Love Is a Dream vs Love Is a Nightmare Sample Essay

What is love? Love is an intense feeling of deep fondness for person or something. I wish love was that simple. Love is a complicated word that can hold a different significance from one person to another. Our experiences affect our behaviour. actions. and our perceptual experiences of the universe around us. Through the class of one’s life. their perceptual experience of the universe around them will alter legion times. Depending on our experiences with love. we may comprehend “love as a dream” or “love as a nightmare” . From my experience and that of others. I learned that love can be a sweet dream. a atrocious incubus. or an ugly combination of the two and how we perceive love will reflect in our beliefs and actions. “Love is a dream” is a metaphor that people frequently use to depict how much they are basking the experience of love. When we feel that love is really beautiful because of the positive emotions that entail with loving and being loved. we frequently compare it to a dream. In a sweet dream. everything seems close to hone. We want to bask every minute that passes us by and we ne’er want to wake up from that sweet dream. At that minute. “Love is a dream” . For illustration. some persons may hold experienced the “love at first sight” consequence at least one time in their life-time. In an blink of an eye. a individual can fall in love by looking into one’s eyes.

That love can turn so rapidly that it might experience as if we are in a dream. The lovers find it difficult to remain off from each other and believe about one another in every waking minute. It is at that phase that everything is the manner they want it to be. To those lovers. love is a beautiful dream. On the other manus. “Love is a nightmare” is a metaphor that people frequently use to depict how agonizing and heart-breaking love can be. In a atrocious incubus. everything seems to fall apart around you. We feel as if every minute that passes us by is really painful and we wish to wake from that atrocious incubus every bit shortly as possible. Whether it is because one is betrayed by their lover or their love is unanswered. love can sometimes experience like a incubus. Love that was one time a sweet dream can rapidly go a incubus that we wish to wake up from. For illustration. when a adult female finds out that her hubby is rip offing on her. her whole universe is turned upside down. The dream she one time experienced became a nightmare full of hurting and wretchedness.

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No affair how she approaches the state of affairs. the harm has been done. Whether she chooses to endure with her hubby or without him. to her. love has become a incubus. There are several similarities and differences that lay within the two metaphors. A major similarity between the two metaphors is the fright we experience when covering with love. When comprehending love as a dream or a incubus. an person is frequently fearful of falling in love. being in love and losing love. Love is such a powerful emotion that can hold a major impact on our lives. Like many things. one will be fearful when covering with anything that has that much of an impact on their life. For illustration. when two persons are in a relationship. they might fear that their love will stop or that their love will ne’er retrieve from the harm that has been caused by a treachery. A major difference between the two metaphors is the intension attached to each metaphor. “Love is a dream” has a positive intension because dreams are normally things we look frontward to when we sleep at dark.

Dreams are perceived to be a fantastic experience that we wish would come true. When we think of a dream. we think of being happy and filled with joy. So when we view love as a dream. we view it as a positive experience. In contrast to the first metaphor. “Life is a nightmare” has a negative intension because incubuss are experiences that we do non wish to travel through. If we had to see a incubus. we want it to stop every bit shortly as possible. We experience hurting and wretchedness when holding a incubus and that is why some people wake up in cryings after a incubus. When we view love as incubus. we view it as a negative experience that we merely want to bury. Our beliefs. perceptual experiences and actions are affected otherwise based on whether we view “love as a dream” or “love as a nightmare” . When we view love as a dream. we believe love is a fantastic feeling that everyone should see. One that views love as a dream might be happy and smiling most of the clip. They might be more gracious and caring towards other. They might look frontward to what the following twenty-four hours has to convey. The positive actions. beliefs and perceptual experiences will reflect the individual’s position that “love is a dream” .

When we view love as a incubus. we tend to believe that love is an tormenting experience that interferes with our life. One that views love as a incubus might be sad and glowering most of the clip. They might be rude to others as they try to show their negative emotions in unhealthy ways. They might non look frontward to what the future brings. They besides might experience hurting when they think of love and what it has done to them. All the negative actions. beliefs and perceptual experiences will reflect the individual’s position that “love is a nightmare” . Depending on how we view love. our beliefs. actions and perceptual experiences will reflect it. We have all felt both the passionate love affair that can look phantasmagoric and the sting of treachery that is followed by grief. Anyone that has fallen in love can associate to both metaphors and have had different perceptual experiences of love depending on what they experience with their loved 1s. While both metaphors have their similarities. the metaphors’ intensions give them wholly opposite significances. Our beliefs and actions reflect whether we perceive love as a sweet dream or as a atrocious incubus. Based on your experiences. make you see “love as a dream” or make you see “love as a nightmare” ?


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