Literature Review of Human Resource Management in SMEs Essay

This chapter looks into the huge array of antecedently done researches and the decision that can be drawn from these. The literature reappraisal by and large summarizes the bing literatures that are available on this subject.

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Definition of Human Resources Management:

The Human Resources Management ( HRM ) map includes a assortment of activities, which includes chiefly the staffing demands of an organisation such as finding whether to utilize independent contractors or engage employees to make full these demands, recruiting and developing the best employees, guaranting they are high performing artists, covering with public presentation issues, and guaranting that the forces and direction patterns conform to assorted ordinances ( Rao, 2000 ). HRM besides includes pull offing the attack to employee benefits and compensation, employee records and forces policies. The chief aim of the HR is the care of better human dealingss in the organisation by the development, application and rating of policies, processs and programmes associating to human resources to optimise their part towards the realisation of organisational aims ( Schuler, 1990 ).

The human resources are managed to deviate and use their resources towards and for the achievement of organisational aims. Therefore, fundamentally the aims of HRM are drawn from and to lend to the achievement of the organisational aims.

The aims of HRM are as follows:

To make and use an able and motivated work force, to carry through the basic organisational ends.

To set up and keep organisational construction and desirable on the job relationships among all the members of the organisation.

To supply the organisation with well-trained and well-motivated employees.

To make installations and chances for single or group development so as to fit it with the growing of the organisation.

To procure the integrating of single or groups within the organisation by co-ordination of the person and group ends with those of the organisation.

To achieve an effectual use of human resources in the accomplishment of organisational ends.

To guarantee effectual use and maximal development of human resources.

To assist the organisation make its ends.

To fit the employees with preciseness and lucidity in dealing of concern.

To instill the sense of squad spirit, squad work and inter-team coaction.

The range of HRM is really broad. It is categorized under three major facets. They are,

Forces facet:

This is concerned with work force planning, enlisting, choice, arrangement, transportation, publicity, preparation and development, layoff and retrenchment, wage, inducements, productiveness etc.

Welfare facet:

It deals with comfortss of the establishment such as canteens, chromium & A ; egrave ; ches, remainder and tiffin suites, lodging, conveyance, medical aid, instruction, wellness and safety, diversion installations, etc.

Industrial dealingss aspect:

This includes staff-management dealingss, audience, corporate bargaining, grudge and disciplinary processs, colony of differences, etc.

HRM patterns in SMEs

Large organisations by and large have a well defined HRM to run their concern operations, nevertheless, in the instance of little to medium endeavors, they can non afford to outsource their HRM or pass a batch in preparation and developing their HRM patterns. Furthermore human resources direction in the little and average endeavors have been less researched which has created a white topographic point in this country.

Previous researches have shown that in SMEs, traditional force activities are non used on a regular basis. Harmonizing to ( Anderson, 1997 ), forces preparation or planning and development enterprises were non seen. In the instance of SMEs tonss of intangible and touchable deductions of an unresponsive Hour can be observed in little concerns demands. To get down with, deficiency of audience and follow-through between the two sides, seems to be working against mainstream statements, claiming that SME ‘s are fring out to larger companies in the competition for accomplishments. However, even SMEs acknowledge that it is critical to enroll younger employees as they are a necessary stipulation for invention and they tend to do a bigger difference within the organisation. In add-on to this the answerability and legitimization of HR is undermined due to the deficiency of audience among the SMEs and researches. Human resource direction which is non really flexible or antiphonal or adaptative would in all chance discourage concerns from runing at their peak public presentation degrees which in bend will hold a negative impact on the concern community at big. Hence it is imperative that this tendency be broken in order to recognize a healthy growing in SMEs and HR domain doing it more efficient and feasible.

The first findings of the study indicate that diverseness exists, in every bit much as different types of employees and directors are managing the HR-issues. Second at that place seems to be position differences across the SMEs when it comes to HR. These to happening support the statement, that a universalistic attack to HRM is non fruitful. A Situational or a Configurational attack seems to bring forth more apprehension.

Agency theory and household house

This theory chiefly focuses on the directors and the proprietors of an organisation. Harmonizing to ( Jensen, 1976 ), bureau costs can be defined as the overall disbursals occurred due to the monitoring activities of the proprietors, the proprietors adhering disbursals and the residuary losingss. The stairss that can be taken by an proprietor in order to convey the involvements of the directors into alliance are stated in the compensation theory which in bend makes usage of the bureau theory ( Welbourne, 1995 ). It was besides stated by ( Heneman, 2000 ), that the survey of assorted HRM patterns can do usage of bureau theory. Harmonizing to ( Steier, 2003 ), household based houses can do usage of bureau theory by supervising the contracts and assorted other coordination ‘s between the directors and the proprietors and doing such interactions more efficient and cost effectual.

( Randoy, 2003 ), use this logic to asseverate that household houses may utilize more informal HRM patterns to cut down costs and better profitableness. ( Pollak, 1985 ) describes the possible advantages in the household owned house: inducements to move in the long-run involvements of the household, effectual monitoring of work activities, and altruistic reasons inherent in household grouping and trueness to the household.

However, it has to be noted that there are state of affairss in which a household member may non execute good, in which instance the proprietors may be hesitating to take action against them for fright of damaging household dealingss. Hence ( Schulze, 2003 ) describes this job as an selfless 1 because such behaviour on the portion of the proprietor may take to their household members within the organisation to fiddle their responsibilities. Harmonizing to ( Schulze, 2003 ), a positive relationship among the household based houses and their monitoring systems and public presentation may non ever be due to increased bureau costs.

The likeliness of household based houses to take proper HRM policies is rather low chiefly due to the proprietor ‘s outlooks and familial duties which influence their pick in taking the right HRM policy. Furthermore, household ownership is associated with a desire to stay independent and maintain full control over the organisation ( Blais, 1990 ) ; ( Bacon, 1996 ). Previous researches like ( Koch, 1999 ) and instance surveies have indicated that employers by and large tend to tie in professional HRM patterns with a loss of control over the employee, which would supply an extra account for a direct negative consequence of household ownership and direction on professional HRM patterns.

HRM and Resource based position

( Wright, 1992 ), in their research reviewed a figure of theoretical positions and proposed a resource based position in which they gave a principle on how organisations human resources could supply a possible beginning of sustainable competitory advantage. The deductions of resource based position on human resource direction were provided by ( Cappelli, 1992 ). They stated that a figure of human resources theoretical accounts assume two things:

A few concern schemes demand a alone set of behaviours and attitudes from employees.

A few HR policies produce a alone set of responses from employees.

Furthermore, they besides stated that a batch of concern scheme shapers have assumed, even though empirical research seems to connote the antonym, that it is easier to rearrange complementary assets/resources given a pick of scheme than it is to rearrange scheme given a set of assets/resource. However, shortly after another article was published that contradicted the potency for human resource patterns to be a major beginning of competitory advantage ( Wright P. M., 1994 ). They argued that in using the constructs of value, rarity, inimitability, and replaceability, the HR patterns could non organize the footing for sustainable competitory advantage since any single HR pattern could be easy copied by rivals. Alternatively they proposed that the pool of skilled workers within an organisation had more possible to prolong a feasible competitory advantage. Harmonizing to ( Lado, 1994 ), a system of HR patterns would be impossible to double chiefly because of all its intricate complexnesss and mutualities among the patterns and in fact this point is good accepted within the current HRM paradigm ( Snell, 1996 ).

( Boxall, 1996 ), developed the resource based position of HRM and stated that the advantage of human resources depends up on the ability of the house to engage potentially talented and skilled workers and the ability to develop employees and squads in such a manner as to make an organisation capable of larning within and across industry rhythms. ( Boxall, 1998 ) so expanded upon this basic theoretical account showing a more comprehensive theoretical account of strategic HRM. He argued that one major undertaking of organisations is the direction of mutualness ( i.e., alliance of involvements ) in order to make a gifted and committed work force. It is the successful achievement of this undertaking that consequences in a human capital advantage.

A basic premiss of human capital theory is that houses do non have it ; persons do. Firms may hold entree to valuable human capital, but either through the hapless design of work or the misdirection of people, may non adequately deploy it to accomplish strategic impact. For illustration, ( MacDuffie, 1995 ) focuses on the construct of discretional behaviour. Discretionary behaviour recognizes that even within prescribed organisational functions, employees exhibit discretion that may hold either positive or negative effects to the house.

HRM patterns in household owned and managed houses

The differences that by and large exist between the household and non household concerns have been extensively reported by a figure of researches such as ( Ward, 1987 ) ; ( Leach, 1990 ). A big figure of SMEs in UK are really household based entities and yet ( Cromie, 1995 ) and ( Cunn, 1995 ) argue that more research is needed into the UK ‘s household concerns. Such researches are being done in topographic points like the US. For illustration, research done by ( Desmon, 1991 ), who undertook a elaborate analysis of household concerns and reviewed a figure of publications and literatures, has shown that merely 4 % out of the entire 202 commendations reviewed dealt with the development of human resources through preparation and instruction.

Harmonizing to ( Gersick, 1997 ), household concerns consider this a sensitive country because they are normally criticized for prosecuting in nepotism and so neglecting to supply direction preparation for the household members concerned. Such concerns may be forced to use, advance or stop unemployment for stopping point or drawn-out members of their household. It besides leads to extra force per unit area on the shoulders of the concern proprietor to cover in an nonsubjective mode with their household members. The necessary starting point for these household concerns is to concentrate on their current HRM patterns to place any failings that may be. The most common ground for loss of productiveness in household owned concerns is the deficiency of proper human resource direction. Non household concerns run more expeditiously because their chief focal point is on developing their organisation and they do non hold to cover with any obstructions or distractions in the signifier of household members.


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