On the Translation of English Idioms Essay

Language and civilization are closely connected and inseparable. as a linguistic communication parlance is the kernel of the deposition of the absorbing history and civilization. Because of geographics. history. faith. imposts and other facets of life differences between Chinese and English Idioms transporting features of the different civilizations and cultural information. so English-Chinese Idioms frequently encounter many troubles.

From the geographical environment. historical background. imposts and spiritual beliefs described four facets of cultural differences between Britain and China on the impact of the formation of their several parlances. and elaborate description of English Idioms interlingual rendition to cover with this cultural difference in several normally used interlingual rendition. Keywords: linguistic communication ; civilization ; cultural differences ; Idioms Translation 1. English parlances and cultural differences reflected in the ( A ) þ

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The environment The natural environment is mankind’s endurance and the footing for the development of different natural environment of the formation and development of national civilization have different effects. Chinese people populating in the huge sweep of fertile continent of East Asia. China since antediluvian times is a big agricultural state. the land in people’s lives is critical. Therefore. there is a considerable part of Chinese agribusiness and land-related parlances. Such as ‘good weather”dead end”extermination”big spenders’ and so on.

Britain is an island surrounded by H2O. Maritime history. have been populating in a universe leader. so in English and will hold a batch of H2O. fish. and marine-related parlance. Such as weak as H2O ( fragile ) . drink like a fish ( liquor ) . to lose the boat ( lost chances ) . all at sea ( a loss ) . In the Chinese cultural ambiance. the ‘wind’ that is ‘spring wind’ . in the summer heat frequently associated with the Ku Shu. ‘scorch like fire’ . ‘Jiaoyangsihuo’ is frequently used to depict the summer term.

The United Kingdom is located in the western hemisphere north temperate zone. is a marine clime. the study is that the message of spring westerly. the British poet Shelley’s ‘West Wind Song’ ( ode to the West Wisconsin neodymium ) is the right spring Acura. England’s summer season is warm and pleasant. frequently with ‘lovely’ . ‘moderate’ . ‘OK’ connected. Shakspere in his sonnets in one compared to the summer of love. Shall I compare thee to asummer’s twenty-four hours? Thou are more lovely and more temperate. ( B )

The historical allusion

From a certain point of position that linguistic communication is a nation’s cultural memory and precipitation. the big figure of Chinese parlances are based on the nation’s history. economic system. civilization. traditions. wonts. formed the footing. with a strong national cultural features of and far-reaching societal and historical beginnings. frequently can non be understood from the actual significance and interlingual rendition. Such as ‘mere copycat’ . ‘Minglasunshan’ . ‘lose the married woman of another soldier off”Three Stooges. the top one wise’ and so on.

English parlances parlances come from the ‘Bible’ and the Greek and Roman mythology. but besides have their specific content. such as Achilles’heel ( the merely fatal failing ) . meetone’s Waterloo ( suffered a oppressing licking ) . a Pandora’s box ( Pandora’s box ) . the Trojanhorse ( Trojan Equus caballus from Greek mythology ) . pointer of Cupid ( ? ? ? ? ? . from Roman mythology ) . ( C ) The difference between pattern In traditional Chinese civilization. the firedrake is a symbol of auspicious animate beings. In feudal society. imperial firedrake is a symbol. authorization and elegance. Therefore. in Chinese and dragon-related parlances by and large contain compliment.

Such as ‘Dragon and Phoenix Succeed””Chenglongkuaixu’ and so on. However. myths and fables of the West. firedrake wings. it is a long. scaly organic structure. dragging a long tail. fire-breathing from the oral cavity of animate beings. it is terrorizing. Therefore. every bit Long as the homicidal mayhem Westerners thing. to be eliminated. In add-on. the Canis familiaris in Chinese is a low animate being. Chinese parlances with dog-related largely derogative: ‘Fox Peng Dog Party’ . ‘Goujitiaoqiang’ . ‘a dog’s oral cavity tongue no ivory’ and so on. while in the Western English-speaking states. Canis familiariss are considered man’s most loyal friend.

English parlance In add-on to the dog’s portion due to the impact of other linguistic communications. which includes a derogatory sense. most of them are non meant to be derogative. Idioms in English. frequently with the dog’s image to depict human behaviour. If Youare a lucky Canis familiaris ( you are one lucky ) . Every Canis familiaris has his twenty-four hours ( mortal Jieyou proud yearss ) . In contrast. the Chinese people are really loved cats. with the ‘Chan Mao’ metaphor adult male gluttonous. frequently intimate constituents. while in Western civilization. ‘cat’ is used to metaphor ‘a malicious woman’ . ( Iv ) spiritual beliefs.

Every state has its ain spiritual beliefs and spiritual civilization. its people’s values and life style of the formation and linguistic communication have a elusive impact. In the long history of several thousand old ages. the Chinese state is preponderantly Buddhist and Taoist. Therefore. there are many Chinese Buddhism. Taoism-related parlances. such as ‘Jiehuaxianfo? ? ? ? ? ”Road”Bearing in head that’ and so on. In add-on. the Chinese people still worship Gods. such as ‘right and proper”thank God”Heaven ever leaves people a manner out’ and so on. Chinese emperors besides claim to be ‘true boies of the dragon’ .

In the United Kingdom and other Western states. the greatest impact of faith is Christianity. In the Western head. God has a supreme supernatural power. There are besides a figure of English parlances with the God-related parlances. If God helps those who help themselves ( God helps those who help themselves ) . Man proposes. God disposes ( Man proposes. God disposes yearss ) . Curse a individual is frequently said that God darn you. danger frequently said after the Thank God. or God bless you. Christian philosophy ‘Bible’ has been regarded as a authoritative of Western civilization. Many English parlances is exactly because of this.

Such as the finger on the wall ( composing on the wall ) . dramatis personae one’s staff of life upon the Waterss ( truly make good. without inquiring for anything ) . From the above facets. we can see the impact of civilization on idiom far-reaching and extended. To right understand the English linguistic communication scholars and successful behavior of Idioms Idioms interlingual rendition. we must foremost English-Chinese have a deep apprehension of both civilizations. Second. the chief method Idioms Translation Translation is the transition between the two linguistic communications. while the close relationship between linguistic communication and civilization transition petition must be in the linguistic communication of cultural transition.

In position of this. the transcriber can non be literally actual interlingual rendition. we must better understand the civilization behind the actual information. utilizing the original apprehension of the original linguistic communication and cultural cognition to their ain apprehension. based on in another linguistic communication such as that of the mark linguistic communication for the sorts of transmutation. for the reader to go through the original interlingual rendition accurate information. imperativeness ‘functional equivalence’ rule so that ‘the reader to reflect the same’ .

Therefore. the parlances translated the one manus. every bit far as possible with the original significance of ‘the most appropriate. the most natural reproduction of such words come out’ . with Nida’s words. that is. ‘The best interlingual rendition does no T sound like a translation’ ; the other On the one manus. but besides make every attempt to expose the original cultural information on the interlingual rendition readers to understand the cultural information contained in the original. Main methods are: reposted elsewhere in the paper for free Download Center hypertext transfer protocol: //www. hi138. com ( A ) Actual Translation.

The alleged actual interlingual rendition method. is non against the mark linguistic communication norms. and Lenovo are non under the conditions that caused the mistake in the interlingual rendition to retain the original parlance metaphor. image and national. local characteristics approach. It applies to some extent due to the usage of a broad figure of more of its actual significance and metaphorical significance has been widely accepted by the reader for the interlingual rendition parlances. If a gentleman’s understanding ( a gentleman’s understanding ) ; armed to the dentition ( armed to the dentition ) ; to angle in troubled H2O ( fish in troubled Waterss ) ; paper tiger ( paper tiger ) ; ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

( draw H2O in a bamboo basket ) . Actual interlingual rendition of the advantage of being able to retain more complete image of the original parlance metaphor. cultural manner. colour and linguistic communication. However. if the translator excessively much or excessively actual interlingual rendition decently. it’s easy to do the reader experience amusing or pathetic. even give rise to misinterpretation or mistake association. Such as: ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ( Until all is over. aspiration ne’er dies. ) . The Pig falsely accuse the Chinese ( To set fault on one’s victim. )

‘Yellow’ and ‘The Pig’ and other words have an obvious cultural traits. if the actual interlingual rendition. foreign readers will non understand why. merely to ‘functional equivalence’ attack translator to readers in the East and the West has caused and is willing to fit feelings. ( B ) actual account France In order to continue the cultural information contained in the original. it is more usage of actual. instead than paraphrasis. but because of linguistic communication rooted in the cultural dirt is different from actual interlingual rendition is likely to be equivocal and obscure.

In this instance. merely in concurrence with appropriate note in order to go through the original text of cultural information. For illustration. a Don Juan ( Don Juan. which means Merry prodigal boy ) . to transport coals to New palace ( coal to Newcastle. means otiose. Newcastle – a British coal Center ) . N. ( demo off one’s proficiency with axe before L u Ban. the maestro carpenter ) . mere imitator ( The ugly imitates the beautiful in such a destroyed manner that the ugliness of the ugly becomes worse. ) . ( C ) the equivalent ILL Method.

Parlances right and others are reflected in three facets. viz. metaphor significance. signifier and emotional metaphors. Some English Idioms and Chinese parlances. whether in content or in signifier or emotional. both comparatively close to this clip. parlances translated to equivalent ILL method can be used. or use the jurisprudence synonymous parlance. This attack non merely to retain the image of the beginning linguistic communication. manner. consistent with the mark linguistic communication the linguistic communication of the construction and wonts. leting the reader to easy understand the text of the interlingual rendition to convey significance. and therefore the smooth realisation of cross-cultural exchange.

Such as burn the boat ( most drastic ) ; greatminds think alike ( Great minds think alike ) ; turn a deaf ear to ( ignored ) ; a bead in the ocean ( bead in the ocean ) . ( D ) interlingual rendition method Translation method refers to the interlingual rendition. to retain merely the significance of the original signifiers of look instead than to retain the original method. When due to cultural differences can non be literally translated. nor synonymous parlances can be borrowed. together with the explanatory text so would lose the kernel of the features of parlances. it is best to avoid their cultural background and its significance can be translated.

If a skeleton in the closet ( household dirt ) . driven to revolt ( be forced to make something ) . ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ( honestly talking ) . volunteered ( to volunteer one’s service ) . Zhang Ling: Cultural differences and Idioms interlingual rendition of this attack besides applies to those utilizing concrete and apparent metaphor to exemplify the more abstract logical thinking. and linguistic communication vivid and witty ticket line. Such as the ‘donkey to see libretto – delay and see’ can be translated as delay and see. ‘dog bites Lu Tung-pin. did non cognize good people’ can be translated to snarl and snap at a sort hearted adult male.

3. Conclusion English and each has its ain cultural imprint colourss and civilizations between the two there is a big cultural differences. The impact of civilization on parlance is multifaceted. non-English-Chinese interlingual rendition of parlances is non. While the interlingual rendition of parlances. particularly those rich in cultural information. Idioms. and there is no fixed form in the terminal that the method should be adopted harmonizing to the context of flexible options.

In add-on. the procedure of interlingual rendition the transcriber must non merely see the linguistic communication of transition. but besides to heighten cultural consciousness. from the point of view of cross-cultural communicating. utilizing an appropriate manner of interlingual rendition. seek to extinguish the cross-cultural communicating caused by cultural differences communicating barriers. to accomplish an accurate description of the intent of a foreign civilization. Mentions: [ 1 ] Chen Ding-an. English Rhetoric and Translation [ M ] . Hong Kong: Commercial Press. 1996. [ 2 ] Ping-hong. Zhang Guoyang. English Idioms and Anglo-American civilization. [ M ] .

Beijing: Foreign Language Education and Research Press. 1999. [ 3 ] Hu Wenzhong. Introduction to Intercultural Communication [ M ] . Beijing: Foreign Language Education and Research Press. 1999. [ 4 ] Fang dream. Translation New Theory and Practice [ M ] . Qingdao: Qingdao Publishing House. 1999. [ 5 ] FENG Qing-hua. Practical Translation ( update ) [ M ] . Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press. 2002. [ 6 ] Sun Hui-jun. ZHENG Qing-Zhu. Translation surveies in the cultural displacement [ J ] . Chinese interlingual rendition. 2000. ( 05 ) . Reposted elsewhere in the Research Papers Download hypertext transfer protocol: //www. hi138. com.


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