Mr. Schiller science

Term Definition
blood red liquid that flows through the circulatory system
bones hard material that forms the skeleton
growth process of expanding or becoming larger
skeletal system the body's framework made up of bones and joints
muscular system made up of all the muscles in the body and works with the skeletal system to provide movement
circulatory system controls the movement of blood to and from all parts of the body. It contains the heart, the blood and the vessels
respiratory system brings oxygen to the body and takes carbon dioxide away from the body
digestive system breaks down food into nutrients for the body
nervous system carries information from the brain to the body and from parts of the body back to the brain. It controls the actions of the body.
excretory system removes waste from body fluids and maintains a balance of healthy body fluids
heart a large involuntary muscle that pumps the blood through the circulatory system
muscles animal body tissue that can contract and produce movement
nutrients parts of food used by the body for life
repair to put something back in good condition
transport to carry from one part of the body to another

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