Living things, cells, etc

Question Answer
What are characteristics of living things? Complex and organized, acquire and use energy, respond to stimuli, reproduce, capacity to evolve, grow, have cell(s)
What are the three parts of the cell theory? All living things are composed of cells. Cells are the basic unit and structure of living things. All cells are produced from other cells.
What are the stages in the cell cycle? Interphase, Mitosis (Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase), Cytokinesis
What is the goal of the cell cycle? Two identical cells with the same DNA.
Where, when, and why is the DNA replication? In the nucleus, Interphase, So each cell can have the same DNA at the end of the cell cycle.
Is the Interphase a resting face? Is it good or bad? Bad name- not resting, DNA is being copied and the cell is growing to mature size.
What is the purpose of cell division? Reproduction, growth, replacing damaged cells
Who does the cell division for reproduction? What process is involved? Unicellular- Mitosis for eukaryotic and Binary fission for prokaryotic.
Who does the cell division for growth? What process is involved? Multi-cellular: Mitosis
What is the nucleus for? What happens here? Control center of cell that contains the DNA, cell cycle takes place inside the nucleus.
What is the process that reproduces cells? Cell division
What is binary fission? What are some examples of organisms? Prokaryotic (bacteria) simple form of division ends in two identical cells- only one strand of DNA needed to be copied- very quick (asexual reproduction only).
What is meiosis? What are some examples of organisms? Eukaryotic organisms- cell division for sex cells (egg and sperm) ends in four cells with half of the DNA. (ex: humans, dogs, mammals, etc)
What is mitosis? What are some examples of organisms? Eukaryotic organisms- unicellular is used to reproduce and multi-cellular is used to grow.
What is an organelle? What are some examples? Little "organ" within a cell that has a job to make the cell function as a whole. (ex: nucleus, mitochondria, lysosome, vacuole, etc).
What is prokaryotic? What are some examples? No true nucleus, lacks many organelles (asexual reproduction). (ex: bacteria such as E. Coli or Strep).
What is eukaryote? What are some examples? True nucleus and has many of the organelles (sexual reproduction). (ex: human, tarantula, trout, paramecium, amoeba,)
What is asexual reproduction? What are some examples? One parent can reproduce by itself. (ex: paramecium, E. Coli)
What is sexual reproduction? What are some examples? Egg and sperm join to create a new organism. (ex: human, trout
What is unicellular? Made of one cell.
What is multi-cellular? Made of more than one cell.

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