered?
In biohazardous waste container
Where should a disposable gown be placed after use?
When contact with blood or bodily fluid is likely
When should a gown be worn?
What is the outside of a gown considered?
Can face masks be reused?
Marked with the biohazardous symbol
How can you tell whether a trash container is for regular or biohazardous waste?
Entire sharp in to the sharps container
How is a used sharp disposed of?
Needles, blades, razors
What is considered a sharp?
Gloves, masks, eyewear, gowns, and CPR shield
What type of PPE should be available to employees of a nursing home?
During care of one patient
How long can a single pair of gloves be used?
Both before and after wearing gloves
When should hands be washed when you will be wearing gloves?
What agency developed standard precautions?
Place them in a biohazardous linen bag
What should a health care worker do with bed sheets that are soaked with blood?
What are the strings and elastic bands of masks, and eyewear considered?
Maintain room temp of 90
What is not a standard practice for a patient with tuberculosis?
Double bagging technique
What technique should be used to remove items from isolation room?
With patients who have a highly communicable disease
When should transmission based precautions be used?
2 people
How many health care workers are required for most procedures in isolation room?
Wearing a standard surgical mask
What is a droplet precaution?
Inhaling air droplets after a sneeze
What is an example of indirect contact?
It should be disposed of in the patients room
What should be done with food that is leftover in an isolation room?
It would increase the risk of spreading infection
Why should transmission based garments never be removed outside of an isolation room?
When treating an open wound
When should sterile gloves be worn?
Above waist level
When wearing sterile gloves, where should hands be kept?
A strip placed inside the package that changes when exposed to high temp
What are sterility indicators?
Pressurized steam
How does an autoclave kill microorganisms?
An area covered with an sterile towel and containing only sterile supplies
What is a sterile field?
Leave space between and around each item
How must an autoclave be loaded?
Create new tray
Stella is preparing a sterile tray for a dressing change. While preparing the tray, a nurse calls her name, and she turns her back on the tray for a few mins? What should Stella do next?
Prepare the tray first, and then put on the gloves
Patricia needs to put a dressing on an open wound. This procedure requires her to prepare a sterile tray and put on sterile gloves. In what order should these tasks be completed?
False, they all would be replaced
In a sterile field you would only replace the items that have been contaminated? (True/False)
Open with ungloved hands , but be careful no to touch the inside of the package
How should a sterile package be handled?
Items contained, the date of sterilization, and initials
How much you label an autoclave package?

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