Individual Report On Consultancy Project Construction Essay

Background of Client Organisation: Mace Group is a building catching and undertaking direction consultancy company, established in 1993 ; with its central offices in Atelier House-London. The company has undergone rapid enlargement and growing over these few old ages of incorporation. Presently, the house employs over 2000 people and has a turnover of about ?680M. Mace is said to run over 50 building undertakings at any one clip and diesel-powered building works are used on most of them. However, as portion of its committedness to advance sustainable development, the company is earnestly sing ways of cut downing the C footmark of its building procedure. In position of this aim, Mace Group is sing the usage of biofuels as a replacing to fueldiesel-hence, the demand for this MoTI consultancy undertaking, to measure any possibilities.

The Consultancy Project: This research undertaking involved measuring the feasibleness of utilizing biofuels in building works, with particular focal point on operations of our client organisation ( Mace Group Ltd ) . The undertaking squad representing four professional applied scientists ( MPhil ESD pupils ) from Centre for sustainable development was inaugurated on 14th January 2010 ; with the authorization to look into, place and describe to the client any possibility or otherwise of holding biofuels as alternate to fueldiesel in building industry. The cross-disciplinary squad which comprised ( 1-Mechanical Engineer, 1-Civil Engineer, 1-Production Engineer and 1-Environmental Engineer ) ; was given a timeframe of 9-weeks within which findings, study and recommendations on the undertaking would be made available to the client. My personal function in the teamwork was to look into proficient issues associated with usage of biofuels in engines/equipment.

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Project Objectives/Scope: The undertaking squad was saddled with a tough challenge of replying ( within a short timescale ) , the undermentioned research inquiry: What are the possibilities for utilizing biofuels in building works to cut down the C footmark of the building procedure?

The range of the undertaking covered the undermentioned topical issues:

Identify and describe any old straight relevant surveies.

Investigate proficient issues in regard of utilizing biofuel-i.e. potency for engine harm, handiness of warrants from engine makers, possible demand to modify engines, possible addition in other emanations, C decrease through usage of different grades/types of biofuels.

Investigate the ethical issues in regard of the usage of biofuels in the building procedure.

Investigate the costs and handiness of biofuels in the UK. Identify and urge providers of verified, ethical merchandises. Identify any extra costs in regard of usage of such biofuels.

Identify any quality criterions, proficient criterions or industry counsel that should be adhered when utilizing biofuels.

Summarise findings and do a recommendation to Mace as to whether usage of biofuels is a feasible and ethical agencies of cut downing the C footmark of the building procedure.

The Research Methodology: Sing the fact that the research inquiry given to us covered about the full life-cycle of biofuels: from security of supply to proficient issues, and ethics/regulations to be benefit analysis ; the methodological analysis for our probes was non unvarying across the board. The methodological analysiss applied to the undertaking varied harmonizing to specific sub-issue being investigated. However, it loosely included the followers: Review of bing literature on biofuels production/use, reappraisal of instance survey stuffs on application of biofuels in building industry ( UK & A ; US ) , semi-structured interview of stakeholders ( producers/consumers in the UK ) , specific contacts with equipment makers ( telephone/emails to: CAT, Volvo, Cummins, DAF, John Deere etc ) , and field work ( site visit ) to choose building sites around Cambridge.


2.1 Biodiesel Production/Security of Supply: Our probe on this subject revealed that biodiesel as a renewable energy and clean combustion fuel, sourced straight from workss and veggies or recycled family vegetable oil makes it a clean beginning of energy. A critical analysis on biofuels, utilizing techniques/analytical tools from the MoTI taught constituent confirmed that current exponential growing and broad involvement in biodiesel is influenced by factors such as: concerns about planetary energy security, peoples ‘ consciousness of environmental and economic issues and response to grounds of planetary warming/climate alteration. From all the analysis made, it is obvious that biodiesel is good positioned and it is set to take over the market from fueldiesel, in run intoing C decreases. However, the hereafter of biodiesel in footings of sustainable feedstock supply ; to make the coveted synergism with demand is unsure. Our surveies reveal that for now, the market is ready, the production procedures are ready ; but the hereafter of feedstock supply from agribusiness remains a critical issue.

2.2 Technical Issues with usage of Biodiesel: Crucial issues covered in this country include: engine public presentation on biodiesel, C reduction/other emanations, and possibility of engine/equipment alterations before usage with biodiesel. The squad was, able to set up from consequences of different empirical surveies that biodiesel runs swimmingly in bing petroldiesel engines without any important alterations. Here, the experience derived from determination theory as a taught constituent of the MoTI became ready to hand in understanding how these determinations are considered in the face of many options and the possible probabilistic hazards with direct bearing on proficient issues. It was found under this analysis that biodiesel and its assorted blends have similar engine public presentation features to fueldiesel. However, because of its different dissolver belongingss biodiesel can degrade gum elastic parts in engines such as gaskets and hosieries. Besides, at low temperatures, the fuel waxes and becomes wholly solidified at utmost low tempreatures. Another proficient challenge the squad found with biodiesel usage is that H2O immersion into the fuel at production phase, reduces heat of burning of the fuel. This means users might see more engine fume, harder get downing and less engine power. Water was besides confirmed to do, corrosion of critical fuel system constituents such as: fuel pumps, injector pumps and fuel lines.

2.3 Environmental Impacts, Ethical Issues & A ; Regulations: On this subject excessively, cognition gained from determination theory and sustainability appraisal tools in ESD3 were to the full deployed to understand the economic and environmental positions, the different attacks to valuing the environment, and their troubles. A life rhythm analysis as portion of experience gained from MPhil taught constituent, was employed to thoroughly analyze ethical issues associated with usage of biofuels in the building industry. It was established that biodiesel has minimum environmental impacts compared to fueldiesel, in footings of C emanations. There are besides flexible authorities ordinances to promote wider engagement. The squad nevertheless, realized that while the advantages to utilize of biodiesel are many, the increased usage of biodiesel on commercial graduated table once more calls for careful considerations. The positive impacts such as decrease in C emanations are apparent, but indirect impacts such as feedstock supply from agribusiness and land usage are more critical issues to cover with. Biodiesel production from agribusiness requires intensive land cultivation and airss danger to nutrient supply.

2.4 Cost Benefits Analysis, Tax & A ; Rebate on Biofuels Use: Combined tools from micro economic sciences and determination theory were used here to analyse the costs benefits of biofuels over fossilfuels, in the full life rhythm. It was confirmed that production of biodiesel though potentially effectual in extenuating GHG emanations and general environmental benefits ; has other supply concatenation and processing issues that might turn out excessively expensive for its usage as alternate fuel in the building industry. In the UK for illustration, our cost benefits analysis revealed that publicity of biofuels use is improbable to add much to greenhouse gas nest eggs. It was damming to detect that the costs associated with the publicity of biofuels will mostly outweigh possible benefits. The uncertainties environing this state of affairs are excessively great to find the exact hereafter of biofuels in the UK, and the hereafter of supply lies really black. Harmonizing to figures, the direct and indirect costs involved in the cultivation, production and usage of biofuels may contradict perceived nest eggs and emanations decreases. Like many other emerging clean engineerings today, biodiesel production is an expensive, ambitious, knowledge-based concern that involves a batch of uncertainnesss, and there are no warrants of success at the minute ; with regard to commercial measure demand and supply.

2.5 Equipment Manufacturers ‘ Positions/Warranty Issues: The place of heavy equipment makers has made the hereafter of biodiesel even really black. Over 70 % of the providers contacted by our squad for their place on usage of biodiesel in heavy building works could non vouch usage of biodiesel in their equipment. Diesel engine/equipment giants such as CAT, Perkins, John Deere, Volvo-expressly stated that for now, the usage of biodiesel in any of their equipment automatically invalidate client ‘s guarantee on the equipment. A few companies such as Cummins, Isuzu, Detroit, etc. O.K. the usage of standard biodiesel non transcending 20 % . 100 % biodiesel usage was wholly out of the inquiry as makers are non ready to take any hazard on their equipment. Manufacturers ‘ unsupportive and un-encouraging place is based on the premiss that usage of biofuels could take to any of the undermentioned issues: fuel system seal failures and filter clogging, fuel injector obstruction ensuing in hapless atomisation of biodiesel, increased injection force per unit area and corrosion of fuel system constituents.

2.6 Undertaking Summary/Recommendations to Client: Based on the squad ‘s probes and findings, a presentation was done, and the followerss ‘open ended ‘ recommendations were made to the client ; go forthing them with the determination to take what they consider best to run into their aspirations:

That for now, the security of biodiesel supply in the UK in big commercial measure is non yet guaranteed to back up heavy building industries use.

That biodiesel is found to be really compatible with bing Diesel engines and can be used in building works without important alterations. However, in utmost cold conditions conditions where biofuel gel and waxes, extra armored combat vehicle may be constructed for intermixing or heated fuel lines may be added to thin the waxed biofuel.

That environmental impact of biofuels use is found to be really minimum compared to petrodiesel, and biodiesel is confirmed to cut down the C footmark of building procedure.

That in term of cost benefits, it is improbable that biodiesel use will add much to GHG nest eggs, and costs might probably outweigh the possible benefits.

That at the minute, original equipment makers ( OEM ) are non to the full in support of biodiesel usage ; and such use in any manner is at the hurt of the clients and may automatically annul their equipment/engine guarantee.

3. Self REFLECTION/DISCUSSION: To supply a critical, but just appraisal of this MoTI consultancy undertaking is another disputing undertaking on its ain ; sing the diverseness and complexnesss involved with the undertaking: from overpowering aspirations of the client, to analysing real-world challenges of biofuels production and usage in commercial context. The undertaking was so really challenging-as it exposed one to ‘messy worlds ‘ of covering with complex real-life issues ; but at the same clip honoring in that it presented besides, the rare chance to exhibit my dynamism and use lessons learnt from taught constituents to practical issues. I deployed and relied to a great extent on analytical tools learned from scheme, determination theory and economic faculties of MoTI to undertake my specific undertakings. The daunting and most frustrating facet of the exercising was the challenges involved with pull offing stakeholders ‘ outlooks and informations acquisition/information assemblage from assorted beginnings. But, I think the most interesting and slippery facet learned, is the exposure to contrasting methods of making determinations on combative issues. The MoTI taught faculties assisted in no little step in accomplishing the undertaking objectives ; particularly on issues of strategic, fiscal and economic importance. The challenges highlighted were overcome fundamentally by sustained squad spirit, effectual communicating and strong desire to run into the undertaking aims and client ‘s aspirations.

4. LESSONS LEARNT/CONCLUSION: The overall impact of this exercising on me is the chance to heighten my critical logical thinking and determination devising ability. The absorbing portion I can finally take away is the squad work experience. The thoughts of prosecuting all stakeholders in an issue ; to dialogue together and get at a determination that would no longer be challenged by any one party are the slippery portion learned. Bing my first experience to a confer withing undertaking of this sort, I found the exercising most exciting, and I view it as the most appropriate manner of geting hands-on preparation experience, and concern acumen. The best acquisition experience in this exercising took topographic point along the lines of pull offing stakeholders ‘ outlooks and get the better ofing obstructions to present on overall undertaking end. There were no specific issues with undertaking aims and squad formation, but I instead view the undertaking range to be excessively broad for the timeframe of 9 hebdomads. As a concluding idea nevertheless, I would wish to strongly province here that biofuels though appears to hold high potency of extenuating the C footmark but, the threshold of its entry into the market is besides really high, sing from fiscal and economic positions. With unfolding events on biofuels supply and planetary nutrient security, merely clip shall uncover the existent way forward!


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