Kingdom Protista

Multicellular (some unicellular)
Sexual reproduction (Some asexual)
Both autotrophs and heterotrophs
Some have cell walls (made of carbohydrates), some don’t
Kingdom Protista Characteristics
Eukaryotes that are not plants, animals, or fungi (“misfits”)
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Do not develop complex reproductive structures (such as embryos)
The Phylum of Kingdom Protista are all very different from one another
Why are protists different from other eukaryotes?
1. “Animal-like” Protists (Phylum Protozoa)
2. “Fungi-like” Protists
3. “Plant-like” Protists
3 Major Groups of Protists
Capture/eat organisms (heterotrophs)
How do “animal-like” protists obtain nutrition?
Absorb nutrients from the environment
How do “fungi-like” protists obtain nutrition?
Photosynthesis (autotrophs)
How do “plant-like” protists obtain nutrition?
Capture/eat organisms for nutrition (heterotrophs)
Most can move
Asexual reproduction (binary fission)
“Animal-like” Protists Characteristics
1. Amoeba Protists
2. Ciliates
3. Flagellates
4. Sporozoans
What are the 4 types of “animal-like” protists?
No cell walls (flexible)
Move with pseudopodia
Amoeba Protists Characteristics
“False feet”
Unicellular (complex)
Move with cilia
No cell walls (flexible)
Example: Paramecium
Ciliates Characteristics
Move with flagella
Flagellates Characteristics
Short, hairlike projections that allow organisms to move
A long whiplike structure that allows organisms to move
Do NOT move
Form sporelike cells when they reproduce
ALL are parasitic
Sporozoans Characteristics
Absorb nutrients from the environment (heterotrophs)
Most are unicellular
Cell walls made of carbohydrates
“Fungi-like” Protists Characteristics
1. Slime Molds
2. Water Molds
3. Downy Mildews
3 Types of “Fungi-like” Protists
Multicellular (colonies) AND unicellular
Move with pseudopodia
Mainly found in soil
Slime Molds Characteristics
Multicellular AND unicellular
Feed on decaying tissue (dead algae, dead animals, rotten logs, etc.)
Parasitic (harmful) – Plant pathogens, cause disease in fish
Water Molds & Downy Mildews
Unicellular AND multicellular
Conduct photosynthesis for nutrition (autotrophs)
MOST are helpful because they produce oxygen
“Plant-like” Protist Characteristics
1. Euglenoids
2. Dinoflagellates
3. Diatoms
4. Red Algae
5. Brown Algae
6. Green Algae
6 Types of “Plant-like” Protists
Move with flagella
Euglenoids Characteristics
Move with flagella
Have unusual shapes
Can cause “Red Tide”
Dinoflagellates Characteristics
Do NOT move
Look glass-like or chalk-like
Diatoms Characteristics
Warm ocean waters
Helpful in forming coral reefs
Red Algae
Cool ocean waters
Kelp (has a root, stem, and leaves)
Brown Algae
Any ocean environment
The most “plant-like” of all protists (maybe gave rise to the first true plants)
Has a root, stem, and leaves (hat)
Green Algae
Produce half of the earth’s oxygen
Consume carbon dioxide (reduces global warming)
Form the base of aquatic food chains
Supplies coral reef with nutrients
Used for scientific research
Algae helps thicken food products
Benefits of Protists
Rapid increase in protists in freshwater or saltwater environments
Increase in algae (depletes oxygen levels = kills fish)
Algal Blooms
Increase in dinoflagellates (toxins produced = kills fish)
Red Tide
Amebic Dysentery
Chagas Disease
Diseases caused by Protists
Protist Involved: Flagellates (“Animal-like” Protist)
Protist Involved: Amoeba Protists (“Animal-like” Protist)
Amebic Dysentery
Protist involved: Flagellates (“Animal-like” Protist)
Protist involved: Sporozoans (“Animal-like” Protist)
Protist involved: Sporozoans (“Animal-like” Protist)
Protist involved: Flagellates (“Animal-like” Protist)
Chagas Disease
All “Animal-like” Protists
All “Fungi-like” Protists (can be)
Dinoflagellates, Euglenoids, Diatoms, green algae
Protists that are unicellular
Red algae, brown algae
All “Fungi-like” Protists (can be)
Protists that are multicellular
Water molds and downy mildews
Protists that are always harmful
Flagellates, Euglenoids, Dinoflagellates
Protists that move with flagella
Amoeba Protists, Slime Molds
Protists that move with pseudopodia
Protists that move with cilia
All “Plant-like” Protists
Protists that obtain nutrition by photosynthesis
All “Animal-like” Protists
Protists that obtain nutrition by capturing and eating organisms
All “Fungi-like” Protists
Protists that obtain nutrition by absorbing nutrients from the environment

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