paper Essay

The criminal Justice system is a group of institutions that work together to protect a society, prevent and control crime, and maintain Justice; enforcing the laws regulated by society. As the years have gone by and society has evolved; so have the criminal justice system and its methods to accomplish its role in society. This short analysis will evaluate the main facts that have been affecting the criminal Justice system for decades and have influenced the evolution the Justice system is enduring in a changing society (Muraski, 2009).

Amongst the changes in the system, we will discuss the effect the changes have had on the citizens and how their perceptions have evolved as well. In the criminal Justice system three major agencies can be identified, they are; the police, the courts, and the correctional institution. The police responsibilities are of that of keeping the peace, apprehension of criminals, combat and prevention of crime, and social services. Once officers have been involved and it is determined that a crime or any other infraction has been committed, then the case…

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The criminal Justice system is a group of institutions that work together to protect a society, prevent and control crime, and maintain Justice; enforcing the laws regulated by society. As the years have gone by and society has evolved; so have the criminal Justice system and its methods to accomplish its role in society. This short analysis will evaluate the main facts that have been affecting the criminal Justice system for decades and have influenced the evolution the Justice system is enduring in a changing society (Muraski, 2009).

Amongst the changes in the system, we will iscuss the effect the changes have had on the citizens and how their perceptions have evolved as well. In the criminal Justice system three major agencies can be identified, they are; the police, the courts, and the correctional institution. The police crlmlnal Justlce system ana Its metnoas to accompllsn Its role In society. Inls s o en e tney are; tne pollce, tne cou rts ana tne correctlonal Instltutlon. I ne police regulated Dy society As tne years nave gone Dy ana soclety nas evolved; so nave tne nave evolved as well. In tne crlmlnal Justlce system tnree major agencies can De case…


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