One Two Decimal Place Electronic Weighing Balance Biology Essay

The research inquiry that was investigated was Is it cost effectual to purchase and utilize sunblocks of different SPF values as we are led to believe. The ground this subject was chosen was that the usage of sunscreens- which are said to, to an extent, protect one from skin cancers- is a really current issue in the intelligence today. To prove this, Yeast, a fungus which grows under UV visible radiation, was used as a measurement tool. A changeless sum of barm, mixed in a glucose solution ( to supply ATP for yeast growing ) was placed under direct sunshine in Petri dishes. Five different SPF values of sunblocks were placed on these Petri dishes for one whole hr, in order to give the barm an optimal sum of clip to turn. Twenty five Petri dishes were kept in the Sun in order to obtain five tests, of five different SPF values of sunblock. The initial and concluding cell counts of barm were taken, and the information was processed to make a decision. By analysing the information, it was concluded that sunblocks of SPF values until 50, are really good for usage, and are cost effectual. However, past SPF 50, the potency of the sunblocks are rather perceptibly similar. Hence, they are n’t as good or cost effectual. They can be assumed to be chiefly for selling intents. Ergo, it is cost effectual to purchase and utilize sunscreens up to SPF 50, but non beyond that.

The research rubric is “ Is it deserving purchasing and utilizing sunblocks of different SPF values as we are led to believe? ” Sunscreens are popularly known and are used to protect one ‘s tegument against tan caused by Ultraviolet ( UV ) rays from the Sun. There are two different UV beams, UVA and UVB. Sunscreens tend to supply protection from largely UVB beams. A higher SPF ( Sunburn Protection Factor ) figure means more protection from merely UVB beams. UVA beams can do long term effects like malignant neoplastic disease and tegument ripening, and sunscreens as UVA beam absorbers are being developed. At the minute, the lone sunblocks of this kind that are available are still in research labs and non for public purchase. Sunscreens work by either absorbing or reflecting ultraviolet radiation minimising the harmful effects of UV beams on the tegument, ( “ Lesson 2: All about sunblocks ” , 2012 ) . Sunscreens are made up of organic and inorganic compounds. The organic compounds by and large contain Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen and Nitrogen. Octyl methoxycinnamate ( C18H26O3 ) is an illustration of an organic sunblock ingredient. Inorganic compounds are normally Zinc Oxide ( ZnO ) and Titanium Oxide ( TiO2 ) , ( Sunscreen, 2012 ) . Each single organic compound nowadays in a sunscreen tends to absorb one peculiar wavelength of UV visible radiation. That is why more than one sort of organic molecule is used- it provides better protection of the tegument. Fifteen organic molecules are approved for usage in sunblocks, and 13 of them protect against UVB beams. Inorganic compounds tend to absorb all wavelengths

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of light above a certain value called a critical value. This value depends on the compound used. It can absorb both UVA and UVB beams. When the organic and inorganic compounds are assorted together, they make a good barrier from UV beams for the tegument.

In order to make reply the research inquiry, a measurement tool, for mensurating the effectivity of sunblocks is required. Yeast is a good substance for this, as yeast cells can turn under UV visible radiation, which is present in sunshine ( Kohl, 2012 ) .Then, since sunblocks block out some UV visible radiation, the same sum of barm will be allowed to turn under sunshine with the usage of different SPF ‘s of sunblock. Hence, this allows the effectivity of the sunblock to be measured in a controlled mode. The barm cells will be mixed in a glucose solution, which will fade out into it. This is because the glucose Acts of the Apostless as an ATP beginning. The barm and glucose solution will be placed in a Petri dish, whose palpebra will be covered in sunblock, to barricade out UV visible radiation. Different SPF ‘s of sunblock will do different sums of UV visible radiation blocked out. Hence, when the initial and concluding figure of yeast cells is counted, if the hypothesis is right, a distinguishable form will be seen.

To prove this, I discovered that the consequence of sunshine on barm is rather simple: the UV visible radiation in sunshine aids yeast grow. As discovered through research by the BioChem diary from 1940, UV visible radiation exposure causes the release of a growing endocrine consisting of a nitrogen-bearing stuff to happen from barm cells in order to mend cell harm. Most of that stuff consists of an amino-N substance. When this stuff is released, it triggers off barm cell growing and reproduction. These consequences were supported by a survey held in 1923, by the University of Chicago imperativeness. This sort of growing is similar to the growing endocrine that is present in

worlds during tissue fix. This is besides because barm cells are eucaryotic, so do hold similarities with human cells, ( Highland, 2011 ) .


If the SPF figure of the sunblock used is increased, the growing of barm cells will diminish. This is because the stronger the sunblock used ( the bigger the SPF figure ) the less UVB beams will go through through the Petri dish to impact the barm cells present in glucose solution. Since UV rays excite barm cell growing proportionately, the lesser the UV beams, the lesser the barm cell growing should happen when compared to the barm cell growing that would happen with more UV beams. So the lower SPF values of 20 and 40 on Petri dishes will hold more yeast cells present by the terminal of the experiment than the higher SPF values of 70 and 100.


Dependant variable

Number of yeast cells present in glucose solution after being exposed to UV visible radiation in sunshine

Controlled variables

Independent variable

Fixed variables

Uncontrolled variables

Changing sum of sunshine over the clip that the Petri dishes were unbroken outside, alteration in heat in the environment, minor losingss of H2O and glucose solution during the experiment, little fluctuation of clip that all Petri dishes were exposed to sunlight for


One 1500ml beaker

One deliberation boats

One two denary topographic point electronic deliberation balance

26.00g Active dry barm

130.00g Sugar

1800.0ml Distilled H2O

Two 250ml beakers

One 50ml beakers

One 250.0ml measurement cylinders

Two 50.0ml graduated panpipes

One 1000.0ml measurement cylinders

One glass stirring rods

Twenty-five Petri dishes

One 10.0ml graduated syringe

Five fictile tray boxes

One visible radiation microscope

One glass slide for the microscope

A icebox

Sunscreens of the same trade name of SPF 20, 40, 50, 70 and 100

One timer

One permanent marker

One pipette

Tissue paper


Take one of the weigh boats and weigh it.

Now weigh precisely 1.000g of barm in the deliberation boat and maintain it aside safely. By mensurating an exact sum of barm, we make it a changeless variable.

Now take a 1500ml beaker and a 1000ml measurement cylinder and first step out 1000ml of distilled H2O doing certain to read off the underside of the semilunar cartilage and pour it into the beaker. Then step out 300ml of distilled H2O so there is a sum of 1300ml of distilled H2O and pour this into the beaker excessively. Measuring it makes it a changeless variable. Now take a 50ml beaker and weigh it.

Weigh precisely 130.00g of sugar in it and maintain it aside safely. By mensurating this sum, we make it a changeless variable.

Now, add the sugar to the H2O, and stir it utilizing the glass stirring rod until all the sugar has dissolved.

Now, add the barm to this glucose solution and stir it once more until all the barm has dissolved.

The solution needs to be diluted down until a feasible figure of yeast cells are present. Precisely 26.0ml of the solution is measured out utilizing the 50ml graduated syringe and is put into a 250ml glass beaker. The ground for taking 26.0 milliliter of solution when merely 1.0ml of each will travel into 25 Petri dishes is due to possible loss of solution during the dilutions and transportation of liquids.

Then, utilizing a 250ml measurement cylinder, precisely 234.0ml distilled H2O is measured and added to the glass beaker. The changeless values used here guarantee a changeless variable.

Stir the solution utilizing the same glass rod as used in measure 6, after it has been rinsed in distilled H2O.

Now, the new dilution is diluted down once more. Precisely 26.0ml of the solution is measured once more utilizing a new 50ml calibrated syringe and is put into another 250ml glass beaker.

Using the same 250ml mensurating cylinder as in measure 9, step out 234.0ml of distilled H2O and add it to the 2nd 250ml glass beaker.

Stir the solution with the same glass stirring rod as in measure 10, after it has been rinsed in distilled H2O.

Now this new dilution is feasible.

Topographic point this beaker with the utile dilution in the icebox so that the barm cells do n’t turn before they are required to ( Since enzymes ca n’t turn in highly cold conditions )

Now, take out twenty five new plastic Petri dishes and put them out so there are five rows incorporating five Petri dishes each. Using new plastic Petri dishes of the same trade name keeps it a changeless variable. Having five in each row enables five tests of five varied times.

The Petri dishes need to be labelled harmonizing to changing sunblocks of the same trade name. Keeping sunblocks of the same trade name makes that a changeless variable.

The palpebras of the first row demand to be marked as ‘SPF 20 ‘ , 2nd row as ‘SPF 40 ‘ , 3rd row as ‘SPF 50 ‘ , 4th row as ‘SPF 70 ‘ , 5th row as ‘SPF 100 ‘ .

Bend on the light microscope and bend to the 40x lens power and take a slide. Keep all these three the same throughout the experiment, in order to maintain the variable invariable.

Take a bead of the solution utilizing a dropper, and topographic point it on the slide.

Put it under the microscope, and number the figure of cells that are seen in that one peculiar country and record it.

Clean the slide, and repetition this count for all the staying Petri dishes.

Then, take the sunscreen bottle of SPF 20 and the appropriate Petri dishes.

Topographic point sunblock on the palpebras.

Repeat this procedure with the staying four SPF ‘s of sunblock for the staying 20 Petri dishes suitably as labelled.

Topographic point the Petri dishes in the plastic tray boxes maintaining five of each SPF in one plastic tray.

Take one of the trays outside with the timer and happen an country where there is tonss of free infinite trays and direct sunshine. Keep all trays in the same country in order to maintain this invariable.

Topographic point the tray here and get down the timer.

Get the staying four fictile tray boxes every bit rapidly as possible.

When the timer reads 60 proceedingss, acquire the plastic tray box that was placed outside from first to last back interior.

Then, get downing with the Petri dishes labelled SPF 20, utilizing the same dropper as earlier, take a bead of solution, topographic point it on the slide and number the figure of yeast cells viewed and record consequences.

Repeat this with the staying 24 Petri dishes.

Datas processing:

Raw informations:

Initial figure of yeast cells in a barm and glucose solution that were so kept for one hr in sunshine, counted utilizing a light microscope for five different sunblocks used for five tests


Number of yeast cells counted/ cells*






























*No uncertainness is listed for the cell counts because each cell count has its ain single uncertainness ( Celeromics, 2012 ) .

Final figure of yeast cells in a barm and glucose solution after being kept for one hr in sunshine counted utilizing a light microscope for five different sunblocks used for five tests


Number of yeast cells counted/ cells*






























*No uncertainness is listed for the cell counts because each cell count has its ain single uncertainness ( Celeromics, 2012 ) .

Processed informations:

Average figure of yeast cells in a barm and glucose solution kept for one hr in sunshine of initial and concluding readings of five tests counted utilizing a light microscope of the for five different sunblocks used






Average figure of yeast cells counted/ cells*













*No uncertainness is listed for the cell counts because the single figure of cells did n’t hold an uncertainness ( Celeromics, 2012 ) .

Average initial count for 20SPF = ( figure of cells of test 1+trial2+trial3+trial4+trial5 ) /5

= ( 11+12+18+14+13 ) /5= 14 cells

Percentage alteration of the mean figure of yeast cells in a barm and glucose solution kept for one hr in sunshine of initial and concluding readings of five tests counted utilizing a light microscope of the for five different sunblocks used






Percentage difference in figure of yeast cells counted/ % *






*No uncertainness is listed for the cell counts because the single figure of cells did n’t hold an uncertainness ( Celeromics, 2012 ) .

Percentage difference for 20SPF=

[ ( Concluding norm figure of cells-initial mean figure of cells ) / initial mean figure of cells ] x 100

= [ ( 74-14 ) /14 ] x100 =429 %

Average of five tests of initial and concluding counts of barm cells in glucose and yeast solution kept for one hr in sunshine counted utilizing a light microscope for changing sunblocks

Percentage difference between the mean concluding and initial figure of yeast cells counted utilizing a light microscope of five tests of barm and glucose solution kept in sunshine for one hr utilizing five different sunblocks


The purpose of the experiment was to happen out if it was good in footings of UV protection to purchase and utilize sunblocks of different SPF values. This was done through the usage of barm growing as a tool to mensurate the utility of sunblocks. The hypothesis stated that the lower SPF values of sunblock would hold the most yeast cell growing, while the higher SPF values of sunblock would hold the least barm cell growing after being left in sunshine for one hr.

Initially, an mean count of barm cells was taken of the five tests of the five sunscreen SPF values. However, it was hard to state whether the hypothesis was right with this information as the initial counts of barm cells were all different. So a per centum alteration was taken between the mean concluding and mean initial count of yeast cells of five sunscreen SPF values. From these Numberss, it was clear that the lower sunscreen SPF values had most yeast cell growing, for illustration 20 SPF had 428 % difference, which was the biggest alteration, while the higher sunscreen SPF values had the least barm cell growing as it had a last per centum alteration, like 100 SPF had a 238 % alteration. The addition in sunscreen SPF caused a lessening in per centum alteration of barm cells present. This was more clearly seen when both the mean count of barm cells, and per centum alteration was graphed to be seen visually. This proves that the hypothesis was right.

When the mean barm cell count was graphed with a tendency line, it was more obvious that the hypothesis was right. Though the mean initial cell counts were non precisely equal, there is a typical changeless lessening in the mean concluding barm cell count that would non be really

different even if the mean initial barm cell counts all started at the same figure. In order to avoid this job, the per centum alteration was graphed every bit good. The same consequence was seen there- there was a typical lessening in barm cell growing with the addition of sunscreen SPF values from 20SPF to 40 SPF to 50 SPF. However, the per centum differences between 50 SPF, 70 SPF and 100SPF were rather close together. There was no important alteration between them like the 20SPF and 40 SPF value. This proved that the higher the SPF value, the lesser the barm cell growing because a batch of the UVB visible radiation beams are blocked out, so the overall sum of UV visible radiation come ining the Petri dish is reduced which consequences in lesser nitrogen-bearing growing endocrine secernment in barm cells, so lesser barm cell growing. However this merely applied to the 20, 40 and 50 SPF values. After that the strength of the SPF ‘s are rather similar- so the higher SPF values have a really mild difference between them.

This so answers the research inquiry, that yes, it is utile to purchase and utilize sunblocks of different SPF values, nevertheless, non beyond 50 SPF. There is no drastic alteration beyond that. Since barm cells are eucaryotic, like human cells, they are similar in some ways. Hence, no major difference- like the inefficient usage of sunscreen- should happen if sunblocks are used on human tegument either. If it has a clear, typical consequence on the barm cells, and is proven to be effectual as a UV visible radiation blocker to an extent, so it will besides work on human cells- hence protecting the human tegument. Therefore, it is deserving purchasing and utilizing sunblocks of certain different SPF values as we are led to believe, but past 50 SPF, it is non cost effectual. It costs a batch more to purchase a 100SPF sunblock than a 50SPF sunblock. Banana Boat for illustration, sells 100 SPF sunblock for $ 9.59 ( Drugstore, 2012 ) and 50 SPF sunblock for $ 7.99 ( Drugstore,

2012 ) . However the consequence of the two are rather similar. It would certainty protect the tegument from tegument malignant neoplastic disease which is proven to be caused by extra UV radiation, but non with a really drastic difference between the two.

The information in this experiment correlates with published research, as stated in the debut, nevertheless, it can non be said to be to the full dependable for a figure of grounds. Some are discussed in the rating, but the others are that in numbering cells, each cell count has an single uncertainness ( Celeromics, 2012 ) . However, this was merely published and backed up by this peculiar beginning. There were set values for the uncertainnesss for each value of barm cells that were counted. However, the Numberss were non matching with each other in computations and so no uncertainnesss were used. Besides, it gives uncertainnesss that are so big, that the per centum uncertainness is about 100 % . Second, it was assumed, during the experiment, that the cells counted under the microscope were equally spread everyplace. This means that the figure of cells that were counted to be present would hold been seen if another subdivision of the slide was observed every bit good. The information in this experiment corresponds within itself but can non be said to match otherwise. Hence it is non really dependable.


Some jobs during the experiment were that barm might hold started turning when it was taken out of the electric refrigerator and when it was returned indoors from exposure to sunlight. If the barm started to turn so, it would hold continued turning when the initial and concluding figure of yeast cells was counted excessively, which means that the Numberss documented are n’t really accurate

and could perchance do the concluding consequences to hold been different than what was seen. If the Petri dishes were kept in an ice bath when the initial and concluding cell counts were being taken, it would hold prevented the cells from turning so since enzymes can non turn in such cold conditions. It would hold reduced the rate of barm cell growing significantly to non do much of a difference to the informations itself. Another mistake was that non changeless UV visible radiation exposure was happening to all 25 Petri dishes when they were kept outdoors. This means that different Petri dishes got different sums of UV light- so the different figure of concluding barm cell counts could non merely be because of the sunblock used, but besides because of the sum of UV light it was exposed to. If a UV lamp is used, it can guarantee equal sum of controlled exposure of UV beams to all the Petri dishes. This will significantly do the informations much more dependable and utile. A 3rd mistake is that non the same sum of sunblock was used for all the Petri dishes. This would hold meant that some Petri dishes got more UV beam obstruction than others which meant that some barm cells would hold grown less than others because of this uneven spread, instead than the effectivity of sunblocks. The sunblock should be weighed on the palpebra of the Petri dish to repair this job. Precisely 2.00g of sunblock should be placed on the palpebra and so distribute on equally for all the Petri dish palpebras. This ensures that precisely the same sum of sunblock will be used throughout.

Fourthly, graduated panpipes cause highly inaccurate measurings. Some of the solution is left behind in the calibrated syringe which means that some Petri dishes would hold more liquid than others, so some Petri dishes would hold a more initial barm cells than others

doing the difference in the concluding barm cell count to be because of this instead than the effectivity of sunblocks in barricading UV visible radiation. Using a plastic graduated pipette is more dependable every bit long as no air bubbles enter it. Besides, utilizing a pipette is better because really small liquid is normally left behind after it is used unlike in a calibrated syringe where tonss of liquid has the possible to be left buttocks. Besides, utilizing one dropper for sing the yeast solution in the slide increases the opportunities of mistake in the initial and concluding counts of barm cells. Using one pipette contaminates the yeast solution as so the solution of one Petri dish would be transferred to another. It could besides impact the figure of yeast cells viewed in the microscope to be different from the existent figure of yeast cells present. One pipette to see the barm cells of one Petri dish should hold been used. Even though the pipette was cleaned, sometimes it was non cleaned as though approximately as it should hold been which could hold caused an mistake. If 20 five pipettes are used, so this error is prevented. Besides, when utilizing a weighing boat to weigh barm, some barm could be left behind in the weigh boat. Though this is a consistent mistake throughout the experiment, it would n’t do an mistake to a portion of the experiment but would impact all the figure of yeast cells that were observed as a whole. If less barm was used, less yeast cells would be present throughout. An initial and concluding deliberation of the weighing boat should hold been done. If it was, so the sum of barm that was put into the yeast solution could hold been calculated and it could hold been ensured that precisely 26.0g was so put into the glucose solution. If these processs are followed, and the method is adjusted by the betterments stated above, the informations would be much more dependable and accurate.


In decision, though the information itself has mistakes present, it is dependable plenty that it follows the theories that were stated and proven to be true. Through the usage of barm cells, it is seen that sunscreens up to 50 SPF worth being bought and used as we are led to believe because they truly do barricade out some UV visible radiation, which on worlds, is really good due to clamber cancer- a subject which is really much in the intelligence today.


Banas, Timothy. The Effect of UV Radiation on Yeast? Retrieved on July 27 2012 from

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Celeromics. Cell numbering mistake. Retrieved on September 1 2012 from hypertext transfer protocol: // % 20Notes/cell-counting-error/cell-counting-error.php

Drugstore ( 2012 ) . Banana Boat Ultra Defense Broad Spectrum Sunscreen, SPF 50 Lotion. Retrieved on October 13 2012 from

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Drugstore ( 2012 ) . Banana Boat Ultra Defense Max Skin Protect Continuous Spray Sunscreen, SPF 100. Retrieved on October 13 2012 from

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Highland, James ( 2011, March 30 ) . The Effects of Uv Light on Yeast. Retrieved on July 16 from

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Kohl, April. What is the Effect of UV visible radiation on Yeast? Retrieved on July 27 2012 from

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Lesson 2: All about sunblocks. Retrieved on July 27 2012 from hypertext transfer protocol: //

Sunscreen ( 2012 ) . Retrieved on July 16 2012 from hypertext transfer protocol: //

Wassenaar, Trudy, et Al. Yeast and Temperature ( 2012 ) . Retrieved on July 27 2012 from hypertext transfer protocol: //


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