Knowledge Based View KBV And Social Capital Theory Essay

The intent of this essay is to review the selected academic paper, “ Returnee enterprisers and steadfast public presentation in Chinese high-technology industries ” ( Dai & A ; Liu, 2009 ). This paper was published in International Business Review in twelvemonth 2009 and the ABS ranking of the diary is 3.

In the undermentioned subdivisions, we will look at the intent of the paper, adopted research model, and hypotheses. In the 2nd portion, we review the sample, method, instrument, and analyses of informations and trial consequence.

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The intent of the paper

The intent of this paper is to research the differences in public presentation between returnee enterprisers and local entrepreneur-owned houses. The writers of this paper, Ou Dai and Xiaohui Liu, purpose to happen about how the international background and character of returning enterprisers affect the public presentation and to what widen will returning enterprisers owned houses gain significant competitory advantage compared with local entrepreneur-owned houses.

The public presentation was examined in Zhongguancun China Science Park, in footings of cognition and societal capital factors. This paper has considered the returnee enterpriser in China that have been abroad to analyze or work as a peculiar group and compares this group with home-grown enterprisers.

Knowledge-based position ( KBV ) and Social Capital Theory

In this paper, writers have included a combined research model, which is Knowledge-based position ( KBV ) and Social Capital Theory to back up in development of testable hypotheses.

Writers find the Knowledge-based position ( KBV ) resources are normally hard to copy and socially complex because cognition is created and stored within the persons. There is no direct information on what are the dependent variables and independent variables. However, we may grok the dependent variables are competitory advantage and house public presentation, whereas independent variables are heterogenous cognition bases and capablenesss.

In respect to societal capital, this paper perceives that entrepreneurs non merely depend on internal cognition beginning, but the returnee entrepreneurs with cognition learned from abroad will lend in concern success. Again, we may grok the dependent variables are web size and relationship strength, whereas independent variables are webs and relationships.


Based on the two theoretical positions above, writers have looked at four countries and submitted six testable hypotheses.

The first country is international entrepreneurial orientation, which interpreted as returnee enterprisers may hold gained instruction and working experience abroad, in footings of international degree of procedures, vision, actions, and methods patterns. The first hypothesis is Hypothesis H1: The SMEs of returnee enterprisers with international entrepreneurial orientation perform more strongly than local entrepreneur-owned SMEs.

The 2nd country is technological cognition, which interpreted as returnee enterprisers may hold acquired technological cognition through preparation or working experience abroad. The 2nd hypothesis is Hypothesis H2a: The SMEs of returnee enterprisers treating more patents execute more strongly than local entrepreneur-owned houses. The 3rd hypothesis is Hypothesis H2b: The SMEs of returnee enterprisers who acquired commercial cognition abroad execute more strongly than local entrepreneur-owned houses.

The 3rd country is commercial cognition, which interpreted as returnee enterprisers may hold obtained practical commercial concern cognition from either working in a commercial environment or through holding started a concern abroad. The 4th hypothesis is Hypothesis H3a: The SMEs of returnee enterprisers who acquired commercial cognition abroad execute more strongly than local entrepreneur-owned houses. The 5th hypothesis is Hypothesis H3b: The local commercial cognition possessed by returnee enterprisers may chair their concern public presentation compared with local-entrepreneur-owned houses.

The 4th country is international webs, which interpreted as returnee enterprisers may hold built great international societal webs. The 6th hypothesis is Hypothesis H4: The SMEs of returnee enterprisers who have established international webs perform more strongly than local entrepreneur-owned houses.

In this paper, these hypotheses will be testable with questionnaire study. But the way of the relationship in each hypothesis is non shown in diagram in this paper ; refer to the figure 1 below.

Figure 1: Diagram of research variables for this paper that non shown in this paper


International Entrepreneurial

Orientation ( IEO )



Patents ( PAT )

With more

R & A ; D

Spending ( R & A ; D )

Acquired Commercial Knowledge Abroad ( KI )

Local Commercial Knowledge ( KL )









Networks ( IN )


The sample was limited to one industrial park in China, ZSP in Beijing. All houses in the samples are limited to 10 sub-sectors in hi-tech industries and founded for around 3-5 old ages. The sample size has limited to tauten with fewer than 300 employees and a entire value of gross revenues below 5 million RMB. The sample is non random ; entire 1833 houses were selected based on willingness to take part. Populations of 1003 returnee-owned and 1138 local houses were identified from a list obtained from the direction commission of ZSP. Within the sample, 857 are returnee-owned houses and 976 are local houses, stand foring 84.5 % and 85.6 % of the population. This is sing a good sample size for one industrial park; with dependability of 85 % of the population. A larger sample with respect to sector and include more industrial Parkss in China would hold helped in provide more grounds to back up hypotheses.


The development of questionnaire has merely consulted China research spouses could perchance take to the concern of prejudice, truth and quality. The ecological generalizability for the study is high, because the studies were mailed out and returned was depending on two full-time research helpers for following up with phone calls and visits to some sample houses. There were merely 353 functional questionnaires from returnee enterprisers, and 358 functional questionnaires from local firmed were returned, stand foring 41.2 % and 36.7 % of the response rate. This turned out an mean sample size with less than 50 % of the population. Possibly a better attack to hold more control in studies would hold helped in cut downing nonresponse. Such as whether behavior face-to-face studies and whether a pre-paid return envelope is provided. There was no other attempts were indicated, and no consequence size of response rate listed for the survey.

This is a questionnaire study. The quality of determination was depending on participants ‘ perceptual experience instead than on difficult facts. There was no point mensurating international entrepreneurial orientation ( IFO ) public presentation. And there were no appropriate questionnaire to back up hypothesis H2a and H2b. A more quality of informations in the study in footings of truth and difficult facts would be needed to back up the determination.


The dependability statistics instrument utilized was the Cronbach ‘s alpha developed by Lee Cronbach in 1951. This graduated table is used to mensurate five variables that each consist of 3 to 5 inquiries of 7-Likert point graduated table, while scale 1 is least of import and scale 7 is most of import. The five variables are international entrepreneurial orientation ( five inquiries ) , cognition obtained abroad ( four inquiries ) , cognition obtained locally ( four inquiries ) , international concern webs ( three inquiries ) , and concern public presentation ( four inquiries ) . The dependability coefficients of the Cronbach ‘s Alpha for these five concepts are 0.806, 0.737, 0.712, 0.843, and 0.847, severally. The consequence has an overall value of 0.0712 to 0.847 which is good sing that dependability mark of.70 or higher is consider acceptable. However, there was no information sing the cogency of the graduated table.

Analysis of informations and trial consequence

The proposed hypotheses are tested based on the undermentioned equation: BPi = I±0 + I±1IEOi + I±2KIi + I±3KLi + I±4R & A ; Di + I±5PATi + I±6INi + I±7Agei + I±7Size + I?i. BP represents enterprisers ‘ satisfaction sing their house public presentation. The equation is estimated by using the OLS. However there was no information sing how the ordinary least squares ( OLS ) technique was used to build the equation.

The overall sample was divided to two sub-samples, which are returnee-owned houses and local entrepreneur-owned. The trial consequences showed that all the six hypotheses received merely partial support. Based on overall sample consequence, the variable of international entrepreneurial orientation ( IFO ) , hypothesis H1 is weakly supported in sub-sample returnee-owned houses at 10 % degree. This is non consistent with another two sub-samples.

The variable of patents possessed and transferred by returnees from abroad, hypothesis H2a is strongly supported at 1 % degree in sub-sample returnee-owned houses. This is non consistent with another two sub-samples. The analysis showed returnee enterprisers perceptual experience that returnee-owned houses will execute better than local enterprisers owned houses due to more patents. Again, there was no appropriate questionnaire to back up hypothesis H2a, therefore cogency of the consequence is arguable.

The variable of R & A ; D, hypothesis H2b is supported in overall sample at 1 % degree, sub-sample local entrepreneur-owned houses at 5 % degree, and sub-sample returnee-owned houses at 10 % degree. This indicated the returnee-owned houses and local enterpriser houses are perform better with R & A ; D outgo.

The variable of commercial cognition obtained abroad, hypothesis H3a is merely weakly supported in the sub-sample returnee-owned houses at 10 % degree. While, the variable of enterprisers ‘ local cognition, hypothesis H3b is merely supported in overall sample at 5 % degree. And, the variable of international concern webs, hypothesis H4 is strongly supported in all three samples.

In footings of control variables, the variable of houses ‘ age is non supported in all three samples ; this indicated house age does non impact concern public presentation. Based on internal papers, the variable of house size is merely important at the 10 % degree in the overall sample ; with a value of 0.126, there is no farther information to depict this. And, there is no information on Adjusted R2, Industry silent person, Constant, and Observations variable.


While this paper has did excellence in the survey, nevertheless the methods need to be improved. The research needs to be improved by obtaining a larger sample size. In respect to China context, inclusion of more industrial Parks in China to the sample size could hold helped in provide more grounds to back up the proposed hypotheses, such as Suzhou Industrial Park (, 2012 ) . In order to cut down the menace to questionnaires cogency, inclusion of more groups during early phase of questionnaire development could hold helped cut down this menace. Besides, there are a figure of other variables and countries are non explained further in the internal papers, such as adjusted R2 and OLS.

An extra set of inquiries sing the public presentation steps in inquiry could hold helped better the quality of study. By increasing the figure of inquiries to include things such as gross revenues, orientation, and profitableness, the writers could hold showed good trial consequences with all or more hypotheses received support and cut down the hazard of utilizing 10 % important degree.

The ecological generalizability for the study is high, because the studies were mailed out and the returned is less than 50 % . Possibly obtaining permission to administrate the study or really travel to single house to run into with the participants to administrate studies. This method would hold given a good control in acquiring a good response rate of the study.

( 1736 words )

( References/bibliography on the last page )


Unit of measurement 3 – Learning Log ( Searching and Reviewing Literature )


This subdivision is to carry on a literature hunt for suited documents on stakeholder theory. This subdivision covers what are the stairss took to turn up concluding choices of documents. And so reappraisal of the literature by supplying a really brief, high degree, sum-up of what these documents study and the ABS ranking of the diary they are published in.

Search of Literature

First, utilize Google to seek and download updated ABS list. The stairss are search “ ABS list ” at, unfastened ABS Academic Journal Quality Guide web site, download ABS list to local desktop.

Use Google Scholar to seek for suited documents with this keyword “ stakeholder AND theory ” .

Use Internet Explorer browser hunt map to foreground diary keyword in xanthous to turn up journal paper. The stairss are click “ control degree Fahrenheit ” at browser, input “ journal ” to the text field.

Quick scan to contract down the list to diary published within 5 old ages.

For the selected paper, verify the evaluation of the diary is either 3 or 4 from the downloaded ABS list.

Read abstract of paper whether the abstract looks interesting.

Download the paper from the cyberspace page if available ; else usage Bradford Library Catalogue to download the paper. The stairss are unfastened hypertext transfer protocol: // , take “ Journal Title ” at dropdown list, input Journal rubric, click hunt, so click the selected Journal Title from consequence grid, navigate to “ This rubric is available electronically via ” , snap one with the latest twelvemonth available, this will link to another page automatically utilizing University of Bradford login entree, search the paper, chink to open, turn up “ PDF Full Text ” nexus, download the paper to local desktop.

Skim-read the paper whether any subject or facet of the research on stakeholder theory that I find interesting and relevant.

Reappraisal of the Literature

The first paper is “ Stakeholder force per unit area and the acceptance of environmental patterns: The interceding consequence of preparation ” . This paper was published in Journal of Operations Management in twelvemonth 2010 and the ABS ranking of the diary is 4. This paper investigated relationships bing between stakeholder theory and the acceptance of environmental direction patterns. The consequence has provided sufficient information that all three testable hypotheses are supported, which is all the direct consequence relationships between stakeholder force per unit areas and each of the environmental patterns factors are important at P & lt ; 0.001. The survey has limited to individual automotive industry and Spain state. There were known variables do non included in the survey that could act upon the investigate consequence such as human resource development.

The 2nd paper is “ Buyer-Supplier Relationships and the Stakeholder Theory of Capital Structure ” . This paper was published in Journal of Finance in twelvemonth 2008 and the ABS ranking of the diary is 4. This paper investigated how nonfinancial stakeholder relationships can impact houses ‘ capital construction determinations in the Compustat database, which focused on provider and client relationships. This paper has developed two testable hypotheses and one non-testable hypothesis. The consequence has provided sufficient information that the two testable hypotheses are supported.

The 3rd paper is “ Employee intervention and steadfast purchase: A trial of the stakeholder theory of capital construction ” . This paper was published in Journal of Financial Economics in twelvemonth 2010 and the ABS 2010 ranking of the diary is 4. This paper investigated how steadfast nonfinancial stakeholders can impact houses ‘ capital construction determinations, in footings of stakeholder theory of capital construction. There are no clear hypotheses stated in this paper. Based on the steps in this paper, informations are measured by an Employee Treatment Index and the overall consequence supports the stakeholder theory of capital construction.

Unit of measurement 5 – Learning Log ( Data Collection and Analysis )


This subdivision is to carry on a hunt for suited published article and behavior a limited content analysis of the article.

Contented Analysis

Extract taken from the ANZMAC09 web site:

hypertext transfer protocol: //

An addition in the procedure of globalisation in China has brought the universe huge investing in China and this has boosted China ‘s economic growing. China endeavors have experienced a rapid growing and China market has already becomes indispensable parts in the universe market. Many Chinese concern leaders have considered corporate repute is indispensable to the development of their companies. The construct of corporate societal enterprises has been deriving increasing attending among Chinese corporates to assist in constructing company repute. Many articles have begun to concentrate on what are the functions of repute of China corporate concern and comparison to other states. Will content analysis of this article aid to state us more?

Research Question: Corporate Repute in China: Is Chinese corporates reputation the most impact by factor of quality, public presentation, attraction, or CSR enterprise?

Using the article taken from cyberspace, one subject and five words were identified:

Coding Unit of measurements:

1 Theme 1: repute

2 Word 1: quality

3 Word 2: public presentation

4 Word 3: attraction

5 Word 4: CSR

Coding Frame:








hypertext transfer protocol: //


Manfred Schwaiger, Yang Zhang

What Drives Corporate Repute in Consumers ‘ Minds?

A Comparative Study between China and Western States

Article accessed 29 Sep 2012, from ANMAC 2009








Perceived quality seems to hold a much lower impact


Quality has lower impact


perceived public presentation is the chief lever


public presentation is the chief impact


increases clients ‘ assurance in merchandises, services


Quality is of import


impact of repute on public presentation relevant results


Explain the impact on public presentation


different degrees of impact on the two dimensions of corporate repute in each state


The degree of impacts is different in each state, in China.


public presentation on competency was found to be important in all four states


Performance on competency is important in all 4 samples states


a strong driver of the affectional constituent of corporate repute ( likeability )


Performance on likeability is important in China


public presentation plays the most of import function in driving corporate repute in China


Performance is the most impact factor in China


CSR shows a important impact on likeability in all four states


CSR is a driver of likeability instead than a driver of competency


CSR turns out to be the 2nd of import drive force


CSR is 2nd impact factor in China


quality is the least of import


Quality if the least impact factor in China


hapless prognostic power of the quality concept


defects in informations quality


findings on consumers ‘ perceptual experiences instead than on difficult facts


Quality of informations based on consumer perceptual experience.

The article presents the factor of public presentation is the most impact factor to Corporate Reputation in China, which is important difference comparison to western states where quality supposed to be more competent. More samples and quality of informations in footings of difficult facts would be needed to understand how factor of quality is the least of import factor in China.

Unit of measurement 8 – Learning Log ( Presenting Findings )


This subdivision is to reply the undermentioned inquiries for the set scenario:

The one-year net income for your organisation last twelvemonth was ?1203, per employee. The norm for the sector was ?1228 per employee. You need to cognize if there is grounds that your organisation is non as profitable, on norm, as your rivals. The standard divergence for the sector is ?104 per employee.

Question 1: State H0 and H1 for the trial to look into this?

Let mean one-year net income for the organisation per employee to be I? = ?1203.

Let mean one-year net income for the sector per employee to be I?0 = ?1228.

The void hypothesis, H0 would be “ the mean one-year net income for the organisation per employee ( I? ) is greater or equal to the mean one-year net income for the sector per employee ( I?0 ) . ”

Therefore, the alternate hypothesis, H1 would be “ the mean one-year net income for the organisation per employee ( I? ) is lesser than the mean one-year net income for the sector per employee ( I?0 ) . ”

H0: I? & gt ; = I?0

H1: I? & lt ; I?0

Question 2: Assuming that one-year per employee net income follows a Normal distribution, the ensuing P-value for the trial is, P= 0.405 ( 3d.p. ) . Based wholly on this P-value, what would you reason from the trial?

Figure 1: The P-value ( 0.405 ) for a trial with a 0.05 degree of significance ( Hand-drawing )

This indicates the information does non has adequate evident to back up alternate hypothesis H1 ( or equivalently, do non reject the H0 ) , which is means the information does non back up the one-year net income for the organisation per employee is lesser than one-year net income for the sector per employee.

Question 3: What is the chance of acquiring a net income per employee of ?1203, or less, when there is no difference between that for your company and the industry norm?

Let calculate the z-score ( omega ) defined by the undermentioned equation: omega = ( ten – I? ) / [ I? ] , where ten is the ascertained sample mean ( ?1203 ) , I? is the mean of the population ( ?1228 ) , and I? is the standard divergence of the population ( ?104 ) .

Z-score = 1203 – 1228 / 104 = – 0.24038. The cumulative chance for negative z-value of -0.24 is 0.4052. This indicates the chance of acquiring a chance of acquiring a net income per employee is every four of 10 employees.

Question 4: If your one-year per employee net income was such that the trial had resulted in a P-value given by P=0.032 and you were proving at I±=0.01 significance degree, what would you reason and why?

Figure 2: The P-value ( 0.032 ) for a trial with a 0.01 degree of significance ( Hand-drawing )

The information does non has adequate evident to back up alternate hypothesis H1 ( or equivalently, do non reject the H0 ) , which is means the information does non back up the one-year net income for the organisation per employee is lesser than one-year net income for the sector per employee.

Question 5: If you chose to reject H0 but H0 was really true, would you be doing a Type I or Type II mistake?

This is Type 1 mistake.

Question 6: What premises have you made about the one-year per employee net income in this trial?

We have made the premise based on value computed from samples informations collected and compared with P-value to find non to reject the void hypothesis. We besides assumed the samples informations to follow a normal distribution. Therefore, if we do non garner sufficient sample informations non to reject H0, this does non turn out the premise is right, merely that we did non hold adequate grounds or sample to turn out it.


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