Overview Of Performance Appraisal System At Ceb Accounting Essay

Performance Appraisal is one of the human resource direction tools used to measure the occupation public presentation of employees. Performance assessment system highlights the single and group public presentation over the period of clip and reappraisals for the publicity and rise in pecuniary financess. It is a procedure of summarizing, measuring and developing the work public presentation of an employee. The ultimate end of PA is to keep better public presentation by furthering employees ‘ motive, which would depend upon the state of affairss in the workplace, such as wages system, regulations and ordinances. In order to be effectual and constructive, the public presentation director should do every attempt to obtain as much nonsubjective information about the employee ‘s public presentation as possible.A

In the past few decennaries, organisations were really concerned about the development and orientation of their employees and besides chew overing on public presentation direction ( Murphy & A ; Cleveland, 1991 ) . Now, Organizations are following the new forms of working and making occupations to adhere the purposes and mission of it. To carry through this new modernised construct of fast and technological revolution, they are recognizing the importance and execution of new methods of public presentation direction ( Cardy & A ; Dobbins, 1994 ) .

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In the Performance direction, the assessment system is the most important portion where it defines a structural and formal system that helps the director and subsidiary to interact with each other to measure public presentation. This interaction normally comes into procedure yearly or semi-annually in form of some structured interview or questionnaire. In this procedure, supervisor examines the public presentation of subsidiary where supervisor identifies strengths and failings and besides highlights the country of betterments ( Connock, 1991 ) .

In today ‘s competitory concern environment, employees represent one of the administration ‘s most valuable assets. This means that the company ‘s productiveness and finally, its profitableness, depend on doing certain every individual in the administration is working up to his or her full potency and is being remunerated harmonizing to the attempts he or she is seting up. Employees often do non hold a clear thought of what is expected of them, and may non be working toward the ends that contribute most to the long-run success of the concern. Very frequently besides those transporting out the assessment are criticized for the deficiency of necessary competences to acknowledge and honor top performing artists. Thus public presentation assessment plays a polar function in any organisation.

1.1 Purpose of Research

The purpose of this research is to carry on an rating of the Performance Appraisal System at CEB so that recommendations can be made so as to better the overall public presentation of the organisation.

1.2 Overview of public presentation assessment system at CEB

The Central Electricity Board ( CEB ) is a parastatal organic structure entirely owned by the Government of Mauritius and describing to the Ministry of Energy and Public Utilities. Established in 1952 and empowered by the Central Electricity Board Act of 25 January 1964, the CEB ‘s concern is toA ” prepare and transport out development strategies with the general object of promoting, organizing and bettering the coevals, transmittal, distribution and sale of electricity ” A in Mauritius ( CEB Annual Report 2009, p.3 ) . To be able to accomplish its mission, CEB relies mostly on employees.

The CEB produces about 40 % of the state ‘s entire power demands from its 4 thermic power Stationss and 8 hydroelectric workss ; the staying 60 % being purchased from Independent Power Producers. Presently, it is the exclusive organisation responsible for the transmittal, distribution and supply of electricity to the population.

The CEB is managed by a board of Directors dwelling of a Chairman and 10 members. The map and responsibilities of the Board consist of fixing and transporting out development strategies. CEB aspires to go a modern public-service corporation, runing on sound concern rules, presenting value and quality service to the clients. Therefore the CEB has prepared a Corporate Plan in 2003, which sets out concern scheme for the public-service corporation, establishes precedences and aims to supply way throughout the organisation ( CEB Corporate Plan 2003/2004 ) .

The overall mission of CEB is “ To supply our clients with a uninterrupted and dependable supply of electricity at the lowest possible cost and with optimal safety and courtesy ” ( CEB Annual Report 2009, p.3 ) .

Its vision is “ To go first commercial electricity public-service corporation enabling the societal and economic development of the state ” ( CEB Annual Report 2009, p.3 ) .

In order to accomplish the above, CEB relies on a work force of over 1900 employees and supplies electricity to more than 390,000 clients.

The primary intent of PAS at Central Electricity Board ( CEB ) is to guarantee that there is an appraisal papers into the employee file one time each calendar twelvemonth. Any benefit to the employee or to better the productiveness of the organisation is secondary. PAS are left to the last minute and so done in a hurried mode. Harmonizing to Maddux ( 1987 ) , when this occurs, the supervisor feels guilty and the employee unimportant and allow down.

Presently the lone public presentation assessment system ( PAS ) that exists for CEB is a one year/six months provisional period for new hires, and those freshly promoted. There is a simple rating signifier which is in topographic point to find if an employee should be retained at their current place or non and to whether any incremental addition in salary should be applied. The current signifier has been in topographic point for more than a one-fourth of a century without any important alterations. However, harmonizing to Luthy ( 1998 ) outdated PAS are deficient to actuate, promote, or acknowledge employees. Employees are frequently left contemplating their public presentation without feedback from supervisors and rarely do non cognize about the ends and aims of their department/organization.

Although many of the costs drivers are beyond the control of CEB, the company has merely two ways to be cost effectual, that is, either to cut down the costs of operation or to increase the net income generated. But given that CEB is a non-profit organisation and that the pricing mechanism for its merchandise is of a political project, the company can merely keep a competitory advantage by capitalising on its most of import plus, its human capital.

The authorities has placed an increasing speech pattern in recent times on the demands for strong direction processes to better productiveness. This has been in response to the Pay Research Bureau ( PRB ) study 2003, wherein it is said that the public sector must utilize public presentation direction as one of the ways to fulfill their clients through prompt service bringing.

Performance assessment in CEB concerns all employees. It influences employee motive and work public presentation. The present public presentation assessment system ( PAS ) requires nil more than look intoing boxes and composing a few brief notes on the employee public presentation and outlooks. Actually there is no formal preparation, either in the proper completion of the papers or appropriate interview techniques provided to those carry oning the interview that have the primary duty for the PAS map. There are no ends puting. During the public presentation assessment ( PA ) interview, there is no in deepness or comprehensive reappraisal of past public presentation or any formal support or feedback mechanisms in topographic point to help the employees who are capable to PAS.

Harmonizing to Wright and Cheung ( 2005:206 ) “ if employees are non happy with the bing assessment system, they would be unwilling to take a full portion in it, which in bend would take to lower productiveness. “ An effectual public presentation assessment system is an of import tool for mensurating and bettering productiveness. Cederblom and Permal ( 2002:131 ) suggested that many employees can go defeated about the limited value, in existent pattern, of public presentation assessments in their administrations.

Although public presentation assessments exist to profit employees, assorted facets of the assessments are non present at CEB. Accurate public presentation assessments are critical to both the administration and the employee. Without an accurate rating, virtue rises may be given with bad public presentation or worse, be withheld with good public presentation. Employee may besides be denied the chance to advance when their public presentation has really been acceptable, or persons that have non performed to outlooks in their current places may acquire promoted. Furthermore the deficiency of an accurate public presentation assessment may let an employee to go on working with unsatisfactory public presentation. Any of the above state of affairss can be damaging to the employee and the organisation.

For the past 25 old ages the organisation ‘s Performance Appraisal System ( PAS ) has remained unchanged. However, harmonizing to Luthy ( 1998:4 ) , outdated PAS are deficient to actuate, promote, or acknowledge employees. This survey will help CEB in bettering its current PAS that will finally run into the demands of the sections, employees and stakeholders.

Employee ‘s public presentation and the manner they are appraised, requires greater attending. Therefore, the current survey seeks to measure the Performance Appraisal in CEB, thereby placing the virtues and defects of the existent assessment system. The decisions will take to recommendations that CEB can contemplate to finally utilize, to better the existent system and besides be more competitory.

1.3 Objective of the survey

The aims of this survey are:

To analyze the bing public presentation assessment system at CEB ;

To research employees ‘ positions on the public presentation assessment system at CEB ;

To measure the effectivity of the public presentation assessment system within CEB ;

To find whether the public presentation assessment exercising at CEB is run intoing its aims ; and

To do recommendations to CEB so that direction can better the current public presentation assessment system.

1.4.1 Scope of the survey

The range of the undertaking is to the full dependent upon the aims ofA the undertaking.

This survey can be helpful to the company for carry oning any furtherA research.

It is helpful in happening out the range and effectivity of the public presentation assessment system.

This survey besides serves as a base for understanding the perceptual experience about the employees sing their public presentation assessment being conducted.

To supply an chance for self-reflection and single goal-setting.

To help in a assortment of forces determinations by sporadically bring forthing informations sing each employee.

With the consequences of the survey the company can better their criterions of theirA assessment system.

1.4.2 Restrictions of the survey

Lack of dependability and truth

Time restraint


1.5 Structure of Thesis

The construction of the thesis is as follows:

Chapter 1 introduces the subject of the survey and lays down its nonsubjective. It provides an Introduction and Background analysis of the organisation chosen for the intent of the study. It besides sheds visible radiation on the Aims, Objectives and Format of the survey.

Chapter 2 focal points on the literature reappraisal and gives an penetration and thoughts about public presentation assessment. It builds a theoretical foundation upon which the research is based.

Chapter 3 introduces the research methodological analysis which is concerned with the manner informations are collected. It explains the methodological analysiss and processs that have been used to reply the research objectives. Furthermore it highlights the methods and techniques adopted to roll up informations and transport out the study.

Chapter 4 is about Statement of consequences and treatments concerned with treatment of findings. It besides analyses the findings which give an debut of the chief issues emerging with the public presentation assessment system in the organisation.

Chapter 5 is an lineation of clear and practical recommendations and decision following an rating of the current public presentation assessment system at CEB.


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