Obstacles in Pursuing an Education Essay

Obstacles in Pursuing An Education The pursuit of an education Is equivalent to the pursuit of happiness. With education there are many challenges that you need to stay positive and strong In to be able to overcome them. Students have to be able to see beyond the short term effects and look towards all of the door that open for you after your hard work. Most students have the struggle of overcoming common obstacles day to day. But in order to stay strong, successful, and happy, students have to have a passion for succeeding, self-discipline, and the ability stay focused.

Not all of us are born into a wealthy family. In fact, only 5% of America Is considered to be wealthy, and for the other 95% of us, that means we have to work harder to make It on our own. First class Jobs mean first class education, which in turn means first class money. Although it seems near impossible without spiraling into debt, this goal is within reach. Staying passionate and working for yourself can help you come closer and closer to what you want. Taking one step at a time, anything is achievable. Lets say that money Isn’t an obstacle and you are where you want to be.

Self-discipline can be the fall or rise of some. Procrastination Is equal with Failure. Most students will put off their work until last minute and slack off. Being on top of yourself can be one of the biggest obstacles at times: however, staying motivated and being self-motivated is key to becoming successful on the pursuit of an education. Seeing your goals actualities into your life can make a huge impact on your ability to stay focused. Honing into what you really want and then pursuing that image can be the biggest obstacle students face.

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