Periodic Table of Elements (Metals, Metalloids, and Nonmetals)

Metals, Metalloids, or Nonmetals? Which one makes up almost 3/4 of the Periodic Table of Elements?
Metals, Metalloids, or Nonmetals? Which one occupies the left side and middle area of the Periodic Table of Elements?
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Metals, Metalloids, or Nonmetals? Which one has properties of both it’s neighbors?
Nonmetals (with the exception of hydrogen).
Metals, Metalloids, or Nonmetals? Which one is located on the right side of the Periodic Table of Elements?
Metals, Metalloids, or Nonmetals? Which one is shiny and easily conducts thermal energy and electricity?
Metals, Metalloids, or Nonmetals? Which one consists of mostly gaseous elements?
Metals, Metalloids, or Nonmetals? Which one does not conduct thermal energy or electricity?
True or False? Metals have the physical properties of luster (ability to reflect light) and conductivity (ability to conduct thermal and electric energy).
False. The 4 main properties of metals are luster, conductivity, ductility, and malleability. Flammability of an element can vary.
True or False? Flammability is one of main 4 physical properties of metals.
Alkali metals. They react quickly with other elements, including oxygen. This only occurs in compounds. Alkali metals have a silvery appearance, soft texture, and the lowest densities.
Name the type metals in group 1 and describe some of their chemical and physical properties.
Alkaline earth metals. These metals are quick to react with other elements, but not as quick as the alkalis. They do not occur naturally. They are soft and silvery, but their densities are slightly higher than those of alkali metals.
Name the type of metals in group 2 and describe some of their chemical and physical properties.
Transition elements.
What type of elements are in groups 3-12 on the Periodic Table of Elements?
False. All transition elements are metals. They have higher melting points, greater strength, and higher densities than the metals in groups 1 and 2.
True or False? Transition elements are metalloids.
False. These properties increase.
True or False? Elements decrease in metallic properties such as luster, malleability, and electrical conductivity from right to left across a period.
True or False? Nonmetals are normally gases at room temperature.
False. Even though there are a few nonmetals that are solid at room temperature, they have a very dull surface.
True or False? Nonmetals have a great amount of luster.
False. They are very poor conductors.
True or False? Nonmetals are great conductors.
False. Nonmetals are good insulators.
True or False? Nonmetals are poor insulators.
What is the special name for nonmetals in group 17?
Noble gases.
What is the special name for nonmetals in group 18?
True or False? Noble gases can only be observed in special labs.
False. Metalloids share the chemical and physical properties of both metals and nonmetals.
True or False? Metalloids have only the chemical properties of metals and only the physical properties of nonmetals.

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