
Question Answer
Who was Alfred Wegener? He was the scientist how hypothesis continental drift
Continental drift? Continents once formed a single landmass and broke apart
Mid-ocean ridge? Undersea mountain ranges through the center of narrow valleys
Sea-floor spreading? The process by which new oceanic lithosphere forms as magma rises
Plate tectonics? Is the theory that explains how continents move
Lithosphere? The lithosphere forms a thin outer shell of earth
Asthenosphere? Is a layer of rock just below the lithosphere
Divergent boundaries? Is two plates that move away from each other
Convergent boundaries? Are boundaries that form where two plates collide
Transform boundary The boundary at which two plate slide past each other
Rifting Is the process of continents break apart
Terrance? Is a piece of lithosphere that has a unique geologic history
Supercontinent cycle? The process by a which supercontinents form and break apart
Pangea? A supercontinents that formed about 300 million years ago
Panthalassa? The single large ocean that surrounded Pagaea
Subduction zone? The region along a plate boundary
Island arc? Fluids released from the subducted plate causes mantle rock to melt
Ridge push? As cooling rock sinks to the asthenosphere below its exert force
Slab pull? The force exerted by the sinking plate

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