Parental Education in Bangladesh Essay

Abstract This research is about the necessity of parental education in Bangladesh. It is a topic that isn’t widely discussed among the citizen on Bangladesh, but it is well known In developed countries. A survey was done on this topic to find out peoples’ perception of parental education in Bangladesh. Upon analysis it was seen that yes there is a need of PEE in Bangladesh and that people are willing to accept PEE had there been more awareness. Majority of the people also said that government of Bangladesh should try and create PEE awareness.

Parental education is seen to improve family conditions, reduce family problems and improve bonding between child and parent. Respondent to my survey also agrees that PEE can reduce childhood trauma, create awareness among parents and also improve family problems. Secondary data also suggested that Bangladesh should come up with PEE programs. Organizations Like EUNICE introduced Early Child Development programs In Bangladesh to help parents understand their parental responsibility for the welfare of their child (United Nation Children’s fund, 2007, August, V.

Family Environment and Alternative care [5. 31) Table of Contents Introduction 5 Background 6 Areas of Research 7 Hypotheses B Methodology 8 Primary Data Presentation and Analysis 9 Secondary Data Presentation ; Analysis Limitation 25 Conclusion 26 References 27 Introduction 23 Parental education refers to the rights and privileges which underpin the relationship between a child and either of the child’s parents or those adults who have a significant role in the child’s life. These days, we’re bombarded with mixed messages about how to parent “the right way. It’s easy to buy into advice from the media, relatives, and other parents and start to worry that we’re doing something wrong. “Being” a parent is much more than “becoming” one. Parenthood is a Journey, not Just a destination. Children are not puppets and parents are not puppeteers. There is Just no logical way that one can control every move one’s child makes or everything their child says, especially outside of their home. Children have their own free will and will act on their own accord-?and often in self-interest.

The idea of parental education program is to create the awareness among parents about their rights and limitations. It’s more like a guideline to develop a better and healthier relationship. Maybe we don’t have the full access to our children, but we can influence them by the limits we set and the consequences we give. As John Lehman says, Mimi can lead a horse to water, and you can’t make them drink-?but you can make them thirsty. Samuelsson, A. (2010). A researcher explains us that by following the best practices in parent education programs, they could strengthen parenting and enhance the well- being of children.

She says a well designed parental education program that are implemented by caring and knowledgeable staff can have a positive short and long term impacts on the quality of a parent-child relationships and also children’s development. Background Parental education is the idea of creating awareness among the parents about their rental rights and boundaries. Parental education is a very common topic in lot of advanced countries in the world. Sadly in Bangladesh, although it is known by a lot of people, yet has not been applied by the government.

May be there are a lot of “laws” that state parental Jurisdiction and limitations but we are talking about a program that takes care of family health, mentally as well as physically. Being a parent is one of the most important responsibilities in one’s life. A third world country like ours, where literacy rate is not that satisfactory, creating awareness among people about heir great responsibility is very necessary. Future off child depends on their past. Children are like wax, you can shape them the way you want. So the Job should be done well. We all are here for limited time period.

Thus it is everyone’s responsibility to secure the future generation by taking care of them right way. The importance of thus the whole nation. Many children in this country suffer from family problems every day and these sad incidences affect their mentality and the government should step forward to minimize this problem. People have different taste, different receptions, different cultures, different views based on their religions and experiences. The path of right and light is one. I would like to put a quote on this, “Truth is singular and its versions are the mistrusts. So, this awareness would lead everyone to the right way. The areas I have studied for my research mainly covers the need of parental education in Bangladesh, the different ways of creating awareness and the effects of it. Primary data indicated that parental education isn’t well known in Bangladesh but people think that it is important that PEE programs are introduced in here with the help of government. The results of the survey also shows that people believe that programs like PEE can reduce childhood trauma, resolve family problems and can help spread awareness among parents about their responsibilities towards their child.

It was also seen that children are mostly affect by bad parenting rather than bad school or being poor, since parents’ actions and words have a direct influence on the child, and sometimes are responsible for their child’s downfall. Results also suggested that government of Bangladesh should take necessary steps in order to create awareness, and respondent believed that the most effective way of creating PEE wariness is by organizing seminars; opening up No’s and impose a law making PEE mandatory.

Secondary data also provides us with insight about Niece’s efforts in Bangladesh in creating awareness about several children’s rights in Bangladesh. It provides us with details on the children’s right to education, health and nutrition, protection etc. It shows how much efforts are put into the welfare of children’s in Bangladesh emphasizing the importance of it in Bangladesh. (EUNICE. 2009, September, Situation Assessment and Analysis of Children and Women in Bangladesh). s Hypothesis The need for parental education in Bangladesh is high.

Parents sometimes don’t know that their actions have a direct influence on children behavior. There are parents who are conservative; their children end up being scared of them, scared to explore options which limit their growth. There are situations where parents’ negligence results in their child to act rebellious. Sometimes children suffer from traumas because of the problems between the parents. This could hamper their mental condition. Bad parenting affects children and the relationship between child and parents.

Thus it is important to introduce parental education programs, so that arenas are made aware of their responsibilities. Methodology For my primary research, I nave contacted a survey Involving people AT Deterrent age groups and gender. I made sure all my questions were related and relevant to my research topic. All the 40 questionnaires given out were properly filled, thus was useful in completing my research. For secondary research I took help from various materials available online. I utilized search engines, browsed through some websites, Journals and articles.

It was difficult to find articles that were written in perspective of Bangladesh, but I managed o find few interesting articles that were extremely useful in supporting my hypothesis and tried to relate them with my research questions as well. Primary Data Presentation and Analysis For my primary data, I gave out questionnaires that were filled up by 40 people of different age groups. Out of 40 people 22 of them were female while 18 of them were male. I had them divided in 3 different age groups, 18-25, 25-30 and 30 & above. Majority of the responses were from the age group of 18 – 25.

In my survey I asked a total of 13 multiple choice questions with 4 options and one was an open end suggestion question. Since gender isn’t an important aspect of understanding PEE, I dint analyses the results separately. For each of the charts given below, the x- axis represents the options given for each questions while the y-axis represents the percentage of people. The answers are explained and displayed in the charts below. 1. What do you think is Parental Education? A. It’s a guideline for parents about their rights and limitations B. Necessary education for parents C.

A program that supervises family health and relationship D. Above all The bar chart above exhibits the answers given to question number one. Around 52. % of people thinks that Parental Education is a necessary education for parents, where they given guidelines about their rights and limitations and also help supervise family health and relationship. While only 10% thought it to be Just a necessary education for parents. This shows that people have a vague idea of what parental education might be and they are not clear about the concept of parental education. 2.

Is Parental Education well known in Bangladesh? A. Yes B. NO C. Maybe D. Others The chart above exhibits the answers to the second question. When asked if PEE was well known in Bangladesh about 67. % of the respondent said No, while 12. 5 salsa yes Ana ten remaining salsa mayo. As AT Tact’s P Isn’t Tanat rumors In Bangladesh except for a handful of people. Out of the respondent who ever responded yes, were probably my friends who helped me with this research. Sum up PEE isn’t that known among citizens. So to 3. Do you think it really matters not to have any programmer like this (PEE) in here?

A. Yes The above charts illustrates responses to the third question. 67. 5% of people think that it matter not to have programs like PEE in Bangladesh, suggesting that people are willing to accept PEE and bring about changes. While 5% answered no. 25% of the people were not sure about the importance of PEE so they answered maybe. 4. What is the factor you think affects the children most? A. Bad Parenting B. Bad school C. Being poor The above chart shows the responses to what affects children the most. A majority of 52. 5% answered bad parenting while 45% answered above all and only 2. % said being poor. This shows the majority of the people think bad parenting has the most affect on children, and that it is the responsibility of the parents to know the right way to raise a child. Parents’ behavior has a direct influence on their child. 5. Do you think parents sometimes don’t realize their mistakes? A. Yes The above bar chart exhibits the responses to the 5th question. It talks about weather parents realize their mistakes or not. Around 47. 5% of the respondent answered maybe, indicating that maybe parents are aware of their mistakes but 42. % of them said yes, that parents don’t realize their mistake. 7. 5% of them said no and 2. 5% said others. These figures indicate that children are often mistaken by their parents. 6. What do you think could be the reason for weak bonding between parents and children? A. Parents are conservative B. Bad communication C. Parents’ negligence I en above oar can’t senseless ten results too n quietest. A majority AT 3 people thinks the reason for weak bonding between parents and children are bad communication, parents’ negligence and parents are conservative.

Only 10% of the people responded the reason is parents are conservative while 15% think it’s because of parents’ negligence. Parents role in creating a bond with their child is important, weather its parents perception or communication, every aspect is important. 7. Can programs like PEE spread awareness among parents? D. Not really The above charts exhibits that answer to 7th question. A majority of 72. % said yes PEE can spread awareness among parents while only 2. 5% said not really and 25% were unsure so they answered maybe.

This is also a clear indication that people are willing to accept PEE and that it would raise awareness on the right way to raise a child. 8. Can Parental Education reduce family trauma? The above chart indicated that about 67. 5% of people think that yes PEE can actually reduce family trauma and problems while only 2. 5% said not really and 30% said maybe. This is also another indicator of people’s willingness to accept PEE in Bangladesh. 9. Are parents mostly responsible for their children’ downfall? Why? A. Yes The above chart illustrated the answer to the 9th question. 0% of the people answered maybe parents are mostly responsible for their children’s downfall and 10% answered no. Most of them gave several reasons to why maybe. Some of them were child could be rebellious, influence of friends circle, society, school, peer pressure and other reasons. 37. 5% said yes that parents are mostly responsible. 10. Can Parental Education help reduce childhood trauma? The above chart exhibits the answer to 10th question. When asked if PEE could reduce childhood trauma, 60% said yes, 5% said no, 20% sad maybe and the engaging 5% said others.

This clearly also indicated that people think that PEE would actually reduce childhood trauma among the children’s. 1 1 . Considering the literacy rate of Bangladesh, do you think programs like PEE is important? A. Yes The above chart exhibits one of the most important questions of my research. A majority of 82. 5% said answered yes when asked considering the literacy rate of Bangladesh, do you think programs like PEE is important. While only 2. 5% said no that it wasn’t important and 15% said maybe. The chart clearly indicated that people think that there should be more awareness about PEE in the country. 2. Should government take necessary steps regarding Parental Education? A. Yes The bar chart above exhibits another important question I. E. Should government take necessary step regarding PEE. 85% of the respondent answered yes that government should take actions in order to create awareness. While only 15% said maybe. Another clear indication that people would want PEE in Bangladesh and wants the government to help with creating awareness. 13. Which initiative would be effective in creating awareness on parental education? A. Organizing seminars B.

Opening up No’s for Parental Education C. Impose a law, making parental education mandatory This last bar chart exhibits another important question of my research that which initiative would be effective in creating awareness on PEE. 47. 5 % said above all (organizing seminars, opening up No’s and impose law making PEE mandatory. While 12. 5% said organizing seminars, 22. 5% said opening up No’s and the remaining 17. 5% answered impose law making PEE mandatory. The last question in the questionnaire was suggesting ways to create PEE awareness.

Not all the respondent answered to this question, those who did mentioned word of mouth, newspapers, TV advertisements, posters, banners, No’s, internet (faceable), organelles making. PEE In residential areas, Dodos v programs In local cannels Ana Soc a Parents invest both their material resources and their time into raising their children. Time investment in children is thought to be critical to the development of “quality” children who will become productive adults. This paper has three goals related to the examination of parental time allocated to the care of their children.

First, using data from the recent Time Use Surveys (TUTUS) highlight what government agencies think are the most interesting, and perhaps surprising, cross sectional patterns in time spent with children by parents. Second, interpret their results in a Bickering framework of time allocation with a view toward establishing whether parental childcare appears to be more akin to leisure or home production. Third, they examine data from a sample of 14 countries to establish whether the patterns they observe in the United States hold across countries and within other countries.

It showed that both within set of countries and across countries there is a strong positive relationship between parental education, or earnings, and time spent with children. They then show that time spent with children does not follow patterns typical of sure or home production, suggesting an important difference. We speculate that one reason for this positive education gradient relates to the investment aspect of time spent with children. Parents invest both material resources and their time into raising their children. Time investment in children is important to the development of human capital.

It is also one possible mechanism through which economic status is transmitted from generation to generation. This examines parental time allocated to the care of their children. First, using data from the recent American Time Use Surveys, they highlight what they think are the most interesting cross sectional patterns in time spent by American parents as they care for their children. L . They find that higher-educated parents spend more time with their children; for example, mothers with a college education or greater spend roughly 4. 5 hours more per week in child care than mothers with a high school degree or less.

This relationship is striking, given that higher-educated parents also spend more time working outside the home. This robust relationship holds across all sub-groups examined, including both non-working and working mothers and working fathers. It also holds across all four sub-categories of child care: basic, educational, recreational, and travel related to child care. From an economics perspective this positive education/income gradient in child care (which also holds for income) can be viewed as surprising given that the opportunity cost of time is higher for higher-educated, high-wage adults.

Second, they interpret their results in a Bickering framework of time allocation with a view toward establishing whether the allocation of time to child care follows similar patterns to home production or leisure time (Becker 1965). Many of the tasks instituting child care can be purchased in the market, and so economists often include Throughout this paper we refer to the concepts of parental child care and parental time spent with their children interchangeably, though in section 2 we explicitly acknowledge that the two measures might capture different things.

To canny care as Just another Tort AT nonsense’s production (Tort example, Burma, Hammerers, and Well, 2008). However, parents report spending time with their children, especially in recreation or educational child care, to be among their more enjoyable activities, especially when compared with other standard home production activities Ouster 1985; Robinson and Goodbye 1999, Appendix Table O; Krueger, Keenan, Cascade, Schwartz, and Stone (2007). ).

We will point out that in sharp contrast to the positive education and income gradient we observe for child care, the amount of time allocated to home production and to leisure falls sharply as education and income rise. Given such patterns in the data, we conclude that child care is best modeled as being distinct from either typical home production or leisure activities, and thinking about it differently suggests important questions that are did open for economists to explore about parental inputs of time toward their children.

Third, they examine data from a sample of 14 countries to establish whether the patterns they observe in the United States hold across countries and within other countries. The results are strikingly similar. Both within other countries and across countries, higher income is associated with more parental time spent with children. Within all of the 14 countries for which we have data, more-educated parents spend more time with their children than less-educated parents do, all else equal. World is moving at a fast pace. To cope up with the speed we should step forward and utilize useful methods that could help our future generation.

Limitation The topics I brought up in the secondary data section are based on developed and rich countries. Since there is no such thing as “parental education” or related program like this I had to motivate by their programs and statistics results. Moreover their literacy rate is higher than us. The literacy rate of Bangladesh is 53%. The development is capital based. Hence a lot of rural area wouldn’t be able to cope up with this program as they don’t have any idea about it and the literacy rate is lower than the cities. So according to me, programs like this government should open agencies and start with the cities.

Gradually when the literacy rate and proper development occurs in the future we could include them all. Conclusion Everything has a start. It doesn’t matter how the start is but the start should be done. It’s high time for us to step forward and give a start to it. Seeing the benefits and statistical facts there is no doubts programs like (P. E) could actually reduce family trauma and could develop family relationship. Looking at the present condition and the literacy rate, government should open program or agencies in the cities first.

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