MCW Anatomy: Unit 3 radiology and cross sections

*Anatomy: Lower extremity Radiology*
Identify: Number 1
*Anatomy: Lower extremity Radiology*
Identify: Number 2
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*Anatomy: Lower extremity Radiology*
Identify: Number 3
sacral foramen
*Anatomy: Lower extremity Radiology*
Identify: Number 4
sacral foramen
obturator ring
*Anatomy: Lower extremity Radiology*

Identify: Number 5

obturator ring
Greater Trochanter
*Anatomy: Lower extremity Radiology*

Identify: Upper box

Greater Trochanter
Inferior Pubic Ramus
*Anatomy: Lower extremity Radiology*


Lower Box

Inferior Pubic Ramus
*Anatomy: Lower extremity Radiology*

Identify: Upper arrow

*Anatomy: Lower extremity Radiology*

Identify: Lower arrow

*Anatomy: Lower extremity Radiology*

Identify: Upper arrow

*Anatomy: Lower extremity Radiology*

Identify: Middle arrow

*Anatomy: Lower extremity Radiology*

Identify: lower arrow

(top) common iliac vessels,

(bottom) sacrum
*Anatomy: Pelvic Cross Sections*

Identify: Left side Red boxes

(top) common iliac vessels,

(bottom) sacrum

psoas major (muscle)
*Anatomy: Pelvic Cross Sections*

Identify: Middle red box

psoas major (muscle)
(top) external iliac artery,
(middle) internal iliac artery,
(bottom) gluteus maximum
*Anatomy: Pelvic Cross Sections*

Identify: Three right red boxes

(top) external iliac artery,
(middle) internal iliac artery,
(bottom) gluteus maximum
(left) internal iliac vessels,

(top right) external iliac artery,

(bottom right) external iliac vein,
*Anatomy: Pelvic Cross Sections*

Identify: Outer left and right blue boxes

(left) internal iliac vessels,

(top right) external iliac artery,

(bottom right) external iliac vein,

(left) psoas major,
(middle) iliacus,
(right) (ilium),
(far right) gluteus minimus
*Anatomy: Pelvic Cross Sections*

Identify: Top 4 middle blue boxes (four structures in a row)

(left) psoas major,
(middle) iliacus,
(right) (ilium),
(far right) gluteus minimus
(center) body of sacrum

(bottom) gluteus maximus
*Anatomy: Pelvic Cross Sections*

Identify: Center and most bottom

(center) body of sacrum

(bottom) gluteus maximus

(top) obturator internus muscle,

(middle) internal iliac vessels,

(bottom) superior gluteal vessels
*Anatomy: Pelvic Cross Sections*

Identify: Right outer 3 red boxes

(top) obturator internus muscle,

(middle) internal iliac vessels,

(bottom) superior gluteal vessels

(outer) external artery and vein,
*Anatomy: Pelvic Cross Sections*

Identify: Left red box

(outer) external artery and vein,
(Most left/top) tensor fasciae latae,

(top,right) sartorius,

(bottom/most left) gluteus medius

(bottom, right) gluteus minimus
*Anatomy: Pelvic Cross Sections*

Identify: Top Left side 4 red boxes

(Most left/top) tensor fasciae latae,

(top,right) sartorius,

(bottom/most left) gluteus medius

(bottom, right) gluteus minimus

(left) pubis,

(right) ilium,

(center) head of femur,

(bottom) ischium
*Anatomy: Pelvic Cross Sections*

Identify: 4 boxes on the central white (bone ) region

(left) pubis,

(right) ilium,

(center) head of femur,

(bottom) ischium

(top) ductus deferens,
(bottom) pectineus,

(central) urinary bladder
*Anatomy: Pelvic Cross Sections*

Identify: two upper right outer red boxes and very central red box

(top) ductus deferens,
(bottom) pectineus,

(central) urinary bladder

Femoral nerve,
Femoral Artery,
Femoral Vein
*Anatomy: Pelvic Cross Sections*

Identify: Outer upper left 3

Femoral nerve,
Femoral Artery,
Femoral Vein
(bone) head of femur,
(left) iliopsoas,
(right) pubis
*Anatomy: Pelvic Cross Sections*

Identify: Bone and two above it

(bone) head of femur,
(left) iliopsoas,
(right) pubis
(left) pubis
(outer) ductus deferens
(right) pectinius
*Anatomy: Pelvic Cross Sections*

Identify: Central upper 3 boxes (starting above rectum)

(left) pubis
(outer) ductus deferens
(right) pectinius
(left) pectinius
(middle) adductor brevis,
(most right) adductor longus
*Anatomy: Pelvic Cross Sections*

Identify: Upper middle boxes (excluding small one above rectum)

(left) pectinius
(middle) adductor brevis,
(most right) adductor longus
quadratis femoris,

(under) sciatic nerve
*Anatomy: Pelvic Cross Sections*

Identify: Center left box near femur and outer box under it

quadratis femoris,

(under) sciatic nerve

(top, double) adductor longus,

(middle) adductor brevis

(bottom) adductor mangus
*Anatomy: Pelvic Cross Sections*

Identify: Top 3 to bottom near copora cavernosa penis

(top, double) adductor longus,

(middle) adductor brevis

(bottom) adductor mangus

(right) great saphenous,

(bottom) pectineus
*Anatomy: Pelvic Cross Sections*

Identify: out top right box, out bottom left box

(right) great saphenous,

(bottom) pectineus

(most left) gracilis,

(top) adductor longus

(middle) adductor brevis

(bottom) adductor magnus
*Anatomy: Pelvic Cross Sections*

Identify: Middle 4 red boxes

(most left) gracilis,

(top) adductor longus

(middle) adductor brevis

(bottom) adductor magnus


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