Motivation is an Important Factor for any Business Essay


Motivation is an of import factor for any concern organisation either it is private or public sector. How the employees feel, usually and entirely, about their occupations straight affect the company ‘s ultimate net income. Motivation is the thrust force that moves employees to make at their best. Merely as an engine pulls train, so company ‘s work force will draw company towards the net income or destroy. Motivating employees can be complex undertaking based on full compensation for the work performed for an organisation. Reimbursement, as it is used in this context, is non purely for account of the entire fiscal bundle to counterbalance an employee.

The intent of this research will be to discourse some of the possibilities in actuating employees to be productive in the organisation. In this research the countries to be discussed are Fiscal Motivation techniques and Non-Financial Motivational techniques. Both the motivational techniques are powerful forces in finding the thrust, productiveness, and efficiency of each and every company employee. The regular usage of positive motive techniques is really important for the directors in today ‘s regularly changing and germinating universe of human demands and wants. How good directors employ these techniques to actuate employees straight affects the usage of human resources toward carry throughing organisational ends. This research will besides reexamine managerial motive techniques and methods of optimistic support.

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The research worker will seek to correlate different techniques of effectual motive with the organisational growing. These factors include fiscal benefits, Hygiene factors, employee development and preparation, association demand of the employee, power demands of the employee and accomplishment demands. It is obvious that these factors will positively hike the employee morale and he will be more satisfied, therefore employee satisfaction moves him to execute at 100 % efficiency and give optimal public presentation for the growing of the organisation.

Chapter 1

Introduction and Problem Background


In any public sector organisation, to run into its duties towards stockholders, employees and civilisation, its top direction must construct up relationship between the organisation and employees that will carry through the often altering demands of both parties. At least the organisation expects employees to transport out systematically the undertakings assigned to them and at the criterions set for them, and to prosecute the regulations that have been established to regulate the organisation. Management frequently expects more: that employees take inaugural, manage themselves, continue to detect new accomplishments, and be unfastened to concern demands. At lower limit, employees look frontward to their organisation to supply just salary, unafraid working conditions, and just intervention.

The Fieldss of worker motive and employee public presentation towards organisational growing are really much explicitly explained in the research worker of Maslow, Taylor, and Hertzberg. The constructs of motivational techniques and public presentation are concepts within the bigger organisational behaviour theoretical account. While each of these concepts can be reviewed on their ain, employee motivational techniques and motive itself is linked closely to employee public presentation and organisational growing.

The research will lucubrate different methods of actuating employees to execute at their highest degree. The range of the research besides covers fiscal and non- fiscal motivation techniques used by companies to assist their employees develop, put to death, and do highly good. Productivity is focal point of today ‘s more competitory companies, and the bulk of companies are researching the function that employee satisfaction dramas in profitableness and fight.

Fiscal wagess are regular in the concern organisations today. Most of the experts agree that money is non the best incentive merely. The motivational result of most fiscal wagess does non last for the longer period. However, the absence of fiscal incentives is powerful demotivator, which can non be overlooked. Therefore, fiscal wagess are wholly indispensable in order to successfully actuate employees. The most general types of fiscal wagess that will be discussed are salary additions, net income sharing, incentive travel, and paid time-off.

This research will talk of impacting forces as internal emotional thrusts for executing occupation. Effective motive of employees goes beyond the fiscal return for work. Some of the most well-known companies in the universe have felt the benefits of appealing to their workers thrusts to work intelligently and to be recognized. Most incentives lead straight to the authorization and enabling of employees to make good. Employee motive can be enhanced when company focuses on the followers: end scene, communicating, self-government, duty, and snap.

In order for directors and concern executives to win in today ‘s concern universe, they must go effectual incentives by implementing effectual motivational techniques. Effective motive is merely achieved by utilizing fiscal and non- fiscal motivational techniques.

1.2 Problem Statement

It has become really hard for the populace sector organisations to accomplish their maximal end product or productiveness without the 100 % end product of their employee which can merely be achieve by decently actuating the employee.

Background Information

1.1.1 Organizational Background

Mosques and Shrines have been non merely beginning of stimulation and spiritual counsel but besides the platform of spiritual cognition and spread of Islam through Liberal human-centered and common brotherhood instruction of the saints. Surely, these low seats of mosques and shrines of saints have cardinal function in distributing the message of Islam.

Most of these Shrines and Mosques were waqf, the direction of which was with charitable local Organization. With the transition of clip decay and wear and tear set in running personal businesss of these sacred shrines and cardinal mosques. Hence the demand to reconstruct their sanctity. As legitimate duty of Islamic province to convey about betterment in the disposal and direction of Waqf, Auqaf Organization was constituted as legal entity through the Punjab Waqf Properties Ordinance, 1979.

Auqaf & ; Religious Department is headed by Secretary Auqaf & ; Religious Affairs who is assisted by Additional Secretary and Deputy Secretary with their subsidiarystaff. Secretary Auqaf & ; Religious Affairs besides acts as Chief Administrator Auqaf.TheAuqaf Organization is ego fund bring forthing organic structure. Thecardinal support is received from shrine-donations, rentals of agricultural lands and rents from commercial and residential properties.The financess generated are utilised for Education, medical installations, societal public assistance, academic scholarships and care ofof import spiritual memorials and sacred topographic points. The Auqaf Organization comprise thefollowing six Directorates: –

1. Directorate of Administration

2. Directorate of Estate

3. Directorate of Finance

4.Directorate of Religious Affairs

5.Directorate of Undertakings

6.Directorate of Health Servicess

Core Functions

To take over the disposal, direction and control of the waqf belongings.

To continue as legal guardian of all waqf belongingss.

To do certain improved direction and care of waqf belongingss dedicated for spiritual, pious and charitable intents.

To acquire better the criterion of spiritual services and rites at the shrines and mosques.

To do the holy topographic points centres of societal, cultural and religious inspiration in conformity with the dictates of Islam.

To do certain better environment and conditions at these sacred topographic points.

To implement fiscal subject and rationalize processs.

To print books refering to faith and Islamic mysticism.

To organize with the Federal Government on Hajj and Religious Affairs.

To pull off the personal businesss of the minorities in the Province including licences under the Christian Marriage Act, 1872.

1.1.2 Problem Background

In the current fortunes of the Department of Auqaf, it is strongly felt that employee are non executing their duties to their upper limit. This may be an consequence of demotivating factors which make them lazy and non difficult workers. So the research worker will here look frontward for the assorted tools and methods which can efficaciously better the state of affairs in this public sector organisation.

1.4 Research Questions & ; Research Objective

1.4.1 Research Questions:

Q1: What are different methods, techniques are used to actuate employee to execute at maximal degree?

Q2: How does the motivational techniques impact the over all productiveness of the populace sector organisation?

Q3: Which techniques are more effectual in this respects?

1.4.2Research Objective

Understand the importance of motivated work force

Obtain motivational techniques

To larn how effectual motivational techniques can impact the organisational public presentation.


H1: Motivation has no important relationship with the organisational growing.

H0: Motivation significantly consequences into the better organisational public presentation and growing.

1.6Scope and Limitations of Study

1.6.1Scope of the research:

The range of the research will be limited to the populace sector organisation that is Department of Auqaf Punjab, and the research worker herself is an employee of the same establishment. entire figure of 1000 employee every bit good as clients will be based as population of the research. And out of this population 300 will be taken as sample.

1.6.2 Restrictions:

There will be some restriction of the survey which are as follows:

All motivational theories will be partly discussed in the research due to shortage of clip infinite and range.

Researcher will be unable to near respondents due to clip and gender restraint.

Bing female and societal restraint, it will be hard to app roach physically each and every respondent of the research.

The graduated table of the research is limited to 1000 populations merely.

Inadequate clip may be restraint to finish the research within specific clip interval and research worker in this province may go through over some utile information.

Datwill be collected by the research worker herself by agencies of questionnaire.

Other methods of informations aggregation are excluded due to clip restraint.

Research worker may be biased to some extent on giving the concluding recommendations.

1.7 Significance of Research

Recently organisations have started recognizing that employee are non the employee but really the capital assets of their concern. This research is important because it will be lucubrating the relationship between the organisational public presentation / growing and the motivational techniques being employed by different organisations. Workers are an plus to the concern and it is up to the direction to value them. It can non be solution to engage and fire continuously as has been the common pattern, enrolling goes with resources and money ; and it is through the direction that the companies grows, therefore lending to the economic system of the state by developing the workers ; therefore cut downing unemployment.

Trial of Hypothesis:

Both hypothesis will be tested after utilizing some statistical analysis of correlation..

Chapter 2

Literature Review

There is assortment of literature available on the topic of effectual motivational techniques in the populace sector organisation. Many of the surveies focus on the impacts of wagess on work involvement and public presentation and are found in the literature concerned with motive: both internal and external motive. In internally motivated behaviour there is no wages except with the undertaking itself. Reward and acknowledgment plans come within the treatment on externally motivated behaviour that occurs when map or public presentation is rewarded by inducements non built-in in the undertaking ( Deci, 1971 ).

Many modern writers have besides defined the construct of motive. Motivation has been defined as: the psychological process that gives public presentation intent and way ( Kreitner, 1995 ) ; tendency to act in purposive manner to accomplish explicit, unaccomplished desires ( Buford, Bedeian, & ; Lindner, 1995 ) ; an interior force to delight an unsated demand ( Higgins, 1994 ) ; and the will to carry through ( Bedeian, 1993 ). For this research, motive is functionally defined as the interior force that drives persons to achieve personal and organisational ends and aims. Understanding what motivates employees is one of the chief challenges for directors.

Although it is non ever possible heterosexual to actuate others, it is however important to cognize how to act upon what others are motivated to execute, with the overall purpose of holding employees make out their ain public assistance with that of the organisation ( Bruce and Pepitone, 1999 ). In common footings wagess techniques come within the overall construct of compensation schemes which are defined as the “ purposeful use of the salary system as an indispensable integration method through which the attempts of assorted sub-units or persons are directed towards the attainment of an organisation ‘s strategic aims ( Gomez-Mejiand Balkin, 1992 ). They are direction techniques that optimistically contribute to house ‘s efficiency by act uponing single or group behaviour ( Lawler and Cohen, 1992 ). All concerns use salary, publicity, fillips or other types of honoring techniques to promote high degrees of public presentation ( Cameron and Pierce, 1977 ).

The instance surveies in this reappraisal develop upon the work of Maslow, Taylor, and Herzberg. Sharbrough ‘s research looks at the correlativities between leader ‘s exercising of Motivating Language ( ML ) and employee occupation satisfaction and the consciousness of supervisor ‘s efficiency.

In these instances, there was statistically important correlativity in this survey between leader ‘s usage of actuating linguistic communication and employee occupation satisfaction and the consciousness of supervisor ‘s efficiency. This correlativity can be utilized by organisations to cipher leader ‘s usage of actuating linguistic communication and determine degrees of employee satisfaction every bit good as decide the sensed effectivity of supervisor ( Scarborough, 2006 ).

In Beyond the Fringe, Simms discusses how different organisations use trim versions of “ non-cash wagess ” as employee inducement. Simms suggests that Hertzberg ‘s vision of salary as non being incentive holds. The capableness to keep up an inducement that does n’t acquire engrossed by the employee ‘s monthly measures has superior consequence on employee motive. He besides suggests is may be more satisfactory to tout about particular award or party instead than an employee ‘s salary rise. Simms so goes on to spread outing the treatment of non- hard currency wagess such as flexible clip, employee of the month wagess, and tailored end inducements commissariats. Simms argues it is really of import for the employers to pass on these benefits to employees because many employees do n’t understand their entire compensation bundle. By pass oning the entire bundle, the employers reinforce their duty to the employees and aid to actuate the employee. This motive leads to greater employee satisfaction and public presentation ( Simms, 2007 ).

If motive is single trait, it is dubious whether one can modify trait. Motivation has been defined as the “ willingness to set forth attempt to achieve the organisation ‘s ends, conditioned by this attempt ‘s ability to fulfill single privation ” ( Robbins & ; Coulter, 1996 ). This leads to the start of motive. Motivation varies between and within persons at diverse times. The art of motive is procedure of altering one ‘s preparedness to use attempt. Many early on theories of motive were formed in the fiftiess. Three of these theories are the hierarchy of demands theory, theory X and Y, and the motivation-hygiene theory. Abraham Maslow ‘s hierarchy of demands theory illustrates five human wants that actuate the people. These demands can be ranked in order of their importance get downing with physiological demands that are the basic demands for the nutrient, fabrics, and the shelter. Next of some are safety, societal, esteem, and self-actualization demands of the people. Theory X and Y are really simple than Maslow ‘s hierarchy of demands theory. “ Theory X assumes that employees do n’t wish work, are really lazy, seek to avoid their duty, and must be coerced to execute good. On the other portion, theory Y assumes that employees are originative, seek duty, and exert self- way ” ( Robbins, 1996 ).

“ Harmonizing to the motivation-hygiene theory, assorted techniques can root employee ‘s satisfaction or dissatisfaction with their occupation. Some of the factors such as acknowledgment, achievement, patterned advance, and growing can trip motive. They call these factors incentives. Incentives, like salary, working environment, position, and safety are called hygiene factors, which tend to extinguish dissatisfaction ” ( Robbins, 1996 ).

McNerny ( 1996 ) provinces: “ Motivating employees is really demanding occupation because of the undependable demands and desires that drive employees ‘ behaviour. No lone theory can steer attempts to hike employee motive since they are non merely economic, societal, political, or psychological existences. ” DeCenzo ( 1996 ) defines motive as “ the preparedness to make something, conditioned by the action ‘s capableness to fulfill some demand. ” privation or desire is an single demand. Non-profit and for-profit companies still face the same cardinal challenges of motive. An intrinsic key to being good director is passing clip with employees, paying attending to their concerns, and seeking to recognize what they want and need in order to make better occupation. After cognizing what employees ‘ demands are, human resource directors work to acquire those demands while sing the ends of the organisation.

Now valuing the differences and demands of employees in the organisational environment is of import. When employees do non experience valued, their public presentation suffers. Diverse cultures topographic point value on widely unusual things. There are batch of issues that directors face with diverse work group. In malice of the type and range of some plans, work-life benefits are designed to back up the demands of varied labour market and are good schemes for increasing company end product and net incomes. Nelson ( 1996 ) notes ten things that directors need to make to actuate employees.

Fiscal Motivation

Directors discover many ways to actuate their employees and workers, so they desire to execute to the most first-class of their abilities. Fiscal wagess and inducements are really common in the concern universe of today ; although, most experts agree that money is non the best incentive because the motivational impact of most fiscal wagess does non last of all time. Harmonizing to DonnDeeprose ( 1994 ), “ For one thing, while the presence of money may non be really good incentive, the absence of it is relatively strong demotivator ” ( p. 29 ). Therefore, fiscal wagess are an perfectly necessary for base to successfully actuate company ‘s employee. The most general types of fiscal wagess that will be discussed in this research are salary additions, net income sharing, incentive travel, and paid time-off.

Non-Financial Motivation

This research speaks of affectional techniques as internal emotional thrusts for executing work or undertaking. Effective motive of employees goes beyond the fiscal wagess for work, and some of the most well-known companies globally have realized the benefits of appealing to their valuable employees ‘ thrust to work intelligently and to be recognized. Most incentives lead directly to the authorization and enabling of people to transport out good. Productivity can besides be improved when company focuses on the following techniques: end scene, communicating, liberty, duty, and flexibleness.

Conceptual Model:

Accomplishment Needs

Effective Motivational T & ; Factors

( Financial & ; Non-Financial )

Power Needs

Employee Satisfaction

Optimum Organizational Performance

Affiliation Needs

Hygiene Factors


Motivational techniques ( Independent )

Employee satisfaction ( Dependent )

Organizational growing ( Dependent )

Development & ; Training

From the reappraisal of the above literature, the research worker will seek to correlate different techniques of effectual motive with the organisational growing. These factors include fiscal benefits, Hygiene factors, employee development and preparation, association demand of the employee, power demands of the employee and accomplishment demands.

It is obvious that these factors will positively hike the employee morale and he will be more satisfied, therefore employee satisfaction moves him to execute at 100 % efficiency and give optimal public presentation for the growing of the organisation.

Chapter 3

Methods and Procedures

Methodology of Study

In this research the research worker will be utilizing the variableness and dependability of the biographical information of the respondents. The process used to garner informations is the hypotheses and the statistical techniques used to analyse the information.

The end of thesis is explorative as to happen out the impacts of effectual motivational techniques on public sector organisation of Pakistan. quantitative ( based on study ) analysis will be conducted by utilizing questionnaire method.

Then by using different statistical tools the informations will be analyzed, and the nexus in between the variables of the research that is motivational techniques and impact on public sector will be tested.

3.1.1Survey Instrument used

For the intent of this survey quantitative methodological analysis was followed and a

questionnaire was used as the measurement instrument.

3.1.2Sampling Technique

The sample size out of the 1000 population is 300 employees taken as sample respondents. Convenient trying method will be used in this respects because of limited attack and range of the research.


As mentioned above the informations will be collected by utilizing the study instrument ( questionnaire ) and from the bing researches available in published signifier by the old research workers. This primary informations will be analysed to explicate the research worker point of position on the topic of the research.

Research Tools

The tools that will be used in the research for the information analysis is SPSS package to cipher Mean, Standard divergence, correlativity.

Chapter 4

DatAnalysis and Representation

Datas Analysis

In his chapter information related to informations analysis with proper account of processed informations in the SPSS, incorporating informations tabular arraies and graphical representation.

Chapter 5

Decision, Findings & ; Recommendations

In this subdivision concluding decisions of the survey, research worker ‘s ain findings out of the research and shutting recommendations will be mentioned.


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