Performance Appraisal System And Employee Outcome Essay

In this chapter, the consequences of the empirical survey are reported. Consequences are presented in regard of the relationship between satisfaction with public presentation assessment system and employee result, in the signifier of work public presentation within the Mauritanian context. The consequences will supply the footing for rejection or verification of the research hypothesis indicated in the Literature Review.

The undermentioned empirical purposes have been identified:

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a ) To find the empirical relationship between satisfaction with public presentation assessment system and employee result in term of the work public presentation of the employees at the Companies Division that forms portion of the public sector.

B ) To find if intrinsic motive will intercede the relationship between satisfaction with public presentation assessment system and employee result.

The hypotheses are as follows:

H1: Satisfaction with PAS will positively act upon Work Performance.

H2: The relationship between Satisfaction with PAS and Work Performance is mediated by Intrinsic Motivation.

4.2.0 Frequency Analysis
4.2.1 Analysis of Population in footings of Gender
Fig 3: Gender

The sample involved in this present survey was 100 persons who are working in 14 sections at the Companies Division. From the entire respondents of 100, it can be noticed that there is non an equal proportion of male as compared to female. The Male subdivision represented a per centum of merely 16 % stand foring 16 Men and the Female subdivision represented a per centum of 84 % stand foring 84 Women as shown in Figure 3 and Appendix E. This clearly shows that the ratio of Man compared to Women is 4:21. But still the research worker tried every bit far as possible to acquire the response of all the work forces working at the Companies Division.

4.2.1 Frequency Analysis of Age Group
Fig 4: Age Group

From the sample, bulk of the respondents were from the in-between age group that is the scope of 25-29, 30-34 and 35-39 ( 76 per centum uniting the three age scope together ) stand foring a sum of 76 people out of 100 whereas merely a little per centum ( 24 per centum ) was from the younger and older group stand foring 24 people out of 100 as shown in Figure 4 and besides in Appendix E. This represents a ratio of 19:6 ( Middle Age: Others )

4.2.2 Frequency Analysis of the Education Level of the employees
Fig 5: Educational Degree of Staff

From the sample it can be noted that 51 respondents stand foring 51 % of the respondents hold a grade and 15 respondents stand foring 15 % of the respondents have a sheepskin. This is shown in Fig 5 and Appendix E. From these informations, the research worker has found that the Companies Division has extremely educated staff. It represents a ratio of 33:17 ( Degree and Diploma combined: Others )

4.2.3 Frequency Analysis for the Old ages of Experience of the Employees
Fig 6: Old ages of Experience of Staff

With mention to Figure 6 and Appendix F, it was noted that the respondents working at the Companies Division were dedicated to their Company. As per the information obtained it can be deduced that approximately 76 % ( uniting the experience scope of 6-10 old ages and More than 10 old ages ) of the respondents stand foring 76 people out of 100 has been working at that place for 6 or more old ages. This represents a ratio of 19:6 ( Age range 6-10 & A ; 10 or More combined: Other ) .

4.2.4 Frequency Analysis of the Job Position of the employees
Fig 7: Distribution of Sample based on Job Position

From Figure 7 and Appendix F, it can be noted that 56 % of the respondents were either Compliance officers or Clerical officers. This is because there is a bulk of Compliance and Clerical Officers as compared to other staffs and this can be clearly observed in the Company Structure of Companies Division ( Please refer to Appendix A ) . But still the research worker tried every bit far as possible to take 100 % of respondents from the occupation places holding the least staff. This represents a ratio of 14:11 ( Compliance Officer and Clerical Officer combined: Others ) .

4.3.0 Factor and Reliability Analysis
Factor analysis is the account of multivariate probe that requires a big figure of variables or points to place a little figure of factors that gives an account about the interrelatednesss among the variables or points. This is used to happen out the figure of constituents in a set of informations. These constituents are so categorised harmonizing to their specific features. This procedure gives the research worker the chance to change over information into statistical groups.

For the present survey, the research worker performed a rule constituent analysis on three types of variables being studied viz.

the independent variable which is Satisfaction with PAS,

the mediating variable which is Intrinsic Motivation,

the dependant variable which is Employees ‘ Work Performance

The Researcher performed principle constituent analysis with Varimax rotary motion on these variables. The chief purpose of carry oning the rule constituent analysis is to happen out whether the points found in the questionnaire well contribute to the variables which they evaluate. In add-on, this analysis was used to polish the informations obtained to the needed graduated tables.

Eigen values of greater than 1.0 and point burden of greater than 0.30 ( Coakes & A ; Steeds, 2007 ) are by and large the established standards. The research worker omitted the variable point that is inquiries that failed to transcend 0.30 from consideration. KMO measures trying adequateness which is greater than 0.5 is acceptable as per Kaiser ( 1974 ) . Furthermore, the Barthlett “ Test of Sphericity ” is extremely important when P & lt ; 0.001 and therefore the factor analysis is appropriate. To be able to mensurate the consistence of the graduated table used in the questionnaire, the research worker used Cronbach ‘s alpha as a step of dependability. Cronbach ‘s alpha allowed the research worker to mensurate how good a set of variables measure a individual factor.

Cronbach ‘s alpha is normally low when informations have a multidimensional composing. In rule, Cronbach ‘s alpha is non a statistical analysis but a coefficient of dependability.

Hair, Black, Babin, Rolph, Anderson and Tatham ( 2006 ) noted that coefficients of 0.7 or more are considered satisfactory.

4.3.1 Factor and Reliability Analysis on Satisfaction with Performance Appraisal System. ( Independent Variable )
With mention to Appendix G, as anticipated by the research worker, the points for the Satisfaction with PAS fitted absolutely into one factor, with an initial Eigen value of 3.830 and the entire discrepancy described was 54.713 % of the entire discrepancy. Sufficient inter-correlations have been noted because the KMO step of trying adequateness was 0.742. Bartlett ‘s Test of Sphericity illustrated Chi-Square of 450.158 and was statistically important as P & lt ; 0.001. Since the Cronbach ‘s alpha coefficient is 0.831, we can state that the graduated table is dependable.

4.3.2 Factor and Reliability Analysis on Intrinsic Motivation ( Mediating Variable )
With mention to Appendix H, as expected by the research worker, the points for Intrinsic Motivation fitted absolutely into one factor, with an initial Eigen value of 3.422and the entire discrepancy described was 57.039 % of the entire discrepancy. Sufficient inter-correlations have been noted because the KMO step of trying adequateness was 0.722. Bartlett ‘s Test of Sphericity illustrated Chi-Square of 388.587 and was statistically important as P & lt ; 0.001. Since the Cronbach ‘s alpha coefficient is 0.825, we can state that the graduated table is dependable.

4.3.3 Factor and Reliability Analysis on Work Performance ( Dependent Variable )
With mention to in Appendix I, as expected by the research worker, the points for Work Performance fitted absolutely into one factor, with an initial Eigen value of 3.296 and the entire discrepancy described was 54.926 % of the entire discrepancy. Sufficient inter-correlations have been noted because the KMO step of trying adequateness was 0.688. Bartlett ‘s Test of Sphericity showed Chi-Square of 321.113 and was statistically important as P & lt ; 0.001. Since the Cronbach ‘s alpha coefficient is 0.817, we can state that the graduated table is dependable.

4.4.0 Descriptive Analysis
For the intent of this analysis, Mean and Standard divergence is used by the research worker to explicate the features of the information. The deliberate norm of tonss is the Mean. It is the most popular step of cardinal inclination. Mean is calculated by summing all the tonss and spliting the sum by the figure of tonss. It is suited when the information represents either an interval or a ratio graduated table and is a more accurate, changeless usher than both the median and the manner.

Standard divergence is a step of distribution of a aggregation of values. Its application can be found in chance distribution, random variable, a population or a set of informations. It is the most often used step of statistical scattering. It is used to mensurate how widely spread the values are in a set of informations. Standard divergence is little if many informations points are close to the mean, but many informations are far from the Mean, and so the SD is big. The SD is traveling to be zero if all the information values are the same.

From computations done on Excel and by observation, the research worker noted that among the three variables, Satisfaction with PAS was perceived to be the highest with a Mean of 4.4143 and a SD of 0.5218. It was followed by Work Performance with a Mean of 4.4050 and a SD of 0.51201 and Intrinsic Motivation with a Mean of 4.3817 and a SD of 0.51201. These informations are illustrated in Appendix M. SD was found to be little that is less than 1 in all variables. This means that the informations are tightly concentrated to the Mean.

4.5 Correlations Analysis
Correlation is the connexion between variables. It investigates the extent to which two sets of informations are linked. Stronger relationship between two sets of informations is indicated by higher correlativity value. If the correlativity between the sets of informations is 1 or -1, a absolutely additive positive or negative relationship exists. A correlativity of nothing will connote that there is no relationship between the two sets of informations. When taking into history the correlativity between Satisfaction with PAS which is the independent variable and the dependant variable which is Work Performance, if the grade of correlativity is big, the stronger the additive association is traveling to be. This has been noted by Coetzee in 2003. The standard correlativity coefficient used is the Pearson ‘s r. This standard correlativity is valid largely to variables scattered basically along interval or ratio graduated tables of measuring.

From Appendix N, the research worker observed that Satisfaction with PAS is positively and extremely correlated with employees ‘ Work Performance with r=0.724 and P & lt ; 0.01. From the information obtained it is evident that the subscales for the dependant variable which is employees ‘ Work Performance is extremely inter-related and therefore determine the strength of the subscales.

4.6 Arrested development Analysis
Arrested development is the rating of the relationship which exists amid two quantitative variables. Arrested development can merely happen with interval or ratio informations. If an independent variable is placed against a dependent variable on the X and Y axis of a graph with the existent informations spread on the graph, it is possible to pull a line through the ensuing points in such a manner that it can cut down the distance between the points. The line obtained can be either a consecutive line or a curving line. This line is called the arrested development line. The value of the dependant variable which in the present instance is the employees ‘ Work public presentation can be calculated by multiplying the value of the independent variable which is Satisfaction with PAS by the arrested development coefficient which is a figure that determine the gradient of the line. Arrested development helps to foretell a variable provided that we already have a known variable.

The hypotheses antecedently discussed in the Literature Review and in the debut portion of Analysis and Findings, were tested utilizing the arrested development analysis. The research foremost of all regressed the employees ‘ Work public presentation which the dependant variable onto the independent variable which is Satisfaction with PAS in order to prove the direct consequence hypothesis. After holding regressed the dependant variable onto the independent variable, the research worker entered the mediating variable which is Intrinsic Motivation. The research worker used of the Three-step process recommended by Baron and Kenny ( 1986 ) to gauge the mediation hypotheses.

Appendix O and P present the consequences obtained from the arrested development analysis conducted by the research worker. He foremost tested the direct relationship between Satisfaction with PAS and employees ‘ Work Performance which is shown in Appendix O. It can be observed that Satisfaction with PAS is positively influenced by employees ‘ Work Performance with a Regression value ( I? ) of 0.724 and p & lt ; 0.001. Therefore it can be deduced that the hypothesis H1: Satisfaction with PAS will positively act upon Work Performance is accepted.

The three -step process which Baron and Kenny ( 1986 ) suggested to prove the mediating relationship consists of a sequence of stairss which needs to be followed purely. First of wholly, the independent variable which is Satisfaction with PAS should be significantly related with Intrinsic Motivation which is the interceding factor. As shown in Appendix P, the first status for the success of the process mentioned above has been met. The independent variable is linked with the interceding factor with a positive Regression value I? of 0.291. Subsequently, the independent variable ( Satisfaction with PAS ) must be linked significantly with the dependant variable ( employees ‘ Work Performance ) .

The linkage between the independent variable and the dependant variable has already been done and is displayed in Appendix O. Ultimately, it was noted by Baron and Kenny ( 1985 ) that after holding introduced the go-between ( Intrinsic Motivation ) in the arrested development theoretical account, the relationship between the independent ( Satisfaction with PAS ) and dependent variable ( employees ‘ Work Performance ) ought either to vanish ( full mediation ) or lessen well ( partial mediation ) . From the information displayed in Appendix O and P, the research worker figured out that the status mentioned above has been met for all the variables. The relationship Satisfaction with PAS and employees ‘ Work Performance is to the full mediated by Intrinsic Motivation. Therefore, H2: The relationship between Satisfaction with PAS and Work Performance is mediated by Intrinsic Motivation is accepted.

4.7 Analysis of the Structured Questions
Q1. What are your positions about the Appraisal System in your organisation?

The research worker compiled and worked out the information he got from the questionnaires, he found that about 43 % of the respondents stand foring 43 individuals out of 100 think that the PAS at the Companies Division is good organised in footings of feedback and besides reappraisal of their public presentation. They besides stated that they tally with the end scene and outlooks of an person.

37 per centum of the respondents ( 37 ) people think that it is of import to hold a formal signifier of Performance Appraisal. Harmonizing to them, PAS helps them to understand their long-run ends and it besides helps them to understand the mission, vision and ends of Companies Division. PAS helps them to better understand their strength and failings and besides gives them an chance to better understand their responsibilities and duties.

20 per centum of the respondents think that PAS is really of import to them because it is related to their wage and wages. It besides helps them to place preparation and development demands and that it besides motivates them to work harder to be able to acquire publicity. They besides believe that PAS allows them to cognize their existent public presentation and besides what other people think of them.

With mention to the replies given by the respondents, the research worker noticed that the employees were satisfied with the existent PAS because it was designed for their single growing and development in the administration. The PAS gave them the needed way to be able to better their work and besides the vital accomplishments which they require to execute their work good.

Q2. Please explicate how this assessment procedure would assist you execute better?

The Performance Appraisal System Currently being used at the Companies Division is perceived as a beginning of betterment for 53 per centum of the respondents. Since Companies Division trades chiefly with the populace, therefore they believe that the PA procedure is good to them in footings of dialogues and interaction with the populace.

Harmonizing to the 47 per centum of the respondents, the PA procedure helps them to place their betterment country and their strength. This designation assist them to maintain up the good work which they are making and besides help them to concentrate on their betterment countries.

Q3. How does the Appraisal Process motivate you to execute better?

Among the 100 respondents, a big bulk of individuals stand foring a per centum of 67 per centum ( 67 respondents ) said that PAS is a system which offers wages in footings of fillip and acknowledgment for good and acceptable public presentation and behavior. It helps them to be more motivated to work better and besides be able to better in countries needed. They besides perceive PAS as a system which helps them to maintain making the good work that they are already making.

The staying 37 per centum ( 37 respondents ) believes that PAS positively motivates them. With the PAS, they get a clearer thought of where they are and where they should be. It besides helps them to place their strength and besides on which work countries they should they should better. PA procedure motivates them to either maintain on or better their existent evaluation by better public presentation.

From these replies, the research worker noted that employees were motivated to execute good in the administration. He besides found that they take excess attempt to present outstanding public presentation because the respondents believe that high motive for better public presentation would give them fillips and acknowledgment. A good public presentation feedback helps to hike the employees for them to efficaciously and expeditiously use their abilities and accomplishments to execute better in the hereafter.


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