Learning to Commit Crime Essay

Learning to commit a crime Children as young as 12 are serving time in prison without parole, young children who do serious crimes are being tried as adults and serving time in adult prison. There are over 2,200 juveniles serving life sentence in the United States. Those who commit adult crimes must be treated as adult. Crime can be learned from childhood. Some children are raised in families where they live or see abuse. Boys see that the male is aggressive while girls learn that being a victim of directed violence is normal.

Example: If a man is physical or mentally abusive to his wife or girlfriend and the woman continues to stay in the relationship the boys see the relationship as the way a man suppose to act. A girl will see the relationship as that is the way or it is okay for a man to treat her that away because continue to stay and the relationship so it seems to be normal. During the teen years teenagers begin to look to their peers for parents as their primary role models. As adults, males are expected to use their aggressive behavior into socially accepted outlets such as work and career and sports activities.

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Research say that children and adults with Learning disabilities, attention deficit disorder (ADD), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), conduct disorder, antisocial personality disorder, bipolar disorder, psychopath, and more. Clearly a person with one or more of these disorders is not predestined to become a criminal or commit acts of violence. However, it is equally clear from the research that children and adults with these disorders are at elevated risk of brain malfunctions that can lead to dialogic, ack of insight and foresight, lack of fear and remorse impulsivity poor abstract thinking and social skills, low anger threshold, and inability to realize the consequences of actions or to learn from experience, and a lack of empathy for animals and people. Human actions are developed through learning experiences. People learn behavior patterns or change their behavior based on the reactions it receives from others. Criminals learn how to become criminals by either watching others or being taught how to commit crimes.

Children who grow up in dysfunctional families or are surrounded by family members that engage in or support criminal behavior can learn to become a criminals . Just like most children learn how to properly behave and act these children learn how to commit crime. The boy who watches his father beat his mother, is more likely to grow up and beat his wife or girlfriend. The child who mother uses drugs in front of them is more likely to use drugs themselves. Gangs and peer can also have a learning effect on others by teaching or showing peers how to commit crimes.

Gangs and peers show members and friends how to steal, rob, sell and use drugs, kill and commit other types of crime. Crime in 1950-1972 was committed majority by low income families, children in broken homes, single parent homes, too many children to support on very little income. Children who come home from school to an empty home with nothing but time to do whatever they like and no supervision. Many cities and towns have no after school programs to offer to occupy children time while their parents are away. It creates an emotional vacuum where children grow up without any values or goals in life.

Children are getting less time with parents teaching those morals, goals, values and more time in front of the TV surfing the internet on sites for guns, homemade bombs and anything else that would interest them in crime. We can’t always blame parents for our kids being out of touch or wanting to committee a crime. Some times as parents you do all knows to raise your kids with morals, values and goals, sometimes you lose them to peers. Peer pressure can be a big influence on teenagers. Girls tend to become juvenile delinquent when they lose emotional touch with family or someone close to them.

Most girls are arrested for running away, gang involvement and sex offenses; most boys are arrested for vandalism, theft assault, rape, drugs and other major offenses. Children sometimes learn to reason by observing the behavior of the people most important to them. However at times, children follow their won dictates. Raising a child is a full-time job. It requires hard work, dedication, ability to withstand stress, motivation, overtime, understanding, patients, and lots of love, hugs and kisses. That’s just a few to name. It takes two people to raise children full-time.

One parent can do a great job, but it robs the child of what is rightfully theirs. Will it cause pain, sorrow, resentment, and even crime in the future to come as they age. Criminal Career Criminal career has been established within the field of criminology. Criminal acts committed by an individual as the individual ages across the lifespan from childhood through adolescence and adulthood. Studying criminal careers implies the use of longitudinal panel data. In criminology, this has been difficult due to a lack of available resources, hampering the development of testable theories.

Taking the lead form earlier cohort studies, more current research on criminal careers and chronic offenders has centered on the continuing exchange between Blumstein and his associates (Barnett, Blumstein, and Farrington; Blumstein, Cohen, and Farrington, 1988a, 1988b). To test the validity of the criminal career concept, Barnett, Blumstein, and Farrington proposed a probabilistic model with the conviction process following a poison distribution of rare events to predict actual offense rates from arrest conviction rates.

The most prominent of the static or continuity theories of crime is Gottfredsom and Hirschi’s (1990) self-control theory of crim. Gottfredson and Hir (1988, 1990) assert that both crime and criminality are stable across the life-course and that a singular underlying individual characteristic, self-control, is predictive of offending behavior. Self-control is established early in life (before the age of eight) and is related to parental child-rearing techniques. The most recent criminal careers research has examined the possibility of heterogeneity in the age-crime curve.

What this curve may mask is the possibility of heterogeneity between different kinds of offender groups that is lost at the aggregate level. Aggregated age-crime curve for the population may mask the existence of qualitatively different classes of criminal careers with distinct trajectories and differing ages of offending onset, peak ages and rates of offending. In addition, the assumption of a singular age-crime curve may hamper empirical research, particularly if different variables predict membership into different classes of offenders.

The first major study that conjoined the criminal careers paradigm and latent class analysis of delinquent/ criminal careers cohort data was Nagin and Land. Nagin and Land determined that four distinct categories of delinquent/ criminal careers could be identified in the Cambridge cohort (West and Farrington, 1973, 1977): those who did not have any recorded convictions, individuals whose offending was limited predominantly to the teen years, and two categories of chronic offenders one with a low-rate and the other with a high-rate of offending.

Evidence was found in support of the distinctiveness of the high-rate chronic offenders. At their peak, these offenders were more likely to be engaged in violent behavior, smoking cigarettes, using drugs, and having sexual intercourse. By age thirty-two, all three of the offending groups (high-rate chronic, low-rate chronic, and adolescence-limited) were more likely to be fighting, using drugs, and abusing alcohol than the non-offenders, based upon their self-reported offending. All three offender


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