Our Understanding of the Role of Education Essay

A and elsewhere assess the contribution of functionalism to our understanding of the role of education. Functionalists take a consensus view of the role of education. They see that It performs three Important functions- solicitation, equipping individuals with work skills and the selection of work roles. Education is structured on meritocracy principles and rewards pupils ability and not their status in society.

Mile Druthers identified that education has two main functions – creating social solidarity and teaching specialist skills. Education Is seen as performing like the human body If one main organ shuts down the rest cannot function properly. Meaning if one person does not feel as if they are they are part of the community that none of the functions of education would be able to proceed. Education helps create a social solidarity as it transmits shared beliefs and values throughout each generation for example being taught about a country’s history can vive a child a sense of shared heritage.

Education also prepares individuals for the skills needed for the workforce. For example in both work and school co-operating with others is always taking place, pupils cooperate with teachers and colleagues cooperate with customers. Also, School and work both have to Interact with others under certain rules. Education acts as a bridge between home and work. As Parsons argues that the bridge is needed because family and society operate on different principles. Education teaches children a new way of living in the wider society.

Although school and society operate on different principles they are both based around a meritocracy system where everyone is given equal opportunity and chance to achieve rewards through their own effort and ability. As In a work place an individual gains a promotion If they are doing their job well and in school we gain good grades through our own efforts. Education also performs a function that selects and allocates pupils into their future work roles. This is decided by assessing individuals’ attitudes and abilities. School help to match individuals to the job they are best suited too.

Davis and Moore argue that everyone is not equally matched in the talent area which causes competition between Individuals to fill the better paid lobs. Education helps with this as it gives individuals opportunity to present what they can do, which then sorts them according to ability where the most able individuals gain higher qualifications. This then gives them access to higher rewarded positions. In conclusion, Functionalism helps us understand the role of education as it pieces all the Important functions we need for our society to perform at its best.

Without the education system the society would not function properly as this system is one that holds It all together. Education is important to each individual so they can then learn the skills needed to cope in wider society, it we did not have the privilege of education many people would not be able to cope with wider society and society would just break down. Using material from item A and elsewhere assess the contribution of functionalism to he role of education.

They see that it performs three important functions- functions – creating social solidarity and teaching specialist skills. Education is seen as performing like the human body if one main organ shuts down the rest cannot cooperate with customers. Also, School and work both have to interact with others to achieve rewards through their own effort and ability. As in a work place an individual gains a promotion if they are doing their Job well and in school we gain individuals’ attitudes and abilities.

School help to match individuals to the Job they the talent area which causes competition between individuals to fill the better paid jobs. Education helps with this as it gives individuals opportunity to present what education as it pieces all the important functions we need for our society to perform this system is one that holds it all together. Education is important to each individual so they can then learn the skills needed to cope in wider society, if we did not have and society would Just break down.

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