Homeschooling: Education and Children Essay

It is a fact that not very child in this world can receive formal public school. Some children are homesteaded at home by their parents, but sometimes by tutors. This essay will discuss advantages and disadvantages of homecomings. The greatest advantage of homecomings Is that having flexible time for both parents and children. This is to say, children can study whenever they want and whenever they have Interest in studying. They can learn best In the morning, noon, or evening, so parents also may adjust their children’s schedules suitably with their permitted time.

Furthermore, homecomings are not a full-time Job, so It will not affect parents’ working. They are not too busy running between the working and the teaching because homecomings does not request them work punctually. In a day, they are able to arrange time In a rational way (-reasonably) In order to do two tasks effectively, which are working and teaching. For example, In the morning, all of them go to the field, then take a rest by noon and in the evening is the time for teaching and studying. One other advantage of homecomings is that it may save time and be suitable for disadvantaged areas.

In effect, some people who live in rural areas have difficult conditions and are far from school. They cannot take their kids to school all the time, so homecomings may be suitable for this situation. If parents homeless children, they can save time instead of spending to take them to go to school. Finally, thanks to homecomings, parents can manage and understand their kids such as ability to absorb and capacity. For instance, when applying formal homecomings, parents can both teach and educate children, even warn them to avoid involving in the evils of drug, alcohol, crime.

As a result, the society may be better. Being educated at school is not the only way to lead people into success. One negative aspect of homecomings is that children can have a poor psychology. As a result, they do not integrate with the social, and even get autism. Indeed, when studying at home, they only communicate with their family without having much contact with other people. Maybe, this will make them have the same characters as adults, which means they are precocious for their age. Moreover, they can distance themselves from everybody else, and even their friends.

On the contrary, other children also do not want to make friends with them. Another disadvantage of homecomings is that parents are not enough knowledge to teach their kids. In some situations, actually, parents cannot always explain clearly for children to understand. Consequently, children do not have enough basic foundation of knowledge as other children who study In public school. Perhaps, their studying will have a plenty of difficulties, especially when taking part In the multiversity entrance exam and studying In higher education for a long time.

An dilation disadvantage of ensconcing Is that children’ studying can be affected or Interrupted. As a matter of fact, parents as well as children usually have to work hard, so they feel tired and only want to take a rest after labouringly all day In the field. If parents try to teach. The effective teaching will not be high. In conclusion, everything NAS two sloes, Don advantages Ana Lastingness. However, knowing how to adapt the drawbacks of homecomings will help to enhance the teaching and learning quality and can balance between the study and the work in order to bring a better future to children.

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