Online Pizza Ordering Sample Essay

1. Introduction
This SRS is made to briefly depict the demands of the undertaking of on-line pizza telling utilizing talking agents. It will state us about all the demands for doing this undertaking. The undertaking will be based on Web Publishing System. 1. 1 Purpose

. The intent of this papers is to show a elaborate description of the Web Publishing System. It will explicate the intent and characteristics of the system. the interfaces of the system. what the system will make. the restraints under which it must run and how the system will respond to external stimulation. This papers is intended for both the stakeholders and the developers of the system. 1. 2 Scope

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This package system will be a Web Publishing System for a local editor of a regional historical society. This system will be designed to maximise the editor’s productiveness by supplying tools to help in automatizing the article reappraisal and publication procedure. which would otherwise hold to be performed manually. By maximising the editor’s work efficiency and production the system will run into the editor’s demands while staying easy to understand and utilize. More specifically. this system is designed to let an editor to pull off and pass on with a group of referees and writers to print articles to a public web site. The package will ease communicating between writers. referees. and the editor. This SRS papers will besides assist the care squad to keep the undertaking or adding new techniques for doing it progress.

1. 3 Definitions. Acronyms. and Abbreviations
. Strontium: Software Requirement Specifications
A package demands specification ( SRS ) is a comprehensive description of the intended intent and environment for package under development. The SRS to the full describes what the package will make and how it will be expected to execute.

1. 5 Overview
The following chapter. the Overall Description subdivision. of this papers gives an overview of the functionality of the merchandise. It describes the informal demands and is used to set up a context for the proficient demands specification in the following chapter. The 3rd chapter. Requirements Specification subdivision. of this papers is written chiefly for the developers and describes in proficient footings the inside informations of the functionality of the merchandise. Both subdivisions of the papers describe the same package merchandise in its entireness. but are intended for different audiences and therefore utilize different linguistic communication.

2. General Description
We are looking for new web site for on-line Pizza telling system. With same admin site humor all statistics options and characteristics.

Here I explain the system that how I want to utilize it.

Online Ordering system:

In that user can order online for nutrient and whatever in menu point. User can acquire delievery and besides user can look into bringing position. User can acquire payment besides after bringing of Pizza. Other common functionlity are besides included.

2. 1 Product Perspective

2. 2 Merchandise Functions
2. 3 User Features
The Reader is expected to be Internet literate and be able to utilize a hunt engine. The chief screen of the Online Journal Website will hold the hunt map and a nexus to “Author/Reviewer Information. ” The Author and Reviewer are expected to be Internet literate and to be able to utilize electronic mail with fond regards. The Editor is expected to be Windows literate and to be able to utilize button. pull-down bill of fare. and similar tools. General Constraints

This subdivision of the SRS should supply a general description of any other points that will restrict the developer’s options for planing the system. ( See the IEEE Guide to SRS for a partial list of possible general restraints ) . 2. 5 Assumptions and Dependences

This subdivision of the SRS should name each of the factors that affect the demands stated in the SRS. These factors are non design restraints on the package but are. instead. any alterations to them that can impact the demands in the SRS. For illustration. an premise might be that a particular runing system will be available on the hardware designated for the package merchandise. If. in fact. the operating system is non available. the SRS would so hold to alter consequently. 3. Specific Requirements

This will be the largest and most of import subdivision of the SRS. The client demands will be embodied within Section 2. but this subdivision will give the D-requirements that are used to steer the project’s package design. execution. and proving.

Each demand in this subdivision should be:
•Traceable ( both frontward and rearward to prior/future artefacts )
•Verifiable ( i. e. . testable )
•Prioritized ( with regard to importance and/or stableness )
•Uniquely identifiable ( normally via totaling like 3. 4. 5. 6 )

Attention should be paid to the carefuly form the demands presented in this subdivision so that they may easy accessed and understood. Furthermore. this SRS is non the package design papers. therefore one should avoid the inclination to over-constrain ( and hence design ) the package undertaking within this SRS. 3. 1 External Interface Requirements

3. 1. 1 User Interfaces
3. 1. 2 Hardware Interfaces
3. 1. 3 Software Interfaces
3. 1. 4 Communications Interfaces
3. 2 Requirements
This subdivision describes different types of users of the system in 3. 3. 1. In the undermentioned paragraph 3. 3. 2. the functional demands for each type of user are listed. 3. 3. 3 Lists the non-functional demands of the system.

Three types of users should be able to utilize the system: client. employee and decision maker. Customers are users who visit the web site and can make orders by custom-making pizzas. selecting merchandises and come ining client inside informations. Employees are the group of users that work with the telling system on a day-to-day footing. Employees will hold their ain histories to log on to. They are the 1s responsible for treating orders. Since Customer users do non necessitate a log in. employees who process telephone orders can utilize the system as a Customer and enter the telephone order straight into the system as they take the order from the naming client. The decision maker. or ace user. has the ultimate control of the system. he can add. alteration or delete ingredients and merchandises. every bit good as attention deficit disorder. alteration. or delete employee histories.

Functional demands
1 Customers
1. 1 The user must be able to make a new order.
1. 2 The user must be able to custom-make a pizza by:
1. 2. 1 The user must be able to see a list of available ingredients. 1. 2. 2 The user must be able to add an ingredient to a usage pizza 1. 2. 3 The user must be able to take an ingredient from a usage pizza 1. 2. 4 The user must be able to acquire graphical feedback from choosing ingredients. A exposure of a pizza will incorporate the freshly selected ingredient combined with old selected ingredients.

1. 3 The user must be able to add a usage pizza to an order. 1. 4 The user must be able to see a list of available non-pizza merchandises. 1. 5 The user must be able to add non-pizza merchandises to an order. 1. 6 The user must be able to see a list of usage pizzas and non-pizza merchandises that are added to the order.

1. 7 The user must be able to alter the sum of a usage pizza. 1. 8 The user must be able to alter the sum of a non-pizza merchandise. 1. 9 The user must be able to cancel a usage pizza from an order. 1. 10 The user must be able to cancel a non-pizza merchandise from an order. 1. 11 The user must be able to see the entire monetary value of an order. 1. 12 The user must be able to take a bringing day of the month and clip that is up to two hebdomads in front.

1. 13 The user must be able to add the name and reference of the client. 1. 14 The user must be able to unclutter the current order to get down a new one. 1. 15 The user must be able to corroborate the order.
2 Employees
2. 1 The employee must be able to log in and out.
2. 2 The employee must be able to see a list of available orders and their usage pizzas.
2. 3 The employee must be able to tag orders as “prepared” .
2. 4 The employee must be able to tag order as “delivered”
2. 5 The employee must be able to tag order as “failure to deliver”
2. 6 Lone users with several rights ( employee ) must be able to utilize all these “Employees” characteristics.

3 Administrators
3. 1 The decision maker must be able to log in and out.
3. 2 The decision maker must be able to add/delete/edit orders. 3. 3 The decision maker must be able to add/delete/edit ingredients. 3. 4 The decision maker must be able to add/delete/edit non-pizza merchandises. 3. 5 The decision maker must be able to add/delete/edit other users. 3. 6 The decision maker must be able to see an order log.

3. 7 Lone users with several rights ( decision makers ) must be able to utilize all these “Administrators” characteristics.
3. 2. 1. 1 Introduction
3. 2. 1. 2 Input signals
3. 2. 1. 3 Processing
3. 2. 1. 4 End products
3. 2. 1. 5 Mistake Managing
3. 2. 2

3. 3 Use Cases
Three chief usage instances are identified: ordination. order processing and disposal. The undermentioned paragraphs describe each usage instance in more item. Ordering

The first usage instance is telling. To order. a possible client must foremost cognize what he can take from ( “What’s on the bill of fare? ” ) . For telling usage pizzas a client will hold to cognize the ingredients he can take from and how choosing ingredients will act upon the entire monetary value. Customers pick ingredients for their pizza and sometimes they want a dual part of specific ingredients. When a client is done taking his pizza. he may desire to order several pizzas of the same constellation. A client may besides desire to order non-pizza side orders. such as drinks and salads. Besides the client will hold to supply his name. reference and telephone figure. A client can besides pick another bringing day of the month and clip if they wish for the order to be delivered on a ulterior day of the month and clip. Customers can order up to two hebdomads in progress.

Order processing
When an order has been confirmed by a client order processing begins. Throughout the order treating the order position will be updated and the client will be notified. New orders will demo up in a list for the employees in the kitchen. They need to province which merchandises are ordered and which ingredients are chosen for the usage pizzas. The kitchen employees have to look at the order and make up one’s mind if they can fix the order or non. When the determination is made. the order position will alter and the client will be notified. After fixing the order the order position will be updated and the bringing employees will take over. They will look up the name and reference. and present the order. The client will besides be notified when the order is prepared and ready to be delivered. When bringing has been completed or failed. the order position will be changed one time more. Administration

Custom pizzas are made by choosing several ingredients. the list of available ingredients and their monetary values are administrated by an employee. for case the director. Administration includes added. redacting and canceling ingredients. Besides the disposal of ingredients. the non-pizza side orders must besides be administrated. Administrators besides need to hold logs of old orders.

3. 5 Non-Functional Requirements
As an operational demand. the system will run as a database with a web site as user interface. As public presentation demand the system must be accessible 24 hours a twenty-four hours. seven yearss a hebdomad. Due to the nature of the system as an telling web site. the system must hold a low response clip. sooner shorter than 2nd. with a upper limit of five seconds. The exclusion is sing order logs which could hold a higher response clip ( of seconds ) as the log increases in size over clip. Due to the low complexness of the system. no jobs with response clip are expected. Customers who visit the web site to order will acquire a sessionID for their visit. which is used to place them while utilizing the system. For every action they take. a timestamp is stored. From clip to clip a service on the waiter will scan sessionID’s and timestamps. SessionID’s which have non been active for more than three hours will be deleted along with the matching telling information 3. 5. 1 Performance

3. 5. 2 Dependability
3. 5. 3 Handiness
3. 5. 4 Security
3. 5. 5 Maintainability
3. 5. 6 Portability
3. 6 Inverse Requirements
State any *useful* opposite demands.

3. 7 Design Constraints
Specify design constrains imposed by other criterions. company policies. hardware restriction. etc. that will impact this package undertaking. 3. 8 Logical Database Requirements
Will a database be used? If so. what logical demands exist for informations formats. storage capablenesss. informations keeping. informations unity. etc. 3. 9 Other Requirements
Catchall subdivision for any extra demands.
4. Analysis Models
List all analysis theoretical accounts used in developing specific demands antecedently given in this SRS. Each theoretical account should include an debut and a narrative description. Furthermore. each theoretical account should be traceable the SRS’s demands. 4. 1 Sequence Diagrams

4. 3 Data Flow Diagrams ( DFD )
4. 2 State-Transition Diagrams ( STD )
4. 3 Entity Relationship Diagram ( ERD )

5. Change Management Procedure
Identify and depict the procedure that will be used to update the SRS. as needed. when undertaking range or demands change. Who can subject alterations and by what means. and how will these alterations be approved. A. Appendixs

Appendixs may be used to supply extra ( and hopefully helpful ) information. If present. the SRS should explicitly province whether the information contained within an appendix is to be considered as a portion of the SRS’s overall set of demands.

Example Appendixs could include ( initial ) conceptual paperss for the package undertaking. selling stuffs. proceedingss of meetings with the client ( s ) . etc.


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