Impacts of a Natural Disaster on Wellbeing and Happiness Essay

Significance of the survey, theory, theoretical account and hypotheses

3.1.1 The real-world job

Myanmar is one of the lowest-income developing states with a GDP/capita rank of 82[ 1 ]out of 213 and a HDI of index rank of 138[ 2 ]at which refers to 2007 out of 182 states. The entire population of the state was 60 million[ 3 ]in 2009. Agribusiness is the most of import sectors of the national economic system of Myanmar, with a part to entire GDP of 2007 of about 45[ 4 ]per centum. Myanmar remains a preponderantly society with the mass of its population to a great extent depend on agribusiness and related activities. About 76 %[ 5 ]of rural population is engaged in that sector. Furthermore, the urban population is mostly dependent on the national agricultural end product for its nutrient supply. The function of agribusiness in the national economic system is of polar importance since it has a direct or indirect bearing on all other socio-economic facets of Myanmar.

The state ‘s macroeconomic instabilities, peculiarly high rising prices and relentless budget shortages, are outstanding concerns in the economic system. These factors tend to increase the input cost of rice production for the fighting rural hapless. Furthermore, the economic growing of Myanmar has been dampened by some factors such as unequal substructure, outdated and inappropriate production engineering, environmental statute law, province monetary value supports to unproductive sectors, and the deficiency of advanced skilled in labour force.

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Successful Paddy end product for a specified season determines the following Paddy cultivation. Successful paddy cultivation leads to more nonfarm chances for employees. Present farm household income is low because of the low farm productiveness. Further the primary merchandises are marketed without value added at the family degree with really low net income border to agriculturists. Farm rewards are hardly plenty to supply nutrient, with left over for vesture, school fees, shelters, supplies, or medical specialties. Most of the rural countries are much worse off today than a decennary ago.

“ Rural poorness affects a important part of the state ‘s population. Poverty decrease has been slow due to widening inequalities among income groups and across parts. Harmonizing to the Agriculture Census in 1993, approximately 36 per centum of entire farming families owned less than 3 estates of land ; these families can be represented as the ‘hardcore hapless. ‘ In 1997, the Central Statistical Organization ( CSO ) collected family ingestion information on both nutrient and non-food outgos, covering all provinces and divisions. Based on the national poorness line of day-to-day per capita outgo of 53.69 Kyats, the poorness incidence in urban countries was 23.9 per centum, in rural countries 22.4 per centum and for the whole state 22.9 per centum ( CSO,1997 ). The Asia Development Bank ( 2001a ) found that Myanmar is trapped in low poorness despite its rich resources base, and the tendency of poorness is steadily increasing over the last 10 old ages. ”[ 6 ]

The two research countries to be analyzed in this study are known as the state ‘s rice bowl. In add-on to all of the above jobs, they were besides hit by Cyclone Nargis[ 7 ]in May, 2008. The incidence of implosion therapy, unexpected plague and disease onslaughts cut down the net incomes from Paddy related activities.

3.1.2 The scientific challenge

“ The Delta country is by no means one of the poorer parts of the state ( 29 per centum of the population was hapless in 2004-05, compared with 32 per centum. However, development is comparatively limited, and life can be rough, in peculiar when harvests fail. 44 per centum of agricultural families experienced inundations during the last five old ages, and 43 per centum experienced drouth. Because of the geographics of the Delta part, these figures are good above the national norm.

Agribusiness is the driving force in the Delta economic system, these uncertainnesss impact on the incomes of families in other sectors. Overall in the Delta, 32 per centum of the landless work in agribusiness as renter/sharecroppers, agricultural workers, or seasonal agricultural workers, a figure above the 26 percent national norm. The other two-thirds worked in other sectors including piscaries, salt production, trade and transit.

The landless are more likely to be hapless in the Delta part than elsewhere: 44 per centum of the landless live below the authorities poorness line, compared with 33 per centum nationally. Of the “ hapless ” in the Delta, 31 per centum were landless, while the “ really hapless ” were about ever landless – 85 per centum. ”[ 8 ]Against this background of economic adversity, Cyclone Nargis caused huge human agony and exacted a terrible societal and economic toll on the affected households and communities. In footings of scientific research, this besides causes an tremendous obstruction to the comparings of impact on poorness, dependence ratio, income per capita, etc. This is because many people died, and they were mostly the really old, the really immature, and the really ill. So paradoxically, the income per capita and the dependence ratio may hold really improved as a consequence of the hurricane ; but at a immense human pride.

It may besides be true that the beginnings of income which are available to people in the to a great extent affected country have changed dramatically. About 200 1000000s working yearss of labours are likely to hold lost their occupations. Occupation losingss are mostly in such informal sectors as seasonal occupations in agribusiness, short-run occupations in community work, small-scale fishing, rice Millss, fish processing, salt production, wood film editing, and other resource-intensive economic activities. Figure 3.1 illustrates the displacement in business before and after cyclone Nargis.

Figure 3.1. The displacement of businesss before and after Nargis

Beginning: PONJA: Post Nargis Joint Assessement, July 2008_Tripartite Core Group

“ Despite the terrible local harm to the Delta Area, Cyclone Nargis is expected to hold had merely a modest impact on GDP, ensuing in lower growing financial twelvemonth 2008-09. The sum estimated loss in value added in the current financial twelvemonth ( FY08 ) from the cyclone amounted to about USD780 million. The economic losingss were estimated to be about 2.7 per centum of the officially projected national GDP in 2008. The comparatively high economic losingss from the catastrophe were attributable to its impact on assets, industrial production and commercialism in the largest metropolis in the state ( Yangon ) every bit good as a chief agribusiness bring forthing part ( Ayeyarwady Delta ). Economic losingss, concentrated in the Yangon and Ayeyarwady Divisions, were estimated to be about 11 per centum of the part ‘s economic system. Within the productive sectors, rice harvests in agribusiness, little, informal retail sectors in commercialism and larger houses in the industrial Parkss suffered comparatively larger losingss in value added footings. ”[ 9 ]

Cyclone Nargis caused extended harm and loss of supports, employment and income of the people populating in the affected countries of the coastal zone, the agriculturally productive zone, and the urban and peri-urban countries. Since hapless people live in these zones and depend upon the for their supports, their full life criterions were expected to be badly damaged by the cyclone.

Small holder husbandmans, communities dependent on small-scale inshore and offshore fishing, landless hapless families dependent on wage-labor in agribusiness, and skilled workers antecedently employed in a wide-range of resource-based little and average graduated table fabrication and processing houses lost income earning chances for a significant period. Early recovery activities focused on assisting people restore their supports, including through the proviso of agriculture and fishing implements, every bit good as financess to autonomy and support groups. Job losingss fell mostly in the informal sector, notably seasonal occupations in agribusiness, short-run occupations in community plants, small-scale fishing, rice Millss, fish processing, salt production, wood film editing, and other resource-based economic activities.

The research countries, Pyapon Township and Labutta Township are located in Ayarwaddy Divison, basin of Ayarwaddy River and celebrated for paddy production among all others territories in state. It has been 2 old ages after Nargis calamity. Many research inquiries must be addressed In order to understand, prevent and decrease the negative effects of such diasters in Myanmar and elsewhere. These inquiries include:

Which sectors of the population ( regional, gender, age, household composing, business, etc. ) were the hardest hit?

Is two old ages plenty for a hard-hit country to catch up with a mildly hit country?

Make the people in both types of country still deficiency of basic demands?

What are the economic and employment possibilities for them?

Are those families under the poorness line still comparatively happy?

What policy recommendations can be made for national, province, local functionaries, civil societies and husbandmans to better the life criterions of the population?

3.2.1Goal and aims of the survey

The overall end of the survey is to deduce, utilizing two survey countries otherwise affected by hurricane Nargis, the impacts of the hurricane on physical wellbeing, income, income distribution, felicity and societal networking ; and to do policy recommendations for the relief of some of the worst effects of the hurricane.

In order to accomplish this overall end, we have set the following specific aims:

To portray the profiles and features of little farm families utilizing income/consumption, wellness, instruction, and authorization related poorness indexs in two countries of Myanmar differentially affected by a natural catastrophe.

to set up an accurate poorness line by agencies of the Cost of Basic Needs Method

to measure and compare the comparative and absolute poorness conditions ( utilizing the Gini, Theil, and Foster-Greer-Thorbecke coefficients ) of little farm families in the two survey countries.

to gauge, explicate, and prove the significance of the degrees of wellbeing ( basic demands ) entree by respondents in both survey countries.

to gauge, explicate, and prove the significance of the degrees of single felicity reported by respondents in both survey countries.

To do recommendations to local and national authoritiess, to NGOs, and to the affected communities themselves as to how to cut down absolute poorness, and anticipate, protect against, and cut down the impacts of such natural catastrophes in the hereafter.

3.3.1 Hypothesiss

The undermentioned hypotheses are composed for this survey.

3.3.1 Current degrees of net farm income and self-generated income in sort are unequal to provide 2100 Calories and 95 gms of protein per twenty-four hours per grownup equivalent on the bulk of little graduated table husbandmans.

3.3.2. The comparative portion of assorted beginnings of income has changed significantly for the Nargis heavily-affected countries as compared to the lightly-affected country.

3.3.2 Relative poorness ( as measured by the Gini and Theil indices ) is significantly higher in the to a great extent Nargis affected country.

3.3.4 Absolute poorness ( incidence ) is the same in both countries, but the deepness and strength of poorness are significantly higher in the to a great extent Nargis affected country.

3.3.5 Peoples populating in families with female family caputs are significantly more likely to see trouble run intoing their BASIC needs than people in family caputs with male caputs.

3.3.6 The subjective wellbeing ( felicity ) of the heavily-affected country is non significantly different from the mildly-affected country, proposing that human existences bounce quickly from catastrophes.

3.3.7 The societal capital of both types ( bridging and bonding ) in the Nargis affected country has increased significantly in comparing with the non-heavily affected country. This should give them higher protection from catastrophes in the hereafter.

4. The Review of literature

Thematic literature


The wellbeing or quality of life of a population is an of import concern in economic sciences and political scientific discipline. There are many constituents to wellbeing. A big portion is the criterion of life, the sum of money, goods and services, wellness and environment to which a individual has entree. Personal or household income is by and large regarded as the individual best step of the grade to which people are comfortable. Other factors besides contribute to people well-being. Having low household income greatly raises a individual ‘s opportunity of holding trouble meeting basic demands. Overall, income is really strongly associated with the ability to run into the basic demands. There are many facets of wellbeing. This survey will concentrate on basic demands such as nutrient, instruction, and wellness ) by measuring the poorness line and societal capital and subjective wellbeing ( felicity ) of the respondents.

Social capital is related to the value of the societal cyberspace plants, adhering with similar people and bridging between diverse people, with the norms of reciprocality ( Dekker and Uslaner 2001 ; Uslaner 2001 ). Sander ( 2002, p. 213 ) stated that the common people wisdom that more people get their occupations from whom they know, instead than what they know, turns out to be through empirical observation true in many instances ‘. Adler and Kwon ( 2002 ) identified that the nucleus intuition steering societal capital research is that the good will that others have toward us is a valuable resource. They define societal capital as ‘the good will available to persons or groups. Its beginning lies in the construction and content of the histrion ‘s societal dealingss. Its effects flow from the information, influence, and solidarity it makes available to the histrion ‘ ( Adler and Kwon 2002, p. 23 ). Dekker and Uslaner ( 2001 ) posited that societal capital is basically about how people interact with each other. A focal point on external dealingss has besides been called ‘bridging ‘ ( Woolcock 1998 ) or ‘communal ‘ societal capital ( Oh et al. 1999 ) while a focal point on internal dealingss is termed ‘bonding ‘ or ‘linking ‘

Subjective wellbeing can be merely defined as the person ‘s current rating of his or her felicity. Such an rating is frequently expressed in affectional footings ; when asked about subjective wellbeing, participants will frequently state, “ I feel good ” ( Schwartz & A ; Strack, 1999 ). Subjective wellbeing is therefore, at least in portion, a placeholder for a planetary affectional rating. Increase in income does non take to increase in subjective well being ( Keely, 2000 ) Most people define themselves as being happy, irrespective of their stuff wealth ( Diener & A ; Diener, 1996 ). Most people assume that the external fortunes of others are powerful determiners of subjective well being, in malice of the fact that such fortunes would hold small consequence on their ain subjective wellbeing or “ SWB ” ( Schkade & A ; Kahneman, 1999 ).

Previous research shows that each person has a felicity “ set point ” to which they return really quickly, even after major good fortune ( winning the lottery ) or bad fortune ( being the victim of a hurricane ). It usually takes between 6 months and a twelvemonth to return to one ‘s normal happiness degree.

B. Poverty

It is of import to derive poorness lines that provide consistence in public assistance measuring over infinite and clip. Poverty is defined in different ways by assorted organisations. Poverty lines are by and large defined as the per-capita pecuniary demands an single demands to afford the purchase of a basic package of goods and services, including notably nutrient and shelter. Different poorness constructs define the different poorness appraisal methods. Harmonizing to the United Nations ( 1998 ), poorness is a denial of picks and chances, a misdemeanor of human self-respect. It means deficiency of basic capacity to take part efficaciously in society. These constructs are straight inspired by the pioneering idea of Amartya Sen[ 10 ]. “ Poverty means non holding adequate money, chances, instruction, or gaining possible to feed and dress a household ; non holding a school or clinic to travel to ; non holding the land on which to turn one ‘s nutrient or a occupation to gain one ‘s life ; and non holding entree to recognition.

It means insecurity, impotence and exclusion of persons, families and communities. It means susceptibleness to force, and it frequently implies populating on fringy or delicate environments, without entree to clean H2O or sanitation. Therefore, security, power and inclusion of persons, families and communities are important for the hapless to take advantage of chances created by economic development. ”[ 11 ]Put more merely poorness is defined hungriness, deficiency of shelter, being ill and non being able to see a physician, non holding entree to school and non cognizing how to read, non holding a occupation, fright for the hereafter, and populating one twenty-four hours at a clip. Poverty is losing a kid to preventable unwellness brought approximately by dirty H2O, impotence, deficiency of representation and freedom by the World Bank[ 12 ].

Harmonizing to the Asian Development Bank ( 1999 ), ‘poverty ‘ means more than deficiency of equal income. A province of poorness has non-economic dimensions such as favoritism, development, deficiency of power, and fright. Thus poorness means deficiency of human development, deficiency of voice in decision-making or authorization, and high grade of exposure.

Finally, the 1980s was characterized by a rapid addition in the survey of ‘gender ‘. The argument moved from a focal point on adult females entirely to wider gender dealingss ( Gender and Development ).

There is a strong correlativity between rural poorness on the other manus and a figure of major economic and societal development variables, on the other. The variable considered are the entree to land ; population growing ; overall GDP growing ; GDP growing emanating from agribusiness ; rate of rising prices ; infant mortality rate ; life anticipation rate ; and gross primary school registration ratio. Several of these economic and societal factors are extremely correlated.

Basic Needs

There are many ways to step and prove the significance of comparative and absolute poorness. Poverty is normally defined by pecuniary step ; that is the people are populating under the poorness line. The common international poorness line is $ 1.25 at 2005 purchasing-power para ( PPP ). ( The World Bank 2008 ) However there are many facets of poorness do non include in the pecuniary attack but really of import in poverty step. The list of possible factors are about eternal, many perceivers have suggested that a focal point on the basic demands. The basic needs by and large intend that nutrient, wellness, instruction, sanitation, minimal degree of human demands. It is common to utilize an index of unsated basic demands. Most unsated basic demands include such indices as entree to clean H2O, quality of lodging, instruction of family caput, nutrient sufficiency and income. In this survey the poorness will near by basic demands. The following tabular array shows the standards and variables for basic demands attack.

Basic Needs



Food sufficiency

Quality of nutrient and sufficiency

Frequency of holding nutrient within 7 yearss harmonizing to lifestyle

Housing Condition

Quality of shelter

Construction stuff used

Sanitation Facilities

I ) handiness of clean H2O

two ) system for riddance of waste

I ) H2O beginning

two ) type of lavatory

Access to wellness services

I ) handiness of wellness services

I ) wellness service handiness

Entree to instruction

Registration of kids in schooling age

School attending of school age

Economic Capacity

Probability of income sufficiency of family

I ) age of family members

two ) highest educational degree reached

three ) instruction degree of family caput

four ) status of economic activity of family caput

Beginning: Adapted and modified from Poverty maps from unsated basic needs indexs in Latin America by United Nation ‘s Economic Commission for Latin America

For each of the variables in Table, standards are chosen that indicate whether a family is considered missing or non in a basic demand. For illustration, roofing stuffs such as subdivisions and leaves or impermanent shelter may be considered missing the basic demand for equal shelter. Households spend the whole twenty-four hours to acquire to the nearest clinic, dispensary or infirmary may be considered missing in the basic demand of wellness services.

5. Methods Literature

Economic inequality refers to inequality among persons and groups with society. The significance that poorness is non inequality but poorness is merely one of the effects of inequality. While poorness is concerned with absolute criterion of life of portion of a society, inequality refers to relative criterions across the whole state. It is necessary to understand that decrease in poorness does non connote the decrease in inequality. In this survey, the inequality of research country will use ( 1 ) the Gini Coefficient, which is most sensitive to income alterations in the center of the distribution ; and ( 2 ) the Theil Index, whose sensitiveness is changeless across the distribution in order to through empirical observation measure comparative inequality in entree to income and basic demands. It will so use the Foster Greer Thorbecke steps ( incidence, deepness and strength ) to prove whether absolute poorness is significantly worse in the heavily-affected Nargis country than the mildly-affected country.


The Gini Coefficient measures the income inequality among the full population of the state and besides the society. The higher the figure, the more income is being taken in by a little group. Likewise if most of the money is being made by the bulk of the population, the lower the Gini Coefficient will be. No negative good can be distributed. Therefore, if the Gini coefficient is being used to depict household income inequality, the no family can be negative income.

Psacharopolus Nutmeg State Al. ( 1995 ) analyzed how recession influenced income inequality in 18 Latin America Countries in the 1980s by family informations. They found negative economic growing determined income inequality and positive growing helped the decrease of inequality during the decennary no affair inequality was measured by Gini Index or the wealth portion held by the bottom 20 %. Psacharopolus ct Al. ( 1995 ), Janvrg and Sadoulet ( 2000 ) estimated that under the status of low-enough income inequality, economic growing would ease poorness expeditiously. The worse the economic system is, he higher the unequal degree of income distribution will be. Worldwide, Gini coefficients for income scope from about 0.25 ( Denmark ) to 0.70 ( Namibia ) although non every state has been assessed.

To cipher the Gini index the following expression adopted by Delton ( 1997 ).

u= average income of the population

Pi= the income rank of P of individual Is, with income Ten

Such that the richest individual receives a rank of 1 and the poorest a rank of N

Gini coefficient is a step of equality of income distribution. It will be used to entree the income distribution among study sample is every bit distributed or non. The step impresses the equality of economic development ( John, 2000 ) for a balanced society.

Theil Index

Although the Gini coefficient is a good manner of mensurating the alterations in entire inequality, it besides presents some restrictions. The Theil Index is an alternate to the Gini Coefficient that besides measures the distribution of a sample and that has been widely used in the literature of income inequality. However the Theil index offers some interesting belongingss, for illustration it can be easy decomposed and it is a leaden norm of inequality within subgroups, plus inequality among those subgroups. Its computation is defined by the expression:

Where eleven is the income of the ith individual is the average income, and N is the figure of people. The first term inside the amount can be considered the person ‘s portion of aggregative income, and the 2nd term is that individual ‘s income relation to the mean. If everyone has the same ( i.e., mean ) income, so the index is 0. If one individual has all the income, so the index is lnA N.


The Foster-Greer-Thorbecke[ 13 ]( sometimes referred to as FGT ) metric is a generalised step of poorness within an economic system. This microeconomic attack is really utile to mensurate the before-and-after impacts of undertakings or the incidence ( I±=0 ), deepness ( I± =1 ), and strength ( I± =2 ) of poorness in different parts.

The incidence of poorness: Head-Count Index ( HCI )

PI± = I±

where N = figure of people in the sample population

M = figure of hapless

omega = poorness line, e.g. $ 0.50 per capita per twenty-four hours spent o nutrient by the family

Lolo = existent per capita outgo on nutrient ingestion

I± = step of inequality antipathy

The incidence of poorness

I±= 0, “ first grade stochastic laterality. ”

P0 = M/N

The deepness of poorness: the Poverty Gap ( PG )

I± = 1

how much authorities must give, on norm, to each hapless family to eliminate poorness.

The strength of poorness: the Squared Poverty Gap ( PG2 )

I± = 2

gives more weight to the poorest of the hapless.

5.4Geographic Literature

Developing parts of the universe, about three fourths of the hapless in South-East Asia live in rural countries. A big bulk of them are dependent on agribusiness. Agricultural development and rural development is therefore the key to accomplishing broad-based, inclusive growing. By international criterions, Southeast Asia has done unusually good in both economic growing and poorness decrease. The part ‘s economic growing rate during the past 25 old ages averaged approximately 5.0 % per twelvemonth, while the corresponding figures for Asia and the universe were approximately 3.9 % and 2.6 %, severally. The growing accompanied a historic rapid poorness decrease, particularly in Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam.

While the Asiatic fiscal crisis in the late 1990s adversely affected the public assistance of the part ‘s population, Southeast Asia ‘s accomplishments in economic and human development during the past quarter-century remain impressive, particularly when seen against the public presentation of South Asia. These accomplishments, nevertheless, have non been unvarying across states in the part. While Indonesia, Thailand, and Vietnam have posted rapid economic growing and are good on their manner to accomplishing the Millennium Development Goals ( MDGs ), the same can non be said for Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, and the Philippines whose growing rates of end product were relatively low, and those of population, high.

Even within states, the diverseness of public presentation in growing and poorness decrease is really apparent ( Balisacan 2004 ; Balisacan and Fuwa 2004 ). Sub-national surveies suggest that the nature of growing, non merely its velocity, affairs to poverty decrease. They besides suggest considerable heterogeneousness in impacts across families with different features, including location, at any given degree of income ( Ravallion 2004 ). As is the instance in developing parts of the universe, about three-quarterss of the hapless in Southeast Asia live in rural countries ; the bulk is dependent on agribusiness. Agricultural and rural development is therefore the key to accomplishing broad-based growing and the MDGs. In this paper, we distill the lessons learned in poorness decrease attempts in Southeast Asia and beyond, and analyze the issues and challenges for the go oning war on poorness in the part, particularly in Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, and Vietnam. The purpose is to lend to understanding the policy options for accomplishing the MDGs in the part.

Like other developing states, poorness incidence besides exists in Myanmar, peculiarly in the remote and boundary line countries. The economic system slowed to an estimated 3.6 % in financial twelvemonth ( FY ) 2008 ( ended 31 March 2009 ) from 5.5 % in FY2007. Myanmar was non straight hit by the planetary recession and universe fiscal crisis, given its absence of trade and fiscal linkages with industrial states. However, exports and private ingestion were reduced by the combined consequence of economic lags in neighbouring economic systems, a prostration in trade good monetary values, and the impact of Cyclone Nagis. Economic growing probably picked up to about 4.4 % in FY2009, in tandem with a recovery in regional demand and a partial recovery in agricultural production in countries damaged by the cyclone. Private ingestion is, nevertheless, probably to hold remained subdued by a lag in inward remittals, and dead rural incomes as farm-gate monetary values remained down.

Inflows of foreign direct investing into the energy sector helped to raise international militias from about $ 4 billion in FY2008 to $ 5 billion at the terminal of FY2009, tantamount to 8 months of imports. A joint United Nations Development Programme ( UNDP ) -Government of Myanmar Integrated Household Living Conditions Assessment ( 2007 ) places poverty incidence at 32 %, with rural poorness significantly higher ( 36 % ) compared to urban poorness ( 22 % ). In the latest 2007 Human Development Index released by UNDP ( the index is used to mensurate the degree of human development of states based on steps of life anticipation, literacy, and criterion of life ), the state was ranked in the bottom 4th ( 138 out of 182 ) among the states surveyed. Cyclone Nargis, which hit the state in 2008, resulted in extended loss of life and physical harm and may hold further worsened poorness incidence in the state[ 14 ].

Union of burma does non hold an official poorness line. The per centum of outgo on nutrient points as a per centum of entire family outgos is a widely used index to mensurate household entree to nutrient. Harmonizing to the IHLCS ( 2007 ), 69 per centum of all family outgos, including wellness, are spent on nutrient nationally which is really high. In all states/divisions the per centum exceeds 60 per centum, which indicates the wide range of family exposure to nutrient insecurity. Although mean ingestion outgos of non-poor families are about twice that of hapless families, the per centum spent on nutrient is besides high, bespeaking that exposure to nutrient insecurity is non limited to the hapless in Myanmar. The mean cost of a monthly nutrient basket at the poorness line[ 15 ]is about MMK 118 492 ( USD 99 at the unofficial exchange rate[ 16 ]). The poorness line is K162, 136 per grownup per twelvemonth[ 17 ].



H1: Basic Needs ( nutrient sufficiency, entree to sanitation installations, lodging installations, wellness, instruction, economic capacityaˆ¦ ) Conceptual Framework






H5: Peoples populating in families with female family caputs are significantly more likely to see trouble meeting basic needs than people in family caputs with male caputs

H4: Relative poorness significantly higher in the to a great extent affected country

H3: Relative poorness is significantly higher in the to a great extent affected country

H7: Social capital of both types ( bridging and bonding ) in the Nargis affected country has increased significantly

H6: Subjective wellbeing ( felicity ) of the research country has non changed significantly since Nargis

Cyclone Nargis

H2: Assorted beginnings of income has changed significantly for the Nargis heavily-affected countries

6.1 Sampling Design and Procedure

The family study will be conducted in the Daw Nyein small town piece of land of Pya Pon Township and Thingyan Gyi small town piece of land. In this survey farm families will be the basic and individual economic unit of analysis through the survey. A family here is defined as groups of persons from farm sector, shacking together and fundamentally portions the same economic benefit from their support. The little farm family will be under 5 estates ( 2 hour angle ) of land keeping for the farm. The degree of survey is ‘micro ‘ degree covering assorted dimensions of poorness. The family study will be conducted to roll up information non merely on the pecuniary outgos but besides on the measures associating to nutrient points purchased or acquired for ingestion. In add-on to income and outgo informations, other demographic, socio-economic, empowerment and entree to public services will besides be collected through a structured questionnaire.

6.2 Determination of the Sample Size

Based on the list of families in each small town, the families will be chosen harmonizing to the undermentioned expression ( Yamane, 1967: 886 ).

where n = sample size, N = population size or family size, and e = preciseness.

From the entire family list, the little farm families will be separated foremost. With the premise of half of the entire families will be hapless, the sub-samples of hapless and non-poor little husbandman families will be selected by utilizing simple random sampling.

6.3 Data Collection

Secondary informations of the township and small town profile informations, maps, one-year imperfect studies, undertaking ‘s paperss and research papers/reports of Ministry of Agriculture, Central Statistical Organization, Ministry of Health, UNICEF and UNDP will be collected. The beginnings of informations will be the local degree and the national degree.

For primary informations aggregation, the standardised questionnaire, direct observation, concentrate group treatment and cardinal informant interview methods will be used to roll up the information on assorted dimensions of poorness. First, the reconnaissance study will be conducted to clear up inquiries for both the respondents and interviewers. The concluding sets of questionnaire will be prepared after the pre-testing of questionnaire with some respondents. The socio-economic state of affairs of the rural country will besides be examined by agencies of treatment with the field officers of Myanmar Agriculture Service ( MAS ) and the small town caputs.

The direct observation will be conducted throughout the field study in each small town. The feeder route status, H2O beginnings, lodging status, self help group activities, cropping form, registration in the primary and secondary schools and non-farm bungalow industry, etc. will be observed. The cardinal informant interview with the small town caput will be conducted in each small town and information on small town history, poorness state of affairs, features of hapless family, supports, engagement in assorted organisations and delivered public services ( safe H2O, electricity, wellness attention, etc. ) will be collected.

6.4 Data Processing and Analytical Methods

The survey will be based on both quantitative and qualitative informations analysis. In other words, the two attacks – income/consumption and participatory attacks will be applied in the poorness analysis survey. Both attacks used the ‘household ‘ as a unit of analysis. Sets of primary informations from the family study will be categorized little farm families and it will be processed by utilizing the SPSS package. Besides Microsoft Excel plans will be applied in building poorness line, ciphering poorness incidence and mold of determiners of poorness.

6.4.1 Quantitative Analysis

Descriptive and illative statistics will be applied suitably on the footing of the nature of secondary and primary informations.

Student t-test

The t-test will be used to compare the differences of quantitative informations such as mean household mean family size, schooling old ages, etc. between the two Nargis affected country. It will besides be used to compare the features between the two Nargis affected country of little farm families in footings of household size, nutrient and non-food outgos, land keeping size, figure of kids decease in under five old ages old, and figure of kids born, etc. In add-on, t-test will be applied in comparing the economic, societal and institutional features of little farm families.

One manner ANOVA

One manner ANOVA trial will be used to analyze similarities and differences of categorical informations of two Nargis affected country of farm family, instruction degrees, and major businesss and having recognition, etc. It will besides be used for the comparings of qualitative information such as employment position and sort of wellness interventions taken of rural little husbandmans in the survey country.

6.4.2 Economic Security Analysis

To analyse economic security state of affairs, Gini coefficient will be used to see distribution of income among the hapless family samples. Household will be differentiated utilizing bunch analysis. Households will be differentiated with two groups ‘ base on selected income security line. The income security here is the absolute poorness line of Myanmar. If families are above or at this line, so they will be income sufficient. If they are below this line, they are considered as income insufficient.

Cluster analysis will be used to place the nature of commercialisation and subsistence among families. Frequency analysis will b employed to analyze nutrient sufficiency mark, agricultural production position, wellness and instruction position and so on.

Income Security Line

The intent is to distinguish the income fringy group utilizing this basic societal public assistance step of official poorness line. Basic thought of income security was the official poorness line is determined at the point where per capita family demands is equal to the official poorness line ( Kakwani, 2007 ). In instance, all income foremost used for the intent of the family ‘s indispensable demands.

Ratio of income security ( % ) =

A Y= entire family income/month

N = family size

A A X = poverty line of Myanmar

If the ratio is less than 100 per centum, those families are income insecure, otherwise see as income secure.

B ) Poverty Line of Myanmar

Myanmar has no official poorness line. The get downing point of nearing poorness is to put up the appropriate poorness line for a peculiar country. So, the survey will utilize the poorness line set up by “ Cost of basic demands method ”. Harmonizing to FAO ( 2000 ), the recommended minimal day-to-day energy consumption for Myanmar is 2153 Calories per individual per twenty-four hours. In this research benchmark index 2100 Calories per individual per twenty-four hours will be used, because it is about the same with FAO ( 2000 ) criterion and it can be able to compare with others Asia states. First, Food Poverty Line ( FPL ) will be set up first based on the minimal nutrient outgo. Minimal nutrient outgo is the sum of Kyats necessary to pay for a ingestion basket that will fulfill Calories per individual per twenty-four hours.

Poverty Line ( PL ), based on ( 1 ) lower limit nutrient outgo to fulfill thermal demand, ( 2 ) plus sensible non-food outgo to run into the basic demands. The nutrient outgo constituent of the Poverty Line is the Food Poverty Line. The non-food outgo constituent of the poorness line is calculated as a proportion of the nutrient poorness line based on the portion of non nutrient outgos over nutrient outgo for those families whose entire outgo are around the poorness line.

6.4.3 Econometric Analysis

a ) Arrested development Models

Multiple arrested development and binary logistic arrested development theoretical accounts will utilize in this survey to happen out determiners of economic sciences security. These two theoretical accounts differ in the nature of dependent variables. In the instance of uninterrupted scale dependant variable, multiple arrested development theoretical accounts will utilize. In the instance of categorical dependant variable, binary logistic arrested development theoretical account will utilize.

Y= degree Fahrenheit ( Xi )

Y= economic security defined as

Household ‘s income earned ( Myanmar Kyat/ household/ month )

Food security ( binary response variable )

Income security ( binary response variable )

Xi= ( X1, X2 aˆ¦.Xn ) = relevant independent variables

X1, X2 aˆ¦.Xn represent by following existent variables in the theoretical account

Eleven = instruction of family caput, age of family caput, family type ( silent person ), and sex of family caput

B ) Specification of the theoretical accounts

This subdivision presents econometric theoretical account designed to analyse the relationship between economic sciences security ( the dependant variable ) and some preset resources and demographic variables. The coefficients of each single variable obtain from arrested development analysis.

The theoretical account is specified as:

Multiple arrested development theoretical account:

Y= ( b0+ b1Hh_edu+ b2Hh_age+ b3Hh_type+b4Hh_sex + b5Hh_shelter + b6Hh_access to clean H2O + b7Hh_sanitation + b8Hh_ edu kids )

Y= log of family income

b0= invariable

b1, b2, aˆ¦, bn= coefficient of finding

Hh_edu = instruction position of family caput

Hh_age = age of family caput

Hh_type = family type ( dummy, 1= partly commercialized, 0= subsistence )

Hh_sex = Sex of family caput ( dummy, 1=male, 0= female )

Hh_shelter = Access of the shelter

Hh_ H2O = Access of clean H2O of family

Hh_ sanitation = Access of sanitation installations of family

Hh_edu kids = Education position of kids

Binary Logistic arrested development theoretical account: ( dependent variable topic based )

Log ( p/ ( 1-p ) = ( b1Hh_edu+ b2Hh_age+ b3Hh_type+b4Hh_sex+ b5Hh_shelter + b6Hh_access to clean H2O + b7Hh_sanitation + b8Hh_ edu kids )

# P is the chance of holding nutrient sufficiency ( 1 )

# ( 1-p ) is the chance of non holding nutrient sufficiency ( 0 )

In instance of B ), nutrient sufficiency will entree utilizing nutrient sufficiency tonss. Four degree of response for the 7 yearss ( 1= entree to enough and all sort of nutrient, entree to plenty but non all sort of nutrient, 3= sometimes non adequate to eat, 4= frequently non plenty to nutrient )

Household caput ‘s perceptual experience will utilize to entree the nutrient sufficiency, based on the structured questionnaire.

To step and trial for important differences in felicity between the two countries, we inquire the family caput to put himself or herself on a Likert graduated table ( 7 points for the Lubromirksy graduated table, 5 points for the Oxford graduated table ) with regard to a series of subjective inquiries about their feelings of joy or unhappiness add together the tonss for related inquiries to make a general mark for sub-areas of felicity ( physical, mental, emotional, religious ).

Entire all of the sub-areas to make an overall felicity index for each individual.

We so compare these indices by small town, gender, and to a great extent and non-heavily affected country utilizing a t-test of important differences of agencies.

Use arrested development analysis to Explain the degree of felicity across all of the 300 families, but with dummy variables to pick up any important differences by small town, part, gender, etc. )

We follow the same series of stairss for societal capital every bit good. The lone difference is that we must carefully divide the inquiries associating to bridging from the inquiries associating to bonding.

Bridging inquiries: inquiry 10.6, some of the possible responses in 10.7 and 10.8 For the heavily-affected country, one must bridge to new neighbours, so ALL the inquiries refer to bridging for the to a great extent affected country.

Bonding: these inquiries are harder to place. For the non-heavily affected country, most of the staying inquiries refer constructing closer bonds with people one already knows.


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