Oral Radiology Quiz 1 Chapter 1

The discharges emitted from the negative electrode of the tube (vacuum tube) that traveled in straight lines, produced heat and resulted in a greenish fluorescence.
Cathode Ray
A glow that results when a fluorescent substance is struck by light, cathode rays or x-rays.
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A form of energy carried by waves or a stream of particles.
A 2-dimensional representation of a 3-dimensional object. In practice often called an x-ray.
*Not correct
An x-ray is a term that refers to a beam of energy.
A photographic image produced on an image receptor by the passage of x-rays through teeth and related structures.
Dental Radiograph
Any person who positions, exposes and processes dental x-ray image receptors.
Dental Radiographer
The art and science of making radiographs by the exposure of film to x-rays.
The production of radiographs of teeth and adjacent structures by the exposure of an image.
Dental Radiography
The science or study of radiation used in medicine; a branch of medical science that deals with the use of x-rays, radioactive substances, and other forms of radiant energy in the diagnosis and treatment of disease.
A sealed glass tube from which most of the air had been evacuated.
1838 Henrich Geissler built 1st tube…Geissler Tube
*Modified by several investigators
*Hittorf-Crookes Tube
*Lenard Tube
Vacuum Tube
A high-energy radiation produced by the collision of a beam of electrons with a metal target in an x-ray tube
A beam of energy that has the power to penetrate substances and record image shadows on photographic film or digital sensors.
Discovered the x-ray November 8, 1895
Father of x-ray
x = unknown
First radiograph, wives hand (15 min)
First Nobel Peace Prize in Physics
Wilhem Conrad Roentgen
First dental radiograph
Glass photographic plate wrapped in black paper and rubber (25 min)
Otto Walkhoff
First dental radiograph in US (skull)
NY physician
*Also lectured on the usefulness of x-rays in dental practice
*Made first whole body radiograph 3×6 sheet of film
W. J. Morton
First dental radiograph in US (living patient)
Introduction of paralleling technique
New Orleans dentist
*exposed his own hands to numerous x-rays for experimentation everyday for years
*numerous cancers in his hands which cost him his fingers, later hands and then arms.
C.Edmund Kells
First x-ray unit
Published first paper on dangers associated with radiation
Boston Dentist
William H. Rollins
Introduction of bisecting technique
Cleveland dentist
Weston Price
Wrote one of the first dental radiography textbooks.
Introduction of bite-wing technique
Redefined the bisecting technique
Howard Riley Raper
First pre wrapped dental films
First machine made film packets
Eastman Kodak Co.
First x-ray tube
Prototype for all modern x-ray tubes and revolutionized the generation of x-rays
William D. Coolige
Used paralleling technique in practical dental radiography
Franklin W. McCormack
First Dental X-Ray Machine
Victor X-Ray Corp. Chicago
Panoramic Radiography
*placed lingually to the teeth
Histuga Numata
Introduction of the long-cone paralleling technique
Father of Modern Dental Radiology
*Revived the interest of the paralleling technique
F. Gordon Fitzgerald
Father of Panoramic Radiography
Experiemented with:
Slit beam radiography
Intensifying screens
Rotational techniques
Yrjo Patero

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