Is Cheating Ethical Sample Essay

Many people tend to compare moralss with their feelings. But being ethical is clearly non a affair of followerss one’s feelings. Ethical motives. nevertheless. can non be confined to religion nor is it the same as faith. Being ethical is non the same as following the jurisprudence. The jurisprudence frequently incorporates ethical criterions to which most citizens subscribe. But Torahs. like feelings. can divert from what is ethical. Finally. being ethical is non the same as making “whatever society accepts. ” In any society. most people accept criterions that are ethical. But criterions of behavior in society can divert from what is ethical. An full society can go ethically corrupt. Nazi Germany is good illustration of a morally corrupt society. What so. is moralss? Ethical motives is two things.

First. moralss refers to well based criterions of right and incorrect that prescribe what worlds ought to make. normally in footings of rights. duties. benefits to society. equity. or specific virtuousnesss. Second. moralss refers to the survey and development of one’s ethical criterions ( Williams. 2010. pp. 2-4 ) . Cheating is defined in the dictionary as. to lead on by hocus-pocus ; cheat. nevertheless the dictionary fails to state you if it is right or incorrect to rip off. Peoples have many different beliefs when it comes to rip offing ; some think its mulct to make while others wholly disapprove ( Sullivan. 1992 ) . Consequentialism/Utilitarianism:

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Utilitarianism is the best known version of consequentialism. Harmonizing to Mill. “Actions are right in proportion as they tend to advance felicity ; wrong as they tend to bring forth the contrary of felicity. ” ( Mill. 2003 ) So the ultimate purpose of each individual is preponderantly. if non entirely. the publicity felicity ( pleasance ) .

Is it ethical to rip off?
Harmonizing to a survey of Washington Post conducted over the last twelvemonth. 64 % of high school pupils have cheated on a trial and 38 % did more than two times. “Though 64 % of high school pupils said they cheated. 93 % said they were satisfied with their personal moralss and character. ” ( Boenisch. 2008 ) Whether an act is morally right/ethical. it depend effect of the act and/or on related things such as motivation behind the act or a general regulation necessitating Acts of the Apostless of the same sort. For illustration ; if we ask people if it is ethical for a married woman to hold a babe from other adult male while unrecorded with hubby. Most people would state it is non ethical. But if we look at the narrative ; in the book of Eat Pray Love ( Gilbert. 2006 ) ; the author met a Balinese therapist who used to handle people for physical. mental. and societal unwellness with the cognition of mending. goodness. and ethic. Women. who can non do babe. come to healer to hold babe. After examine therapist finds no job with married woman but the hubby. Blame ever goes to married woman even beaten by hubby. Not merely is that. married womans threaten to disassociate. So. lone solution to populate together is to hold babe. Healer arranges immature adult male from small town to populate with the adult females. Most of the instances therapist was successful. Now I believe many people might thing that action is right because of related thing and the effect of torture.

Is it the ethical duty to describe cheating?
Let’s expression at our inquiry from the useful point of position. If person studies rip offing it’ll create jobs for the deceiver and he’ll be unhappy. so here we can’t speak about advancing felicity and pleasance. But at the same clip the individual who reports will experience happy because he acted harmonizing to his scruples. And besides the act of describing cheating can alter the deceiver and while it isn’t late brand him halt making it. As a consequence he’ll become a better individual. In the state of affairs if we report rip offing we see that sum of felicity created is more than sum of sadness.

Now let’s see what will go on if we notice rip offing and don’t study it. The deceiver will be happy because he wasn’t caught and will acquire a good grade. But at the same clip will be made great injury to the college or school where he surveies because his classs will be good but this good transcript won’t be a just one. It’ll be the one which was earned by a dishonorable manner. When this individual gets a occupation his employer will come to cognize that really he doesn’t know anything and if there isn’t merely one deceiver the repute of the college will be spoilt. it’s rate will travel down and fewer pupils will desire to analyze at that place. The consequence as we see will make more unhappiness than pleasance.

In this state of affairs harmonizing to utilitarianism the one should cipher what will make the maximal sum of felicity and so act. As we already saw more felicity will be created if we report rip offing. Finally we can state that harmonizing to utilitarianism in their actions people should advance felicity and pleasance. So in our instance to follow this rule we have to describe cheating.

Harmonizing to Immanuel Kant’s categorical jussive mood is duty or responsibility of every individual based on some values. beliefs or moralss. His theory is stressing on morality of responsibility. It focuses on the morality of action irrespective of the effects of an action. In simple words we can state that one individual should judge his/her action on the footing of moral rule related to that action and upon the consequences or effects originating due that rule or the figure of individuals traveling to be benefited with that action. Harmonizing to Kant’s rule of categorical imperative what is incorrect is incorrect no affair how many individuals are traveling to be benefited with that. Perform merely those actions which you want that everyone should follow that.

Is it ethical to rip off?
Now about the action of rip offing in test or in category harmonizing to categoricalism is that its’ non ethical to rip off in tests or in category. No affair what consequences a individual is traveling to bear if he/she does non rip off or whatever are the effects like instructor was non good. the individual was holding a job merely before the test. he/she may neglect the class or may be fired from the occupation. Harmonizing to rule of universalism moral responsibility of a individual could be revealed through grounds. objectively. Kant said that to move morally is one’s moral responsibility and one’s moral responsibility is to follow innate jurisprudence. Under Universal jurisprudence he said that all moral statement should be general jurisprudence for everyone under every circumstance and there should be no juncture under which exclusion are made.

If anyone allow a individual to rip off due to any ground and attempts to turn out that it is ethical than that should be applicable to every member in the room because every individual is holding some job with in their personal life and this will besides make a sense of favoritism among other members. Kant said that you should ne’er handle people as a agency of some terminals. Peoples should ever be treated as terminals in themselves ; it promotes equality among human existences. So at last we can state that harmonizing to rule of categoricalism making incorrect thing or action is ever incorrect no affair what of all time will be the terminal or making incorrect thing would profit how many people. Cheating in category or test is incorrect and one individual should non make that ( rsrevision/kantandthecatimp. htm ) . Is it ethical thing to describe the cheating?

Different beliefs. from different positions of people. and besides purpose on turn outing which beliefs have the strongest and weakest statements may besides be discussed. An ethical egotist could reason that we have an duty to rip off. Ethical egotists maintain the belief that we should move egotistically. We should make things that we believe in our opportunism. which is our ain echt involvement. Egoist would rip off to profit themselves. they believe that their ain involvement receives much more weight than everyone else’s involvement. Egoist realizes that we are entirely responsible for their ain life ; hence if rip offing would profit their lives so rip offing is acceptable. However. it could besides be argued by ethical egotist that we do non hold an duty to rip off. Egoist would hold that morality is about get the better ofing our selfishness and populating our life with positive concern for the well being of others.

Cheat is non looking at the well being of others. but instead making the complete antonym. Unless everyone in the state had the replies to the trial. so it would be considered good to rip off. Ethical egotist besides like to believe of themselves as good people. therefore they would desire others to see them in the same manner. A deceiver would non be regarded as a good individual but instead. a bad individual and a prevaricator. Again. categoricalism asks to group events harmonizing to certain preset. outcome-determinative lines and prohibits weighing of involvements at single degree. Categorization. therefore ‘binds a determination shaper to react in a deciding manner to the presence of bounded triping facts’ . Categorization corresponds to regulations. equilibrating to criterions. As such. we may reason that. describing cheating is a moral duty for all of us ; but that should to be done without being biased and without categorising the individuals being reported upon.


Boenisch. D. ( 2008. December 1 ) . Is Cheating Ethical. Retrieved January 14. 2012. from School House Talk: hypertext transfer protocol: //schoolhousetalk. wordpress. com
Gilbert. E. ( 2006 ) . the Persuit of Balance. In E. Gilbert. Eat. Pray. Love ( pp. 215-273 ) . New York: Penguin Books.
Mill. ( 2003. May 20 ) . Consequentialism. Retrieved January 25. 2012. from Stanford Encyclooedia of Philosophy: hypertext transfer protocol: //plato. Stanford. edu
rsrevision/kantandthecatimp. htm. ( n. d. ) . Retrieved January 24. 2012. from World Wide Web. members. fortunecity. com.
Sullivan. K. M. ( 1992. na na ) . The Justices of Rules and Standards. p. hypertext transfer protocol: //scholarshi. jurisprudence. duke. edu. Williams. W. R. ( 2010 ) . Ethical motives and Law: Basic Concepts. Cases and Dilemmas. Zicklin School of Business.


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