Marco Polo - The Travels Essay

Marco Polo is inarguably the most celebrated mediaeval European traveller, despite the heated contention among modern bookmans environing his adventuresome travels. InThe Travels of Marco Polo,Polo has clearly portrayed the character of the 13Thursdaycentury Asiatic society, which forms the footing of this paper. Assorted issues have been considered in the paper, such as the authorities organisation and disposal by Kublai Khan, the prosperity of the Asiatic society, their beliefs and last but non least, the values and ownerships that people esteemed.

At the age of merely 17 old ages old, Marco Polo accompanied his male parent and uncle in a long and hard journey from Venice his birth topographic point, to Cathay, China. It was in this journey, started at the terminal of 1271, that Marco began his history of the adventures during the three and a half long hard journey, and his history of the Mongol ‘s life. Marco ‘s elaborate description on the greatest minute when he foremost met the Great Khan, and the assignment of Marco to high stations in the Khan ‘s disposal demonstrated Marco ‘s gift in linguistics and linguistic communications. His astonishment with China ‘s huge power, huge wealth, and complex societal construction made Marco to go the more in China, going one of the most traveled Westerners on the Silk Road. His journey throughout Asia took 24 old ages, which made him to make beyond Mongolia to China ( Silkroad 10-14 ) . The undermentioned analysis is based upon Polo ‘s information, and extra information obtained with mention to his authorship.

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The authorities of the 13Thursdaycentury Asiatic Civilization provides an interesting reading, particularly from the swayer, Kublai Khan. Kublai Khan was, as Polo describes him, the “the greater and more powerful than all others” , of the six khans that ruled the Mongol Empire. Bing the last khan, a rubric given to a swayer in the Mongolian linguistic communications, Kublai ruled the Mongol Empire from 1260 to 1294, establishing the Yuan Dynasty, which lasted until 1368. The Mongols, under the regulation of Kublai, implemented divide-and-rule methods in a manner that made the Mongols and the Asians to stay separate from Chinese life ( Brummett et al 98 ) . By spliting the Chinese population into the Mongols ; the northern Chinese and Koreans ; the southern Chinese ; and the cardinal Asians, it was possible to successfully govern the Mongol minority. While the Mongols and the cardinal Asians enjoyed extended privileges the southern Chinese were barred from province offices. The authorities was besides reorganized by Kublai, and he established three distinguishable divisions to oversee the armed forces, to cover with civilian personal businesss, and the 3rd one to oversee the major functionaries ( EWB 6-10 ) .

The prosperity of the Asiatic society during Marco Polo ‘s travels is revealed by many of Polo ‘s citations refering, for case, the Greater Hermenia. Polo wrote that the Tartars of the Levant frequented the Armenian state every summer due to the outstanding grazing land that was available in plentifulness for their cowss. The grazing lands were ever abundant for the cowss, and harmonizing to Polo, the grazing lands were in big measure, ne’er neglecting the cowss. Besides of alone significance is the oil fountain that Polo met on the boundaries towards Georgiana. The plenty oil that sprung from the fountain was in such a big measure that as Polo put it, “a hundred boatloads might be taken from it at one time.” Although the oil is was non recommended to be used with nutrient, it was needed for combustion and was besides used for anointing camels that had the mange. The oil was such a hoarded wealth that people came from great distances to obtain it ( Armenia ch5 ) .

The beliefs of the Asiatic civilisation are of extreme importance when understanding their character. There were assorted beliefs in the 13Thursdaycentury Asiatic society, and the being of the different spiritual beliefs, for case, was because of Kublai Khan ‘s spiritual tolerance. Furthermore, Kublai supported Confucian rites and rites at tribunal, and besides showed particular act of kindness to Buddhism. His tolerance was farther demonstrated by his determination non to estrange Daoist involvements, every bit good as protecting Muslims and professing an involvement in Christian beliefs ( Polo 134 ) .

The monastery of St. Barsamo is a really of import illustration in portraying portion of the beliefs of the 13Thursdaycentury Asiatic society. The many monastics who came to the monastery involved themselves in knitting girdles, which they placed on the communion table of the monastery as the service continued. The monastics have been likened to the “Brethren of the Holy Spirit” Polo, and he writes that they present the girdles to their friends and to other people, since the monastics belief was that the girdles could take bodily hurting. Every monastic, henceforth, merely like the “Brethren” is sacredly ardent to hold them. Polo ‘s description of how the one-eyed adult male supplication caused the mountain to travel is really important in understanding the Christians and their behaviours, as they converted the Saracens after the miracle had been performed ( Armenia, Ch12 )

Polo ‘s travels reveal assorted ownerships that people esteemed. One of these was the industries promoted under the Mongols. The Mongols were good stewards at roll uping wealth, which they did through assorted ways, such as bagging of metropoliss, advancing trade, and by revenue enhancement. A assortment of objects were found in the grave of the influential Mongolians, particularly from the 13Thursdayand 14Thursdaycenturies. These included points such as gold cups, legings, robes. Of these trade goods, 100s of craftsmen were located into northern China, others located in the steppe parts north of the Yellow River. Marco Polo described them as “they live by commercialism and industry…just as we have woolen apparels of many different types, so have they of fabric of gold and silk” ( Waugh 34 ) .

Marco Polo ‘s narration was of enormous usage in understanding the 13ThursdayCentury Asiatic civilisation. From all the finds that he made, and all the documented information sing the behaviours, civilization, and manner of life of the Asian community, it was possible for one to non merely understand the civilisation, but besides appreciate the life style. There were legion escapades in Marco Polo ‘s travels, which played an of import function in understanding assorted elements of the character of the civilisation. Marco ‘s adventures were written with a simple, yet profound, easy to understand manner, and his first-class accomplishment of utilizing an synergistic linguistic communication was really important in associating with the society. Since most of the information provided in Polo ‘s narrative was refering his experiences and the Asians ‘ manner of life, the narrative was a really relevant beginning in apprehension and qualifying the society.

Plants Cited

Armenia.The Travels of Marco Polo1: Chapter 3. Retrieved on July 29, 2009 from hypertext transfer protocol: // title=The_Travels_of_Marco_Polo_1: _Chapter _3

Brummett, Palmira Johnson. , Edgar, Robert. , Hackett, Neil J. , Jewsbury, George. , Taylor, Alastair M. , Bailkey, Nels M. , Wallbank, Thomas and Lewis, Clyde.Civilization yesteryear & A ;nowadays.Longman, 1999.

EWB.Kublai Khan ‘s disposal“Encyclopedia of World Biographies” . 2007. Retrieved on July 29, 2009 from hypertext transfer protocol: //

Polo, Marco.The Travels of Marco Polo.Cosimo, Inc. 2007.

Silkroad.Marco Polo and His Travels. 2000. Retrieved July 29, 2009 from hypertext transfer protocol: //


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