Performance Management Theory and Practice Essay

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Performance direction theory and pattern: successes and failures of implementing public presentation direction systems

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Many companies seek to plan and implement successful public presentation direction systems, trusting to better their overall public presentation – countless fail whereas some outperform tremendously. This paper critically evaluates available literature on public presentation direction, uncovering how it advantages companies. Sketching different public presentation direction systems, I will so look into grounds behind unsuccessful execution and recommendations for future development of such systems.

Performance direction ( PM ) systems are put in topographic point in order to guarantee ends and marks are systematically met in an effectual and efficient mode. PM is used to find corporation criterions, distribute wagess and besides to delegate and measure work ( Armstrong ; Baron, 1998 ) . The intent of PM is to “improve organizational, squad and single public presentation and development” ( McMahon, 2013 ) . Harmonizing to Thatcher ( 1996 ) , public presentation direction can be peculiarly utile for: reviewing and reflecting on past public presentation, bettering current person and company public presentation, puting aims, finding fillips, actuating staff and placing preparation and development countries.

Boswell and Boudreau ( 2000 ) , outline that public presentation direction can be approached otherwise harmonizing to its two chief maps – evaluative and developmental. Appraising map takes topographic point when directors use assessments to help them with determinations such as: wage, publicity, keeping, acknowledgment of single public presentation every bit good as designation of hapless public presentation. This map focuses chiefly on distinction between employees within the same company. On the other manus, developmental map of public presentation direction is used to place strengths and failings of persons, preparation demands every bit good as supplying feedback on past public presentation. This map relates to personal analysis of an employee, where the valuator performs a function of a wise man ( Brownet Al.2011 ) . Harmonizing to Baron ( 2004 ) , both of the maps are of import for effectual public presentation direction as “individuals may demand a calling where there is range for development and progression” whilst “organisations need to guarantee they have the right people in the right jobs” in order to compose an effectual endowment pool for the hereafter ( McMahon, 2013 ) .

Harmonizing to McMahon ( 2013 ) , effectual public presentation direction could be the most of import characteristic of a successful administration. It is besides indispensable for concerns to recognize the potency in their human resources, in order to derive competitory advantage over their challengers. Campbell and Garfinkel’s ( 1996 ) survey reveals that based on fiscal and non-financial steps, companies which have an effectual public presentation direction scheme normally outperform those without such systems. Furthermore, research carried out by CIPD ( 2009 ) revealed that public presentation direction systems can be used as a powerful tool for communicating, peculiarly between directors and employees.

Grund and Sliwa ( 2007 ) argue that from a practical position, the chief and cardinal purpose of implementing public presentation direction is to better overall public presentation. Harmonizing to Brownet Al. ( 2011 ) bettering public presentation can be achieved through implementing systems that will genuinely actuate employees through goal-setting, constructive feedback, acknowledgment and development. This therefore reveals that the key, frequently mute aim of all public presentation direction systems should be to increase employees’ motive ( McMahon, 2013 ) With relation to this theory, CIPD’s ( 2005 ) “Performance Management Survey Report” concluded that “75 per cent of surveyed companies agreed that the pattern motivated staff” .

In add-on to this, a survey carried out by Rodgers and Hunter ( 1991 ) outlines that public presentation direction can increase employees’ end accomplishment by around 30 per cent, whist concerns which implement public presentation direction systems such as assessments achieved an mean productiveness addition of over 56 per cent.

Theories outlined above demonstrate that public presentation direction can hold a positive consequence on the company’s public presentation through increasing staff motive and morale, encouraging staff through scene ends and foregrounding countries of betterment every bit good as developing employee’s accomplishments to accommodate the company’s ends, marks and corporate civilization ( Brownet Al. 2011 ) . This demonstrates that through effectual PM, companies can profit from full usage of human resources possible ( McMahon, 2013 ) . So why do companies neglect to efficaciously implement and successfully utilize public presentation direction systems to their advantage?

Research carried out by CIPD ( 2009 ) revealed that “only 20 % of surveyed employees believe public presentation direction has a positive impact on single public presentation, with the bulk ( 59 % ) staying impersonal on that topic and 21 % disagreeing that public presentation direction has a positive impact on single performance” . This demonstrates that although huge bulk of companies use public presentation direction systems ( McMahon, 2013 ) , successful execution is non acconmplished as employees feel that the systems do non accomplish its intent.

Harmonizing to Armstrong and Baron’s ( 1998 ) survey, public presentation direction systems are disliked by employees and employers likewise. McMahon ( 2013 ) points out that execution of public presentation direction systems makes employees feel like they are continuously observed which can hold a contrasting consequence to the chief intent of PM. Stark ( 2007 ) argues that the biggest issue with public presentation direction is that frequently employees are incognizant of how they are executing against their overall concern scheme. This demonstrates that in some instances, even though public presentation direction can help developmental map, it will non advantage the company in any other manner.

In add-on to this Forbes ( 2013 ) , besides suggests that there are many other issues associated with execution of public presentation direction. For case, systems such as assessments should be regular and uninterrupted in order to track advancement and development, hence once a twelvemonth assessment is frequently non good plenty to accomplish the intent. In add-on to this, one time a twelvemonth meeting does non give the directors adequate information and authorization to judge the employee’s public presentation and countries of development. Appraisals are besides used to place persons who underperform in their function – such issues should be addressed instantly. This demonstrates that some public presentation direction models fail to accomplish its intent when non carried out on a regular basis, as companies need to keep watchful and nimble. Attesting this point, Armstrong ( 2009 ) argues that in order to be effectual, public presentation direction systems should be a systematic procedure of development for persons and squads, which will so take to bettering organizational public presentation.

Subsequently, Redman and Wilkinson ( 2009 ) point out that assessments strategies, which may hold been utile during the past decennary may non be applicable to any farther extent. Following this observation, McMahon ( 2013 ) suggests that companies shift towards patterns such as coaching, mentoring and 360-degree feedback. Armstrong ( 2009 ) argues that contrasting to standard assessment systems, training and mentoring allows fast acknowledgment of underperformance and besides enables staff to accommodate to ongoing alterations and to lift to the scope of challenges posed by the industry they operate in.

On the other manus, CIPD ( 2009 ) research reveals that separating between public presentation direction systems and taking the right 1 for the company is non the chief point of successful execution. CIPD besides outlines that over the old ages, companies will necessitate to be able to redefine the intent of PM systems to reflect altering values, demands and attempts to drive a public presentation civilization. Furthermore, Bae ( 2006 ) argues that in order to accomplish better organizational public presentation, chosen public presentation direction systems need to affect three cardinal elements: “the scene, rating and feedback of performance” .

Bournet Al. ( 2003 ) besides claims that there are general jobs with all PM models when vision and scheme is non actionable, scheme is non linked to the concern, squads or single ends and besides when feedback is non constructive and tactical. Furthermore, Redman and Wilkinson ( 2009 ) point out that public presentation direction systems have to be carefully designed and adapted to provide for a company’s features and civilization. This reveals that concerns will hold to implement and transform a PM scheme, which best suits the company’s ends and tactics whilst besides doing certain they overcome chief booby traps by implementing successful direction of chosen schemes.

Bournet Al. ( 2003 ) , argues that it takes several old ages to obtain full benefit from public presentation direction. This suggests that many companies may be implementing public presentation direction systems successfully, nevertheless ; they have non yet realised the full benefits. Armstrong ( 2009 ) outlines that failure to accomplish effectual public presentation direction within a company can show general direction incompetency. With relation to this, McMahon ( 2013 ) suggests that directors are frequently non trained decently to execute an efficient public presentation direction activity, therefore sketching that gaining the possible, companies should set force per unit area on effectual usage and bringing of PM systems. Davila and Elvira ( 2008 ) portion McMahon’s position as they reveal that “professional preparation programme is recognised as cardinal to the attainment of a successful public presentation direction system” .

Literature and huge research demonstrate that unsuccessful execution of public presentation direction systems can be caused by direction incompetency and deficiency of preparation. This so besides leads to the statement that unsuccessful execution of public presentation direction can hold an opposing to its purpose – negative consequence on the company’s public presentation if non implemented right ( Bourneet Al. 2003 ) . Harmonizing to CIPD ( 2009 ) hapless public presentation direction practises can in fact disengage and demotivate staff, surrogate unproductive activities and waste attempt.

Conversely to the theories outlined above, a subscriber at Forbes – Wakeman ( 2013 ) , suggests that directors are non wholly to fault for unwanted results of public presentation direction systems. In resistance, she suggests that employees should be held responsible for their ain development. This can be achieved by originating conversations about their aims when they see fit, bespeaking regular feedback and doing class accommodations as necessary to maintain themselves on path. Wakeman ( 2013 ) argues that consequences of this attack will include employees’ ain contemplation of their difficult work in comparing to managers’ point of position on their accomplishments and accomplishments, which can hold a better consequence on their public presentation.

Similarly, Lawler ( 2013 ) argues that public presentation direction systems need to be transformed in order to carry through their intent within current rapid-changing concern environment. He outlines that it is critical for PM systems to get down concentrating on accomplishments needed to be successful in the hereafter besides foregrounding that fillips and/or wage additions should be based on the degree of new accomplishments acquisition. Furthermore, Lawler outlines that clear public presentation ends are a strong incentive and therefore should be the major focal point of effectual public presentation direction systems. More significantly, Lawler ( 2013 ) argues that employees should be awarded for taking a hazard, even if sometimes the results are non successful.

Elaborating on Lawler’s research, McMahon ( 2013 ) suggests that in order to guarantee uninterrupted acquisition and accommodating to rapid-changing concern environment, assessments should be held every three months alternatively of one time a twelvemonth. With the execution of Lawler’s suggestions, this will guarantee reappraisal and feedback on the accomplishments gained since the last assessment, puting current, clear ends every bit good as identifying and honoring taking hazards.

Research concluded by CIPD ( 2009 ) revealed that public presentation direction is to germinate over the following old ages to get the better of the chief jobs and booby traps. Furthermore, the research besides outlined that public presentation direction will turn to go more incorporate with other concern procedures, such as calling and endowment direction, single and squad development every bit good as curtail determination devising. This may do it easier for concerns to efficaciously implement public presentation direction systems to derive full advantage of human resources and hence farther profit the company.

On balance, literature analysed throughout this paper reveals that effectual public presentation direction contributes to the successful direction of persons and squads in order to accomplish high degrees of organizational public presentation. Gaining the grounds behind failure of successful execution of public presentation direction, this paper besides exposed ways of guaranting effectual application and operation of such systems, these include: taking the right public presentation direction system and accommodating it to accommodate the company’s ends and civilization, doing the procedure clear, concise and easy understood by everyone involved, and eventually guaranting everyone is able to understand how the results will be used and the benefits for themselves and their administration. Most significantly, literature analysed in this paper outlined that the major job behind unsuccessful execution of public presentation direction systems can be general direction incompetency and deficiency of feedback. Conversely, other beginnings outlined that current PM systems may be out-dated and therefore propose a displacement towards self-appraisals and PM systems, which are more altered to the rapid-changing concern environment. All in all, this paper outlines that effectual execution of public presentation direction systems contributes to accomplishing high degrees of organizational public presentation and companies should seek ways to implement such systems successfully.


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